Community > Posts By > Giocamo

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/03/10 08:28 AM
thanks...we take dat one...laugh

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/03/10 08:24 AM

in case you didn't find this in the state run media...

Public Policy Polling reports 49 percent of those surveyed trust Fox. The other big media guns - CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC - are wallowing in red polling territory...

thats scary,,

yeah...for other networks...:smile:

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/03/10 08:22 AM
in case you didn't find this in the state run media...

Public Policy Polling reports 49 percent of those surveyed trust Fox. The other big media guns - CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC - are wallowing in red polling territory...

Giocamo's photo
Fri 01/29/10 07:40 AM
it was beneath the office of President what he did...and...he was wrong !...he needs to get his facts straight...before he reads what someone else writes from now on...whoever wrote that part of his speech...should be fired...that speech was so Castro-Like...:smile:

Giocamo's photo
Thu 01/28/10 04:46 PM
a few choice words from the MobFather response to...
" The State of Obama " speech...

RUSH: I penned a message to Obama that I would like to deliver now. Because Mr. Obama, I think it's time we had a heart to heart talk. Let me be the father that you never had or never really knew, because I think you need some guidance. It's time to man up. It's time to grow up. That speech last night was an embarrassment. You couldn't focus, you lashed out in all directions, you refused to accept responsibility for your own actions, and you were angry.

And he was, folks! He was mad. Being president is a big job. It's a big responsibility. You wanted the position, Barack. You campaigned for it. You told the public to trust you with it, and they elected you -- and you're now president of the greatest country mankind has ever known, and yet you act like this was all coming to you, like you deserve it, that you're better than the people you are supposed to serve and that you have no tolerance for debate or dissent. That's not the way it works as president, Barack. We have a Constitution, we have checks and balances, we have separation of powers, we have states -- and most of all, we have the people. You don't get to impose your programs and policies on the nation and the people without our consent.

This is a representative republic, not a banana republic, and let me remind you: Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky are not our Founding Fathers. This is a nation built on individuality, built on liberty, free markets, and faith. Yet you, Barack, demand fidelity to a different belief system: A system that crushes individual initiative and free will. The president does not berate Supreme Court justices who are guests of the Congress and who have no ability to respond to your attacks. You've made such a mess of things, Barack, and it's time to stop deluding yourself. It's time to stop blaming others. You are delusional. You are delirious. It's time for you to assume the responsibilities of a president rather than pretending to be one.

You've driven the nation's debt over the edge. It is your responsibility to fix it now. Otherwise, our young people will have no future. You were wrong to grant terrorists constitutional rights. Even the libs in New York don't want the trial there now! You, Mr. President, are endangering the security of this nation. Now fix it! Reverse course, and end the terrorists -- all of them -- back to Guantanamo Bay, where they belong. You are wrong to nationalize one industry after another from automobiles to banks. You are destroying competition and jobs. You need to stop what you were doing before million of more families go broke from your misguided policies. It's not too late to stop this. I know you're not going to stop it because last night you said you don't quit, and I know what you mean.

You're gonna keep plugging for the same agenda, which is going to destroy this country even more -- which makes me think, Barack, that's your objective. You know, Barack, unlike most presidents you're dealing with a Congress that has super majorities in both houses, fellow Democrats. It amazes me that with all the talk about your ability to persuade and communicate, that you can't even hold your own party members together anymore. Is that Bush's fault, too? Is it is fault of the banks and the insurance companies and the lobbyists that you can't keep your own Democrat Party unified -- or is it a problem with your leadership, Barack, or lack of leadership? It's the latter, Mr. President. I'll tell you, you are not a leader. You are an agitator and an organizer, and a process guy, but you are not a leader. It is you who are doing something wrong.

The people in Virginia don't like it. The people in New Jersey don't like it. The people in Massachusetts don't like it. The people in Massachusetts and all over the country have the ability to inform themselves outside of your sycophant press corps, and they are doing so. Members of your own governing majority don't like what you are doing. I mean, this calls for some self-reflection and some circumspection. Has it occurred to you, Mr. President, even once that you're not as cool as you think you are? Has it occurred to you that you are screwing up? And if it has, are you happy about that? Has it occurred to you that you have a great deal to learn and that you need to take your own measure, or are you Mr. Perfect? Are you God-sent?

