Community > Posts By > Melaschasm

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Tue 03/10/09 09:10 PM

I don't like making preschool mandatory. From what I have seen and heard, kids who go to preschool do not do better than those who do not, unless they go to one of the elite preschools.

However, I am willing to put up with considerable bad policies in the bill if it means getting genuine schools of choice options. The cynic in me suspects that there will be some ugly hidden garbage in the bill to limit the ability of parents to fully take advantage of charter schools, but hopefully I am wrong.

If Obama manages to get a really voucher system in education, that will help him get elected and likely lock up the black vote for democrats for a couple more decades. As bad as that is, it would still be worth it to get a better school system for the children.

This the first Obama idea that could actually have some significant benefit for the country, and I will support it 100% if it really provides school choice.

preschool shouldn't be mandatory...but for my son it gave him social skills to go into school

what options are you talking about

Any option that gets kids out from under the thumb of the NEA and public school system, is a good option.

Until the power of the NEA and the dominance of the public school system is ended, our kids will not get the quality education they deserve.

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Tue 03/10/09 08:58 PM

ok...this makes NO sense to me.
regardless of if the person you voted for is in office....why want them to fail???? that would hurts the people. why gloat over it??? if the leaders fail....we the people will feel it.

The reason why people want Obama to fail to push his ultra left wing socialist agenda through congress is because Obama's success is bad for America.

It is no different than opposing Bush on the war, or tax cuts, or stopping some abortions. If you disagree with someones policies based upon strongly held principles, then you should want them to fail to do whatever harm you are opposing.

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Tue 03/10/09 08:44 PM
I don't like making preschool mandatory. From what I have seen and heard, kids who go to preschool do not do better than those who do not, unless they go to one of the elite preschools.

However, I am willing to put up with considerable bad policies in the bill if it means getting genuine schools of choice options. The cynic in me suspects that there will be some ugly hidden garbage in the bill to limit the ability of parents to fully take advantage of charter schools, but hopefully I am wrong.

If Obama manages to get a really voucher system in education, that will help him get elected and likely lock up the black vote for democrats for a couple more decades. As bad as that is, it would still be worth it to get a better school system for the children.

This the first Obama idea that could actually have some significant benefit for the country, and I will support it 100% if it really provides school choice.

no photo
Mon 03/09/09 03:55 PM
It is great, they have a decent selection of movies and tv shows that you can watch. It is all advertiser supported, so there is no out of pocket costs.

no photo
Sat 03/07/09 07:58 PM

Almost 11 minute video of Rush getting pwned by a studio audience early in his career.

Good stuff!

I especially like the part, and I am paraphrasing where he tells an audience member that "you have no idea if I believe what I am saying"

That is a terrible paraphrase, and taken out of the context of the video you posted.

A member of the audience accused Rush of not believing the opinions that he was expressing. Rush then asked if the audience member knew him personally (the audience member said no), and Rush said that the audience member could not know if he really believed what he was saying. It was not Rush saying that he didn't believe the opinions that he was expressing, but rather the audience member made that claim.

When you take a phrase out of context, you are basically telling a lie about a person. Rush might not believe in the opinions he expresses, but this clip is not evidence of such an admission by Rush.

It is sad that people seem to hear what they want to hear, rather than what was actually said.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 07:34 PM
I haven't heard that interview, so I am unable to comment. However, at the time of the bailouts, Rush was an outspoken critic.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:35 PM
I should rephrase my reply a little.

The way you worded your post was unclear, and I may have misunderstood your claims about Rush.

"rush limbaugh is paid to keep people in the party game, fighting one another for what ever cause the 'powers that be' have in mind"

The above quote makes it appear that you are saying Rush is helping support bailouts by distracting the people. My disagreement (which might be what you meant all along), is that Rush pointed out that Bush was making a bad decision with the bailouts, and holds the same opinion of Obama's bailout plans.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:31 PM

you're too cute yellowrose. but now on topic, this whole objective with republican/democrat party is to divide and conquer the people of the united states. to give voice to the wrong initiatives that are taking place while everyone fights on party lines. these initiatives have nothing to do with parties. both sides of our congress are doing and voting for the same things, obama isn't doing anything different than what bush was doing, he's just better at motivating the poeple to believe that what he is doing is right for the country. bush just wasn't as eloquent of a speaker. these bail out bills are exactly the same as the one's bush pushed for. they are just repackaged and given another name, that's it. rush limbaugh is paid to keep people in the party game, fighting one another for what ever cause the 'powers that be' have in mind. same can be said for any democratic talk show host. they are all on the same side but they are trying to keep us on different sides. believe me, they are laughing at every one of you that wants to keep blaming the other party. ooooh, the best way to put it is this..... people are fighting over the things that these PUPPETS are saying. people might as well say "i believe what this puppet over here is saying" "well, i believe what this puppet over there is saying"
don't believe the puppets people!!!!

You blame Rush for these bailout bills, yet it is Rush who opposed them both when Bush was pushing for bailouts, and now that Obama is. You really should try to become more informed about the truth of what Rush says and does, rather than parrot his competition.

uh, actually you need to read the paragraph again. i didn blame rush if you look again, you will see that i said 'BUSH' not 'RUSH'

was it just a trick of your eyes or were you subconciously trying to find something wrong with my post?

First you claimed that Bush and Obama were doing the same things, then you claimed that Rush is just keeping people distracted by party fighting, rather than pointing out that they are all the same.

