Topic: S.O.S. Cystic acne HELP!!!!
nObOdys_wiFe_JM's photo
Thu 07/28/11 04:06 PM
Can anyone tell me how to cure cystic acne? And does accutane or also known as isotretinion works for cystic acne?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/28/11 04:37 PM
Pretty much everything they ever gave me didn't really work on mine. Antibiotics were the best but they would only work until my body got immune.

I discovered the more I irritated my skin the more break outs I would get and the worse they would be so I stopped using all those harsh cleaners and stuff. I use Zest soap and no perfume soaps or skin conditioners. I go light on the moisturizer and skin lotions just once in a while when my skin is extremely dry.

For spots other than the face I am vigilant about getting a bandaid with neosporin on the tiny bumps before they get irritated and become larger.

Proactive works but if you use it too often it will irritate the skin and make it worse. Not everyday. I can't follow the instruction because that is too much for my skin. Nystatin works also in the places that get sweaty but again not so much that it irritates the skin.

Drinking lots of water helps and taking vitamin E supplements also will help some.

I don't really get them on my face anymore but I completely stopped using foundation and rarely use blush to stop the break outs. I rarely get them nowadays at all. But I do use the nystatin still as a prevention method.

Hope that helps. I know how bothersome it can be.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 04:47 PM
well i saw something awhile ago use fresh banana peels(the inside)
as a cleanser.only use peel once leave on for 10 min or might want to eat the inside too. lol. then use 50% witch hazel 50% hydrogen peroxide.before bed and to clean face a couple times a day.try to eat healthy more water less fatty foods.and change your pillowcase can also remove oil by placing a small mirror or piece of glass in the freezer.take out place on skin for around 5 should make the oil solidify.then remove repeat,when glass is oily wash with soap freeze repeat. if this dont work ask a doc.

pennyg281's photo
Thu 07/28/11 07:19 PM
Dairy products have been linked to acne. Google it. hope it helps.:)

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 07/29/11 02:39 PM

First of all there is no one thing or a magic bullet to dealing with this condition. The above soap is the one thing I have recommended and managed to reverse the problem in teenagers. I used it to deal with a persistent pimple problem I WAS having and this managed to cut it down to next to nothing. The problem with your condition is that it is a deeper infection than conventional acne and it makes eliminating it harder.

First and foremost get a prescription from a doctor for Antibiotics. You will need to do a ten day course. This is to kill the infection that is actually doing the damage.

While on Antibiotics wash with the soap I prescribed and use the lotion on the red areas and pimples. This soap actually likewise kills infection and also kills FUNGAL INFECTIONS which are secondary and inflame the pimples even more.


If you pop any pimples make sure to wash them with the soap I listed and then cover them with Neosporin. The thing is more serious pimples need to be irrigated (lanced with a pin and drained) A soft washcloth will remove most blackheads after a proper skin cleansing.

While you are doing this stay away from Alcohols or astringents! they dry skin, dryness will aggravate the problem. Also use an OILLESS SKIN MOISTURIZER and don't use cheap stuff! It doesn't have to be high end. It just has to be quality. There are a wide variety of products available so you do got your choice.

Also food allergies can likewise be a part of this problem. Cut down on greasy and oily foods! Fatty foods also are problematic. Peanut oil is something that people can harbor a mild allergy to. make sure you don't have any allergies that could contribute. If this came on suddenly then an Allergy is out of the question. If it has been persistent over the years then this is a possible component to your problem.

Heck, if your kid came home with Scabies Sulfur Soap IS the best way to kill the mite! The thing is though you have a battle on your hands that it will take at least two weeks before you see the sores, pimples, and red marks begin to shrink. I have had people I recommended this treatment to say they seen results in as little as three days with total healing taking about three months.

Also when using the soap use HOT water. Not Scalding hot but hot none the less. It is to open your pores and give your skin a chance to dislodge blackheads. You can rinse with cool water. Always use a fresh face cloth too. You don't want to have the bug become resistant to the treatment. Also you want to eliminate any possible reinfections.

This is the RIGHT way to deal with Acne!

I an odd side not some people have sworn that dampening your face with Apple Cider Vinegar as an astringent as part of the cleaning regiment helps a lot. I personally have used it for wart removal and it took about three nightly passes of wearing a band-aid on my hand soaked in ACV but it came off. The thing is ACV is a powerful vinegar acid. If it dries your skin too much it is a problem. I can see how this could help but I would reserve its use as a desperation measure. If you have callouses ACV will get rid of them. It is one of the strongest natural callous removers I have ever seen! USE CAREFULLY! There is a lot of information on the internet pertaining to the use of Cider Vinegar and Bragg is the one most recommended because it has something in it called "the Mother." Read up on it.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 07/29/11 06:29 PM

Neat, Sir AndyB. Im gonna try that acv on my callouses. That looks gonna say calluses?