Are you The One that you've been waiting for? See, I have a little concern there may be a psychological issue at play here. I don't say this to demean you, Barack. I say it because I'm concerned. I mean, Tom Daschle was always "concerned" and I like the word. I'm concerned. You seem to have a whole lot of enemies, at least in your own mind. A partial list would include Fox News, insurance companies, banks, oil companies, the "special interests," the Supreme Court, Republicans, talk show hosts, executives, anyone or any business that earns over $250,000 a year, mortgage companies, credit card companies -- and the list goes on and on and on. You have the longest enemies list of anybody I've ever known.

These people are not your enemies, though, Barack. They are Americans. They are part of this country. They are part of what makes the nation work. You are not. You have nothing to do, and have had nothing to do, with this nation's greatness. You can't lay claim to greatness on any scale, not even rhetorical. But you have no direct relationship to the greatness of this country. You are damaging the possibility of further greatness. Nevertheless, like a bully, you continue to threaten all of these people. The Supreme Court, Big Oil, Big Pharmaceutical, Big Retail, talk show hosts, Fox News, the list goes on. You threaten anybody who does not agree with you. You try to intimidate them. You smear them. Your sycophantic media goes right along and carries your water. But this is not what presidents do.

You're supposed to lead not by threatening people but by encouraging them, by embracing them, by thanking them, by inspiring them. Most of all you don't seem to appreciate the magnificence of this nation! I know you don't. The way you've been educated about this country it's painfully obvious. You think this country is guilty, period. Guilty and unjust. You seem to think this country needs to be torn down so you can rebuild it. But you were elected to be president, not some kind of dictator. You must operate within the confines of the Constitution. You are not bigger than the law, and you are not bigger than the people. You were elected to serve the people, not dictate to them. Anyway, I'm sure this little lecture will not do you much good, particularly given the spectacle of your speech last night. You really are full of yourself. But I truly hope that this little talk does do you some good down the way, because something is going to have to change in you or we are doomed for at least the next three years.


Giocamo's photo
Sun 01/24/10 09:58 AM
I also failed to mention one minor detail...whenever I hear Obama supporters and him say " He inherited this mess "...the last time I looked...he was right their in the for all this spending the last few actually...he had a hand in creating all this debt...then and now...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 10:13 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/23/10 10:22 PM

"#1 : OBAMA YO MAMA !!!..."

There's the real motivation for this post.


The GOP and their sheep first said, "I hope he fails" then went on to do everything they could to make him fail...but he hasn't failed yet, President Obama said it may take take years to fully recover, most of us still have hope that he can help undo the damage from the GOP's reign...dispite the obstructionists.

OK, yeah let's look at debt...there may be a pattern

you need to read your constitution son... the Republicans controlled congress for the first time in 50 years in the 90's...he's wrecked the the economy...tripled the debt...and we'rre on the move...:smile:

The chart is true and it's obvious the consequences for the GOP control we are now paying for. People can pretend the reasons for our demise and revise history all they want...doesn't change the graph one bit.

Had President Obama not continued the bailouts we'd be in a deep depression.

I don't appreciate the racists remark (#1) about our president...this must be a repost from Stormfront.

that comment that you call racist...has nothing to do with him...IT'S HIS POLICIES !!...that I and most Americans exactly 283 days you will see son...:smile: ...which leads me to say..." How do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist..laugh

No, there's a strong underlying factor in this country...some white trash redneck people freaked the phuck out when President Obama was elected...It was a slap to the face of ignorant racists types of know we got them. Somone who knows what SF is so quickly.

Recovery needs time and I don't see a better idea...pfft, T-Bag Party, now THEY are humorous and the GOP really don't have a platform...Just Say No is a platform? Really?

I am not sure how long they'll survive, they lost their smart people...and their remaining base are just loonytunes with their THM fiascos and fear mongerings.

They lost a lot of people...WOW!

I'll take 150 I cans over a 150 IQ anytime...also...he won the whole racisim crap doesn't fly anymore...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 03:58 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/23/10 04:01 PM

"#1 : OBAMA YO MAMA !!!..."

There's the real motivation for this post.


