Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Wed 04/22/09 10:26 AM
now what did I come in here for?slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead

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Wed 04/22/09 09:14 AM

Duck, I'll give you ten million dollars if our OP here grows one centimeter.

I've been 5'8" since I was ELEVEN. Girls grow in puberty and not after. Once a girl is finished with puberty, she's done. Boys can can have spurts several times and up until they are 18-21, but not so with girls, unless that is when they finish puberty.

Hope you are right I would like to be wrong. BUT. some do grow in weight. It is also proven that your more then likely to stay with in 15 lbs of your weight when you reach 25. And you are forgetting other factors. Like health issues? eating habits all can change over the years... I have been the same weight for years at least the last 25 years . Till recently I gained 10 lbs .. It happens. All I am saying is she is an attractive young lady hope she stays that way.

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Wed 04/22/09 09:04 AM
Basically...been there, done that.... quit it. I have no need for it and I don't want to be around people who do need to smoke it .That's my personal decision. What I did as a young adult is one thing I am not very proud of. I know this might sound like a "stick in the mud" or "old foogy"... But I don't see where it does you any real good. its just an excuse to hide from your problems and your self.JMO

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Wed 04/22/09 08:57 AM
Most people who have read my posts know. That I am very adamant about "weight issues" and women. so before I said anything at all on this post I did go look at your profile. and this is what I found in my opinion.

Honesty... you didn't claim to be a barbie as a matter of fact just the opposite. you did sate a "few extra pounds" and that is who you are. And as Drew said, I also tend to want to date "barbies" if you must use that term. But the point is I also would date you if we were in the right age group. There is nothing wrong with your apprearence or your body.. But I will say this your 19 and as you grow older you will also grow in weight. It is up to you how you want to look and not anyone else (includes me)... tell the butthead to take a hike .

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Tue 04/21/09 01:53 PM

maybe i should say; it seems ,like being nice is not looked on nicely by some people. Oh, I try to show kindness, to all I come in contact with. I have always wanted to help older people eat- foods they would like ,when their ssi is not enough.(with NO OTHER motives, but being kind to someone, that needs it.)
If your doing these things out of the kindness of your heart...All I can say is BRAVO.. as for others treating or looking upon you as something else.. Have you considered the "guilt" they have. here you are doing good deeds and they stand by and watch and critize .. hmm maybe they need more guilt. Do more good deeds and keep your faith that your doing something good for someone with out any strings attached.

and when you get the stares and remarks, just nod back at them wink and say. I am doing for you also.

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Tue 04/21/09 12:40 PM
Personally I find talking with someone on the phone is better then just typing here . Written words are so often taken the wrong way. You read what you "think" they said or how you "Think" they meant it. with out the voice and senseing their voice inflections/ tone of.. etc. Person to person is even better. . And I would rather meet face to face even more so. I do not care if it is someone I just met off the internet. You can always meet in a safe and public place . or with a phone call. just hang up if it gets to "personal? caller Id you say? well you can block your number its called precautions. BUT if you don't take a chance, then your doomed to be here forever. Then question #6 does become an option rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:30 PM

When two who are interested in each other make plans to go out & actually follow through with it.
sounds like a plan to me.

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Tue 04/21/09 12:27 PM
nope. not worth the gamble.

and these questions surely beat all the other trivial crap on here. Like what papersmile said." would you bang the person above you" not to mention some of those other forever going on threads. part 53 of page 619...

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 11:31 AM
push that button with a big smile on my face .And I would want him to see me ..pitchfork

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 11:29 AM
several times in my life.

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Tue 04/21/09 11:28 AM
these questions beat some of the other posts on here by a mile.

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Tue 04/21/09 11:26 AM
take the money.. IT STATES limitless amounts of money and with that in mind researchers would be coming out of the woodwork then. And subsequently so would a cure. Maybe not immediately but it would happen.

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Tue 04/21/09 11:23 AM
nope. I have always maintained that "love" is the most important thing to me . Not money.

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Mon 04/20/09 06:57 PM
Never really had a goal in life if that's what you want to call it. I just did what made me happy all those years. And fortunately it all turned out okay for me. I am very happy and content where I am at in life.

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Mon 04/20/09 06:53 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Mon 04/20/09 06:54 PM
Have never been invited back... 40 years after the fact. And knowing who I am , if I were asked to attend I would say no thanks.

Lets see 4' 7 and maybe a hundred pounds as a senior! in the middle sixties. High school was predominately black. The one thing I learned is ..I am not a racist or bigoted person. And I learned how to fight daily.

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Mon 04/20/09 06:45 PM
I would have to admit yes I did. I thought I was in love, but it turned out that I really wasn't. That was years ago. Since then? I do not take those three little words so lightly now.

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Mon 04/20/09 06:40 PM
You are kidding right? Can never envision that! There is nothing in this world that can compare to being in love. So call me a romantic and stupid if you want, but once you have known true love , the kind that reaches your soul. You will never give up on finding it again:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Mon 04/20/09 01:18 PM

That is dirty Whisper... I am sorry I don't blame and hatred or anger or hurt you have...


grumble men
not all men are like this.

no photo
Mon 04/20/09 01:15 PM
when you can say to your self and answer honestly... why not?:banana: :banana:

no photo
Mon 04/20/09 01:10 PM

put off isn't he right word, but I think it's foolish.
why post a pic of you with a man/woman on a dating site?
why post a pic of you and your kids? while the kids could be cute, I'm not looking to date them, also the same goes for the ones who post their pets
I agree here. The point is you are on a dating site even if your here to meet friends or make friends. Save the "at home and personal photos for e mails, IM's. etc. Besides how many have other friends of the same sex in them ? And how do tell which is the one you might want to make contact with.? Besides how do you actually , really know the people on this site or any other site for that matter. ( outside of the people you have come to know?).. Have you ever considered the fools that are out there just looking maybe stalking? sure I may sound paranoid. But I have been stalked , its not funny in the least