I was correcting the appearance of the claim that Rush was supporting the policies shared by both Bush and Obama, specifically their joint support for bailouts.

If you did not mean to imply that Rush was complicit in the two parties both pushing the same agenda (the bailouts), then we are in agreement.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:12 PM

rofl Now that is actually funny. It is a shame so few people have a sense of humor.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 06:03 PM

you're too cute yellowrose. but now on topic, this whole objective with republican/democrat party is to divide and conquer the people of the united states. to give voice to the wrong initiatives that are taking place while everyone fights on party lines. these initiatives have nothing to do with parties. both sides of our congress are doing and voting for the same things, obama isn't doing anything different than what bush was doing, he's just better at motivating the poeple to believe that what he is doing is right for the country. bush just wasn't as eloquent of a speaker. these bail out bills are exactly the same as the one's bush pushed for. they are just repackaged and given another name, that's it. rush limbaugh is paid to keep people in the party game, fighting one another for what ever cause the 'powers that be' have in mind. same can be said for any democratic talk show host. they are all on the same side but they are trying to keep us on different sides. believe me, they are laughing at every one of you that wants to keep blaming the other party. ooooh, the best way to put it is this..... people are fighting over the things that these PUPPETS are saying. people might as well say "i believe what this puppet over here is saying" "well, i believe what this puppet over there is saying"
don't believe the puppets people!!!!

You blame Rush for these bailout bills, yet it is Rush who opposed them both when Bush was pushing for bailouts, and now that Obama is. You really should try to become more informed about the truth of what Rush says and does, rather than parrot his competition.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:42 PM
rofl On the one hand the idea of Obama debating Rush seems rather silly. On the other hand, Obama's team has been saying that Rush is the leader of the republican party.

And the Senate recently passed a bill which includes a provision that would give Obama the power to make it illegal for Rush to express conservative opinions on the Radio.

Maybe it isn't as crazy as it seems.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:35 PM
If you think there is real potential for long term success with the current guy, you should probably stick with him.

However, it sounds like you do not see yourself spending the rest of your life with the current guy. If you are fairly certain that the current guy is not the 'one', then you should tell him, so that you both can pursue other options.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 05:26 PM

Poor Rush I am sure this was just a slip during one of his tirades.

What makes it funny is the speech he was giving was about "bastardizing the Constitution"

Then he does this:

Limbaugh's speech:

We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. [Applause] We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life. [Applause] Liberty, Freedom. [Applause] And the pursuit of happiness. [Applause] Those of you watching at home may wonder why this is being applauded. We conservatives think all three are under assault. [Applause] Thank you. Thank you.

Limbaugh, it seems, meant to say "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," which, of course, is in the Declaration of Independence. Just to be sure, however, the Constitutional Accountability Center compared his remarks to the Constitution's preamble, and didn't find a match.

Here is the Constitution's Preamble: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."


Assuming this is actually true, it is a rather funny mistake.

What is surprising is that Rush makes so few of these mistakes considering he spends something like 15 hours a week on the radio.


no photo
Mon 02/23/09 07:19 PM
laugh I was just joking around.

Even if I could get a lesbian to switch teams, I would not have the opportunity.

no photo
Mon 02/23/09 07:03 PM
My magic tongue has turned a lesbian back to the other "team". :angel:

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Sun 02/22/09 02:27 PM

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Sun 02/22/09 02:24 PM
I am not to sure about all of that regarding China, but I have seen many reports about China moving towards capitalism.

I hope they are more successful than the USSR in transitioning from Communism to Capitalism, but only time will tell for sure.

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:02 AM

Damn I know there are some people here in Michigan I wish would leave.

Pray that my company wins their bid for business in Australia, and that they offer me the job I want, and you might just get rid of one of them. :laughing:

no photo
Sun 02/22/09 11:00 AM
Since no one else has provided valid criticism of Rush, I will list out a few off the top of my head.

1. Rush has been divorced several times, even though divorce is a bad thing based upon the value system Rush supports.

2. Rush became addicted to pain killers after having a back injury which required pain medicine as part of the treatment.

3. Not all of Rush's opinions are correct. Whichever opinions you disagree with, provide an example of Rush being wrong.

The problem I have with people accusing Rush of being a racist, bigoted, homophobe, and spreader of hate, is that there is no evidence of any of those things.

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:59 PM

Clearly I should believe a random blogger who has not even bothered to post Rush actually saying the words, let alone the context of whatever he said.

I can understand not having audio of something Rush might have said in 1970, but why can't they produce audio in context of something he said in the past few years?

It was recently. He was talking about Iraq.

In that case, it is even more suspicious that they could not get audio of what Rush said, in context.

If he could provide the day and hour, I could probably find someone to email the MP3 file with Rush's actual words, but what is the point when every time I do the research about some scandal, the accusations turn out to be false.

Did you not listen to the audio? It was there.

Rush accuses the democrats of being racist (or making decisions to hold onto the black vote) and you say Rush is a racist?

He said nothing racist, they just cut a clip and made obviously false accusations against Rush.

This is a really pitiful attack against Rush. But I guess if you can not find a logical flaw in his opinions, false accusations of racism is all that is available to attack him.

I am beginning to think that I will have to come up with a list of mistakes Rush has made, since you seem to be determined to prove that every accusation against Rush is false.

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