Kleisto's photo
Thu 11/17/11 02:11 AM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.

Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do.

My problem is the lies it spreads about God and the fear it spreads. That's what my problem is with it, it is a symbol of many things wrong with the world. Far too often, good people fall into it, and it is my job to protect them.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 11/17/11 02:13 AM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.

Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do.
actually it states The Prick,or The Goad!
But in that case the Religionists ought to hurry and abandon their Claim that they represent Free Will!

Oh and don't get me started on free will. You cannot have free will and have it be limited at the same time. Saying obey me or die is free will as much a rapist telling their victim do as I say or I'll kill you is. That is to say it isn't.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/17/11 02:27 AM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.

Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do.
actually it states The Prick,or The Goad!
But in that case the Religionists ought to hurry and abandon their Claim that they represent Free Will!

Oh and don't get me started on free will. You cannot have free will and have it be limited at the same time. Saying obey me or die is free will as much a rapist telling their victim do as I say or I'll kill you is. That is to say it isn't.
That's the Contradiction Religion hopes you will never discover!laugh

joy4gud's photo
Thu 11/17/11 10:06 AM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.

Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do.

My problem is the lies it spreads about God and the fear it spreads. That's what my problem is with it, it is a symbol of many things wrong with the world. Far too often, good people fall into it, and it is my job to protect them.

and how many have you been able to "protect" according to you?
Christianity has been for generations, no man can stop it, or "protect" anybody against it,
it will grow stonger!!!

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 11/17/11 11:05 AM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.

Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do.
actually it states The Prick,or The Goad!
But in that case the Religionists ought to hurry and abandon their Claim that they represent Free Will!

Oh and don't get me started on free will. You cannot have free will and have it be limited at the same time. Saying obey me or die is free will as much a rapist telling their victim do as I say or I'll kill you is. That is to say it isn't.
That's the Contradiction Religion hopes you will never discover!laugh

There's no contradiction there. We do all have free will. We have the ability to do what we wish, go where we want when we want to, ect. All free will means is,that you have a choice. Not a choice in the outcome of your action, but a choice of your action. You have the freedom to choose what will you wish to take.

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/17/11 11:12 AM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/17/11 11:16 AM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.

Adam, what is your problem with the church? The Bible says it is hard to kick against the brick, beside you are way too young for that; it's enough that you don't believe, pls don't judge those that do.

I do appreciate you havin my back Joy, but no worries.flowerforyou

I have a mind of my own, and God in my life and mind. So no one is going to sway me in any direction, that I dont sway to on my own, or by Gods choice. Simple as that!

Be blessed.:angel:

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/17/11 11:19 AM
Far too often, good people fall into it, and it is my job to protect them.

You know I love you Adam,

but with all due respect....

"Good luck with that!".

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 11/17/11 12:10 PM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

Has the Great falling away happened yet?

2 Thess 2:3-4
3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

Maybe 2012 is the start of the Great falling away when they say..

2 Peter 3:1-13

Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Master and Savior, 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, "Where is the PROMICE of HIS COMING? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of unholy men.

8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with Yahweh one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 Yahweh is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


But the day of Yahweh will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and holiness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of Elohim, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

The Rapturists. are they part of the reason people will say " Where is the promice of his coming"

many chr-stian leaders are using 2012 as a platform for a profitable way.. they have got by before with false prophecies and earned the wages of power and money along the way. Who brings them before the Counsil?

noone. learn and be wise that when the Great Rapture of 2012 or beyond does not happen. the very ones you believed for guidence were the very ones who decoeved you for profit.

Then you will be part of the reason the Great falling away will happen.

Peter says it Must come 1st. the whole world will almost be decieved. if this is the case? Will the worlds Major religions be part of the Antimessiah's deception and his Ministers , Ministers of Light?

Where do you stand? Do you 4 yourself know the Prophecies of what must happen? If you do not then who will you follow? Blessings..Miles

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/17/11 12:20 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Thu 11/17/11 12:23 PM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

Has the Great falling away happened yet?

