Topic: Geo. Bush and the Magic Shoes
Winx's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:12 AM

if we threw our shoes or anything at the president then we would be in jail asap.
This guy should be put there as well.

I was wondering why nothing more was done about it too.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:17 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 12/15/08 09:17 AM

Early reports are that the Journo with the wing tip fast ball was drug from the room and beaten pretty badly by Iraq security forces. The people of Iraq however are treating the Journo like a hero. Hmmm... catching a beating for freedom of speech, yeah, thats sounds like the New American version of the First Amendment.

Is the reporter dead? his family dead? ...Is he receiving fame and applause from the Iraq people...yes

if he threw a show at Saddam....

Would he be dead?....yes.....would his family be dead?.... possibly and definitely dishonored.... Would he be receiving applause from the Iraq people?.....No....they either wouldn't hear about it or they would hear how he tried to kill Saddam...the glorious Iraq leader. The man has freedom now he didn't have before the war. It's not the same level as American.....but it's more much more than he had before.

Well since we help create Saddam we all should be held responsible for his crimes...All those years we supported him do you think he was just a gentle leader? Ever figured out where he got the chemical and biological technology? HMMMM

Winx's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:26 AM

If you haven't noticed, it's real difficult to get those blinded by partisan propaganda to put themselves in anyone else's "shoes".

No pun intended, right?laugh

I'm not properly licensed by our federal government to partake in the use of puns as it pertains to free speech... sorry just practicing!

I say, would I be the type of fellow to use puns in my critique?

Naw...not in the critique. But..maybe in the posts.laugh

I didn't like what Bush said about not people using all 5 fingers. And he said it to people in another country with a culture different from ours.

Bush sure ducked fast.

His security people didn't move fast though. That's not good.

I'm also surprised Bush saw that one coming.

I wonder what would have happened if he didn't duck? ohwell

We know that he didn't hit the books in college. Was in into sports? lol



Winx's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:27 AM

Early reports are that the Journo with the wing tip fast ball was drug from the room and beaten pretty badly by Iraq security forces. The people of Iraq however are treating the Journo like a hero. Hmmm... catching a beating for freedom of speech, yeah, thats sounds like the New American version of the First Amendment.

Maybe in the posts... you could be onto something there. Are you trying to catch me slipping, Gumshoe?

Bush did move quick, I'll give him that, too bad he didn't show those kinds of reflexs when he was reading My Pet Goat.

I agree with the security statement: Imagine it was a grenade...

Catch you slipping? Rats, you're onto me now.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:30 AM

Well since we help create Saddam we all should be held responsible for his crimes...All those years we supported him do you think he was just a gentle leader? Ever figured out where he got the chemical and biological technology? HMMMM

Is the reporter better off now then before the war?....unless he was a Batheist then the answer is probably yes he is. Because someone does wrong in the past doesn't preclude them from doing right in the future. Past American presidents supported Saddam for reasons they felt were justified.... maybe they were right or maybe wrong...we don't know all the inside information the Presidents know.....However removing Saddam was clearly a good thing for the majority of the Iraq people.

warmachine's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:36 AM

Early reports are that the Journo with the wing tip fast ball was drug from the room and beaten pretty badly by Iraq security forces. The people of Iraq however are treating the Journo like a hero. Hmmm... catching a beating for freedom of speech, yeah, thats sounds like the New American version of the First Amendment.

Maybe in the posts... you could be onto something there. Are you trying to catch me slipping, Gumshoe?

Bush did move quick, I'll give him that, too bad he didn't show those kinds of reflexs when he was reading My Pet Goat.

I agree with the security statement: Imagine it was a grenade...

Catch you slipping? Rats, you're onto me now.

I'm all over you like shoes on socks!

