Community > Posts By > mikeybgood1

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 07/02/15 04:52 AM
Well according to Jim Hoft at'Gateway Pundit', the FBI has cancelled all vacation days for agents on July 4th, is opening command centers in 56 field offices, and is telling local police to increase vigilance levels for July 4th.

It is alleged that the threat is so serious that some agents are said to be telling family and friends to avoid large public events on Saturday.

Several current and former Homeland Security/CIA/FBI and other alphabet agency senior staff have been doing the TV circuit predicting that something will happen this weekend. Of course no one has any specifics, so they are making predictions based on the number of 'lone wolf' jihadi wannabes that have been arrested in the last couple months, coupled with the usual 'Kill the Infidels!' chatter coming out of the Middle East around significant dates or holidays.

Wanna be safe? If your state allows open carry of firearms, then do so. If you have a concealed carry permit, exercise the privilege. Drink alcohol sparingly(or not at all) while carrying out in public. If someone screams "Death to America!" and poses a deadly threat by producing a weapon, then help him or her meet Allah at high speed with two in the chest and one in the head.

If these people realize they'll be taken down in a couple seconds by an armed bystander, then maybe they chicken out this time, and give us time to root them out in future.

mikeybgood1's photo
Sun 06/28/15 10:57 AM
New video online shows the hypocrisy (and stupidity) of Wal-Mart. Guy goes to Wal-Mart and wants a picture cake done with Confederate flag that says "Pride Not Racism". He was denied. Wal-Mart says sorry it's a Confederate flag.

Next day he goes in with pic of ISIS battle flag. The 'black flag' the press is always on about. Wal-Mart says Sure! No problem Scooter! and ignorantly makes the cake.

Video shows the Wal-Mart refusal note, the ISIS cake, and receipt from the store for the ISIS cake.

So there ya go folks. Get your kid the ISIS birthday cake, but NO Dukes of Hazzard toy cars!!!

Over to you Wal-Mart PR department.....

mikeybgood1's photo
Sun 06/28/15 07:25 AM
Gee and here I thought America was welcoming to people from other lands...(guess I better rethink those Amazon and eBay purchases). lol

mikeybgood1's photo
Sun 06/28/15 06:56 AM
Unknown? The info has been out there for some time now. No one apparently cares.

1) Police in Arizona provided proof that the Obama birth certificate was faked using various Photoshop and PDF document manipulation techniques. They even claim to have found the clerk who processed the form, and she pointed out all the physical errors with the document found on the White House website. The press yawned.
2) The Obama social security card number is supposedly a fake. He's allegedly from New Jersey. The left still loves the guy.
3) A Christian minister claims to have spoken to the church Obama attends under the guise of becoming a member. Asking questions about how to join, he discovers you don't have to renounce your current religion to join them. Since many believe Obama is a 'closet Muslim' he apparently would not need to renounce Islam to join this 'Christian' church.
4) In this current flag flap it should be noted that back in 2008 the white side of the Obama clan was discovered to have been slave owners. The Obama campaign when confronted didn't deny it. It was just ancient history to them. Nobody cares.

The American political system runs like a banana republic. The Presidency is a cult of personality. The media is awestuck by the celebrity of His Obamaness, and everyone wants to bask in the glow to propel their careers. They have sold themselves out for personal gain , and for unfettered access to puff piece interviews to get their networks higher ratings and greater revenues.

He is a man said to have engaged in numerous illegal acts from Fast and Furious to the arming of America's enemies. He's enlisted his staff and his cabinet members using executive privilege to hide whatever documentation may actually exist that would shine a light on treasonous behaviour. The press? No one's digging, no one's calling him out, no one dares having their career and family destroyed for exposing the truth. So he will spend the remaining days of his term ruling by executive fiat, making huge structural changes to American society via the Supreme Court and doing his best to destroy the American way of life in ways its enemies never could.

Go ahead, call me a racist. You'd be wrong. Call me ignorant. You'd be wrong. Call me intolerant. You'd be wrong. Call me a realist, you'd be on the right track.

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 06/26/15 01:05 PM
OMFG...I've had to take a towel to my TV and clean up the collective Obama-gasm that CNN on air staff just had. I swear they just collectively jizzed a bucketload as they gushed about Obama being a 'black church preacher' and singing Amazing Grace.

First of all its nice to know Obama has a skill for when he leaves the White House. He has some skills. HOWEVER, I'm not quite sure it's the most dignified moment a U.S. president has ever had. He couldn't quite carry the tune no matter how large a bucket handed to him.

I recall George Bush being pilloried for bad dancing in Africa,but Obama kinda grinds on the tune and Brooke Baldwin and Don Lemon are having squishy moments their pants. I've never seen such a ridiculously partisan 30 minutes of reporting in my life. It was frankly embarrassing to watch. If you thought there was ANY shred of objectivity left in CNN's reporting, think again.