The GOP and their sheep first said, "I hope he fails" then went on to do everything they could to make him fail...but he hasn't failed yet, President Obama said it may take take years to fully recover, most of us still have hope that he can help undo the damage from the GOP's reign...dispite the obstructionists.

OK, yeah let's look at debt...there may be a pattern

you need to read your constitution son... the Republicans controlled congress for the first time in 50 years in the 90's...he's wrecked the the economy...tripled the debt...and we'rre on the move...:smile:

The chart is true and it's obvious the consequences for the GOP control we are now paying for. People can pretend the reasons for our demise and revise history all they want...doesn't change the graph one bit.

Had President Obama not continued the bailouts we'd be in a deep depression.

I don't appreciate the racists remark (#1) about our president...this must be a repost from Stormfront.

that comment that you call racist...has nothing to do with him...IT'S HIS POLICIES !!...that I and most Americans exactly 283 days you will see son...:smile: ...which leads me to say..." How do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist..laugh

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 01:19 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/23/10 01:33 PM

lol,.,,,more fighting to be on top and leaving everyone else waiting for progress in the interm,,,smh

funny the double standard about power,, last I checked the President couldnt STOP anything either until it reached the end of the process,, a process held up by a repub/dem senate and congress...yet he sure gets plenty of the blame.

Be nice when they all become AMERICRATS and stop trying to point fingers at each other.

his party runs both houses...they're connected at the least for another...283 days...that is...

thats odd, so if they are dictating everything, why arent ALL their ideas and propositions being pushed right on through?

Nope its a group effort, they have to work together , majority AND minority to accomplish anything and if they are too stuck on political ideology to just be HUMAN and work for the citizens,, it will not ever change regardless of who holds the presidential title.

they can't get anything through because his policies are so unpopular...and...there's enough dems in congress to see that...thank God there not ALL Liberals like he for working together...Republicans will NOT give up their core beliefs nor should shows you how unpopular his ideas are...he can't get any Rep. a matter of fact...a majority of Americans agree with the Republicans...his healthcare plan is 35% for...60% against...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:53 PM

lol,.,,,more fighting to be on top and leaving everyone else waiting for progress in the interm,,,smh

funny the double standard about power,, last I checked the President couldnt STOP anything either until it reached the end of the process,, a process held up by a repub/dem senate and congress...yet he sure gets plenty of the blame.

Be nice when they all become AMERICRATS and stop trying to point fingers at each other.

his party runs both houses...they're connected at the least for another...283 days...that is...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:45 PM
for thoses who can't, won't or don't listen to the MobFather, here's some quotes from his show...the day after the historic Senate victory by Scott Brown...or if you like..." The SCOTT heard round the world "...

"Folks, this is the Berlin Wall coming down. This is the Ted Kennedy seat. They're still calling it that, and they've lost it. And they lost it to a rookie."

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in my life I am proud of Massachusetts, as I paraphrase Michelle (My Belle) Obama."

"This is not just one election. This is the third blowout involving two or actually three dark blue states. It is not about Coakley's campaign or Corzine's problems or Creigh Deeds being a lightweight. The common thread here is Obama. This one's for you, Mary Jo. This one's for you, Judge Bork."

"It is perfectly fine to gloat today. It is called for. This is a day of celebration. But, it is also a beginning. It is not by any means the end of anything."

"Conservatism won in Massachusetts. Statism, liberalism lost."

"There's no way a reasonable person will understand anything on MSNBC."

"Have you seen what's happened in Chile? They have had a huge turn to the right. We may all be moving there someday, folks, instead of New Zealand."

"Be unabashedly eager. Do not be ashamed to be conservative. Do not be ashamed to articulate conservatism. Learn to do it."

"If you are a Republican and you run against government run health care; if you are a Republican and you run against massive spending and deficits and taxes; if you run for smaller government, you will win. You do not need to throw Ronald Reagan overboard. You do not need to cross the aisle. The independents came to us, big."

"Conservatism is the answer. The era of Reagan is not over. We don't dare use this as a launching pad for a third party. We have shown it's totally unnecessary. Just get back to Reagan conservative roots."

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:33 PM

ITs really a large dysfunctional family,,,if you think about it.

We have democrats and republicans,, lets say, the mom and pop of our american family. Mom needs to always have the better idea than pop and pop needs to always have the better idea than mom. When things go right, both want to cite their part in it, and when things go wrong, both are quick to record the others part.