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:42 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 12/15/08 09:45 AM

Well since we help create Saddam we all should be held responsible for his crimes...All those years we supported him do you think he was just a gentle leader? Ever figured out where he got the chemical and biological technology? HMMMM

Is the reporter better off now then before the war?....unless he was a Batheist then the answer is probably yes he is. Because someone does wrong in the past doesn't preclude them from doing right in the future. Past American presidents supported Saddam for reasons they felt were justified.... maybe they were right or maybe wrong...we don't know all the inside information the Presidents know.....However removing Saddam was clearly a good thing for the majority of the Iraq people.
We will see if we ever get out of Iraq..Could it be we wanted another front on Iran. I mean it really wasn't much of a war with Saddams army, considering we destroyed much of it the first time. As far as the insurgents, think what would happen if we were invaded and our arm forces defeated. We probably have one of the best armed civilian societys in the world..

warmachine's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:45 AM

Well since we help create Saddam we all should be held responsible for his crimes...All those years we supported him do you think he was just a gentle leader? Ever figured out where he got the chemical and biological technology? HMMMM

Is the reporter better off now then before the war?....unless he was a Batheist then the answer is probably yes he is. Because someone does wrong in the past doesn't preclude them from doing right in the future. Past American presidents supported Saddam for reasons they felt were justified.... maybe they were right or maybe wrong...we don't know all the inside information the Presidents know.....However removing Saddam was clearly a good thing for the majority of the Iraq people.

Better off than he was before? Utilities are a joke, Blackwater is still roaming the streets, Hospitals are piecemeal, Schooling is toast, the libraries, museums and other cultural resources were looted and burned down. Who's better off?

It is very likely no matter what we do, the minute we leave, there is going to be religious violence, not to mention the millions of refugees that might come home to overload a already broken social services system.

Who's better off? Saddams death toll isn't in Bush's and Saddam had decades to do it.
As far as it being another president, just look at the names involved: Rumesfeld, Bush, Cheney... whats different about that, just Reagan and who knows how much of it was him, Ole Captain Alzheimer running the country.

Saddam, for all his faults, had that country under secular control. The surge has been nothing more than sticking fingers in the cracks of the proverbial dam, what happens when all the fingers come out of the failing concrete?

Riddle me this: Who next? Who's the next dictator that WE created that we are now going to have to go dispose of?

warmachine's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:47 AM

Well since we help create Saddam we all should be held responsible for his crimes...All those years we supported him do you think he was just a gentle leader? Ever figured out where he got the chemical and biological technology? HMMMM

Is the reporter better off now then before the war?....unless he was a Batheist then the answer is probably yes he is. Because someone does wrong in the past doesn't preclude them from doing right in the future. Past American presidents supported Saddam for reasons they felt were justified.... maybe they were right or maybe wrong...we don't know all the inside information the Presidents know.....However removing Saddam was clearly a good thing for the majority of the Iraq people.
We will see if we ever get out of Iraq..Could it be we wanted another front on Iran. I mean it really wasn't much of a war with Saddams army, considering we destroyed much of it the first time. As far as the insurgents, think what would happen if we were invaded and our arm forces defeated. We probably have one of the best armed civilian societys in the world..

We created that insurgency. By disbanding the entire Iraqi military, we made a whole lot of heavily armed Iraqi males unemployed. Unable to feed their kids, their families. Just wait, that same kind of violent desperation could be headed to our backyard.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:51 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 12/15/08 09:54 AM

Well since we help create Saddam we all should be held responsible for his crimes...All those years we supported him do you think he was just a gentle leader? Ever figured out where he got the chemical and biological technology? HMMMM

Is the reporter better off now then before the war?....unless he was a Batheist then the answer is probably yes he is. Because someone does wrong in the past doesn't preclude them from doing right in the future. Past American presidents supported Saddam for reasons they felt were justified.... maybe they were right or maybe wrong...we don't know all the inside information the Presidents know.....However removing Saddam was clearly a good thing for the majority of the Iraq people.
We will see if we ever get out of Iraq..Could it be we wanted another front on Iran. I mean it really wasn't much of a war with Saddams army, considering we destroyed much of it the first time. As far as the insurgents, think what would happen if we were invaded and our arm forces defeated. We probably have one of the best armed civilian societys in the world..