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 06/26/15 12:04 PM
Yeah I heard that on CNN earlier today and just kinda shook my head. Somehow you're more dead if the weapon used is an AR-15. The .45 slugs at point blank range were not theoretically deadly enough for the ghouls at CNN.

The inference of course is that once he left the church, the AR-15 would have magically propelled him towards the next crowd of victims to run up a body count. Well CNN, I hate to break it to you, BUT he had 4-5 hours on the road where he could have easily accomplished the thing with his Glock.

I am quite familiar with Glocks in 9mm and .40 S&W. I can attest to their ability to toss a large number of rounds downrange in a very short period of time. The problem for Roof is that by walking into a place that is NOT a gun free zone like a mall, he exponentially increases his chances of armed resistance from either a uniformed cop, security person, off duty armed cop, concealed weapon carrying civilian, or even a member of the armed services with above average disarming skills. He fails and likely dies in the process. By going to the church (a gun free zone)he knows the odds are highly stacked in his favour. The kid was homicidal, not stupid.

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 06/26/15 09:58 AM
Black lives only matter under the following circumstances...

1) They are killed by white people. White cops killing them scores higher than anything else on the TV coverage scale. 97% of African Americans are killed by OTHER African Americans. Apparently that means SQUAT to Obama and the WH.
2) There is money and power to be gained. How many professional poverty pimps lobbied for and got federal, state, and local dollars for recreation centres/cultural centres/labour and job training centres? Is there still rampant inner city crime in places like NYC/Detroit/Atlanta/L.A./Baltimore? As long as Rev. Al/Jesse/NAACP get their cut, employ their friends, and guarantee people poverty connected jobs, the cycle continues.
3) It generates gun control legislation. While mass shootings generate the discussion in general on gun control, Obama and the WH shamelessly pimp out the black community to try and restrict firearms ownership of law abiding citizens who would never engage in such behaviour. Gun ownership groups have even gone into low income areas to give away shotguns to minority families who greatfully accepted them for self protection.

Let's face it folks, the African American community is a prop for Obama and the Democrats to use to fit their collective political agenda on issues from crime, family breakdown, substandard education, abortion, and employment. You are the window dressing to speeches by Clinton, Obama, and Pelosi. They dress you up nicely to illustrate success, and dress you down like hood rats to illustrate the failure of the 'system'. WHEN YOU STOP allowing yourselves to be used as pieces of furniture for politicians to lean on, you might actually get the equality you are looking for. You shouldn't be proud about being seen as just as dead as the Latinos, Asians, Arabs, or Whites.

Thus endeth the sermon.

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 06/25/15 06:23 AM
Well sorry if Nazi blonde haired, blue eyed, whites ONLY, WORLD DOMINATION is not racist enough for you to be concerned about. It doesn't matter if you think this is a Made In America issue or not.

There is a stunning level of hypocrisy when companies fall all over themselves pretending to care about an issue when they happily make money off of other blatantly racist items.

Last I checked, those who fly the Confederate battle flag didn't kill SIX MILLION African Americans, plunge the planet into war, and attempt to rule it for the next thousand years.

If people are going to be morally outraged by this allegedly racist flag and all the hatred that it stands for, well you better sharpen the pencil and add a few more things to the list.

Time to ban the Koran. Yup. It's a book of religiously inspired and justified killing. Kill the Jews, Christians, Sabians, and Polytheists. Kill the non-believers, and those who do not believe in Allah and his Prophet. Simple and declarative sentences. It specifies individual and identifiable groups of people for targeted attack. The very definition of hate crimes.

That offends me, so out the door they go. Deport Muslims, board up the mosques, and burn the Korans. Don't want to do that? Then you are encouraging hate crimes and have NO business whatsoever demanding removal of any flag or symbol that you personally don't like if you are not willing to do it for someone else.

Thus endeth the sermon.

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 06/24/15 02:03 PM
Well the PC crowd have gone into what I call 'full retard' mode over this tragedy. Since Roof is seen in several pics with the stars and bars, the MSM has now declared it to be THE REASON for the crime. So, by extension, full retard mode has found its way into the corporate world seeing Wal-Mart, Amazon, eBay saying they will ban Confederate flag items.


If I go to Amazon and eBay sites, they are still happily selling tens of thousands of NAZI items!!! Uniforms, deactivated explosives, gun parts, daggers. You know, culturally inoffensive items that wouldn't cause any 80 year old Jew even a millisecond of discomfort were you to show up at their door decked out in Waffen SS gear!

Walmart? A mere 2,700 items with Nazi themes or references. One of them recounts experiments of the Nazi doctors in concentration camps! FINE night time reading for the smallfry.