There are two accepted ways of using ACV on callouses, one is to soak your hand in it for about 20 minuets each day if you are trying to get at all callouses on your hands. Same for feet. Now the other way is to take a bandage or tape or anything that will resist the avc, and put say a bandage with a cotton ball soaked in ACV under it and leave that over night. The callous will soften and eventually peel away. Word of caution though, straight ACV can cause burns and also can cause a burning sensation. Cover areas not affected by callous with Vaseline to protect softer more sensitive tissue.

nObOdys_wiFe_JM's photo
Sat 07/30/11 12:18 PM
I've been talking accutane"isotretinion" for a month now I think, twice a day and so far it helps. I didn't actually consult a derma before I use it hehe... But thank GOD it helps anyway but still there's still lil bumps but not like cystic acne.

Before I use accutane, I also did some home remedies such as smash cucumber for toner and dry ice. I eat vegies and avoid dairy as well. Drink lots of water really helps. Ad I also take antibiotics like AMOXICILLINE 3times a day but it really doesn't work all atleast I gave it a try right? :smile:

P.S. here in china is very hard to find the trusted product for acne. Before I use those meds, I need to translate it first to chinese so I can show it to a local pharmacy.

nObOdys_wiFe_JM's photo
Sat 07/30/11 12:55 PM
Edited by nObOdys_wiFe_JM on Sat 07/30/11 12:59 PM

I've been talking accutane"isotretinion" for a month now I think, twice a day and so far it helps. I didn't actually consult a derma before I use it hehe... But thank GOD it helps anyway but still there's still lil bumps but not like cystic acne.

Before I use accutane, I also did some home remedies such as smash cucumber for toner and dry ice. I eat vegies and avoid dairy as well. Drink lots of water really helps. Ad I also take antibiotics like AMOXICILLINE 3times a day but it really doesn't work all atleast I gave it a try right? :smile:

P.S. here in china is very hard to find the trusted product for acne. Before I use those meds, I need to translate it first to chinese so I can show it to a local pharmacy.

My sister has almost always had those tiny bumps. I always figured they were acne but now Idunno. they never turn red or black or get big but there is a great coverage of her skin that appears bumpy. tiny tiny bumps. She also gets really dark circles under her eyes whether she's well rested or not. She also has a brownish hue to her skin (not a nice tan type brown). She has more wrinkles than me and Im older. She's tried everything. no relief.

If anyone has any tips for that, I'd be excited to pass it on.

Does she consult a derma already? And does the bumps has head on top of it? try to look at this link and figure which is her's :

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 07/30/11 04:14 PM
There is a difference in tiny bumps. First of all when squeezed do they produce a small waxy pellet? If so then the issue is dietary. Cut back on oils, fats, and grease! many times these bumps when you drag a finger nail over them will have a 'feel' like something is in your skin and sometimes the core comes right out.

If it produces puss or nothing at all there is a distinct chance you are having an allergic reaction to something. Mold in the walls of a house can cause this too. Pollutants can cause this condition too like living too close to a refinery or factory. I would say if this is the case move for your long term benefit.

Another possible vector is parasitic. Scabies mites are insidious and notoriously hard to kill. Most Sulfur soap with a concentration of 10% sulfur WILL KILL THEM DEAD IN THREE PASSES! Follow up in two weeks with another three day course. ANY doctor with a hand held microscope can see them in your skin if this is the case.

The last possibility is a fungal infection. If you get red rings, patches of red with the hives that never go away no matter what you do, the skin in the affected area seems shiny or unusually dull and coarse again the sulfur soap is the answer. In more extreme cases an expensive oral anti fungal is called for. Now on a side note with Fungal infections, there is a possible answer but it takes a two step approach. One is to wash with Sulfur Soap. The other is to take 400mg twice a day of Berberine Sulfate. This is a naturally occurring substance in grapefruit seeds, grape seeds, and other vegetable sources. Berberine has been proven to actually kill most fungus infections but in itself it doesn't seem to really be what does it. It appears to make fungal infections susceptible to treatment. It is generally used in conjunction with another Anti-Fungal drug but alone in mild infections with a topical treatment it appears to do the job just the same. You will have to take it for 1 month to six weeks though for total results. it appears to be safe with no odd interactions with other medications but there are some precautions offered for its use. Please do some homework before using this or any other medication. Berberine Sulfate can be found at health food stores!

Now for the Antibiotic you chose. Amoxicillin is the WRONG ONE! it is in the family of Penicillin and is not the right one to affect the bacteria responsible for Acne. You need to take Doxycyclene unless you have it real bad then you would use Cyprofloxin! Both are taken for ten days only generally twice a day with an initial first dose of 500MG followed by the other doses being 250mg a day for most adults. DO NOT USE CYPROFLOXIN UNLESS DOXYCYCLENE DOES NOT DO THE JOB! In the event the infection is really persistent also take the Antibiotic Erythromiasin WITH the Doxycyclene. They do work as a stacked dosage. The problem is not all antibiotics affect all bacteria. Some strains formerly susceptible to antibiotics have become immune. In some cases a stacked antibiotic regiment is what it takes to do the job because alone both are a waste of time.