Topic: Visions
no photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:45 AM
Night falls
Creeping in on padded paws
Staling away with the day light
Night creatures taking flight
Mist shrouding all
Owls eerie call
Moon rising
I am scrying
Peering into the cauldron
Looking through the confusion
Seeking answers to my questions
Candles flicker with a breeze
All is as it seems
Sage burning, scent filling th air
I push back my hair and continue to stare
Slipping in time
Leaving this plane
Her voice whispers in my mind
"What you seek is there for you
A life to begin anew
Gentle is the pace
And you will soon be in a new place"
I slip deeply into sleep
In my dreams I weep
Not with sorrow
But with joy
Day breaks
A new world awaits....

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:52 AM
aww another good one girl

LAMom's photo
Sun 01/21/07 12:56 AM
Again Simply Beautiful :)

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sun 01/21/07 01:06 AM
Good work sissy ((((((((((hugs))))))))))

venusrose's photo
Sun 01/21/07 10:39 AM
I have a visual of a fairy spirit guide sprinkling fairy dust over you
as you sleep. I loved this one!

michael1313's photo
Sun 01/21/07 11:07 AM
now I'm seeing be th dust!!!

michael1313's photo
Sun 01/21/07 11:08 AM

good work CCP...

karmafury's photo
Sun 01/21/07 11:16 AM
Love it Poet.