Community > Posts By > michelake

michelake's photo
Sat 09/13/14 05:02 PM
Welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Sat 09/13/14 09:57 AM
@ Willing2

"He traded five top terrorists for one measly deserter. "

So that makes you feel angry right ? Obama should not give in to terrorists this way. Obama and his ministry
want you to think like that. So your opinion will be tougher on terrorists.

"members of the Foley family have said the government threatened to prosecute their family if they had raised and paid the money for the ransom sought for the life of their son, James Foley."

This make you outraged...right? Because Obama should have negotiated this time. Many Presidents have done that
in their past. Even Bush did. So why did Obama not let the family pay for the ransom then ?

I cannot see CNN or NBC on my tv. But i doubt there is going to be a lot of coverage about this. And if they will
question the USA government over this. I am pretty sure they will have very evasive answers to it.
They will say.. Oh it was done because of national interest.. And we try to negotiate and it did not work..
Or any other excuse.
yesterday i saw a man on tv that was being bullied because his view on what really happend on
the twin towers. The man lost his son. I think he had a right to give his opinion about it. Warped, distorted or not.
Instead of treating him with respect. He got bullied over the news station. Saying he was unpatriotic etcetera.
I think that in a democracy and with freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled for his/her opinion. He just got attacked,
riddiculed and bullied on mass after this. The vast majority of the News is in corporate and government hands now.
They will tell you what to think. And off course the media is one of the most powerfull weapons in keeping a population
unaware of what is really going on. And in sync with it's government. I don't think that there is any News station in the
world that is totally objective by the way...

Anyways i said before that i do not want to get into conspiracy theories. But i think that Obama wants support for
starting a war in Syria now. ISIS is the new "bad guy" now. Although it was funny because the USA supported ISIS already
in Syria. They wanted them to overthrow Assad so badly. But they need public support for this. Because the Russians and the Chinese will veto against it. So therefore it is pretty convenient. How horrible this might sound. That the ones that got beheaded where Americans. So the public opinion will be on the side of the government. And all options to war are open.
John Kerry already went to Egypt today. To gain support for attacking Syria. Assad forbids the USA to start the war on ISIS now. Eventhough ISIS is attacking Assad. So why would he do that ? They are there to have him get rid of ISIS, right ? I think Asad has a totally different view on that..

But like i said it is only a theory..

michelake's photo
Sat 09/13/14 07:55 AM
Edited by michelake on Sat 09/13/14 07:57 AM
In May, 2001, Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group Abu Sayyaf kidnapped Martin and Gracia Burnham, a Christian missionary couple living in the Philippines. While Bush was out in the Rose Garden making his tough-sounding speech, his administration was negotiating a ransom payment to retrieve them. They arranged an indirect payment of $300,000 to the terrorist network in exchange for the couple

Quote from

I am sure that there are many more cases that Governments negotiate under the radar of the public eye.

michelake's photo
Fri 09/12/14 02:56 PM
I think the USA lawyers must have had some grounds to assume that they would be on the "right" side of the law. And are able to stop this.
Or they would not have opposed the family with this. But it still raises the question why the USA government is so eager to stop this.
Since it is a public initiative. And i am pretty sure that there have been hostage negotiations before with the USA government under the radar.In other situations. Where they would pay for the ransom. Or meet the demands of the kidnappers in some way. But they would just not tell the public about it. And keep it as a secret.

michelake's photo
Fri 09/12/14 02:23 PM
Edited by michelake on Fri 09/12/14 02:33 PM
It is not a government that would pay for this. But the family.The terrorists would not blackmail USA government with it in this case.
So in my opinion it changes the stance the USA government would be in.
What loving family would not do just about anything to get their loved ones freed ? Liberal's, conservatives or democrats ? I really think there are devious motives behind this. So Sojourning_Soul i really share your opinion about this.

michelake's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:53 AM
Hey and welcome to the forum

michelake's photo
Thu 09/11/14 02:18 PM
Welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Thu 09/11/14 12:27 PM
Edited by michelake on Thu 09/11/14 12:46 PM
It's plaque not sugar that leads to tooth decay. It is like CivetGirl
says. I read that sugar is not really the direct culprit of cavities. It substracts minerals and vitamins in the body. And therefore sugar depletes the digestive enzymes in the saliva. So the saliva becomes less potent to prevent tooth decay.

michelake's photo
Thu 09/11/14 07:01 AM
Edited by michelake on Thu 09/11/14 07:01 AM
"A smile you sent, will always return" :wink:

michelake's photo
Thu 09/11/14 04:32 AM
Hey, and Welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Thu 09/11/14 02:31 AM
Edited by michelake on Thu 09/11/14 02:43 AM

"oh man, it was such a historically mysterious period Michale

so many great leaders assassinated in such a short span"

Yes it sure seemed that it made some people really nervous. Judging
from the fact that apart from the President's candidate's the rest where African American activists. But i better not continue talking about this subject before it becomes offtopic.
Although it would make a great new topic in the future i am sure.:smile:

So what about people's views about the doomsday clock. Like alleoops said? I think that is related to this topic too right ? "1 minute to midnight" And the fact that the bay of pigs might also be the cause of the USA placing missles in Turkey ?

