Community > Posts By > Jeepinfool

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 12:35 AM
that would be true if you don't give a rats ass about getting hurt, i'm just telling the guy my story, the thing is, if he feels there is something sketchy about this person, i would beware, its not that believe this chic could hurt him, its the fact that he could get dooped into something like maybe she isn't even over 18, or she is not the person she was describing herself as, its the honesty issue in this case

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 12:28 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Mon 12/24/07 12:29 AM
good question, bars and clubs, bad, dating online is not so bad,i have met some really cool gals here,and not so cool gals here, its all in how you use this site, and how you approach filling out your profile. you need to be patient with these sites to learn the quirks of it.

Jeepinfool's photo
Mon 12/24/07 12:04 AM
ok, partner, i have done this and its very delicate to decipher, and not every situation is the same. i met some one, not on this site but a similar site, heres how it went, we somehow saw each others profile in what the site calls a quick match(its like the mutual match on this site), well she immediately messaged me and wanted me to chat with her on IM(but not the sites IM), well i agreed, so we talked quiet often, and the one thing that concerned me was she was already calling me hun, baby, sugar, and this didn't seem right, my gut was telling me something didn't seem right, well anyways time went on and we talked about everything, some really personal stuff, she sent me provocative pics, and stuff and i thought that was cool, well she wanted to fly in from chicago and i said thats great so i told her i would take time off at a desiganated time, everything was lining up for me until the last minute when we were IMing each other before she was ordering the pland ticket, she tells me she doesn't have enough and wanted 600 dollars from me to get here, well i immediately broke off communication. morale of the story is, if it sounds too good to be true, it just might be and the thing is i had seen pics of her, and had her number and email, so even with that much info, you can still get the shaft, just be careful, i would make it a point to make her send you a pic and maybe even a pic of her drivers license, you never know how old this girl could be too, follow your gut, its usually right 90% of the time.

Jeepinfool's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:49 PM
sorry one more thought, thats why you can ignore them when they IM you. also, there are alot of people that talk to someone for a long time, and get really close, and then when you do finally get to the point were they are ordering the plane ticket, they try at the last second to get you to send them 600 dollars, so either way you go, not even the people that want to talk for awhile before meeting, can be trusted, it happened to me and it sucks cause i took alot of time off to spend it with that person before i found out i was trying to be scammed. it sucks but not everyone out there wants to do that.

Jeepinfool's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:43 PM
bare in mind my dear, there are genuine people on here that are true to their word and want a relationship, the problem i'm finding is that there are too many of you people on here just wanting friends, this is what myspace is for. another thought is maybe you caught their eye on something in your profile that compelled them to IM you. give people a break, thats why this site isn't exclusive, and thats why its free, if you don't want creeps IMing you try a pay site, you got to take the good with the bad when dealing with a free website.

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:25 PM
thats good, you see it does happen, but just keep your head held hi, no one is perfect, and i have dated skinny gals too, yet they had no personality, probably because they didn't need to have one, but still, you want to talk about shallow people.

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:14 PM
i have a small wieght issue, its more because allowed myself to go for awhile there, and the feeling after the gym, doesn't necessarily give me the visual affirmation i want right now, but i have more energy and i'm working my way towards looking good. so like i have told a friend on here before, you may not even see the visual results right away, but it does happen, i have seen it, its slow going but its happening, so keep it up, if nothing else you'll feel better

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:59 PM
i really can't say that i share ya'lls pain, mostly because i'm not clinically overwieght, but i have dated heavier set gals, and enjoyed dating them, despite what my friends said(not friends anymore), the unfortunate thing is their self image, impeded on our relationship, they had a hard time believeing that they were worth anything, despite what i told them, its sad yet so very true with alot of overweight individuals, and my advice to anyone struggling with it, that does find that one, don't let yourself destroy your happiness. those that can look past the physical, should be appreciated

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:35 PM
i agree with your statement mzkat, we are all different, and that shouldn't mean we should fall in line with the status quo. its just a matter of finding the person that will look beyond the physical aspects and look inward, would you not agree

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:27 PM
this is to the pricness...that is why i have a hard time trusting women, i keep meeting your type and its wearing me out, i want to avoid your type, but i don't know how, what is it about your type that you prey on innocent hearts

