Community > Posts By > HotRodDeluxe

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Wed 02/27/13 12:25 PM

Just yesterday I read a printed story in the Pueblo Newspaper about a prisoner that died while in Israel's custody and Israel is being accused of torturing and killing him. If I would post that article on this club, I would be accused of posting "anti-Israel" news.

Is this not a fact?

News is news.

i guessed you missed the next article about how palestine started shooting missles in Israel in retaliation... one sided news is always the best for you...

It's not anti-Semitism to criticise Israel. It is anti-Semtism when one does it repeatedly. That's the distinction.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Wed 02/27/13 12:15 PM

You are prejudiced against anyone who has or listens to any theory of events calling them CT'ers. I guess that makes actually "thinking" an easy process for you.

There are conspiracies and liars everywhere. I know you can't possibly believe the official story of 9-11.

i gave him the benefit of doubt, but he's like you... all talk with nothing to say/show he's right... but i guess thats the basics of a good CT, huh...

The clue behind his belief system lies here:

Sometimes its what you CAN NOT see that is most important. (Like the front door on the branch dividian church with about 75 bullet holes going in and none comming out? or the fottage that doesent exist of the warrent server trying to serve apers on the church. what the cam shows is a bunch of men in black uniforms storming out of cattle cars and attacking the place.)
OH By the way guess where that door and all the other evidence AGAINST the ATF concerning WACO was stored?

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Wed 02/27/13 12:12 PM
who says I believe the Official Story,except the CTs!
Just because I don't believe the CT-Twaddle doesn't mean I take Words from a Politician's Mouth as Gospel!

CTer's always accuse us of 'believing the official story', when in reality it's the CT that's difficult to swallow.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 08:16 PM

What strawman argument? Making a comment of my perception is a strawman argument?…News to me.

I'm sure it is.

The lack of power in the position of the crown makes this analogy somewhat specious.

Not specious at all. The Queen is Britain's head of state, and has only DELEGATED the authority of her office. She STILL maintains the Royal Prerogative, so she's not as powerless as most people think. Contrary to popular belief, the Monarchy is a lot more than "ornamental." Since her "partnership" with the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street gives her incredible economic power over her countries, I'd say she has more power over the commonwealth than the Mullahs do over Iran.

On what planet?

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 04:33 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Tue 02/26/13 04:39 PM

so whats up with rick? is lori haunting him or helping him; or is it that he's just crazy? and carl is quickly turning into a little badass!

The stress was showing in the final episode of season 2 after he killed Shane. With Lori shunning him, and he declaring himself 'dictator', he made keeping the group alive his sole purpose in life. The constant stress of keeping the group safe for so long, and trying to meet their needs, combined with him trying to deal with killing Shane became a great burden. When Lori was killed the stress triggered a breakdown of sorts.

Anyway, that's my take on it.
Lori wasnt shunning him, she blamed herself for the events that led to Ricks killing Shane. I think he sees Lori now just because its part of his grieving process enhanced by his mental problems. Hershel seems to be sensitive to that.

In the final episode of series 2, she rejected him when he confessed to killing Shane & Rick clearly resented that. Rick has clearly suffered a breakdown as a result of Lori's death.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 04:19 PM

You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this.

There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews.

israel is a nuclear state
israel is a terrorist state
israel is a pirate state
israel is an apartheid state
israel is an illegal state
israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS
israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony
the UN itself said zionism is racism

Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism

didn't take long to get started, huh...

laugh And we're off!
Kentucky Derby!
But its out of Steam!
Only bites now!laugh

Aw, come on, there has been some classic maniacal rants in this thread. laugh It's got it all: Zionists, Jews and the Rothschilds. It wouldn't be a Mingle thread without it being dominated by this continuous anti-Semitic theme.
talked about it with some Jewish Friends here and from Israel,and the verdict was:"a ""MESHUGGENEH"" Bunch of People"!Sorely in need to do some learning!

Yeah well, that's a given. I just hope I get a post worthy of a nomination. laugh

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 02:23 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Tue 02/26/13 02:23 PM

You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this.