It would be nice if both parties would stop competing with each other long enough to look after the interests of everyone else.'s really only a democRAT family if you think about it...the Republicans don't have enough votes to stop all honesty...NOTHING positive has been accomplished in the last year...

yeah, poor republicans, they have NOTHING to do with anything happening,,,,

I agree...they don't have the votes to stop anything...but...that's all gonna change this November...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:28 PM

ITs really a large dysfunctional family,,,if you think about it.

We have democrats and republicans,, lets say, the mom and pop of our american family. Mom needs to always have the better idea than pop and pop needs to always have the better idea than mom. When things go right, both want to cite their part in it, and when things go wrong, both are quick to record the others part.

It would be nice if both parties would stop competing with each other long enough to look after the interests of everyone else.'s really only a democRAT family if you think about it...the Republicans don't have enough votes to stop all honesty...NOTHING positive has been accomplished in the last year...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 12:01 PM

"#1 : OBAMA YO MAMA !!!..."

There's the real motivation for this post.


The GOP and their sheep first said, "I hope he fails" then went on to do everything they could to make him fail...but he hasn't failed yet, President Obama said it may take take years to fully recover, most of us still have hope that he can help undo the damage from the GOP's reign...dispite the obstructionists.

OK, yeah let's look at debt...there may be a pattern

you need to read your constitution son... the Republicans controlled congress for the first time in 50 years in the 90's...he's wrecked the the economy...tripled the debt...and we'rre on the move...:smile:

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 10:49 AM

Yes, this healthcare plan is the Congress plan, Obama had three stipulations he wanted to make sure of and left the rest to the Congress and as usual, bipartisanship has caused them to keep stalling and regrouping. I think it will get passed, whatever party the Mass senator is he has to know the system needs a change. It will take them longer now to decide the details of the change, butI still believe it will happen.

As to OBama being one term, I do not know, he inherited alot and many people had high hopes but little patience(its like the obese woman who takes ten years to put on the weight and wants to see drastic results in one,,,). I am proud of him and even if he serves only one term, I hope he sets a precedent for future presidents to actually get in office and WORK, and work hard.

there's an old saying..." Never confuse activity with results "...all he ever does is " read " speeches...

Really, Id suggest a visit to to review all the things he has initiated and succeeded in accomplishing in his one year. Most of US work 23 days a month, or approximately 280 days a year.If you thought seriously about the average day of a president and HOW LONG congressional sesssions are, you would see that he has actually been VERY busy doing alot more than making speeches.

everything he's supposedly doing is governing against the will of the people...his policies are being rejected by the majority of Americans...his back room deals are typical Chicago...I should know...I live more thing...Obamas Senate seat will be won by a Republican...Mark Kirk...a moderate...but definitely somenone that can win state wide...Illinois is alot like took one year for Obama to ruin the Democratic Party...they're jumping ship like from this day forward they will be known as " democRATS "...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/23/10 10:36 AM
the Republicans / Conservatives are surging, and will take back both houses of Congress are...and believe me there's probably another 100 reasons...

#10: The Government takeover of two car companines...
#9 : Tripling the deficit from 450 billion to 1.3 trillion in one year...through a 787 billion dollar slush fund / stimulus that didn't do squat !!...
#8 : 10% unemployment and rising from 6% on election day...
#7 : Reading terrorists there Miranda rights...and...constantly apologizing for this great nation...if ya' don't like it...then get the fugg out !!...
#6 : Nationalizing the banks...
#5 : Nationalizing The Student Loan program for the sole purpose of determining and deciding who goes to college and what the graduating classes will look like in the future...
#4 : ObamaCare !!
#3 : Surrounding yourself with Maoists, Socialists, Facists, and following the Saul Alinsky handbook by the letter...
#2 : Over exposure and reading one speech after after day...after day...after the point where no one is listening anymore...
#1 : OBAMA YO MAMA !!!...

Giocamo's photo
Fri 01/22/10 02:48 PM

Yes, this healthcare plan is the Congress plan, Obama had three stipulations he wanted to make sure of and left the rest to the Congress and as usual, bipartisanship has caused them to keep stalling and regrouping. I think it will get passed, whatever party the Mass senator is he has to know the system needs a change. It will take them longer now to decide the details of the change, butI still believe it will happen.

