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dust4fun's photo
Fri 07/30/21 05:58 PM

So I read online where someone said to the fact that billionaires or rich people in general don’t need to be going into space since it won’t help humanity in the long run. If they really wanted to make a difference they should be spending their money to help solve the worlds problems or at least pay their fair share of taxes.when it comes to taxes it seems they’re in bed with the politicians who are against doing so. I agree. What do you think?

IT IS THEIR MONEY!!! If you don't like it go out and get your own money! They pay more money in taxes in one year then you will make in a lifetime. This is America and if I want to drive 200 miles turn around and go back home I can. If I want to fly to Mexico and turn around and go back home I can. If they want to fly to space and come back they can. If I want to make $10million I have the right to do so. Jeff Bezos took an 82 year old woman who trained for the original space program in the 1960's but was never allowed to go because she was a woman, it made her dream come true. Warren Buffet is giving all his money away. Bill and Melinda Gates have given away billions (getting divorced, but that's another story) Many rich people have given back besides paying way more taxes then all the poor people combined. Maybe people need to check out some of the other topics? If you want to complain about something then complain about the amount of pollution they create by going to space. But don't pull that give me, give me, give me BS.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/27/21 04:04 PM

Is depression is a situation or it is a disorder?

You are the Dr. shouldn't we be asking you that? A depression in the ground is a situation. Being depressed in you life is a disorder. It's like it sounds "disorder" meaning something is not in the order it should be.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 07/26/21 09:09 PM
The last gal that did a reading for me picked the worst card in the deck, she was like do you really want to hear this? I was like sure, what bad can come from that? A couple years later a British guy said "I'm sticking needles in a little guy that looks like you at night". Not sure if that had anything to do with it but it took nearly 20 years to recover from all that, so I will be passing on ever having another reading done, but thanks for offering.

I will leave the people with this "Be careful what you wish for because it doesn't always turn out how you plan"

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/25/21 12:11 PM

OT & O Titie
Why are some missing the dangerous parallels between this and the state of the Trump cultists now?
We have a large brainwashed part of our population now with incredibly ignorant beliefs following a would be fascist dictator!
Remember what has happened and don't let it happen again..........pitchfork

Here is the issue that many fail to see or understand and therefore become brainwashed in themselves without understanding the bigger picture. There is Trump the person and there is Trump the brand. Trump the person has a few hundred thousand people that follow him like a god, on the other hand millions of true Americans support the Trump brand. If you own a Tesla it doesn't mean idolize Elon, if you buy from Amazon it doesn't mean you think Jeff is a god, if you use Microsoft it doesn't mean you respect Bill, if you only buy Apple it doesn't mean you worship Steve. The Trump brand of make America great again (spin off Reagan) is about the American dream, good jobs, being able to pay your own way, patriotism, rights, and freedom. We have become too dependent on China and others, the majority of jobs in the US are now service based. The Trump brand wants to level the playing field so it makes sense to keep companies in America instead of forcing them to do business elsewhere. The Trump brand is more flexible as far as beliefs in being conservative, or religious, or confirming strictly to far right agenda's. It's kinda like the Tea party movement.
On the other hand the Biden and Democrats because for the most part Biden is just a puppet anyway, they are far more into pushing the propaganda for progressing their socialistic agenda in an effort to control the people. The Robin Hood approach to take from the rich and give to the poor knowing there are far more poor people then rich in order to grow their base and spread their agenda. Trump the person has register as an Democrat, Independent, and Republican, to say he is for just one side or the other contradicts the things he has done. The Democrats have continued to make allegations from election tampering, money laundering, ethics concerns, and so on from the time he was nominated as the Republican candidate in 2016. They spent so much time in doing so they accomplished nothing else, to many an allegation is as serious as a conviction, just another brainwashing tactic. The Democrats thought nothing about bring up allegations of election fraud, but as soon as Trump did so it was take him down anyway we can. Trump did not have to leave the White house when he did, Covid laws were still in effect to block people from being evicted. Now politicians are trying to take away freedom of speech by censoring the internet, once again to spread only their propaganda and blocking the views they oppose. You can even be charged with hate crimes for words you say, the lefties are going to continue to play every card in the deck in order to control the people, and so many of the sheep and puppets out there are going to play right into their trap.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/24/21 08:20 PM
The issue with low interest rates are it makes money cheap. Why would somebody keep their money in a bank at 1% (which is insured) when they could put it in the stock market and possibly make 15%-20% on that money? (Which comes with risk) Or crypto currency which is very high risk but has some very high returns. At what point do people refinance their homes at 3% interest to try and make money off their equity? Look what happened in the 1929 stock market crash that led to the great depression. There was a lot of money going around in the 1920's and the common folks were finally able to start and invest in the stock market. Wheat crops were not doing good so people were investing in futures. Then in 1929 it all changed and wheat prices fell starting the crash. People were borrowing money to invest because they thought the prices would never stop going up so it was a win, win for everyone til things went wrong. I would say the US government taking some action to correct some issues before they become a bigger problem is a good idea, especially if you look at how much the government had to hand out during the depression and all the programs they started during that time. But where the money goes and what it is used for is very questionable. Biden and the Democrats seem to be taking a Socialism approach to things. Have you ever wondered why so many from Mexico try to come to the United States? Mexico was doing great in the 1950's and 1960's but in 1970 a corrupt government got into power and decided to nationalize some companies, the companies began to fail and the government's solution was to throw more money after bad crashing the value of the Mexican Peso. That was 50 years ago and Mexico still has not fully recovered. Do people think the US dollar could not lose a lot of it's value due to our government's recklessness? People are living longer, health care cost are skyrocketing, energy cost are going to greatly increase as we shift from fossil fuels, and the government's piggy bank is supporting all these things. Europe has been becoming more energy aware for years, many people there live in small houses, some 200 years old, they drive tinny cars, and they live a simpler life style. In the US the bigger the better, people are building bigger and bigger houses, they drive SUV's and Pick-ups, they think nothing of getting on a plane and flying some where a couple times a year. Pretty soon over half the jobs in the US will somehow be connected to the government, at what point is this no longer sustainable?