2 Thess 2:3-4
3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

Maybe 2012 is the start of the Great falling away when they say..

2 Peter 3:1-13

Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Master and Savior, 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, "Where is the PROMICE of HIS COMING? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of unholy men.

8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with Yahweh one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 Yahweh is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


But the day of Yahweh will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and holiness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of Elohim, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

The Rapturists. are they part of the reason people will say " Where is the promice of his coming"

many chr-stian leaders are using 2012 as a platform for a profitable way.. they have got by before with false prophecies and earned the wages of power and money along the way. Who brings them before the Counsil?

noone. learn and be wise that when the Great Rapture of 2012 or beyond does not happen. the very ones you believed for guidence were the very ones who decoeved you for profit.

Then you will be part of the reason the Great falling away will happen.

Peter says it Must come 1st. the whole world will almost be decieved. if this is the case? Will the worlds Major religions be part of the Antimessiah's deception and his Ministers , Ministers of Light?

Where do you stand? Do you 4 yourself know the Prophecies of what must happen? If you do not then who will you follow? Blessings..Miles
If I tell you where I got 2012 from, you would scream hypocrite at me, because I call myself a baby Christian.

And you would be correct to do so.

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 11/17/11 12:42 PM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

It might be a good idea to start figureing out NOW everything that could possibly occur that would make your statement incorrect. Like: Well I never said I was a prophet....

In fact, it might be more conscientious of you to say that YOU hold this belief rather than to go for the drama of the closed ended, unbendable statement that you've made.

The way you've said it can be offensive to all the other baby Christians who don't believe as you do, and they think they are right too.

It makes it sound like it's all about ego, doesn't it? I know it's not becasue those who have made such claims in the past tend to look very foolish after the date has come and gone rather uneventfully. That certainly doesn't do much for the ego - does it?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 11/17/11 01:06 PM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

It might be a good idea to start figureing out NOW everything that could possibly occur that would make your statement incorrect. Like: Well I never said I was a prophet....

In fact, it might be more conscientious of you to say that YOU hold this belief rather than to go for the drama of the closed ended, unbendable statement that you've made.

The way you've said it can be offensive to all the other baby Christians who don't believe as you do, and they think they are right too.

It makes it sound like it's all about ego, doesn't it? I know it's not becasue those who have made such claims in the past tend to look very foolish after the date has come and gone rather uneventfully. That certainly doesn't do much for the ego - does it?

Just look at the Trinity network and the 700 club.. they have been predicting and prophecying for decades with none of it coming true.

Yet believers hang on to them for insight while they get millions sent to them.

Pat Robertsons business has netted him over a 100 million dollar fortune and he smiles while while he decieves you.

How many people remember his and Trinities Network in the early 90's saying on june 8th the largest earthquake known to man was going to happen?

after millions raked in and the day gone what was thier excuse for no one feeling it?

It did happen they said.. It was so far down in the earth that know one felt it.

smiling all the time he declared thier prophecies come true.. WOW.. what sheep for the slaughter

Kleisto's photo
Thu 11/17/11 04:14 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 11/17/11 04:15 PM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

And if or should I say when nothing happens and these predictions of the end fail like the others before it, what are you gonna do? Are you prepared for that?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 11/17/11 04:19 PM


I forget to ask,...

Repent for what?

What is it that this man thinks people have done that they need to repent?

Truly nasty people probably have no interest in repenting for their evil deeds. And surely truly nice people would have no need to repent.

So it's kind of silly to even bother to 'preach' to people to repent isn't it?

The good people will receive their just righteousness, and the bad people will also receive the justice they deserve.

Moreover, why try to talk anyone into repenting? If they haven't already decided to repent on their own, what would be the point?

To even preach to people that they have a need to repent, like as if it's important to get this message to them, is IMHO, to do nothing more than exhibit a total distrust in a judgmental God to be fair and just.

