Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Mon 10/18/21 07:32 PM
I was socially distant b4 social distancing was a thing. Who was that who said all work n no play makes me a dull guy?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 10/09/21 08:55 AM
If the imperfection is small and I get a big enough discount on it I will always go with the bargain! As far as people imperfections make us who we are.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 10/09/21 08:48 AM

how do you like the new mingle 2 restricting us on access restricting us on how many people we talk to telling us we can only say so many things to so many people a day and if I want to do it all the time I have to pay for it this is supposed to be a free app not a pay app this app's really gone downhill

Maybe you should get a job and/or life? If you find the need to message somebody you can use Fakebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or one of the many other apps out there. Paid members can write longer messages without it stopping and the need to start a new message. But like Delight says there is always a limit, but I have never come across that limit because I have better thing to do.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 10/09/21 08:34 AM
When I go get my hair cut the gal always asks for my phone number, but she never calls me? Then I found out that slut asks everybody for their number!

dust4fun's photo
Sun 09/26/21 06:15 PM

Like others here I have never heard of this rule .. so was curious about its origin . Most indicators are it was linked to a movie in the 1990’s called “ swingers” ... A group of young men at a bar encourage a recently single mate to ask a woman for her number . He emerges successfully lol and the discussion begins on how long he should wait before calling .. the rules about calling are towards the end of the clip

And this when he attempts to call her ...

Obviously a very influential movie at the time :wink:

Seems the 3 day rule was more about calling someone you hadn’t yet dated .

Either way .. it is easy to understand the psychological barriers , self doubt and uncertainties some people endure when it comes to dating and attraction . Such barriers are often
grounded in how people internalise experiences and feelings , rather than manipulative psychological mind games . Context is important . Not everyone is confident.

What is clear to me .. if you like someone romantically it is important to be honest about feelings and intention , to show interest and work on building a connection rather than destroying it playing tactical games. Romantic interest can die in three seconds biggrin waving

The 3 day rule was definitely invented before the '90s, and when you mention "swingers" I am definitely not thinking about dating, that is generally an orgy or couple swapping. Pretty sure the 3 day rule was mentioned in "About Last Night" in the '80s, they covered it pretty well, and I knew about it from other places too, so it has been around for a long time. But remember that was when you had to go home or find a pay phone and hope they had an answering machine or picked up. It was nothing like today with cell phones and texting. It was designed so they guys did not come off as too desperate, and generally woman would not make the first, or second move. Maybe we do need to slow down and think about something's sometimes, everything is so rushed nowadays.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 09/26/21 05:53 PM
I would like to know if it was the date, or the sex that turned her off. If it was the date then that is not an issue because after that we would just be hanging out. If it was the sex, well sometimes it is a little awkward the first time so think it would only be fair to give it a few more tries before she gives up on me.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

dust4fun's photo
Thu 09/23/21 07:10 PM

A friend told me some guy came into her restaurant and was able to have a refrigerator magnet stick to his arm where he got his vaccine. Anybody else heard of anything like that. She might just be messing w/ me .

One of two types of people say that kind of thing, stupid people and people trying to be funny.

I told people my arm vibrated when I got a text after getting the vaccine, I said that in jest because of all the other absurd misinformation being spread.

"Absurd misinformation" like if you are vaccinated you can not get or spread covid? Or if everyone was vaccinated covid would not exist? Or we won't need vaccine passports?🤣 I think there is BS thrown out by both sides. There is no way to track all the people who have gotten covid, or will get covid, and where they contracted it at. The only "hard facts" are the number of people who die and have an autopsy done, and even that if there is a trace of covid in their system it is listed as the cause, but no doubt the amount of deaths are way higher then in the past. It was said early on it doesn't matter what you do people will second guess it, and there is no way to know how things would turn out on one path once another path has been taken. And shouldn't we be more concerned about Murder Hornets than covid? After all when all the bee's disappear we won't have anything to eat!

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/22/21 08:11 PM

A friend told me some guy came into her restaurant and was able to have a refrigerator magnet stick to his arm where he got his vaccine. Anybody else heard of anything like that. She might just be messing w/ me .