Look people, we all get offended by stuff for different reasons. I'm going to suggest these companies are a little more than hypocritical by continuing to rake in the bucks off the Nazis who are guilty of far more heinous acts than any Southerner has ever committed.

Thus endeth the sermon.

mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 06/23/15 01:14 PM
Well there were mass shootings in Detroit and Philly over the weekend. Where's the CNN 24/7 coverage on THAT? 10 people shot at a kids birthday party in Detroit. You had 400 people outside having some kind of block party and then somebody starts busting caps and the next thing you know everyone's breaking out firepower. Lucky it was ONLY 10 people shot, one of whom died.

Philly is again more than 10 injured including an 18 month old infant.

So Rev Al, Rev Jesse, Don Lemon, Sonny Hoskins, where's the institutional outrage? I guess black lives ONLY matter when white people shoot them, huh?

97% of African American homicide victims are killed by OTHER African Americans, BUT America has a race problem?

You want to banish the Confederate flag? I say we take BET off the air and close down the NBA! Just MAYBE Donald Sterling was onto something.

mikeybgood1's photo
Mon 06/22/15 11:20 AM
Totally, if there's a connection there. Spare me the false modesty, let's be friends dissertation. You're not that kind of girl? Yeah, you are. You need to admit it to yourself, and spare yourself the regrets 20 years down the road about who you should have been with.

I don't play games with people, and if I find you attractive, I'll tell you. Should you choose not to discuss it, and you throw the brakes on anything physical in order to somehow 'protect your reputation' as a 50 something woman, I can't help you with that.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but at this age you should be able to clearly articulate what it is you want from someone. Please explain how I can believe you when you say, "Oh I think you are a wonderful person, and I can totally see a lifetime together with you, and I'll willingly and totally surrender myself to you, BUT I can only do that starting tomorrow."

Yeah, moving on....

mikeybgood1's photo
Tue 06/16/15 07:46 AM
Bill Clinton de-planes from Air Force One after a trip to Arkansas. The Secret Service agent at the bottom of the stairs notices the President has a pig under each arm.

Raising an eyebrow in the direction of Slick Willy as he steps on the tarmac, the President says, "These are genuine Arkansas razorback pigs. I got one for Hilary and one for Chelsea!"

Without missing a beat the agent opens the limo door and replies, "Excellent trade Sir!"

mikeybgood1's photo
Mon 06/15/15 09:29 AM
Well my opinion is as follows;

1) I won't consider a relationship with anyone who doesn't even believe sex can happen on the first date.
2) I think the whole 'must be friends first' is a false construct.
3) This approach is nothing more than a playing for time mechanism for women who don't know if they actually want to have sex with you.
4) The reality is studies show that a woman knows within 30 seconds of meeting a man if she will sleep with him or not.
5) Also the 'I'm not that kind of girl!' position? Yeah, you are that kind of girl. The level of your kink is directly proportional to the level of emotional security and trust you have with the guy you are with.
6) Truest adage regarding relationships is the following, "Men need sex for love, women leave love for sex."

mikeybgood1's photo
Sun 06/14/15 07:47 PM
Dr. Seuss for Muslim kids....

1) Horton Hears a Katyusha!
2) One Fish, Two Fish, Shaheed Fish, Exploded Fish!
3) Green Eggs and Hamas

mikeybgood1's photo
Sun 06/14/15 10:04 AM
Well I have a couple choices...

1) See! I Told You I Was Sick!!!
2) Well apparently she DID have a temper..
3) Last words were "Hey! Watch This!"
4) Gone to Hell to mix the drinks.
5) Highway To Hell or a Stairway To Heaven? Kinda predicts the odds don't ya think?
6) I've been planted face up because the cemetery was adamant about NOT wanting a bike rack......
7) For those who believe in reincarnation? "Ow Motherf*cker!I was the fly you just squashed!!!"

Gonna be a tough choice. Maybe I'll just go for a tastefully carved..... *cough*


mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 06/12/15 07:43 PM
From Politico website....."If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.

If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving.

And no matter what, you can’t discuss the details of what you’ve read.........."

Gee, wonder why there have been no details for the voters to discuss? Considering this 'deal' has been in negotiation for six years, when was the average voter going to hear about the details? Oh yeah, FOUR YEARS after it gets signed into law!

Obama wants the authority to do trade deals, and only have the deals submitted for Yes or No votes. No one however will be allowed to make amendments to future trade deals that Lord God King Bufu Obama brings forward for voting.

So in theory, you would have to cancel an entire trade deal if there was a clerical error saying China DIDN'T guarantee to pay for American goods, instead of saying it DID guarantee to pay. You would not be able to attach an amendment to correct even the most glaring errors? Wow.

