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dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/26/21 07:40 PM

@dust the genome composition is different . SARS, MERS and Covid may belong to the genus of Coronaviruses but they are not the same virus .

As for mask wearing .. Europe was among the first countries to relax restrictions on social distancing and mask wearing , however vaccination rates were inadequate and now there is evidence of uncontrolled spread . Until herd immunity is achieved .. vaccination alone (with the current vaccines ) is not enough to control Delta . Mask wearing , hand hygiene and social distancing are still very important means to reduce spread . waving

P.s. Won’t comment on politics .... other than to say it always has been about power .

I said "basically". But SARS is Covid and Covid is SARS, they should have called the 2003 out break of "SARS" something different, it is 80% similar to covid19 so we are still comparing apples to apples, but not all apples taste the same. MERS is 50% similar but also SARS and Covid, but being that was in the Middle East it's something to look into but not as big of concern. Covid, or corona (crown-spikes) virus. 2003 SARS killed about 10% of the 8000 it infected, covid19 is much less deadly percentage wise with less than 1% dieing, but the transmission rate is so high that it's taking out such a large number of people. So 16 years ago they knew how deadly SARS can be, China has most likely done much research on it. Most of the time it's not if, but when it returns. The saying F... me once, F... you, F... me twice, F... me. The world should of had at least a bit of a heads up. Covid19 has already altered itself a few times and currently we have another big scare in southern Africa.

Hygiene can play a big part in many parts of our lives, but too much hygiene has also created problems of its own. A mask my keep spit from flying on to somebody, but if people touch their mask, like many do, the virus could be closer to an intake point. It also gives people a false sense of security in which they take more risks because they think they will be protected. Some countries have imposed travel restrictions on southern Africa already, while others are saying such restrictions are not necessary as this variant will find its way into other populations no matter what is done. It is not yet clear what travel restrictions, quarantines, vaccines, and other restrictions have on the long term affects of outcomes as the virus also seems to make its own cycles.

Even after heard immunity is achieved thru infections and/or vaccines it is very likely covid will still have outbreaks and kill some people just like influenza, or it could keep mutating and transferring to different species til it takes out a large portion of the population. There is also a chance it will just disappear. When was the last time you heard about a case of the bird flu? Swine flu? Mad cow disease? Sometimes nature can do some strange things.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/26/21 06:43 PM
Nuclear seems so old school and barbaric. In this day and age wouldn't they be better off to cripple our internet or power grid? Use bio or chemical warfare? Create an army of drones to invade? If the nukes really started to fly everybody would be destroyed, so who's the winner in that? What ever happened to the "star wars" system to shoot these missiles down? Or can't somebody just hack a computer somewhere? Currently China and the USA need each other too much, but some other countries have little to lose, it would be more of a concern for them to start things then the USA and China.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 11/25/21 10:36 AM
Has anyone noticed Thanksgiving has returned to its original roots? Just like the Pilgrims and the Indians arguing about politics while in the middle of a pandemic, good luck :turkey:

dust4fun's photo
Tue 11/23/21 08:18 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Tue 11/23/21 08:20 PM

Hi Dust,
Thanks a lot for sharing this huge chunk from History
The section on energy starting from 'whale oil' and the disappearance of whales to the no-win potential of alternate energy sources - is a chilling read. My whole brain is now molasses.

By the way, not to detract from your post, we had Grapes of Wrath in final year school. Imagine us Indian teenagers reading, with no idea at all on this history and causes that led to the Depression. I'm not sure if our Lit. Teacher had any idea at all.

Things got a little off coarse but still some what relevant to the topics. On the subject of "lifted the US economy" I am inside the box looking out, you are on the outside looking in. I feel that different perspectives on a subject are good, but when looking at history you could have 2 outcomes for the same event. Often we get trapped in our box and people from the outside can easily see the problems and the solutions. People come to America for a number of reasons, "the land of opportunities" and "the land of the free". People who have the courage to leave their land often use that courage to start a new business or find a successful path. They see the "opportunities". However I see after a few generations the family loses this train of thought, they get lazy, that's how I see many Americans now, they are no longer great full for what they have and take it for granted. The the "free" part, some come for the free education, free food and housing, freeloaders is what they are. Sometimes we need to step out of the box and see what we are doing.