Pretty sure the micro chips are too small for a magnet to stick to🤣 The guy probably just has sweaty arms. There really is no iron or metal so pretty sure that is just a myth. Mostly they are glycol like antifreeze is made out of. They claim there is no lead or Mercury which was found in many of the vaccines from our childhood, and it would appear they only temporarily change our cells as they lose effectiveness over time. At this point and time it is hard to really believe anything, remember back when they told us how bad butter was and we should all eat margarine until they figured out natural is better than artificial. Or they used to encourage people to take aspirins, but that's a no no now. And now people have used so many antibiotics that they are becoming ineffective and they just are not trying to make new ones. Some countries do have a vaccine made with the virus and if we are all going to get covid anyway it would seem to me that would be a much better tried and tested route to go.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/22/21 07:50 PM

I believe when we are born we are like a smooth ping pong ball, a almost perfect sphere, I agree that sometimes there maybe imperfections when we are made, but mostly we are like a perfect sphere, this too me signifies innocence, free of damage or warping, but as time goes on we are subjected to many life events that leave their impact upon us, some events may for dents upon us, some more traumatic events may have more longer lasting effects on us, such as a crack or bump may effect how the ball travels through the air in such a same way as a life event may influence the path we take through the rest of our life. but the big takeaway I think is innocence is good but it takes life events that makes us, make us harder to predict, I have often found that people with the more life experiences are often the most interesting and understanding people rather than those who have not experienced life.

We are way more formed before we are even born than most people believe, instinct just like other animals are born with. Our brains are wired in a certain way to create much of how we turn out. Some people have much more ability to learn than others, some are programed and more likely to become addicted to something, others are born with depression or mental disabilities, not all men are created equal, there are many factors involved with the most prevalent being the genes you are born with. Siblings sometimes turn out to be complete opposites even when raised in the same surroundings due to how they were programed prior to birth. Your ping pong balls may appear to be round when you first glance at them, but if you look closer the are not as round or smooth as the appear. They are more like snow flakes and no two are a like. Humming birds are born knowing not to poop in their own nest, humans are born knowing they can get things by crying, they know where the food is and how to drink and swallow. There are many more instincts, attitudes, quirks that we are born with but never think about.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 09/19/21 06:23 PM

Well... Most conservatives are gainfully employed,
and might not have been able to score time off
while still in the busy season.

many of the demonstrators that participated in the Jan. 6 event are still in jail waiting for their day in court. More than 8 months later while antifa can burn and loot cities and have their charges dropped. That’s your liberal justice system though. What a shame.

Affirmative Action. Remember when Joe Biden passed legislation that put millions of black men in prison for low level crimes leaving black youth without father's around? Apparently people do not want to feel responsible for making that mistake again, instead they would rather see 4 officers go to prison because some black guy overdosed, so they let thousands of people riot, loot, and burn cities with out any recourse.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 09/15/21 07:38 PM
The US was worried about the cold war with Russia for decades, what happened with that? The US was in Vietnam fighting against communism and lost without a huge impact. In the late '80's into the 90's people thought Japan would own the US with all the money we were spending buying their crap, then their ecconomy took a hit. Many people said that Trump would be the end of America and possibly the world, didn't happen. So, yes there could be some changes that happen, but the end of the world as we know it? I'll believe it when I see it and by then it will be too late, however we can't get worked up at every little bump or curve in the road.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 09/12/21 04:09 PM
How many people here get a flu shot every year? They claim about 50% of the US gets a shot each year, which means about 50% do not. You can still get the flu, you can still spread the flu, if everybody got the flu vaccination there would still be the flu. The covid vaccine is similar, it lessens the symptoms of covid, but if people don't know they have covid they are more likely to spread it. The vaccines may make people safer, or a new mutation could form and things could get a lot worse in a hurry. The vaccine is generally given in 2 doses and they have taken their time to give it to children. Is this is because a single dose would be too dangerous? Or that the body needs to adapt? And after 8 months the effectiveness begans to fall and now they are talking about doing booster shots. Will everybody need 2 shots a year for the rest of time? This isn't the first Corona outbreak, the SARS outbreak in China is basically the same thing. China was very slow to respond and publicise that outbreak similar to the rest of the world to the covid outbreak. However the big difference was they were able to eliminate SARS by having testing stations and quarantines. Thus far we can plan on having covid around much like we have influenza around unless they come up with something much better then these current vaccines and this joke of wearing a mask. You understand if you touch your mask then the contaminates are now sitting right in front of where you breath and it incubates inside the mask? We have been able to for the most part do away with such things as small pox, polio, and other infections. But other things such as influenza and HIV we have only found better ways to live with them. So before people start praising the vaccine just maybe we should let things play out for awhile before we judge the importance of it?

dust4fun's photo
Sun 09/05/21 05:21 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 09/05/21 05:23 PM
The magnetic pole shifts from the North to the South over time and then back again, so next time the magnetic pole is South everybody can get new maps (and compasses) that are in that direction. Mean while I can't read the writing when it is upside down so it's easier just to get a globe and tilt it as I need.

They should just print everything from the equator up one direction, and flip everything from the equator South.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 09/03/21 05:32 PM
Sounds like you feel in love with a prostitute, she is using you, you are using her, but you need to separate business and pleasure.

It's easy to take somebody out of the ghetto, it's hard to take the ghetto out of somebody.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/22/21 05:58 AM

Lets see, if you bought one US dollars worth of bitcoin a month ago, and cashed out say, today, you would have gained- .000016, of a cent. I'd say, keep looking down, and pick up every penny you'd see laying on the street. You'd be money ahead- by a great deal.