No undeserving person could possibly be sent to hell by a truly righteous God.

So there can be no fear that innocent people would be condemned. Such a fear would be nothing more than a distrust in God to do the right thing.

So there can be no need to preach to people.


Also consider the following:

According to the Bible Jesus himself was a doomsday preacher. Jesus preached "Heaven is at hand" (i.e. the end of the world) He also preached that all of his predictions would come to pass before the generation he was speaking to had passed.

Clearly that never happened. So the doomsday threats of this religion don't appear to hold much merit.

Matt.24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Mark.13:30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

Luke.21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.

According to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus preached that all of his prophecies would come to pass before the generation he was speaking to had passed.

Clearly that never happened.

Why anyone even bothers with these ancient rumors today is beyond me. They clearly never came to pass as prophesied. Those generations have pass away a very long time ago.

This is the same generation. We are the generation of the Earth. If you'll notice when it speaks of someone's dad, his dad, ect, it doesn't say his generation, his dad's generation, ect. If it explains that, it'll say So and so begat so and so, then so and so begat so and so. It doesn't call those "generations".

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/17/11 04:59 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Thu 11/17/11 05:16 PM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

In fact, it might be more conscientious of you to say that YOU hold this belief rather than to go for the drama of the closed ended, unbendable statement that you've made.

The way you've said it can be offensive to all the other baby Christians who don't believe as you do, and they think they are right too.

It makes it sound like it's all about ego, doesn't it? I know it's not becasue those who have made such claims in the past tend to look very foolish after the date has come and gone rather uneventfully. That certainly doesn't do much for the ego - does it?

Whoaaaaaaaaaaa baby,

your putting wayyyyyyyyy too much on this! Geez!

In fact, it might be more conscientious of you to say that YOU hold this belief rather than to go for the drama of the closed ended, unbendable statement that you've made.

I do believe that is exactly what I said, "I believe", not "everyone should believe"...."I"...hello, as in me only!And where do you get that it was unbendable. If its JMO its as bendable as heck. I always have an open mind, to hear anyone elses opinion. Im not a genius or God, so why would you think I claim to know all.

The way you've said it can be offensive to all the other baby Christians who don't believe as you do, and they think they are right too.

Oh, now im offensive to all other baby Christians. Your really reaching there sister.

I dont care what anyone else believes. I have already said that I live and let live. I think everyone has the right to believe, who, what, when, where, why, whatever THEY choose to. And no one has the right to tell them they cant, or what to believe. Again, I said,"I believe", not "everyone better believe", or "mine is the only answer". Puuuuuuuuuuulease!

It makes it sound like it's all about ego, doesn't it? I know it's not becasue those who have made such claims in the past tend to look very foolish after the date has come and gone rather uneventfully. That certainly doesn't do much for the ego - does it?

How in the heck is that about my ego. I am a humble person,and I think its more about your ego, and thinking your so brilliant to assume that I meant that statement to be a warneing of a prediction of everyones future.I said "I" (singular) believe, and it had nothing to do with anyone elses beliefs. Or what I think they should or shouldnt believe. Where do you get off calling me an egotistical person, for having my own beliefs about things? I have the right, just like you and everyone has the right, to believe whatever I want to, and the statement was not made to the world, and saying that I "knew" anything about our destiny here for certain. It again was JMO. Where do you read in there, that I am assuming that "I" alone am correct, and know all. You dont, cause its not there.

Now read this again.....

"I" BELIEVE (SINGULAR) that we have until sometime in 2012. End of story.(meaning, I dont want to talk about why I believe that, but apparently you took the "end of story" as meaning, thats the only explanation, and opinion that matters. Dont you know what happens when you assume?

"Redykeulous" is right.

I love the way you took a general statement, that was JMO and blew it up into a dramatic cry of our future that only "I" know and can predict!