Clearly there is only space here to touch the surface of a subject, but those who are interested can read books, watch documentaries, or of coarse just Google it! I'm not going to pretend to know everything about these topics, just enough to get me in trouble.

One outlook I have on what has made America what it is. My kid probably isn't going to beat a kid from India at a spelling bee. My kid probably isn't going to beat a 6' tall black kid at basketball. But my kid can probably beat the Indian kid at basketball, and the black kid at a spelling bee. It's almost like rock, paper, scissor. At this point many will be shaking their heads at this point calling this a racist stereotype, but I say do what you are good at and pay somebody to do those things you are not good at. There is a reason these things became stereotypes in the first place. America is a melting pot of all these people, and things, working together, and as I was pointing out many took the "opportunity" to make something out of their talents, or learn new talents from others. That was what America was about at one time, maybe we can get back to those standards soon?

dust4fun's photo
Tue 11/23/21 07:30 PM

Hello Lung,
Nice to hear from you and I agree ‘wars destroy economies’ but from what I read, times have changed. President Biden is continuing the policy of 'non- aggression' - open to business with China while asking China to free shipping through the South Seas by China.

I cannot imagine any major war with China over SS, because immediate stakeholders are Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and so on; whose economies could be devastated with just one of those big bombs. Come to think of it, Japan’s recovery is the greatest study and we have overlooked it.

Seems the Chinese fully understand that their growth is dependent on world market and now that Covid is down (they escaped) they look forward to a revised relationship on their terms with US.

I have no opinion on this except to say that the smaller nations cannot look out for themselves. So how will the new world order play out after 2030s, with China a great economy – I’ve no idea. Maybe someone should start a thread and we may catch a glimpse.

Of course Biden is buddy, buddy with China, he is learning how to make the United States even more socialist while moving the country closer to communism. He is currently trying to get a $2 trillion socialist package passed. From the cold war with Soviet union, war in Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam, if you can't beat them, join them. If you were to make a gauge with Communism....Socialism..... Capitalism The democrats keep pushing the needle farther to the left. The needle would never go all the way to the far right, you would have to pay to use the road in front of your house, the government couldn't exist unless it was privately owned. But on the other side if you went all the way left you would have North Korea. Some socialism is good like public education, good army, roads and infrastructure. But when the government wants to play Robinhood and take from the rich to give to the poor, hand out free money for no reason (besides maybe buy votes). To force people into buying "affordable health insurance" while price gouging is going on at so many levels. The government shouldn't have to break up Monopolies, the people have the right to boycott them and come up with better options. The government keeps spending more, and more money and taking more, and more control of the people. It's a slippery slope as we slide closer to the communism side of that scale. It's almost like we are looking to flip flop with China over the next couple of decades.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/21/21 02:57 PM

Three words you don't hear from politicians is "we don't know".

They don't say "we don't know if this policy will work and if after it's tried data shows it didn't help we will rescind the policy".

One thing the pandemic has shown is that too many politicians are more interested in gaining and wielding power over people rather than helping people.

It's not just about them not saying "we don't know" but also "we should know" or "this is what we do know". It was funny how they had all these "experts" show up for this new and never dealt with virus. It seems strange that they came up with and distributed all these covid tests so soon after the outbreak and people are not interested in who is making these billions of tests. Corona, SARS, and covid are basically the same thing yet they avoided calling it SARS which was what they called the 2002 outbreak of Corona in China. They were able to isolate and contain that by heavy testing and quarantines.

Currently in the middle of the United States we have a large number cases, most hospitals are at maximum capacity. The vaccination rate is around 60% but those numbers can be confusing because it's very recent that children could get vaccinated, it is also some what unclear the ages of people who are getting covid, how many break thru cases there are, or how many have gotten covid more than once. It is also unclear where people are contracting this covid, I assume at this point most of it is being transmitted in schools and then brought home and spread, but wouldn't you think these out breaks would be easy to track? There are many who get covid and never get tested, some don't want to go thru the trouble, but there are also those who have been vaccinated and do not show symptoms of covid, this could be spreading it with out anybody even knowing it. The "Super spreader events" with over 50k people, many not wearing masks, do not seem to have an effect on the number of cases in an area. Really makes one wonder if masks do more harm than good? It seems the covid is more in control of its own cycle of its rise and fall.

