Community > Posts By > mikeybgood1

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 09/11/15 03:11 PM
.yes I am :) 5 USA ships 20 Russia's ships if a single missile went over a Russia ship those 5 ships been gone. you don't remember that :) they went to Syria to punish them for that gas attack. Putin said no your not. when Israel dropped nuclear weapon on Syria Putin put his weapons on alert announced to Israel do it again is all on war. as long as Putin is alive we are not bombing anyone again :). we are allowed to attack Isis but we only hit empty buildings last time I check. one was a farmer co op silo.."

Sorry. Did I miss a memo? WHEN ISRAEL DROPPED NUCLEAR WEAPON ON SYRIA???? You got a date when Syria got 'nuked', because I think CNN missed reporting it.

As far as 'cooking the books' on intel, it happens far more often than we would care to admit. You have of course those at the very top who have a political agenda to show the war is going as well (or poorly) as they need it to. For those down the food chain, nuanced intel makes the tactics they suggested look good. For others it's an economic agenda. They have a job with a military contractor locked up down the road should the military purchase a certain weapons system. Bomb damage assessment can be cooked to make the weapon look like a better performer than it was.

Without quality intel, decisions get made that are only as good as what was provided. Men and women in the field put their lives in the hands of people telling them the truth about the enemy they face. I seem to recall the hue and cry that Bush lied about WMD's. Obviously Obama is lying now. Not seeing the press stampeding the White House wanting to know what Obama knew and when he knew it.....Just sayin'

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 09/11/15 07:37 AM
Open season on white people and cops huh? Hmmmm. Interesting theory. Political change through mass murder. I think it's been tried. As I recall it didn't work out very well for those involved.....Anyway.....

Guess I need to get the range and put in a little trigger time. If you own a weapon I would suggest you do so as well. Shooting well is a perishable skill, and requires some maintenance. I use the 'el Presidente' drill. Two in the chest, one in the head, make sure they're really dead. You practice double taps, head shots, and mag changes all in one drill. My head piece is a CZ-75 9mm with high profile sights (gettin' old, lol). Usually wear a double mag pouch for the street, but if I thought it was gonna be OK Corral time, I can bump that to four mags plus the one already in the gun.

For longer range work, maybe some slightly hotter .308 handloads. 168 gr BTHP, about 43 grains of H4895, and a large rifle primer. Gets me around 2,700 fps for velocity. For stopping power, about 2,700 foot lbs of muzzle energy. Roughly 4 times that of a .357 mag load. That usually tacks em to the sidewalk for a chat, assuming of course you actually want to talk to someone who has pledged to kill you....

So ultimately these people wanna kill me just cause I'm pigmentally challenged? Well, you can try. Just sayin'....

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 09/10/15 02:34 PM
So if Bruce/Cait/Goober (whatever) still has his wedding tackle, then if they drop him in general population he will be named The U.S. Open because anyone will be able to play that one hole 18 times a day.

I doubt very much he has much in the way of street smarts, and I doubt he has the street fighting skills to make a bloody example of the first person who comes on to him. He'll have to hook up with protection pretty fast, and as a white guy with boobs, his choices are extremely limited. How he pays for his protection will be another issue. Either cash to someone on the outside, or bend for a friend on the inside.

It better be administrative segregation where they keep the child molesters for Bruce, or he's toast.

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 09/10/15 02:09 PM
I wouldn't get on a Carnival cruise ship unless I had a chopper on standby to come pluck me off the ship 24/7.

I'd also take a hazmat suit and biowar gear because Carnival ships have become floating petri dishes for at least a decade now.

Go back and take a look at how many cruise companies have had outbreaks on board of stuff like Norwalk B virus, contaminated foods, kitchen sourced outbreaks of food poisoning, etc.

Bring your own peanut butter and jelly with crackers and just drink your face off all week. lol

Add to those issues the constant engine room fires, dead propulsion systems, gyro failures and you become a floating barf bag for 4,000 people.

So, gimmie a beach, sunscreen, nude volleyball, and a place that provides cold Corona, Red Stripe, or Asahi Dry beer. Ok, I'll drink Heineken or DAB if forced to. lol

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 09/10/15 07:37 AM
Of course one has to ask WHY these people are traveling so far for safety when they could get to Saudi Arabia much more easily? Oh yeah, because the Saudis and a number of other Arab Gulf states don't want them for fears of terrorism.

A lot of people may not be aware, but there is a town in Saudi Arabia called Mina. It is essentially a campground for Muslims who do their hajj pilgrimage each year. This town has 100,000 tents capable of supporting 3,000,000 visitors. It comes with kitchens, bathrooms, and all the tents are air conditioned.

