Community > Posts By > BigGlenn

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/28/08 12:56 PM

We just have to do it like last year. Let them keep countin' us out.

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/14/08 04:12 PM
I just recently caught myself saying the same things to my kids that my pop used to say to me.

How am I like him?

I AM HIM!!!!

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:13 PM
Sluggo's phone?

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:10 PM
We're civil for the kids. But being civil lends itself to a kind of kindness that I never thought we'd have.

But friends, No.

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/14/08 10:46 AM
Edited by BigGlenn on Thu 08/14/08 10:46 AM
In my line of work, There's really no sense of accomplishment. So when you get a chance to be proud of yourself and your peers, It means alot.
Everybody should look into helping some cause in any little way. When you see how your effort really means something, It's priceless.

wear good socks

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/14/08 10:38 AM
This Weekend (Aug. 16th and 17th), My friends an I from work are holding our 4th annual fundraiser to help the families of kids with cancer.
It's called "Katelyn's Kause" and to date, We've raised about $50,000.00 !!
We're all hoping that this year will be the biggest yet. I can't think of anything better than helping kids, And if you can have a good time doing it, That's fantastic.

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/14/08 10:09 AM
drinker drinks shades waving :thumbsup:

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 08/14/08 10:07 AM

A guy at works name is D!ck Whistler.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:45 AM
I take it you've never been married.

been there, done that.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:44 AM
I'm so sick of all you self hating Americans!
Get this straight. It's about sticking by your allies! Georgia is our ally, Russia (namely, Putin) wants to smother and destroy anything that remotely resembles democracy.
Keep sticking up for these enemies of our country and see what you get.
I suppose Bill Clinton bombed Bosnia to help all those poor people who were getting slaughtered. Think again, It was to take the headlines away from his blowjob!
By the way, weren't the oppresssed in Bosnia Muslims. See how they thanked us?

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:32 AM

Now he's peeing off the Russian's ///You cant police everybody in the world...we cant afford too...Iyie Iyie Iyie....grumble grumble

Now he's peeing off the Russians?

Didn't they just invade an ally?

So, if some thug beats up on my friend, I'm supposed to mind my own buisness.
Won't have many friends if you play it that way.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:15 AM
I've got nothing but love for you man.

Just don't put too much faith in those Democrats. Not one of them got to Capitol Hill by being clean.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:02 AM
Edited by BigGlenn on Wed 08/13/08 11:03 AM

Maybe if I was calling George Bush a nazi, It would be o.k..

Maybe BG, if more Republicans would admit to him being what he is, instead of supporting him at all costs,
maybe, then we wouldnt talk about the Republican Party, but rather as Americans we would all talk about Bush!

Just a thought!drinker

That's the problem man,
What constitutes "All costs?"
I support my President. I happen to agree with his policy in Iraq. Does that mean all costs?
I don't think most Americans hate the man. It just bothers me that people have to disagree with so much hate.
I still go to work every day to pay my bills. My life isn't so dramatically different because of the man. I'll tell you one thing. I feel safer with him in there.

A Criminal?

please. Name a clean politician and I've got a bridge you could buy.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:57 AM

I don't know who would make such implications, but that certainly reflects only their prejudice and lack of knowledge. Shame is on them.

I hear those implications on a daily basis. That's why I brought up thje subject.
My point was that we can discuss and debate these subjects without lumping each other into catagories or vicious ignorant name calling. We all have the right to our own opinion. And by right, You should be able to express it without being biased.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:53 AM

LOL Tim,
I thought this thread was about Republicans!
Turns out I wasnt far off!drinker

Many people born here have been following HiBush so religously and for so long they have forgotten what being an American is about.
They think anyone who doesnt believe in the Bush doctrine is unAmerican.

Dont let them get to you.
I think otim been doing real well since coming back!
I believe in second chances. Dont let me, or more importantly yourself, down!drinker

Fanta buddy,
You know I love ya man.
I'm a Conservative and I agree with alot that Our President does. With that said, I disagree with much of his policies also.
This whole right -vs- left thing is making me sick. Just because I support my President doesn't make me a brainwashed psychphant.

All I hear (from both sides) is how we need more partisonship, But that only means that, "They are allowed to agree with me!" If I disagree, I'm automatically wrong or brainwashed.

God forbid we allow free expression or support for an ideal without being branded.

As for our Russian friend,
Shut up.

Now see that's the way to disagree.drinker

Hey BG,drinker
Im an Independent who has always voted Conservative. Bush has turned me on them and I dont see any difference, other than being a vet, between him and McCain!
Really its not McCain so much as the whole damned party! Their policies are outdated and proven failures IMO! I believe the country is ready to take a new direction.