BTW: If your looking for someone to argue with, im not your girl. But I will explain the TOTALLY OBVIOUS in my statements if need be. I guess you need to quit putting the meaning of my words, where they doesnt belong, is my advice to you.

God Bless!

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/17/11 05:01 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Thu 11/17/11 05:24 PM

RAPTURE:THE COMING OF CHRIST IS VERY NEAR,jesus may come at any time from now.on that day christ ,and the angels shall sound with a trumpent and the saint in christ shall be taken away,those that dont believe in jesus christ who came to die for our sin,will find themself in hell fire,so shall their end,sister,do you want to be with christ when the trumpet sound,do u want to be free from hell and destruction,just give your life to jesus he is the only one that can save you.REPENT THE END IS AT HAND.

You really believe this Roberta? Do you know how many times over the years people have predicted the rapture or the end? Were any of them ever right? We're still here aren't we? I would have thought you'd know better than to buy into that, no offense meant.

I used to believe this stuff too, to the point of actually believing it was gonna happen in the fall of 2007 and waiting for it. Course now looking back it was rather stupid of me. Now I know better and see it for what is, a bunch of BS like the rest of religion. Just another way to scare and control.
I believe,

we have until sometime in 2012, and thats it.

End of story.

And if or should I say when nothing happens and these predictions of the end fail like the others before it, what are you gonna do? Are you prepared for that?
Than I guess ill be happy I was wrong in what "I" thought MIGHT happen,

Whoop de do!

Or are you guys gonna lynch me for being wrong. It wasnt a prediction for chrissakes, it was JMO!

Im so flattered that you believe that whatever I say is the only way, and absolutely the truth, and the only truth, because I am the wise and all knowing one.

Whats next? You gonna start worshiping me?laugh laugh


You need to quit!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 11/17/11 05:20 PM
people fall away from believing because of failed predictions. IMO is fine between a few people.. have big time ministers proclaiming the end and people grow weary..they question the scriptures. most on here who do not believe IMO lost faith from frauds.. if we made the ministers who say such things be accpountable and sent to prison for bilking money. Then they would think twice before they spoke thier own words as if Yahweh spoke to them.

In the beginning we were warned about false prophets and how to treat them. prison would be acceptable to me..Blessings..Miles

Deut 18:17-22

17 "And Yahweh said to me:'What they have spoken is good. 18 I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. 19 And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him. 20 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall DIE.' 21 And if you say in your heart, 'How shall we know the word which Yahweh has not spoken?' — 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which Yahweh has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 11/17/11 05:28 PM
people fall away from believing because of failed predictions.

I dont PREDICT, im not a fortune teller, or the all knowing great Roberta, I merely stated something that was JMO.

God Bless you, Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 11/17/11 05:39 PM

people fall away from believing because of failed predictions.

I dont PREDICT, im not a fortune teller, or the all knowing great Roberta, I merely stated something that was JMO.

God Bless you, Miles

and thats fine. i said that in what i wrote also.. between a few people.. everyone speculates and thats all it is speculation. its when people in power people who have much to gain from saying such and are not held accountable. Pat Robertson should be in prison for life..IMO.. he is a FALSE Prophet along with his friends from TBN.

they even take now the things from the old testement and put thier spin on the Feast of Yahweh and you send in money for say a Shofar or a book they have wrote.. all false.. If it was from Yahweh they would never ask for money.

What does Yahweh need money for? They do though.. Blessings..Miles

no photo
Thu 11/17/11 10:23 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 11/17/11 10:29 PM
No one Knows when the time will be....when the Word

says "Time is at applies and speaks to each and

every generation....

meaing.... we all should be prepared...NOW....cause we are all

leaving this earthly place one day, anyway....

God is a NOW God !!!

God's Word is a NOW Word !!!

NOW is the time of Salvation.....

NOW faith is

Notice the word, NOW.

The Word has to be rightly divided , in order to understand its

full meaning.