WHY would anyone agree to do trade like this, UNLESS there was something to hide?

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 06/12/15 07:05 PM
Oh I see. Now that the bodies are starting to pile up and innocent people are getting killed strong policing is required? Hmmmm. Let's think about that for a second.

To the drug infested and crime ridden inner city residents might I suggest a few things? Try NOT looking the other way when you see the corner deals going down. Call the cops and tell them what you saw. People know where the drug houses are, where the gang bangers live, where the daily numbers are bought, who the working girls are. Turn these people in. If for no other reason, you can collect a crap load of Crime Stoppers money and move somewhere else!

You need to look to the community to police itself by providing the information the cops need to do their jobs. Bust the dealers, the pimps, and disrupt the gangs. Resist the urge to buy the 'cheap' TV out back of the local bar. Resist the carton of smokes that fell off a truck. Same with the knock off clothes, watches,and pirated DVD's.

If you stop consuming the illegal goods and services in your own hood, it dries up and goes elsewhere. Since elsewhere means the street level hoods stick out even more, and get busted more often, the problem eventually goes away. The toughest part is to convince your kids and grandkids that it's the right way to live.

When people can afford to live well, in clean and safe homes, eat good food, and feel that they are being successful, the allure of cheap/stolen stuff fades. If you live hand to mouth, in run down areas, and see no reasonable expectation of improving your standard of living,then the idea that the world owes you something takes hold. Steal? Sure. The insurance companies have lots of money. Get high all day? Sure. The government has lots of welfare money. Have four kids by four different guys? Yeah even more welfare money.

Sorry, but before you RELY on the cops to save your collective a$$es you better be prepared to step up and help solve the problem.

mikeybgood1's photo
Fri 06/12/15 12:16 PM
Well the human race is said to have evolved out of Africa/Middle East, so I guess in a sense we're all a little bit of everything.

I'm assuming she played the race card on her job application to score a couple more points as a 'minority' candidate. She's a white chick from Nebraska!(lol)

She went for the nappy do', some slightly dark foundation, and she can 'pass' as a mulatto. For some people, wanting to appropriate black behavior is a socializing mechanism,like the only white guy in the hood for example. For others it's a fashion statement. They like the clothes, the 'vibe', the attitude. The Jamaican/Bob Marley/weed thing for example.

Personally I always make a point of laughing in the face of white people who try too hard to 'be' black. White surfer dudes with dreadlocks for example.

Don't misunderstand the point. Yeah I have black friends, I've dated black women, I've had my hair beaded, BUT I can't live as a black man. At BEST, I can play at it. I lived in a rooming house for about a year where we smoked a LOT of weed, had Bob Marley on 24/7, discussed in detail the Rastafarian lifestyle, and even had my kitchen table broken by a particularly intense game of dominoes!(lol) I've drunk my share of Red Stripe, rum, eaten roti by the ton, meat patties, and dirty rice and peas. Aki fish,plantain, and goat. However THAT doesn't make me a black man. It just means I enjoy the food, booze, and the company. This woman actually says she's black by declaring it on government forms. I'd be curious to see outside of the NAACP offices how she lives. That might give us a little more insight into how sincere her 'beliefs' are.

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 06/11/15 12:29 PM
Well because all of this is under wraps, the conspiracy people are having a field day. I would say though there are troubling issues regarding the legislation. For example,

1) The treaty has been in negotiation for SIX YEARS. So essentially from Day 1 of his presidency Obama has been working on this deal, and its only the last couple months where things have started to percolate out about it. Seems he kinda forgot to mention it during the last election cycle. You know when the White House fudged the unemployment numbers? How it's failed to calculate the true number of unemployed for years now?
2) People are saying that ONE copy of the bill has been made available for congress and the senate to read. It's essentially under guard, you cannot make copies, and you cannot take notes and then leave the room with the notes. That's a level of secrecy that NO politician should be agreeing to in regards to a trade document. This is not national security stuff on what size of figs the head of ISIS enjoys.
3) Immigration issues will be mandated by the treaty.
4) Personal information will be shared without your consent with other countries signed to the treaty.
5) Much has been made of congress no longer being able to change Medicare, as that will be illegal under the new law.
6) Apparently the content of the bill cannot even be made available to the general public until FOUR YEARS after it's passed into law.

Really? So the American taxpayer will become subject to laws it gave no permission via the ballot box to negotiate (Obama's 6 year long secret), whose elected officials likely haven't even read (uninformed consent), AND they can't even KNOW the details of those laws for four years? SERIOUSLY????

Will SOMEONE please explain to me WHY the GOP has NOT impeached Obama????

mikeybgood1's photo
Wed 06/10/15 04:36 PM
Where I am in Canada the price in US $ would be $2.40 for a dozen large eggs. That's at the local Wal-Mart.