I also wonder what what went in people's psyche's. All these murders.
When i relate to civilian's. It must have brought some fear into their minds i am sure. When the conspiracy theories surfaced. Did it indoctrinate people's minds too? What "the power's that be" are capable of doing. Until this very day.

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 03:28 PM
I heard sooo many theories about this. Even that Zapruder did it..
This is why i never really believe any conspiracy theory anymore..
Because everytime i believe one. Then another pops up and makes me doubt the previous one again laugh I like to talk here about these kinds of things. It is interesting and exciting to listen to. But will the truth ever be revealed to us ?

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 03:19 PM
@ msharmony

"oh man, it was such a historically mysterious period Michale

so many great leaders assassinated in such a short span

metger evers
Bobby Kennedy
Huey Newton
Malcolm X "

I never realised it was that many.

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 03:06 PM
Edited by michelake on Wed 09/10/14 03:58 PM
"It's already illegal to commit suicide in all states; even those which allow medical-assisted suicide have strict guidelines and procedures which must be followed"

That is "treating" the effect and not the prevention of it. If someone is caught doing that in public
then it is often a "scream for help" Because they will ultimately find a way to do it anyhow. And do it somewhere
where it is hidden for the public.

I am not saying that because of your government everyone will walk to a cliff and jump from it like lemmings.

What i am trying to say is that society sometimes pushes us in the wrong position. In your case you managed
to bring up your kids in a healthy and productive way. Maybe you had the time and resources to do this.
Not everyone is so fortunate always. Some have to work many jobs to support a family. So they might not have
enough time to notice what is going on in a family. They might not be home a lot. Or have time to cook healthy.

"I am a strong enough person to NOT be unduly swayed by media portrayals of how I, as a woman, "should be"; I've only dated/mated with men who are strong enough to know who they are/what they want, independently and without undue media pressure. I - and those with whom I associate - have a strong enough sense of self TO eat healthy foods and are able to prepare them, for themselves, even"

Young people are very susceptible for things in their environment. For example puberty is a strong factor for a child
to find his place in society. And that is looking for an identity.

"Apparently, I and MY "kind of people" are the odd ones...and have been/are doing it all *wrong*."

Hmm i find that a strange way of telling that you did the right thing. Not sure what you want to achieve by saying this.

If someone commits suicide. Then i concider it as a faillure of a society as a whole. A government should
aid and protect people that are in need of mental help. And not at the last phase of it. But as a prevention.

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 02:25 PM

I am real.. shoulders toes and knees.. i am 32 degrees smile


In Fahrenheit it would be 96.8. I misspelled it too. It should be 36
degrees ( celcius ) bad..

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 02:21 PM
Welcome to the forum

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 01:01 PM
:smile: flowerforyou

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 12:58 PM
Edited by michelake on Wed 09/10/14 01:01 PM
I think it has far stretching consequences. I think a healthy society creates healthy
people. But even that has implications too. First of all i would bring up the point of
women that have a wrong self image of themselves. Society reflects that on them on what they
should look like. For example look at magazines with skinny women. Or rap music that promotes
young girls that must look sexy. Even at an age that they do not realise it.They often get a wrong
self image of themselves and devellop things like boulemia. Society is responsible for that
too. Or the fact that Mc Donalds menu's are much more cheaper then a healthy nutricious meal.
Which.. ultimately creates early deaths too.
I think that if the school has a good observation of what is going on. Then it could have prevented
this from happening. But this has implications too. Because It does not always show if someone is serious in their intentions. We all know that many kids at that
age often think of suicide. It is almost "normal" at that age. Every teenager thinks of suicide.
So where do you draw the line as a school. It depends on the school structure too. Maybe there is simply
too little people that can really talk to a child. And win their confidence to learn what is going
on in their minds. I think that a parent whether responsible or not. Is already severely "punished" for
the death of a child. just like the school there are things to be concidered too. For example a child can be totally
different at home. Then when being at school. There is so much pressure of fitting in a group.
it is so hard to decide for who to blame. Only groce negligence will be visible in this case. And sometimes
that is hard to prove too. So that is why i think that a healthy society creates healthy people.

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:55 AM
Hey, and welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 11:38 AM
Edited by michelake on Wed 09/10/14 11:42 AM
Just like Marilyn Monroes death and Jimmy Hoffa. This is also a mystery to many.