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/22/21 03:34 PM

Did you know there was two Taj Mahals ... yup ! One was completed and the other on the opposite side started , but not completed due to death of the Emperor!!

What about Trump's Taj Mahal in Atlantic City? "the eighth wonder if the world" that has since been torn down and replaced by a Hard Rock Cafe.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/18/21 12:50 PM
How many people does it take to make a conspiracy? How many people can keep a secret? How many people would it take to kill off the people that know that it is a conspiracy and not get caught in doing so? I could go out and make a crop circle and most likely nobody would figure out it's me, but with technology it is becoming harder to hide things. If Jesus were to die today we could do a simple DNA test to find out who got Mary pregnant. 2000 years ago things were a little simpler so people could get away with pulling the wool over some bodies eyes. If we could find the DNA of Jesus today then we would have the DNA of "God" even if this "God" happened to be Mary's crazy uncle. Basically as the story grows it changes thru time and has things added to it, often this makes the conspiracy even more complicated and perhaps more interesting.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/18/21 09:58 AM
Well said John, and that did not even include property tax, sales tax, and other things they put back into the economy. I'm not a big JFK fan but when he said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" I somehow think of people with their hands reached out for handouts saying the country owes them these handouts. If a top 1%er buys a $3million yacht that money filters back thru the economy, on the other hand if someone buys their neighbors car for $500 that just lessens the blow of what his neighbor paid for it in the first place. If a 1%er builds a $10million summer cottage that money filters down thru the economy, when somebody pays the lot rent on their trailer house a little bit goes back into property tax, but hardly enough to maintain the roads much less pay for their 4 kids to go to school. I suppose most of these people think that looting and stealing is acceptable too, basically if you are using your EBT you are not paying for your groceries, you are just walking in and taking them, free school lunches? Why would somebody be bothered by making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to send to school with their child? And it's not just about the 1%ers paying for this, it's about the hard working middle class that must not only burden their own share but also support the poor too.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/17/21 04:29 PM
The structure of the bank its self has changed, it used to be they made a lot of money loaning out money, with interest rates being so low the margins have become very tight, the banks are now making the money off credit cards and debit cards, they get a cut every time they are swiped. Housing is a very big part of the economy, for most people their house is either their biggest asset, or more often their biggest debt. When apartments are $1500 a month plus and you can buy a house for $1200 a month there is a reason why these substandard buyers are in the market. Also most loans that don't meet the 80/20 standard pay mortgage insurance which should absorb some of the losses in foreclosures. However the low interest rates have caused drastically inflated house prices. The rate inflation increases also affects how much debt to value a person has in their home. If someone is willing to buy a house and live in it their whole life they are probably sitting pretty good, however peoples need for change now days has gotten a lot of people in the refinance and flipping game. Sometimes this pays off, other times it does not.

This isn't just about the traditional banks, how can General Motors fail and need the government to bail them out? I know the answer is too much overhead, living in the past, the retirement fund itself was enough to bankrupt them as people live longer, prices of everything goes up, and they don't have the dominance in the market they once had. The 2020 bail out was not as openly talked about mostly because people were more focused on the pandemic, and money was being handed out to all sectors of the population. But is it going to become a trend that every bump in the economy requires a bailout? If interest gets any lower they will be paying people to take out loans, and some of the financial institutions are already living this. Is there a way to get back to "normal"? Will the United States lose its place in the world? So many others depend on the US so if that happens the whole world will suffer. Will China come in and take over?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/17/21 03:44 PM

What's the worst thing a male has said to anyone here just kinda curious

Had a guy message me and said he would "host", not really sure what that means but I can imagine, I'm not into that kind of thing, I'm not into guys, so it was kind of creepy.

It means he knows you're gay or into some kink and he has a place here you two can do your thing.

Well you seem to know all about this, are you usually the guest? Or do you like to host? May be next time I'm in your neck of the woods you can show me the ropes? Your such a hottie! :wink:

Sorry son but I'm not gay, just not ignorant. I wasn't saying you're gay, your msg just came from someone who for whatever reason thinks you are.
You can google this stuff you know?