So, if the need is only temporary to get these people to safety, get the war fought and over with, and then send everyone back home to rebuild, then why all the hand wringing and guilt tripping of Europeans and North Americans into taking in 'refugees'?

There are a number of countries between Syria and Germany or Sweden that are perfectly safe. Italy, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, and so on. Why go specifically to those countries? Oh yeah, because they have all kinds of free money via welfare, and social programs.

So the Arab states themselves simply throw money at the problem and see these people as potential terrorists for us to deal with. No one calls them out for it. WE say hey, slow down the flow because we need to check these people out, and WE get called racists and islamophobic.

Nice double standard.

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 09/10/15 05:16 AM
Used to live just down the QEW from the Hammer in Mississauga. STELCO was a field trip for many school students back in the day. We would tour the site, and see the steel making process from delivery of raw materials, to seeing them pour out molten ingots that got rolled out in nearby finishing plants.

Like a lot of the U.S. 'rust belt', Canadian steel making fell victim to financial market pressures. I knew a man who had been a union negotiator back in the late 70's, and who did such a good job that STELCO eventually lured him onto their side of the table. It was cheaper to pay him than to face him was their thought process. lol

I recall that the company always had these huge Christmas parties that were an 'event' such that they always got a lot of press. I don't know the particulars of how the pension plan got so fragile, but it seems that everyone had a ton of money back in the day. Both the company and the employees. It's sad to think these old guys who legitimately can be considered people who built the country from the ground up, could find themselves struggling financially late in life.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 07:31 PM
Newly minted Secret Service agent is standing at the bottom of the stairs to Air Force One. The door to the aircraft opens, and out steps President Clinton with what looks like a pig under each arm.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs he notices the young agent looking confused. "These are genuine Arkansas razorback pigs. I got one for Chelsea, and one for Hillary."

Replies the agent, "Excellent trade Sir."

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 07:26 PM
With five minutes left in his shift a cop notices a speeding car go by. Pulling in behind the speedy driver, he flips on his lights. The car actually speeds up for a couple seconds, and then pulls over to the side of the road.

The cop walks up to the car and says "Look, it's been a long day. You were speeding, and I should write you a ticket. I'll give you a break though if you can give me one good reason why I shouldn't."

The driver, without missing a beat says "My first wife left me 15 years ago for a cop. When I saw you in the mirror, I thought you might be trying to give her back...."

"Have a nice day, sir. Drive safely."

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 07:17 PM
Blonde prostitute is eyeing a potential customer at the end of the bar. She slides into the stool next to him and says in a breathy, seductive voice "I've been looking at you since you came in, and I think you are a stunningly handsome man. I'm actually a high priced call girl, but for you, I'll do ANYTHING you want for just $100."

The man slowly reaches for his wallet, and pulls out five twenty dollars bills and lays them on the bar. He leans in, and places his mouth close to her ear. In his best seductive voice he replies, "Here's $100. Paint my house."

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 07:00 PM
As a Canadian, I need to try and dig this info shard outta my brain, but by law, doesn't the President have to be at least 42 years old?

I'm thinkin' Nutz could be chosen as a V-P and go on someone's ticket, but he can't stand for election himself.

I'm suggesting the ticket has to be Bobby Jindal and Nutz.....*Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells....

Jindal Nutz, Jindal Nutz
Jindal all the wayyyy.....

I mean election day is close to Christmas right? It's perfect!

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:53 PM
Jeez Rock, seriously?

I'd love to see that for myself. Any links that show Chelsea knowingly aids and abets sex offenders to commit new crimes? Based on your post, that's what I took from it.

If she works with an organization however that counsels and treats these offenders, then she's doing good work.

I can't imagine any mainstream news organization, no matter how liberal, sweeping under the rug that she would assist sex offenders in re-offending. If THAT came out, you can bet that network would be run off the air.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 01:39 PM
Maybe we can get the Dems to run 6 or 8 candidates and then have an MMA/WWE type event with a cage match against the GOP.

Put it on pay per view for $19.95. Just trying to imagine Carly Fiorina dropping Hillary with a folding chair. lol

Bush pins Sanders. Biden tosses Rand Paul over the top rope. Bobby Jindal just firing spinning kick after spinning kick hoping someone will notice him in the ring.

Trump mocking each competitor as they are eliminated. "You're fired!"

Medics in every corner, and refs are the Secret Service.