I think to survive as a United country and a world leader we must take a new direction!

When I call the die-hard Republicans brainwashed I am talking about the ones who would follow their party at the expense of America.
America to me is not a Party, it is and attitude and an idea. A collection of individuals never satisfied with simply being the best country on earth, but constantly endeavoring for improvement, to be even better!

I am not suggesting that the Democrats have all the answers, nor that they are the end means to what we need. They do however offer a candidate with the ability to move us forward instead of backwards or running idle.

It's not even about the Democrat party, but about the man Obama.
He at least shows the willingness to work across party lines and realize that America's future is the goal. He is willing to change, and approach the years of failed foreign policies with a new approach.

Instead of looking down on others of different cultures he is willing to talk to them with respect to their wants and needs.

All the Republicans do is cut of talks with anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with us on everything. Including the Democrats who sit in the same Congress.

Bush went 6 yrs without issuing a single veto until the Democrats gained a small majority two yrs ago. Since then he has issued at least 12, and threatened to veto the new GI Bill that Jim Webb sponsored. McCain, the vet, right by his side. What's up with that?

The Republicans will talk with anyone who possesses nuclear weapons, cut off talks or invade those who won't fold in to their demands, and then wonder why those countries want Nukes.

They talk about drilling offshore oil wells, when they wont develop the land they already lease, as a political move. Trying to scare Americans into believing that if they dont, gas prices will continue you climb.

I suspect that as soon as Obama becomes President, without drilling at all, OPEC will drop crude oil prices 20-30 dollars a barrel the first year he's in office! I suspect this for many reasons, but that's a whole thread on its own!

Again my friend. Agree to diagree.
I agree we need a new direction, But I think Obama is the last person I'd want to follow. Unless we want to become a Euro-Annex.

I'm too tired to go point for point right now, But thanks for the civilized exchange.


BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:48 AM
I'm a Correctional Officer. The right to a speedy trial depends on the amount of cases before yours and the gravity of the offense. How much evidence is required by both sides etc.
As far as how long someone can be jailed before trial, Most defendants are given a price for bail. If they can make it, Thay can be free until trial. Again it depends on the gravity of the offense and or if they're a flight risk.

Does that help at all?

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:40 AM
Maybe if I was calling George Bush a nazi, It would be o.k..

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:39 AM
This is the "politics thread" That's why I thought it was here.
Go up a few clicks if it bothers you.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:36 AM
right back at ya.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:32 AM
I'm a Conservative.

That doesn't make me a warmonger.
That doesn't make me a homophobe.
That doesn't make me a self hating homosexual.
It doesn't make me a bigot.
It doesn't make me a fascist.
It doesn't make me unsimpathetic to those less fortunate than myself.

It just makes me a Conservative.

Just because I don't agree the homosexual lifestyle, Doesn't mean I don't think they have a right to exist. As far as same sex marriage, Why would you want it? It's just more fodder for the lawyers!
I've known and been friendly with many gay people in my life and I've never judged them on their lifestyle. And they never judged me for my opinion nor did they feel obligated to shove their beliefs down my throat (I know there's a joke there, But not today, O.K.?). That's what enabled us to be friends.
Just because I don't believe that I owe anyone an apology for slavery, Doesn't make me a bigot. I've never owned a slave, Never wanted one. How many generations will waste away waiting for perfection in society? It'll never happen. That does not make me a bigot. It makes me a realist.
The fact that I believe in a strong National Security and Border enforcement does not make me a warmonger or fascist. I believe that without National Security, None of the other arguements matter. Because if this great country fails, We probably wouldn't have any say with the next ruling party. I'm also tired of hearing about how insensitive we are toward imigrants. If you come here legally and work toward your own American Dream, God Bless You!! Why should I ascimilate to a culture that just wants to expand and erase mine. I welcome anyone and their beliefs as long as they respect mine. Does that make me a bad guy?
As far as those less fortunate...
If I can help, I do. But honestly, I'm not exactly swimmin' in money. I could use some help sometimes too, But I have a halfway decent job, So I'm not entitled to the programs I fund with my own tax dollars. I have to work longer hours ( that are taxed to all hell) when I need help. So if I have a problem with a system that gives handouts off of my sweat, Does that make me evil?
That's the whole Conservative ideal, Don't expect anything from anyone. Work for a fair living and recieve a fair shake. The Government should be there to protect us, Not dictate what I should believe or who I should feed. I think I can be the judge of who needs my charity most.

Does all this make me a bad guy?

your call

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