Wow, that's a relief, I almost had to go thru something I didn't want to just to prove a point. I've hit on a few lesbians in my day so it was probably fair payback for that. I am secure enough in my masculinity that gay guys don't bother me as long as they don't ask to push my stool in at the bar.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/17/21 01:10 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Sat 07/17/21 01:12 PM

What's the worst thing a male has said to anyone here just kinda curious

Had a guy message me and said he would "host", not really sure what that means but I can imagine, I'm not into that kind of thing, I'm not into guys, so it was kind of creepy.

It means he knows you're gay or into some kink and he has a place here you two can do your thing.

Well you seem to know all about this, are you usually the guest? Or do you like to host? May be next time I'm in your neck of the woods you can show me the ropes? Your such a hottie! :wink:

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/17/21 10:04 AM
In 2008 the housing market bubble popped ( there was more to this like $5.00 gallon gas,but we will get to that later) The United States Federal Reserve stepped in and handed out money and restructured large financial institutions and corporations in what became know as "too big to fail"instead of letting the natural coarse of the economy take it coarse. The Feds were a big part of the housing bubble in the first place by continuing to lower interest rates and most lenders were willing to hand out more money then the house was worth because they were increasing in value so fast.

Come to 2020 and the Corona virus pandemic started to create panic in the market. Once again the Feds stepped in and bailed out financial institutions, took on debt from large corporations, and handed out trillions of dollars along with lowering interest rates in an attempt to stabilize the economy. In doing so it has taken the risk of market failure out of the question if they can step in and fix it anytime there is a problem. This means there is only an up side to investing and no risk of loss, clearly the rich are the ones that come out ahead on this one.

What are your thoughts on Wall Street and Main Street? How do they relate, and who is this helping? Should the Feds have this much control, or should they have less involvement. Is the United States "too big to fail"? The world's economy in large part does revolve around the US. But if the US is in trouble would others step in? Think about what happened in Greece and what Europe did. Are we heading to the greatest depression the world has ever seen? Or can we just keep putting a bandaid on things and growing the economy?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/17/21 07:17 AM
It's a "series" so for entertainment purposes being that it is twins they should both get 1 child. Not sure if they are identical or fraternal but I'm sure they could find a way to figure out who gets which one, maybe flip a coin? It would be interesting to find out who is the better parent because the starting point would be the same.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/17/21 07:02 AM

What's the worst thing a male has said to anyone here just kinda curious

Had a guy message me and said he would "host", not really sure what that means but I can imagine, I'm not into that kind of thing, I'm not into guys, so it was kind of creepy.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/17/21 06:11 AM

N scale vs. HO scale electric trains.

When you started talking about N's and HO's it's a good thing you mentioned electric trains cuz that could have taken a turn for the worse in a hurry.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/15/21 06:10 PM

When I first seen the word "Empath" it t seemed like a strange term, however after looking at it's root and also comparing other similar terms such as psychopath and sociopath I was able to start connecting the dots and it is all becoming much more clear now.
are you going to share your revelation lol :angel: waving

I wrote a 22 page letter about it but it's too large to post here. If you subscribe to THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE maybe you can find it there🤪 If you look on WebMD none of these things would be clinically diagnosed by a Dr. They may call them similar things, but they would not use these terms, they are more social terms so defined by peoples own judgement. There is plenty of reading people can do on the subject, but being it does not have a clinical definition it is all subject to ones own interpretation.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/15/21 05:57 PM

I'm interested in granny's is that weird or normal :thinking:

Have you tried volunteering in a nursing home? Maybe you could be a gigolo or try to get in the porn business? Then you could make money while doing what you love. The plus side is you don't have to worry about getting them knocked up. Are you planning on taking out a large insurance policy on this woman if you find one?

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/15/21 05:48 PM
Introvert, extrovert, pervert? All depends on how much alcohol you add.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 07/14/21 07:20 PM

Would now be a good time to chat about men’s health checkups biggrin tongue2 waving

Don't you know REAL MEN do not go to the Dr.
Women have that buddy system they go by, guys don't share such info with each other.
I have an exit only policy and thus far I have been able to keep my virginity back there. I'm not really sure how much they can tell by sticking a finger up there. I did however just have a new hip put in a couple weeks ago so I have cut down on my 60 hour weeks at work a bit for awhile so I have had a little more time to kill on here lately. My buddy has a shirt some guys might get a kick out of, it say " I'm no gynaecologist but I'll take a look"

dust4fun's photo
Wed 07/14/21 07:01 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Wed 07/14/21 07:04 PM
Hey Ladywind to be perfectly honest with you the shampoo and the conditioner I have used for years is called Finesse, pretty ironic isn't it! :joy: I usually use the moisturizing version, I have a lot of hair, if I could share some of it with some of the women with thinning hair I would, and it is just starting to show a little gray. I'm very blessed in the hair department.
The commercials for the shampoo used to say sometimes you got a little Finesse, sometime you got a lot!🤣

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