Topic: Keeper Of The Sun
SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:41 PM
From stormy skies the sun emerges
Once shrouded in darkness a hateful heart sings
It is because the dragon of grief has begun to die
Happiness has poisoned the beast
Rays of hope slowly suffocate despair
As each breath from it grows weaker
The horizon glows a little brighter
Trapped in a tower of hopeless fears no longer
A smile is slowly restored
Out from under the shadows a young forgotten soul climbs
As she did so the sky began to cry
Harder and harder drops fell
Not rain...
A brave knight defeated her enemy
He blesses her with the sun each and every day
The scars that once decorated her heart are barely noticeable now
Her nemesis has died
For love and trust
Are far more mighty than any sword
He blesses her with the sun
And hope pours down around her
Each and every day

BrooklineBaby's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:49 PM
Beautiful.........what an incredible poem for the healing of the heart............Excellent write........brokenheart :heart:

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sat 08/09/08 05:54 PM
Thanks :smile:

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 08/09/08 06:43 PM
nice onebigsmile