Topic: Philosophy and Science and why we cant . . .
Jess642's photo
Sat 11/08/08 01:53 PM
Calligraphy is the scribbling of grown ups.


Real or imagined.

SkyHook5652's photo
Sat 11/08/08 02:07 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Sat 11/08/08 02:10 PM
The bottom line is we decide what is real and what is not.
Yes, that is true.

I would only add that there is "my reality" and there is "your reality" and that there are things that are "real" to me which are not "real" to you, and vice versa.

In saying "agreement as reality", I am only trying to differentiate between a "personal reality" and a "common reality".

When I use the unqualified term "reality", I mean the "common reality" or "that which we agree on".

And yes, the idea of "more real" or "less real" is entirely dependent upon the amount of agreement as measured by the number of people who agree.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 11/08/08 03:10 PM
The bottom line is we decide what is real and what is not.

This is bull****, and easily disproven with a normal second grader's intellect.

Pardon my direct approach, but I feel a little less inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to ignorance right now, especially when it seems to be more and more blatent. This comment and it's implications are extremely damaging to society's ability to grow towards positive things.

I will be starting a new thread soon on the topic of truth and the underlying implications of both intentional and unintentional falsehoods being claimed as truth(knowledge).

Feel free to join, but do not expect this author to be as complacent as he usually is.


splendidlife's photo
Sat 11/08/08 03:32 PM

As soon as there is an acceptable definition for the thread participants as to what constitutes knowledge let me know.


Hi Michael... I am reading one of the Toltec books at the moment, and I like the author's version of knowledge...

(it's all lies we made up, to feel important).



Isn't it amazing how each and every one of us thinks we need to feel important?

I catch myself doing that!

It's hilarious, and like the naughty child ole ego is, it gets a scolding...and sent to it's room.


I'd send mine to the dungeon, but he'd like that too much.

no photo
Sat 11/08/08 03:57 PM

1. pleased, esp. with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied: The voters are too complacent to change the government.

2. pleasant; complaisant.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 11/08/08 04:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 11/08/08 04:17 PM

The bottom line is we decide what is real and what is not.

This is bull****, and easily disproven with a normal second grader's intellect.

Since this was my initial statement, go ahead Creative and use a normal second graders intellect to disprove it. I'm all ears.

On second thought, I don't think you can even prove it with your intellect. But you can start with a second graders intellect if you want.

laugh laugh laugh

SkyHook5652's photo
Sat 11/08/08 04:24 PM
The bottom line is we decide what is real and what is not.
This is bull****
So you've decided that reality is not what you decide? huh laugh

no photo
Sat 11/08/08 04:38 PM

The bottom line is we decide what is real and what is not.
This is bull****
So you've decided that reality is not what you decide? huh laugh

rofl rofl rofl

I wonder what it is then... ? huh

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:05 PM

I will be starting a new thread soon on the topic of truth and the underlying implications of both intentional and unintentional falsehoods being claimed as truth(knowledge).

Feel free to join, but do not expect this author to be as complacent as he usually is.


What's this Creative?

You're going to start a thread on who's shìt smells good and who’s doesn't?

Isn't that a bit subjective already?

Biblionians think their shìt smells great.

Pantheists think the shìt's blowing in the wind.

Atheists think there isn't any shìt.

The witches just use shìt to do shìt with and keep their shìt to themselves.

Jess Lee just does shìt by the sea.

Jeanniebean doesn't give a shìt.

Billy has scientific proof for his shìt.

Skyhook just offers shìt as food for thought.

So now you think you’re the only one who’s got a handle on true shìt?

Good luck with that thread. drinker

s1owhand's photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:07 PM
on the significance of individual reality:

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche

no photo
Sat 11/08/08 05:12 PM

I will be starting a new thread soon on the topic of truth and the underlying implications of both intentional and unintentional falsehoods being claimed as truth(knowledge).

Feel free to join, but do not expect this author to be as complacent as he usually is.


What's this Creative?

You're going to start a thread on who's shìt smells good and who’s doesn't?

Isn't that a bit subjective already?

Biblionians think their shìt smells great.

Pantheists think the shìt's blowing in the wind.

Atheists think there isn't any shìt.

The witches just use shìt to do shìt with and keep their shìt to themselves.

Jess Lee just does shìt by the sea.

Jeanniebean doesn't give a shìt.

Billy has scientific proof for his shìt.

Skyhook just offers shìt as food for thought.

So now you think you’re the only one who’s got a handle on true shìt?

Good luck with that thread. drinker

laugh :tongue:

I can hardly wait. drool drinks :banana:

creativesoul's photo
Sat 11/08/08 06:05 PM
The bottom line is we decide what is real and what is not.

This very naively and ignorantly claims that our decision(s)s regarding observation(s) determine what is real.

The bottom line...

Ultimately, what I am saying is... we decide... we determine...

...what is real and what is not.

...actual reality and what is imagined as such.

To the second grader, I would then ask...

"Johnny", have you ever accidentally poked yourself with a sharp object?

He answers...

"Yes, and it hurt and made me bleed. Thank goodness my Mom had a bandaid. She cleaned it and fixed it for me..."

For you JB, Abra, and whomever else holds the view that we can and do create(decide) our own reality...

Is that a real sensation that he feels? Most everyone calls that sensation "pain", which happens to exist completely independent of what you think and/or decide.

Perhaps those of you who believe otherwise should attempt to explain the notion to "Johnny". I am sure that he would love to be able to "decide" his pain away...