I'm claiming intellectual property rights on the idea. If this happens, I want a cut.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 01:07 PM
So as I suspected, the money being paid out is not really out of contrition for city employees murdering someone, it's so they don't have to pay more later.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake announced the settlement as the best deal for taxpayers, and to protect them from an unfavorable jury verdict in the criminal trial, and to bring a sense of 'closure' to the community.

In other words, you rioters out there? The family got their pound of flesh from the city. The system is handling the cops who killed Mr. Gray, so you have no reason for further riots.

I guess she sees the writing on the wall for the cops, and wanted to avoid a civil suit where maybe the city pays $20 million.

Although you have to wonder. Since she hints at the community being placated via 'closure' with this deal, did she just blink and pay a form of protection money to the unruly mob?

The going price now for avoiding a riot is $6.4 million?

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:38 AM
It's no surprise that Hildabeast has tanking numbers. This whole e-mail kerfuffle has reached the theatre of the absurd, as she now goes to all her media pals to provide 'exclusive' sound bites. Speaking to why there's nothing to see here, and oh gee, how sorry she is NOW that people were so confused about what was going on, but how it was all transparent and above board.

So she's content on using the press to argue about her level of guilt? Huh? I'm confused then. I could have sworn THAT'S WHAT COURTS ARE FOR!!!! During one of these shameless puff pieces I was struck by the idea of Clinton taking this same explanation to the more common situation of being pulled over for speeding.

Having Wolf Blitzer on speed dial, Hillary calls and explains her situation. He cuts into regular CNN coverage with 'Breaking News', and Wolf tells his audience that he has Mrs. Clinton on her cellphone, and that she has been stopped on the interstate for allegedly speeding. He asks her what has transpired?

"Well Wolf, the officer and I have a disagreement about what speeding is. I never hid my speedometer from anyone, and of course using my own speedometer is perfectly legal. It never once flashed 'speeding' to me, and anyone driving with me knew I was using my own private speedometer. I'm sorry if that caused confusion for some people, like this fine police officer, and I take full responsibility for using my own speedometer Wolf. I just hope Americans will give me the chance to show that even though someone else set up my speedometer, (cause I don't know about these car things) I can fight for them and their families. God Bless America Wolf."


mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:34 PM
Yeah politicians and their underlings seem to fair pretty well too. Clinton? Still not charged. Holder? Still not facing charges for giving guns to drug cartels. Lois Lerner? Still not facing charges for violating the rights of conservative taxpayers. Obama? Still not impeached for numerous crimes from aiding and abetting those already listed above, to not yet charged with treason for supplying weapons to al-Qaeda and ISIS.

No big trials for the bankers who blew up the economy by writing mortgages for people who had no business being given one. No one indicted for falsely reporting the national debt as exactly the same dollar amount for 150 straight days, even though the deficit grows on a daily basis.

Based on the fact that it seems following the law is for suckers, these stunning examples of honesty and transparency have created a culture amongst civil servants that the law doesn't apply to them either. Rogue cops who shoot first and ask questions later. Homeland Security who doesn't believe the Constitution exists within 100 miles of any U.S. coast or border crossing.

There are dozens of videos online of people being stopped, searched, questioned at ad hoc traffic stops and being asked to show proof of citizenship. They are then threatened and intimidated if they ask why, or if simply refuse to comply. These are not border entry points, these are roadblocks set up 25, 50, 100 miles away from the border and staffed by Homeland Security, state police, local cops. Just fishing expeditions in broad daylight, not even the 'DUI stop' at night.

The system has become tilted into what I call Boss Hogg territory. The corrupt mayor character from The Dukes of Hazzard TV show. Government, and those who work in it, seem to think there is no accountability anymore, and they can do whatever they want without fear of reprimand or prosecution.

mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 09/08/15 07:10 PM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Tue 09/08/15 07:13 PM
So Mr.Gabay was the victim of a stray round(one of at least 16 fired) in a gunfight between two other men. He attempted to take cover in a parking lot when struck in the top of the head.

So simply a matter of wrong place, wrong time. Could have been a ricochet off pavement, concrete, a car, any manner of hard surface, or could have been straight from the muzzle of the weapon as someone simply fires off a number of rounds quickly in the general direction of his intended target.

The old saying that applies here is 'Never worry about the bullet with your name on it. Worry about the ones addressed To Whom It May Concern.'

Of course never one to pass up an opportunity for more gun control rhetoric Gov. Cuomo calls for a 'national gun policy'. Gee, Andy here's a suggestion. How about a national criminal policy. You know, arrest them so that if they are in jail, they can't actually shoot anyone.