The US uses vaccination cards and not QR codes, however I could see that changing someday. A "QR" code is just another way for them to track you and control you, not that they don't already know everywhere you go and everything you do by tracking your cell phone. Big Brother is watching you, and if you are dumb enough to believe "who cares, I don't do anything wrong" then you better think again. They are already censoring the internet and custom feed news feeds and ads custom fit to what they want you to know. Aren't debit and credit cards so much easier than cash? That way they can track everything from what you make, to what you spend it on. Just think if everyone was trapped at home pollution would go down and they wouldn't need to spend as much on roads. The real winners in this pandemic is the government gaining control over the people, also hospitals and drug companies, and Amazon and other delivery companies. People who thought they would never have anything delivered to their home are now addicted to getting everything delivered to their homes. It's not a matter of getting rid of covid, but controlling it with out being controlled.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/21/21 10:13 AM
Not sure it's "pointless" to learn from the past, but let's face the fact that tragedies have had a very big impact on our lives. Think of the advancements that happened during WWII that would have never happened if Hitler was not a nut case. Or how diseases have been delt with thru medicine to sewer systems and clean water. Beer was invented and used as a safe drinking alternative because something as simple as water can kill us just as easily as making us healthy.

The issue with ethanol is it is using valuable farm land and soil nutrients, often times they use natural gas to dry corn and large amounts of fuels to harvest and transport it. Ethanol is just alcohol so we have used it for fuel for over 150 years. Ethanol can be made out of any plant matter so there are millions of sources we could get it from, but it's a matter of how much energy you need to make it compared to how much you get in return. One positive outlook on ethanol is you can make plastics out of it that is biodegradable unlike plastics made from petroleum that last for thousands of years and are also taking a toll on marine habitat.

Another issue with corn and wheat is it has become a "mono crop". There are no longer variations in it's DNA so if something goes wrong we don't have alternatives to turn to. Wheat rust has always been a big issue, we have bread the wheat to be more resistant but that could also backfire. The "Great Depression" of 1929 was actually a result of wheat, prices were way up prior to that due to yield issues til 1929 when Europe had a bumper crop and prices crashed. Following that he "dirty 30's" people started farming in the mid south west of the US, there was a drought and having all the land plowed up actually affected the climate of that area. 90 years later farmers are finally starting to learn that turning your soil every year and tilling in old vegetation is far more harmful to soil then to just replant the field as it is, much like the Native Americans did 500 years ago.

Water power was an excellent power source for centuries and I can not figure out why more is not being done with it?, However we are now realizing some of the affects that can have on environments and habitats too. Something everyone should think about as the force wind and solar power on us without thinking of all the effects these things could have. Whale oil was once a big fuel until the whales became too hard to find, fossil fuels will also become more expensive to harvest, so what happens when we rob all our top soils of their nutrients and can no longer produce enough food?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 11/20/21 02:26 PM
We must take the good with the bad as we are never going to change the past no matter how hard people try. First off you must be careful in praising Columbus as all the Native Americans, Blacks, Jews, and even many white people have come to hate him. He is somewhat over rated, but much of what happened due to him was not purposely done to do harm.
Native Americans, or Indigenous people, or Indians as the have been refered to for centuries which is really confusing trying to explain to an Indian form India. Any way they called them Indians because they thought they had found India while looking for trade routes mostly in search of spices, some worth more than their weight in gold. To talk about Indigenous people as a group is difficult because there are so many tribes involved and they all have variations. The Mayan, Inca, and Aztec of Mexico were the smartest and most advanced, most tribes were warriors but they would also trade so they had to decide when to fight and when to deal with others. There was even a tribe that was involved in cannibalism. When referring to them as hunters and gatherers, the gathering tied into their farming. They did not plow fields like Europeans, instead they hand planted each seed without turning all the land, this was very beneficial to the soil and their corn crops often out produced the wheat crops of Europe. They were very in touch with nature and it is said they thought about the next 7 generations for everything they did, something that should be thought about in other cultures. Columbus was not the first white person to "find America" and he wasn't the only one to establish America. Many Pilgrims came over because of restrictions on their religion in their home land and also to spread their religion to new people, so there we go again with religion having bad results. This coming Thursday we will celebrate "Thanksgiving" which is a fairy tale holiday where the myth goes the Pilgrims and Indians sat down together for a nice meal. Apparently there was a lot of turkey and everyone brought some food to share, and it was a very pleasant event. The thing is everything gets twisted thru time to glorify the story, we can read history all we want but to know what is fact and how much is fiction is always going to be a challenge. You can read three different books and you will come up with three different answers.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/19/21 06:16 PM
Even more important than corn, over 50 million indigenous people died off, mostly from diseases, which made it much easier for the Europeans to take over the land that became the Americas. So many died that it cut the amount of carbon in the air in half and caused global cooling which shows a major world pandemic just may correct climate change someday.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/19/21 05:41 PM

Just because it fits your does not make it fact Dust4fun.