That is just one very small aspect of what is real, regarding physical sensation,and it has nothing to do with what anyone thinks is real.

On a slightly higher level of understanding...

Human thought depends upon the truth that actuality (actual reality) is completely independent of the human observer, for if it were not there would have been nothing to observe when humans came into existence.

Truth is a wonderful thing. be continued


tribo's photo
Sat 11/08/08 06:12 PM

The bottom line is we decide what is real and what is not.

This very naively and ignorantly claims that our decision(s)s regarding observation(s) determine what is real.

The bottom line...

Ultimately, what I am saying is... we decide... we determine...

...what is real and what is not.

...actual reality and what is imagined as such.

To the second grader, I would then ask...

"Johnny", have you ever accidentally poked yourself with a sharp object?

He answers...

"Yes, and it hurt and made me bleed. Thank goodness my Mom had a bandaid. She cleaned it and fixed it for me..."

For you JB, Abra, and whomever else holds the view that we can and do create(decide) our own reality...

Is that a real sensation that he feels? Most everyone calls that sensation "pain", which happens to exist completely independent of what you think and/or decide.

Perhaps those of you who believe otherwise should attempt to explain the notion to "Johnny". I am sure that he would love to be able to "decide" his pain away...


That is just one very small aspect of what is real, regarding physical sensation,and it has nothing to do with what anyone thinks is real.

On a slightly higher level of understanding...

Human thought depends upon the truth that actuality (actual reality) is completely independent of the human observer, for if it were not there would have been nothing to observe when humans came into existence.

Truth is a wonderful thing. be continued


so are comma's or other seperating language features.

for if it were not - , _ > there would have been

no photo
Sat 11/08/08 07:05 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 11/08/08 07:20 PM

...Creative wrote....

Human thought depends upon the truth that actuality (actual reality) is completely independent of the human observer, for if it were not there would have been nothing to observe when humans came into existence.

Truth is a wonderful thing. be continued


To be continued?

I hope so, because I am still waiting for proof.

I don't think we will get too far with this line of thinking though because when I speak in terms of "the observer" I am not especially referring to "the human observer."

And of course I would have to assume the premise that this illusion you call reality is "real" (and I'm not entirely convinced it is, although it is remarkably realistic.) Yet I suspect it is a dream-like holographic construct of some sort.

My philosophy begins with the premise that the "observer" is the one who manifests and inhabits some sort of physical body in this physical reality. It is not the physical body itself.

(Concerning the little boy, I am sure he "decided" that the pain was "real." It was real to him. He has the right and the will to make that decision.

The human body, is designed to detect pleasure and pain for the benefit of the observer who inhabits it.

Pain and pleasure is felt through the mechanism of the nerves and electrical impulses which are sent to the brain. These messages can be interpreted as pleasure or pain. He decided what he felt was pain.

A good hypnotist could have convinced him to decide otherwise. Its all in the mind.

Yes it seems extremely "real." Yes many people will make the decision that it is "real." I would never argue otherwise, but it is still a decision.

It is certainly real to them.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/08/08 07:28 PM
I don't think we will get too far with this line of thinking though because when I speak in terms of "the observer" I am not especially referring to "the human observer."


I believe in spirit. bigsmile

So I see no value in human-centric arguments.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 11/08/08 07:58 PM
From Mahjonng Magic. "Done well, Young One! Remember forever, only two kinds of men are good...buried and unborn."

creativesoul's photo
Sat 11/08/08 09:43 PM
To be continued?

I hope so, because I am still waiting for proof.

This coming from a source which cannot and has not ever provided that which she asks for. What do you call one who preaches of that which they do not practice?


The proof is evident in what I have already written. Lest one be able to sift through the self-contained bull**** within their own mind, the reality would be known. The existence of believed falsehoods skews perspective, thereby impairing one's ability to accurately assess value to that which is undeniable to any reasonable person.

Red herrings keep truth away as much as dogs...

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 11/08/08 11:45 PM
One family builds a wall. Two families enjoy it.

no photo
Sun 11/09/08 12:17 AM
Jeannie wrote....

"....(Concerning the little boy, I am sure he "decided" that the pain was "real." It was real to him. He has the right and the will to make that decision......."


Let's just say that a 5 year old boy is crossing the street....and an approaching car doesn't see the child...and the car not ony hits the child ... but rolls over the child and crushes his body.

Is this child lying in the street with a crushed body.....also deciding if the pain is real to him ...
Or not?

SkyHook5652's photo
Sun 11/09/08 12:51 AM
To the second grader, I would then ask...

"Johnny", have you ever accidentally poked yourself with a sharp object?

He answers...

"Yes, and it hurt and made me bleed. Thank goodness my Mom had a bandaid. She cleaned it and fixed it for me..."

For you JB, Abra, and whomever else holds the view that we can and do create(decide) our own reality...

Is that a real sensation that he feels? Most everyone calls that sensation "pain", which happens to exist completely independent of what you think and/or decide.

Perhaps those of you who believe otherwise should attempt to explain the notion to "Johnny". I am sure that he would love to be able to "decide" his pain away...


That is just one very small aspect of what is real, regarding physical sensation,and it has nothing to do with what anyone thinks is real.

On a slightly higher level of understanding...

Human thought depends upon the truth that actuality (actual reality) is completely independent of the human observer, for if it were not there would have been nothing to observe when humans came into existence.

Truth is a wonderful thing. be continued


Is it ok if I use some pre-school level logic to refute?

Johnny isn't real.