You may want to reconsider your math, if you bought a Bitcoin at $32k a month ago and sold it today at $49k you would be up $17k minus taxes and fees, but it's like the casino, most people don't leave while they are still ahead. Buying a dollar worth of Bitcoin is like buying a dollar worth of cocaine, it ain't going to do much for you. The old-timers used to call a quarter 2 bits, that means you would get 8 bits for a dollar, or a bit would be worth 12,5 cents which is about what a Bitcoin should really be worth, but it's a pyramid scheme and they have enough people to believe in it to drive the price til the smart people pull out and move on to the next pyramid.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 08/21/21 08:47 PM
Brothels were once common, nearly every little town had one. Now illegal in most places I feel there is still plenty of prostitution going on and I feel some of those who participate are often doing so with different people. There are also many who have affairs or just get around a lot. Its all how you want to play the game, what you can afford, what you can get away with. I do see how how morals and religion have done things to make people believe they have to live a certain way when things could be done differently as long as people could agree and set limits to what is or isn't acceptable. People are also very selfish and they want to be able to do as they please, but when somebody else does something it is not acceptable. I have had ex's that wanted nothing to do with me until I start dating somebody else, then they try to hook up or get back together as a jealous control thing. Most people have had at least a few sexual partners in their life, so why not have them at the same time as long as everybody is informed?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 08/21/21 05:15 PM
If you consider being on their phones and smoking weed as a work ethic many are succeeding. If you mean showing up on time, doing a good job and trying to make things better while taking pride in what they are doing without a concern for a need to make an unrealistic amount of money for completing simple tasks then I find most people have have failed at the work ethic portion. People are very selfish and they would rather freeload then to contribute. Just because they go to college doesn't mean they are not going to live in their parents basement til they are 40. Just because somebody learns a skill does not mean they are good at it. The union has become very weak, and for the most part is just used to over pay lazy and stupid people, it is not there to reward and promote hard workers. The government runs in a very similar way. Some kids now don't even want to get a driver's license because they have become so reliable on others. They have never been allowed to go out side and run free or create their own entertainment, so unless we can come up with jobs where all they have to do is play on their phones all day we are heading in a very bad direction. You know employment is a form of slavery, and everyone has some kind of disability that keeps them from working.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 08/15/21 10:16 AM

I can't find help if my life depended on it. Then, most demand more per hour than I make in an hour. And most can't be relied to show up everyday. Some have showed up drunk, or stinking of skunk. (Marijuana) One couldn't put his phone down.I just fired him.

I've told my customers that it's just me, it will get done to your liking. It's going to take that long and not one minute less. My saving on jobs, is that they know I will give them quality.

Companies are crying for good workers. I've got standing offers to come work for them. But it's not being self employed, like I have been for the last 40+ years. I was told once, when times are tight, and jobs scarce, there is always a job for those who want to work.

I wanna work. I've always had jobs.

That should earn you customers for life ;-) When everything shakes
out hopefully people will see where true value lays.

We also cannot hire help at $20 an hour just for yardwork.

Even teenagers won't do yard work for $20 an hour anymore, and if they do I think you would be pretty disappointed in what they actually do, and how long it takes. People don't have Pride in their work, they are not willing to start at the bottom and work their way up. Everyone thinks they should get top pay even on days they don't show up, or even if they can not even complete simple tasks. It's like the Millennial population has spread to all generations. Shouldn't you get a participation award just for showing up? Or not even showing up, but just for being? It's been this way for a long time, but it's getting much worse. I've been saying for a long time you can fire half the people and double your production. If somebody F's up more than they accomplish it takes a lot of time to fix things, if somebody wants to sit and BS all day then not only do they not get anything done, but they also keep others from getting anything done. How am I supposed to get anything done if I have to hold somebody's hand all day? Most work is service based now, people feel obligated to tip waitresses because it's considered part of their wage, well I know some pretty poor excuses of waitresses that make $80k a year while the people who actually cook your food and are far more responsible for your experience most likely only make $25k to $30k a year and it's more demanding work. Government hand outs are definitely having an effect on work habit's, but it's societies attitude that has the biggest affect. People think they need the big house and nice car, that the should be able to go out to eat or get coffee whenever they want. They are not willing to work for anything anymore, while some people coming from other countries either legally or illegally are willing to work for low wages, or put it all on the line and start their own businesses because it's still better than where they came from.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 08/13/21 05:41 PM

Is it ok to flirt with girls while your married

Only if they are at least 18, otherwise that's pretty creepy.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 08/13/21 05:35 PM

Do you think there's an age at which people should accept that they'll not find a new relationship, or maybe a point at which they should settle for being single for life?

I'm thinking when a person gets more than 5 cats they are pretty much at the stage it's over.

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