Ya, and O.J. didn't kill Ron Goldburg and Nicole Brown....the jury always gets it right? At least Bidden said the jury has spoken in the Rittenhouse case and he stands by that.

As far as that article it is not an autopsy, it just a news report. I have read both official autopsies and he had enough fentanyl in him to kill a horse. Heart attack from someone kneeling on your back, don't think so. He was higher then a kite when he passed the fake $20, then when the cop came to the window of his car he shoved all the drugs he had in his mouth, he did the same thing a year prior when he was stopped. He was also bought to the hospital a couple months prior for an "overdose". Break it down "over" "dose", that means took too many drugs. Do you think he would have acted that way if he was not on drugs? Then he probably took too many and it lead to his death. He said "I can't bweave" before they evehad him in the cop car or on the ground. The cops job was to restrain him to keep him from harming himself or other til the ambulance arrived but apparently they weren't even paramedics because they had to wait for the fire department. The only thing that may have saved his life is Narcan but they didn't know what he was on or how much he took. Maybe we should start throwing doctors in prison too every time they get something wrong?

dust4fun's photo
Thu 11/18/21 08:27 PM

Now MSNBC has been barred from the courthouse because they tried to catch and photograph the jury in the van that was transporting them from the courthouse.
How nice of them to put people who are doing their civic duty in jeopardy. Make sure that the jury should be in fear of their lives IF they find Rittenhouse innocent.

So much for MSNBC's coverage of this trial.

The names of those on the jury will be released sometime after the trial. Why do you think Chauvin was found guilty when clearly George Flyod overdosed? The names of that jury have already been released. Those people lived in fear to what would happen to them, and the public had they not voted to convict on all charges, well some of them were just racist and trying to pull one over on whitey, but the rest feared for their lives!

As far as these idiots who got shot by Rittenhouse, I don't feel sorry for them in the least. First they say "F- the police" and then they get shot and say "where were the police to protect us?" Here's some advice for people, you don't show up for a gun fight with a skateboard! Maybe the police could have cleared out the crowd before any of this went down but being they can no longer use teargas, rubber bullets, water cannons, or any kind of physical restraint we are likely to see many more cases like this in the future. Maybe we can defund all police departments and make it a vigilante free for all?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/12/21 09:00 PM
Can you say "class action lawsuit" for wasting my time and data? Was that the answer to this issue they were looking for?

dust4fun's photo
Mon 11/08/21 06:17 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Mon 11/08/21 06:18 PM
Looks like another year without Christmas again as all the deer seem to be getting covid. So now they want to vaccinate deer being how successful and easy it has been to get all the humans vaccinated. Even the zoo's are going to start vaccinating some of their animals. In Denmark they are killing 15,000 minks that have gotten covid and then humans are catching a mutated version of covid from those minks, it's unclear how many types of animals will contract covid or be able to spread it back to humans. What I don't understand is why so many people have been in close enough contact with deer to get them sick? The minks are more understandable, and cats are much more likely to get it than dogs. Seems like there are many people who will make an awful lot of money off these billions of vaccines we will need thru out the world.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/05/21 05:29 PM
This series reminds me a little of the documentary "How Booze built America". At every point in American history Alcohol has been involved although some of it was really a stretch.

There are many countries with great engineering abilities like Germany and Japan and even the Soviet Union and Italy. But there has been so much of little parts of this, and little parts of that, that have evolved into what we know today. Much like the food we eat has history in many places but has evolved differently for different regions. Europe has the biggest effect on the United States becoming what it is, but with out Africa things would have evolved much differently. Now China has also became a big part of what goes on in the US similar to Japan effect in the 1980's only more dramatic mostly due to technology. The world has become a much smaller place with effects coming and going from all places. The world used to be huge and much was found out while looking to track down routes to get spices, some worth more than their weight in gold. Nothing is constant and it will continue to change, Africa may soon become the new manufacturing frontier, or maybe South America? Who knows life could change over night for better or worse.

