Community > Posts By > Selya

Selya's photo
Tue 02/08/11 01:22 PM

I got nothing to gain here so I will say what no one else is saying...

You are being used.

I don't care if he has eyes like a baby chimp and a magic penis.

You are being played and kept on the side...

You are a fall back option and the "Gifts" (hookers would demand cash)..will ensure that you will keep him open as an option.

If you are one of the people who don't mind being kept on a string and used for when his other options are running thin....keep on will be used.

I would use you. I could do it for less than a T.V. or whatever crap that little dikd manslut is paying to keep you waiting in the wings for.

I got a monster dik and can use nothing more than that and words you want to hear to keep you waiting and willing to put up with me banging whichever ginch I chose....(Did it in my past so..I know what I am saying)

If you don't mind being used....keep doing what you are doing.

Personally...I don't settle.

You are gorgeous and reasonably intelligent from what little I have read from you....

DEMAND no less than what you are worth.

If you are willing to settle for being used...pencil me into your schedule and I will turn you out.

WOW! I appreciate your honesty, but I haven't had sex with him, no matter what hes given me. And trust me...Im not crying. Thanks for the offer to "turn me out", I'll think about it.

Selya's photo
Tue 02/08/11 01:08 PM
When he broke off with you,,,he also ruled out ANY ""MORE"" deeper with you and him,,,,so NOW,,,you've become his FWB...and his gifts (MAKE HIM FEEL HE'S NOT JUST USING YOU) but in his mind,,,thats all you are to him,,,sorry Krupa called it like I see it to,,,IF your hearts into him,,,,you need to take it back out,,,because HE'S a user and hurter for any REAL COMPASSIONS to get to be MORE with him....Good luck finding this out on your own,,as I am sure in your own way,,you will...I just hope this lightens the deepness you had for him...

Okay everyone has misunderstud...I HAVEN'T had sex with him since we broke up. Hes a freind with NO benefits. Im not like a hooker who would take a TV for sex. I have to much respect for myself to sleep with someone who doesn't love me.

Selya's photo
Mon 02/07/11 06:19 PM

The "girls going psycho" part worries me....There has to be a reason. Either he hooks up with a lot of women with problems (i.e. he has poor judgment), or he finds a way to burn his bridges.

The gifts also worry me. If he wants to be with you exclusively, he should have already come out with it. Instead it is like he is trying to buy your affection, hoping maybe you will put some moves on him so he can get some nookie. Then when he dumps you again, he can point the finger saying that you made the move, not him.

I dunno. This smells like a sincerity issue, especially since he is giving you mixed signals instead of being straightforward. I would call his bluff, and see how he responds. If women usually flip out on him, then he probably isn't a smooth talker when under the gun....He'll probably just dig himself a hole instead.

Thank you for your advice and perspective on my situation. I take it to heart.

Selya's photo
Mon 02/07/11 05:55 PM
Yeah, that's me. Lol, I donno if hes gay...maybe?

Selya's photo
Mon 02/07/11 05:52 PM
We haven't been physical since we broke up though... He hasn't asked for anything...yet.

Selya's photo
Mon 02/07/11 05:38 PM
Sorry...Advice is welcome!

Selya's photo
Mon 02/07/11 05:36 PM
My boyfriend brokeup with me about three weeks ago because we were to different. Just as I was accepting him for the way he was...Cold...he wanted to "take a break". I asked if he was breaking up with me, he said "yeah". After crying, telling him how much I loved him he told me I had to understand and we could still be friends. I didn't try to contact him in any way. I had time to think everything over and was prepared for when he called me two days later. I was composed and positive which he respected a lot since he has a past of girls going psycho on him. In the three weeks apart I've been keeping busy, still leaving it to him to keep contact. He gives me gifts, like a TV, and calls me regularly, even visits my house now and then. I don't know if it's guilt, that he still has feeling's for me, or if he just wants sex, or something else. Id like to get back together if he does, but it may be to soon. There is no resentment between us.

Am I doing the right thing by giving him space and being friendly, or am I stuck as his "friend" forever when I still have feelings for him? Are the gifts...etc...a sigh he is still interested? Any advice is

Selya's photo
Tue 07/13/10 06:50 PM

I don't pay attention to the Mutual Match thing, it's lame. If someone wants to talk to me...send a damn message!

Message sent! ooops I think it is blocked ohwell

Yeah, I blocked users looking for sex...For me it's easy to find sex, but to find someone who is looking for more depth is the hard part.ohwell
going thru the same myself

No way! A good looking guy like you?

Selya's photo
Tue 07/13/10 06:37 PM

I don't pay attention to the Mutual Match thing, it's lame. If someone wants to talk to me...send a damn message!

Message sent! ooops I think it is blocked ohwell

Yeah, I blocked users looking for sex...For me it's easy to find sex, but to find someone who is looking for more depth is the hard part.ohwell

Selya's photo
Tue 07/13/10 02:11 PM
I don't pay attention to the Mutual Match thing, it's lame. If someone wants to talk to me...send a damn message!

Selya's photo
Mon 07/12/10 12:17 AM
I feel to selfish to focus on myself. I care about others to much.

Selya's photo
Sun 07/11/10 11:39 PM
Nothing new. Life is boring here....

Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:38 PM

It all looks in order to me! Your description is quite alluring.

Oops, spelling error!

Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:36 PM
It all looks in order to me! Your description is quite alluring.

Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:09 PM

Mars? Venus? Perhaps, but it's usually much more simplistic than that. We (men) are taught at an early age to not show weaknesses, so instead we hide them. So when we get hurt we counteract that emotion by showing strength, i.e. anger.

A real man never takes that anger to physical extremes (toward a woman or anyone) but that's why we say those hateful things....because we are protecting ourselves and our feelings. Does this make sense to anyone on a Sunday night?

Exactly. It's a defense mechanism. It's also a means to put a point across when we're given a bunch of malarkey to deal with as well.

Women do it too for the very same reason, as a defense mechanism.

He calls her a b!itch. She calls him an azzhole. (or whatever words you want to insert) Both are doing it as a means to defend themselves from the hurt that was inflicted from the other person. Right?

offtopic Are those two guys on your photo?

laugh No.


Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:05 PM
Chocolate,chocolate,and Chinese food.
You thought I was going to say chocolate for the last one too didn't you.

Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 09:01 PM
I've never been in love, so I'm no help at all.:wink:

Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 08:58 PM

Mars? Venus? Perhaps, but it's usually much more simplistic than that. We (men) are taught at an early age to not show weaknesses, so instead we hide them. So when we get hurt we counteract that emotion by showing strength, i.e. anger.

A real man never takes that anger to physical extremes (toward a woman or anyone) but that's why we say those hateful things....because we are protecting ourselves and our feelings. Does this make sense to anyone on a Sunday night?

Exactly. It's a defense mechanism. It's also a means to put a point across when we're given a bunch of malarkey to deal with as well.

Women do it too for the very same reason, as a defense mechanism.

He calls her a b!itch. She calls him an azzhole. (or whatever words you want to insert) Both are doing it as a means to defend themselves from the hurt that was inflicted from the other person. Right?

offtopic Are those two guys on your photo?

Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 08:56 PM
I totally understand...even if its Sunday.
My step father is that way.

Selya's photo
Sun 02/22/09 08:35 PM
A little to mellow. Sometimes I feel like one of those people on the pot commercials.

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