There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews.

israel is a nuclear state
israel is a terrorist state
israel is a pirate state
israel is an apartheid state
israel is an illegal state
israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS
israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony
the UN itself said zionism is racism

Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism

didn't take long to get started, huh...

laugh And we're off!
Kentucky Derby!
But its out of Steam!
Only bites now!laugh

Aw, come on, there has been some classic maniacal rants in this thread. laugh It's got it all: Zionists, Jews and the Rothschilds. It wouldn't be a Mingle thread without it being dominated by this continuous anti-Semitic theme.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 02:15 PM

You can't help yourself. You believe in lies. Watch this.

There are real Jews who are against Zionism.. How do you explain them. I have done plenty of research, and read plenty of books. You can not prove to me that Zionism has anything in common with Judaism or Jews.

israel is a nuclear state
israel is a terrorist state
israel is a pirate state
israel is an apartheid state
israel is an illegal state
israel is not the US' ally, it's the BOSS
israel is not a democracy it's a racial colony
the UN itself said zionism is racism

Arabs are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionism

didn't take long to get started, huh...

laugh And we're off!

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 02:12 PM

beams look ok...

I think you're being had.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 03:04 AM

Lets do a recap.

Bush and Cheney both refuse to go under oath to the 911 commission, Fact.

Bush tries to stonewall 911 from being investigated. Fact.

No one held accountable for the biggest failure since Pearl Harbor. Fact.

911 commission disowns own report. Fact.

911 information classified. Fact.

again I stand by this only a rube or a shrill can buy into 'Official" version of 911.

now,Pulease present your FACTS!bigsmile
We have a saying in America Mr Conrad, if it looks like duck walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its probably a duck.

Does anyone know if they have ducks in Switzerland or that former penal colony we call Australia?
when in doubt and ran out of Argument make Ad-hominem!


besides,you Truthers ain't got no Duck nor Duckwalk!
All you really do is slander People without objective Evidence!

Hey, give him a break. He hasn't got much left in his repertoire and we're only four pages into the thread.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 03:00 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Tue 02/26/13 03:17 AM

9/11 government did it, told someone to do it or knew of the attack and did nothing. Explosives brought down, not planes or jet fuel. Watch a video closely of the towers falling, watch right below the debris cloud. You'll see it. It wasnt jet fuel either, jet fuel don't burn the great cause it burns up so fast, even 100s of gallons. Most of it exploded on impact anyway! Pentagon, I was freakin ten years old when I watched it on CNN...even at that age I could tell there was no freakin way a plane hit that. I even told my mother that, if so where is the video? It's the pentagon, saying one camera or street camera or something didn't catch it? Yea sure, well where the two 6 ton engines? No? What bout debris? Oh really, not even a seat? Oh ok yea we still believe you. What about the field? Where was know what, I'm not an idiot...there is not even a frame structure or hell a hole big enough for a commercial plane?! Wait, what? Oh you found a piece?! That's great...wait but it's a very small piece...and it's six miles away from the crash sight?! Hmmmm....ok I guess they we are just plain stupid. That's ok, even knowing that I still signed up to protect this country and the people that call this country home. For the lives lost on 9/11 but not for the government! That's all I have to say and I could be totally wrong but that's just my opinion and i didn't say anything disrespectful to anyone here and I just ask you do the same for me. Thanks for your time
you really need to do some Research!
Actually,the Engines ended up inside the Pentagon!
About the Explosives!
Really smart to induce fire in a structure destined and rigged to be taken down by Explosives!Really messes up your Sequences!laugh
While we are at it,please tell me where and when 300 tons of Explosives per Tower were Hidden/Installed?

I like the bit about Shanksville (well, I think that's what he's referring to) where the only piece was six miles away. No, sorry, there was debris everywhere and much of it in the crater, which is a typical air crash crater.

At a guess, I'd say that was once a plane.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 02/26/13 02:43 AM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Tue 02/26/13 03:05 AM

Lets do a recap.