As to OBama being one term, I do not know, he inherited alot and many people had high hopes but little patience(its like the obese woman who takes ten years to put on the weight and wants to see drastic results in one,,,). I am proud of him and even if he serves only one term, I hope he sets a precedent for future presidents to actually get in office and WORK, and work hard.

there's an old saying..." Never confuse activity with results "...all he ever does is " read " speeches...

Giocamo's photo
Wed 01/20/10 12:11 PM

Yes, the people want the health care bill.

still in denial I see...36% for ObamaCare...58% against...Brown won because the country see's and rejects Obamas policies...from the the reading terrorists miranda rights...taking over two car companies...nationalizing the mean take your pick...this is just the beginning my friends...I predict that the Republicans will take back both the house and the senate, and that [ thank God ]...Obama will only be a one term president...drinker

Giocamo's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:22 AM
the republicans don't have enough votes to water down anything...

Giocamo's photo
Wed 12/09/09 08:02 AM
Fanta, I don't know what you're reading but most Americans are it and weep...

The Senate worked through the weekend on its version of the national health care bill, with President Obama stopping by for a rare Sunday visit, but for the second week in a row, only 41% of U.S. voters favor the health care plan proposed by the president and congressional Democrats.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% oppose the plan. And as has been the case for months, the emotion’s on the sign of the naysayers: 40% Strongly Oppose the plan, while just 23% Strongly favor it.

Support for the president’s health care plan fell to 38%, its lowest ever, just before Thanksgiving. Followed by two weeks at 41%, this marks the lowest extended period of support for the plan yet. With the exception of a few days following nationally televised presidential appeals for the legislation, the number of voters opposed to the plan has always exceeded the number who favor it.

“This suggests that public opinion about the health care plan is hardening,” says Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports. “Despite the fact that most American believe our health care system needs major changes, most are opposed to what Congress is currently doing about it.”

Rasmussen Reports is continuing to track public opinion on the health care plan on a weekly basis, with updated findings released each Monday morning.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The Senate is expected to take up the abortion issue as part of its health care debate this week. Earlier polling shows that 48% nationwide want abortion coverave banned in the health care bill, while just 13% want such coverage mandated in the legislation.

Both the Senate and the House have Democratic majorities, which explains why both keep pushing on health care despite consistent public opposition. Seventy-two percent (72%) of Democrats favor the plan, while 83% of Republicans and 62% of voters not affiliated with either major party are opposed to it.

Democrats consistently have rated health care reform as the most important of the priorities listed by the president early in his term. Republicans and unaffiliated voters say cutting the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term is the president's highest priority.

Fifty-two percent (52%) of all voters now say it is at least somewhat likely that the health care plan will become law this year, while 37% believe that is unlikely to happen. Seventeen percent (17%) think passage is Very Likely, but nine percent (9%) say it’s Not At All Likely.

That’s one reason why 71% of voters nationwide say they’re at least somewhat angry about the current policies of the federal government. That’s up five points from September. The overall figure includes 46% who are Very Angry.

While one of the chief stated goals of the plan proposed by the president and congressional Democrats is to lower the cost of health care, 57% say costs will go up if the plan is passed. Twenty-one percent (21%) say costs will go down, and 17% believe they will stay about the same.

Similarly, only 23% think the quality of health care will get better if the plan is passed, while 54% predict that it will get worse. Sixteen percent (16%) expect quality to stay about the same.

Other polling shows that 47% trust the private sector more than government to keep health care costs down and the quality of care up. Two-thirds (66%) say an increase in free market competition will do more than government regulation to reduce health care costs.

Sixty percent (60%) of voters nationwide believe passage of the health care plan will increase the deficit. Seventy-five percent (75%) also think it is at least somewhat likely that middle class taxes will have to be raised to cover the cost of the plan. Fifty-nine percent (59%) say such a tax increase is Very Likely.

Only 27% favor a single-payer health care system where the federal government provides coverage for everyone.

Althoough most Americans oppose the health care legislation working its way through Congress, 42% of voters say the federal government should be addressing health care reform. Twenty-three percent (23%) prefer to see reforms at the state government level, while 17% want both the state and federal government to get into the act.

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