Jaguar was with Ford for awhile and now they are with Range Rover and I do believe India has a part in all that, car companies tend to become a part of something for awhile and then it changes again. I believe one of the biggest reasons the US car is what it is today is mostly due to Japan. In the 1980's Chrysler was about to go bankrupt and the US government loaned them money to save them. Chrysler brought over Mitsubishi cars and parts and started selling them with their brand on them, they also created the minivan and built some cheap cars that pulled them back up. Fuel economy is far from where it should be by now but that has much to do with strict emissions standards and the weight of safety measures and putting more standard equipment on cars such as AC, power windows, and electronics. The transition to electric cars comes with some major issues too but thing will continue to evolve for better or worse.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 11/04/21 05:48 PM
Think you may be over thinking things, yes most things have been created from different places and the ideas are brought into something new. Sure we could go back to the inventor of the wheel, iron, horse n buggy. But the true credit for the car starts with Benz, Diamler, and Maybach and developed from there. Formula 1 is almost as bad as Soccer as a sport, these are grown men driving gocarts, US manufacturers are getting away from making "cars" and pushing us into SUV's and trucks. Ferrari and Lamborghini are still hand building their cars, you ever hear of Henry Ford and the assembly line? De Tomaso is another Italian car manufacturer and he used Ford V8's in some of his most popular cars. Japan and Germany have done much more for cars than Italy ever will. Italy does design and build many machines used to automate manufacturing so I can give them that along with pasta and pizza, however even much of that has been tweaked to fit what we want. I'm more likely to give the Swiss credit for clocks and watches in changing the way we live, but in the long run the United States has invented, or come up with more life changing inventions than all the other countries combined, including farming and agriculture, milling, mining, and manufacturing.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 10/26/21 06:55 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Tue 10/26/21 06:55 PM
She could look thru my phone, that's why I have a burner phone too! 🤣🤣🤣

dust4fun's photo
Sat 10/23/21 04:21 PM
:interrobang:. :wind_blowing_face::banana:♈♌. 🤰🤦

dust4fun's photo
Thu 10/21/21 06:20 PM

I live in a great little house in this very good town. Good luck to other people.

Thanks Cat! I would consider moving in with you:wink:. The thing is I have become accustom to my life style and that largely has to do with my job, so without finding another source of income or changing my habits there is a good chance that won't happen:confused:. The point is we have become accustom to paying a certain amount for something and are disappointed when it cost more or we get less, but many of us have been spoiled for so long with relatively cheap goods, food, and shelter. Most things go up in price over time, however other things go down. If you bought a TV in the 1960's it could have been $300. Now you can get a big flat screen for that. Calls on a cell phone used to be $1.00 a minute, now you can call long distances for the same as local. In the 1990's I paid $2k for a slow computer and now my phone can do more than that can. Back in the day if you wanted a pair of shoes you had to go to the local cobbler and have them made, farming was all done by hand and animals, now they can yield10x as much and use giant machines to process it. Much of the cost is involved with the volume and running on a global ecconomy, we do rely on others more than back in the day when your neighbors affected what you get. If we can afford a roof over our heads, put food on the table (even if it isn't the greatest) and still afford some extras then we are better off than many in the world. The thing is their will always be those who come out ahead, while others take the hit.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 10/20/21 05:30 PM
And yet apparently there is still nobody that wants to work? The ships are backing up at the Port because nobody there to unload them. It's said we are about 22,000 truck drivers short of where we should be. The stores and restaurants are cutting hours and services because they can't find help, mean time our government is handing out money left n right, but to all the wrong places. Biden wants to spend $3trillion on some stupid projects and they have already dumped $5 trillion into the ecconomy in the last couple years. What do you think is going to happen? The rich will get richer n the poor will get poorer, and the hard working middle-class will get drug down by both sides. "Let's go Brandon" and all his other buddies and their socialist agenda.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 10/20/21 05:20 PM

And apparently the PM wants everyone to take in at least 1 refugee? WTF???

So, like, how many has HE taken in?

He probably lives in a large house and considering that at age 54 he hasn't got a wife and children, he should have plenty of space for at least 10! laugh

What's wrong with that? A couple to cook for you, couple to clean, one to drive you around. Back in the old days it was common, they refered to them as "servants". They got to earn their keep somehow.

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