Bush and Cheney both refuse to go under oath to the 911 commission, Fact.

Bush tries to stonewall 911 from being investigated. Fact.

No one held accountable for the biggest failure since Pearl Harbor. Fact.

911 commission disowns own report. Fact.

911 information classified. Fact.

again I stand by this only a rube or a shrill can buy into 'Official" version of 911.

now,Pulease present your FACTS!bigsmile
We have a saying in America Mr Conrad, if it looks like duck walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its probably a duck.

Does anyone know if they have ducks in Switzerland or that former penal colony we call Australia?

What's a 'Shrill'? Is it another type of waterfowl?

You 'Merkins have another saying: 'There's one born every minute". I always think of that when you post gibberish.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 06:51 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 02/25/13 07:06 PM

"Charged with not paying his TV licence, Tony Rooke had claimed at Horsham Magistrates’ Court that the BBC’s treatment of the 9/11 attacks made it complicit in acts of terrorism.

He asked to submit evidence which he said would show that the BBC had consistently failed to report the true story.

District Judge Stephen Nicholls said that, even if he accepted and agreed with the evidence, that would not give him grounds to rule that Rooke was not guilty.

He imposed a six month conditional discharge, with £200 legal costs.

Outside court, Rooke said the case had been a ‘score draw’ since the judge had looked at the evidence - albeit in private - and had decided not to fine him.

He called for anyone who has evidence which challenges the official version of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to pass it to the authorities."

I can imagine how this will spun by the truthers:

"The judged viewed his evidence and let him off! Even the judge thinks he's right!"

When in reality, the Judge looked at the points of law thinking, "What do I do with this idiot and how can I not turn him into a martyr for other nutcases?"

From the brain's trust over at Icke's zoo:

pretty much as I surmised earlier on in the post, a cover-up.they stuck to what he was actually in court for, as they generally do in courts. Wonder where this goes next, if anywhere?

What did this nitwit think they would do in the court? slaphead

And this little gem:

Can he appeal and get this infront of a Jury?

The judge has effectively said that even though he could technically be funding a company complicit in acts of terrorism, he still has to pay anyway.

He needs to go further with this, Crown Court, High Court, European Court....

No, the judge didn't 'effectively' say that.


HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 06:43 PM

Maybe the mods could help correct the title to read...

9/11 goofyness than needs to be ignored.

Good point.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 06:41 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 02/25/13 06:42 PM
Seriously? the fact are classified no grant money is available those who do the research do so at their own expense. No one except a rube or shrill buys the official version of 911.

What's a shrill?

Why would a govt. dept. care what truthers think?

Furthermore, why throw away money on grants to people like that? If someone wants money for 9/11 research, go to the guys making the money, Gage, Griffin, Fetzer, Roberts, etc.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 02:30 PM
He's not actually talking about the Fall of Rome, but the end of the Republic. The Empire went on for centuries. The main problem with the fall of the Republic was the political power in the hands of the generals. It was Augustus (Octavianus) who was the last man standing in the civil wars that wracked the Republic. He created the reign of the Julio-Claudian Caesars in 27BC and the empire lasted until the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 12:48 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 02/25/13 12:49 PM
Triple post (damn this connection some days)

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 12:46 PM
Edited by HotRodDeluxe on Mon 02/25/13 12:48 PM
double post

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 12:45 PM

I simply pointing out that the closer you get to Q (Quellle), the more the emphasis is on the actually teachings and little or no mention of divinity.

Yes, one also finds this with the Nag Hammadi texts and some of the Apocrypha.

Didache was the word you were looking for, the oldest known Xian text.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 02/25/13 12:16 PM
You appear to be caught up in the "We're the good guys, they're the bad guys" propaganda drivel that's peddled in the media these days.

Like this strawman argument?

The Monarchy of Britain is pretty much the same kind of theocracy as Iran, except instead of a bunch of Muslim Imams being head of state, it is a single person who defends the faith of Christianity...same old ****, different pile. All they did was candy-coat the theocracy.

The lack of power in the position of the crown makes this analogy somewhat specious.