Stop trying to excuse criminal behavior because people come from disadvantaged or marginalized backgrounds. Not everyone in the hood becomes a thug. Stop excusing stop and frisk as racist. Use it in statistically high crime areas, and guess what? Crime goes down. You catch people with guns, drugs, wads of unexplained cash, and so you make it tougher for crime to thrive.

Maybe look to prosecute exploiters of crime. Start busting people buying the deeply discounted flat screen TV's out of the back of a truck. Bust the numbers joints, the drug houses, the brothels. Don't tell me you can't find them. Any cab driver in town knows the dive joints. Any hotel concierge worth his name tag can find you a hooker, a card game, or a drug connection. Seriously, has no one on the NYPD ever travelled to another city?

If you can find a biker bar, you can likely buy a gun in an hour. At the very least you can buy dope. You just have to be willing to stand toe to toe with a guy who will threaten to gut you if you're a cop, and be willing to pay cash.

Well established bike gangs have a reputation to uphold providing quality goods for a fair price. Girls, guns, and goodies are all for sale.

Surely this can't be new and startling info to the NYPD, so what are the current crime fighting and crime prevention priorities preventing the bad guys from being targeted?

mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 09/08/15 12:42 PM
Well I appreciate the City of Baltimore wants to avoid costly litigation and just pay the family off to make the problem go away.

Cities and companies have this conversation every day. They could fight the case, spend twice as much to do it, and be exonerated and not have to pay the family anything. But, since the almighty dollar is driving the conversation, who needs the truth, right?

The case against the cops does not look good for them. We have already seen most of the case laid out in press conferences or on CNN specials. What will likely be the revelation in court of what happened in the police van will be the GPS records.

To prevent lawsuits for police brutality, police departments long ago instituted procedures for transporting suspects based on location, distance to the station, route to be travelled, and ETA. This prevents cops from taking you down to the wharf and slapping you silly for 15-20 minutes before bringing you in. Cops can still do that, they just don't arrest you first, and so a radio call is not required for your transport. Just sayin'. lol

Anyway, in the case of the van however, we know there is likely a GPS record of the trip based on time and location. As the time stamp for each waypoint is logged, we know the speed of the vehicle. So if someone raced up to 60 mph say, and then slammed on the brakes to throw you around in back, it would be recorded.

If no such 'rough ride' record exists, then we know the issue comes down to Mr. Gray being injured fatally either at the scene, or injured upon his delivery to the station. In either case, some of these cops may have played no role in his death.

We of course have other troubling factors such as allegedly not providing medical assistance along the way. We don't know if the cops thought he was faking it, or if they engaged in sadistic behavior causing Mr. Gray pain and suffering. If the cops essentially tortured him, then I say the family didn't get enough.

At the end of the day, with so much left to find out, maybe the payment was premature.

mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 09/08/15 12:06 PM
So we now have a second 'report' from the intel community that of the small number of emails they reviewed, at least 5% of them carried classified intel, including info on the North Korean nuke program.

Of course the State Department and the Clinton campaign dispute the findings. State says that various agencies use different yardsticks for determining what is 'secret', so it would be premature to call anything found 'secret'.

The Clinton campaign is still sticking to the 'what she did was legal, and there were no marked Secret emails.' Well seems there is a provision in the U.S. Title codes regarding this type of information that is of the 'should know' variety.

Specifically that you should know if the info on your device has classified material, not that it's actually marked as such. So if I send you an e-mail marked 'Fudge Brownie Recipe' with satellite pics of North Korean missile sites in it, you should know that it's sensitive stuff because of either the info itself, or how the info was gathered or detected. So, JUST because it doesn't say 'Secret' on it doesn't mean you absolve yourself of handling the material correctly. Once you determine the material is secret, ALL rules governing secret information IMMEDIATELY come into effect as your server, computer, phone, tablet, iPod whatever becomes U.S. government property.

Now the question is WHY are we discussing this via press releases and sound bites? WHY has the woman not yet been hauled in for questioning and charged? You have TWO determinations that classified materials were found. You can dispute the findings IN COURT, not in the paper.

mikeybgood1's photo
Mon 09/07/15 10:24 PM
Edited by mikeybgood1 on Mon 09/07/15 10:25 PM
People of America, play close f**kin' attention. DO NOT, under ANY circumstances allow sharia law in America.

You will be lied to, and told that it's just for Muslims who have a minor business dispute, and who want to avoid the costs of lawyers and trials. They say that any current binding arbitration processes currently in use are just not culturally sensitive enough. They will claim that since Jews and native indians have special 'courts' based on religious practices, they should have one too. That denying them would be racist.