We created that insurgency. By disbanding the entire Iraqi military, we made a whole lot of heavily armed Iraqi males unemployed. Unable to feed their kids, their families. Just wait, that same kind of violent desperation could be headed to our backyard.
Yes we did and we left all those arms unsecured for all to take. We wanted to get to Baghdad so bad!! We have no one to blame but ourselves..

warmachine's photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:53 AM
Now we have to decide wheter that was done on purpose or just another thing in a long line of "F" ups? Can any one group screw up that much, that often, that collosally? I tend to lean towards the did it on purpose side of things. No one is that stupid, but people are that evil.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 09:56 AM

Now we have to decide wheter that was done on purpose or just another thing in a long line of "F" ups? Can any one group screw up that much, that often, that collosally? I tend to lean towards the did it on purpose side of things. No one is that stupid, but people are that evil.
drinker You sure got that right. I dont think McCain's 100 yr commitment was a slip. I think that was the plan..

warmachine's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:07 AM

Now we have to decide wheter that was done on purpose or just another thing in a long line of "F" ups? Can any one group screw up that much, that often, that collosally? I tend to lean towards the did it on purpose side of things. No one is that stupid, but people are that evil.
drinker You sure got that right. I dont think McCain's 100 yr commitment was a slip. I think that was the plan..


SVImager's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:22 AM

...and they wonder why no one reads the trash tabloid news anymore. Come January the adults will have left the building while the inmates take over.

It should be fun watching the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Two years folks! laugh

The Adults???!!!!

My 8 year old daughter could have made the same invasion order and not even seriously considered the consequences of that decision.

An Adult don't laugh when a reporter just told, you have killed most prisoners on death role.

An Adult can surround himself with dissenters like Obama, instead of ONLY Loyal Party Member "Yes" Men.

SVImager's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:30 AM

Throwing shoes for insults is one strange custom to me.laugh

This is a culture of throwing stones at shameful people.

Maybe it all started with, looking down for a stone.. crap no stone... maybe a stick... DOH!!! no stick... I need to throw something at that azh0@#... (while still looking down) oh wait my sandals, uh dam that cost me one month pay, but it is worth it to see him get the "Boot to the Head".

SVImager's photo
Mon 12/15/08 10:35 AM
Edited by SVImager on Mon 12/15/08 10:36 AM

Tabloid trash eh?

So a reporter expresses his moral outrage at Bush and that's tabloid trash?

By the way this reporter is a citizen of Iraq who has covered the invasion and who has lost several family members in the war.

Throwing a shoe or the showing of feet is a symbolic insult as the feet are considered the dirtiest part of ones body.

If your country were invaded and your family killed and you expressed your moral outrage would you call that protest tabloid trash?

Oh NO... we are there to save them... The people of Iraq loves us... at 11 Billion Dollars a month Tax Free money, they have to love us. One child or two is cheap for the price of Freedom. Throw in a mother in law and maybe brother in law, it is a bargain.

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:08 PM
We had an intense wind storm here the other night, scared the crap out of me. I had been through two bad hurricanes and never got that out of my head. It messed with my pets heads for years.

I thought about all those involved and affected by the Iraq war, our guys and gals, and the people of Iraq, and how it must feel to have to duck and cover many times a day, never knowing what member of your family will die or be permanently mutilated next, and living in the chaos of war and all that entails.

Bush ducked a shoe? Big Whoop I thought, for all the pain he has caused on both sides of the world, he got off easy in my book. And all he can muster after it, is focused on his bruised ego and assuming the guy wanted attention? Never even considering what the man might have experienced, that Bush never had to.....

We Americans are too often completely unaware of our own actions through out history and the consequences of our actions which contributed to our current problems and past problems...

no photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:17 PM
Common guys, just think about it-

Bush knows how to duck -

He has been hunting with the VP !!!

elwoodsully's photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:26 PM
Story title we did not see:

Shoeless aims at Clueless.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 12/15/08 01:51 PM

This is a riot. A news reporter throws his shoes at Bush

It was in Iraq.... imagine if he threw a shoe at Saddam Hussein....the reporter would be dead now and probably so would his family. So .... the reporter was very disrespectful to the man who is responsible for giving him his freedom of free speech and freedom of shoe throwing...

How condescending.We caused the mess over there from the 1950's on so let's stop painting Bush as the Great White Father shall we?