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:12 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Wed 12/19/07 12:14 AM
to awnser the second part of what you were saying, whether you or the other person have an agreement, or not, someone is always left holding their heart ripped in half, whether you see it or not. i know no one who has left a situation like that, with anything positive to say about it. these things are the product of selfish thinking, maybe that person you thought was ok with it, truly isn't yet they won't tell, yet after its said and done with they will hold a deep anomosity towards you whether its justified or not, and then takes that into a permanent relationship harboring those ill feelings and taking it out on that person, in which now someone has paid for it. someone always gets hurt maybe not directly, but indirectly. i'm not judging anyone who do it, i can't cause i have done it, but i will take accountability for my own actions a try and make amends to those that i hurt and fogive those who have hurt

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:05 AM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Wed 12/19/07 12:16 AM
in all honesty i'm not necessarily relying on any morale fiber in my decisions with this subject, at some point we all have to decide that enough is enough, i'm not doing it because, its morally wrong, i'm going to not do it because, i'm going to try to do my part not to encourage this ever growing trend. it had to start with someone back then, and if we allow it to get worse, it will get worse and i know plenty of people who have been thrusted into parenting, because of that kinda of activity, so now children are being brought into the equation of whether this is right or wrong, so that is another detremental aspect to this FWB, when is it going to stop, how many people have to suffer, most likely never i imagine, but i'm going to take on the resposibility of not participating regardless of what my **** is thinking

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:56 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/18/07 11:56 PM
i hope that i atleast helped you out a little if at all, good luck out there, keep in mind, you need any other questions awnsered, don't hesitate ask

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:22 PM
Edited by Jeepinfool on Tue 12/18/07 11:25 PM
well to be honest the dating seen has changed, most people on these dating sites are not looking for anything long term, just sex, and the ones that are looking for something long term are holding people to unreasonable expectations, almost as if they are gods gift to man/woman. just keep trying, just try and be upfront with everything on your profile(example,your opening picture should be of you, not a logo), and declare what you want, and be honest about everything, flaws, appearances, personal info(no one likes someone who tries to decieve them), your doing fine just keep trying, if online dating was easy, everyone would be doing it, and i wouldn't still be single, so keep trying...

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 10:59 PM
well for starters your not having feelings for him, your lusting after his body, so don't tell him you'll just upset him and yourself

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 10:54 PM
wow i just reread your thread "the question no one is...", and realize that you are defending FWB, besides my morale objection to it, it creates inside of all of us the ability to compromise ourselves for the sheer pleasure of it, and feed those who are all ready in the process of compromising their morale fiber, for what the moment. don't get me wrong i have participated in it, and in no way did i ever expect that i would get caught up in it, but alas, I allowed that person to sucker me into believing that it was going somewhere, only to find out she had no intention of getting that far, and those are the ones who i concider predatory, maybe coming after you wasn't what i was going for, but you sure were intent on defending those who do prey on other, i can talk about this cause i have been on both side of the quarter, so i know and it doesn't make you stronger, it creates more and more annemosity towards others that do that. So i chose to avoid those situations, nothing against you, just don't like it when someone supports an activity that creates nothing but problems for anyone involved

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 10:36 PM
well regardless of what i say here, you will not take this advise, although i don't agree with the friend that said to drop him, also have to say that you really should look at the whole picture, if this is a pattern for him, and he's always in the red, its going to be you taking care of things for him and he will expect that from you and he will believe your not going anywhere. so i do believe that you are wasting your time if you are truly looking for something permanent

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 10:29 PM
it is a bad idea to date a friends ex, ever, unless and this is only unless, you ask and get permission. no amount of time will work, that friend will always harbor feelings for that person and hate everyone they are with. you will be garaunteed to lose a friend if it happens.
with that said i could give a ton of stories about that, but i won't share them to the public. if you want to know, you can contact me and i will tell you

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 10:24 PM
you are being delusional, to think that you intervening will save her, its a common thing, man, they complain about the guy and want to leave him, but when it comes time, she will not leave him and if you ineterfere, she will hate you and blame you for what ever happens, get away and stay away, there will be a point when she realizes whats happening, but not right now, and maybe not in the next 5 years. by that time you will have already moved on, so move on

Jeepinfool's photo
Tue 12/18/07 10:19 PM
walk away dude, i have done that and it back fired in my face and now that person is not my friend and in fact my life was threatened, it is best to keep your distance, and let what happens, happen. if its meant to be it will happen for you