Of course we all know that Muslims are not actually a race, but simply a religious group, right?

They will try to snow you on the 'safeguard' that no decision of the Sharia court can be enforced unless a regular court judge signs off on it. Well here is your problem. A Sharia court can order executions,and limb amputations, with the punishments to be enforced when someone leaves the U.S. and lands in say Saudi Arabia. Pay attention to this example closely......

Two Muslim businessmen are engaged in a heated argument over a business deal. Upset by the argument, businessman 'A' insults the teenage daughter of businessman 'B', saying she has slept around. Mr. 'B' demands his day in Sharia court, as his family's honor has been insulted!

Come trial day, and surprise Mr. 'A' produces half a dozen young men saying they have indeed been intimate with the young lady in question. Mr. 'A'has won his case, and Mr. 'B' with the daughter is left to pay the court costs right? Wellllll, not so fast.

The court has heard evidence of sex before marriage, and cannot ignore the behavior. In finding for Mr. 'A', it notes that the young lady must also be stoned to death. Well hold on a second, no U.S. judge is going to sentence a teenaged girl to death by stoning for premarital sex, right? If that's the case, then no one has actually 'won' the lawsuit, since there is no enforceable verdict, right? They are stuck in legal limbo, right?

Welll, again, not so fast. If you said to a Christian or Jewish judge in the U.S. "Here, sign the verdict for stoning and for the original lawsuit", they would refuse. Since stoning to death is not on the books in the U.S, they would refuse to sign such a verdict.

What if the judge however is a Muslim? Maybe a member of the mosque holding the Sharia court? The mosque says ok, we promise not to kill her here in America, but we need to move the case out of limbo, and you understand the religious nuances and issues here better than most. Assured that she will not be harmed in America, he signs off on the judgement.

NOW, like any good Muslim, our young lady makes her religious pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. A trip every Muslim is expected to take at least once in their lifetime. When her plane lands, she is met by the Saudi religious police. They have been given the information on her case by the imam of her mosque, and they are the ones who will carry out the death sentence. Remember, the mosque said she would not be killed in America. If she travels to any fundamentalist Muslim country however, she is liable to the punishments as set forth in the judgement.

Same applies to someone who stole. The Sharia court could order amputation for theft. Again no U.S. judge is going to sign off on that unless he is a Muslim judge, and agrees with such punishments, but only outside the U.S. So, our thief goes to Pakistan or Afghanistan, or any other Muslim country, and comes home with one less hand! Maybe even loses a foot.

Sharia also treats women with no respect. In the case of legal matters, a woman is only thought of to be half as smart as a man, so it takes the testimony of two women to equal the testimony of one man. In the case of property rights, the Koran explains how wealth of the man is to be distributed upon his death, regardless if he has a will. The problem here is that the math in the Koran adds up to more than 100% when splitting up the estate, so women have to fight for their share.

What is of note is that should an infidel (non-Muslim) get into a dispute with a Muslim, and agrees to use a Sharia court, then you agree to be bound by decisions of the court. You throw away the legal protections of a U.S. court. Should the case not go your way, you can't say "Oh this is crap, we're going to a real court..." and refuse to accept the judgement. You got played by a system you know nothing about.

mikeybgood1's photo
Mon 09/07/15 09:29 PM
Well in general terms the BLM movement is not a 'hate' group until it specifically says do violence to an identifiable group.

If the group 'thinks' cops should die, or says it hopes they do, that simply makes them a$$hole$, but not criminals. When they say go and kill cops just because they are cops, or kill all white people, then yeah, that's incitement and it qualifies as hate.

Of note though if you Google 'raid Black Panthers' the hits you get go back to police raids in 1969 and the early 70's. Google 'raid white supremacists' and you get stories of them being arrested and investigated right into 2015.

So in theory the Black Panthers and the up to date New Black Panther Party have been peaceable citizens for 40 years now, and whites apparently not so much, with the cops kicking in their doors until present day. Ironically the NBPP is actually designated a hate group by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, and surprisingly the Southern Poverty Law Center.

It's most notable 'recent' action was the 2008 election day baton swinging incident in Philly. Two members of the NBPP stood outside a polling station, with one of them waving a police style baton in a menacing manner. They were using racial slurs and saying whomever was entering the building better be voting for Obama. They were never charged with voter intimidation, or civil rights violations because even though the event was captured on video, no actual voter would swear out a complaint saying they were too scared to vote.

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