Topic: Hep C
Italy0219's photo
Sat 12/15/12 04:41 AM
I remember when the country and western singer told the world she had HepC--it seemed no one judged her, then Pamela Anderson came out and people called her a slut because she had it. Then Steven Tyler came out and I didn't see many negatives about his HepC problem, I guess because he's a huge rock star. So my question is, would you date someone with HepC, if they had been treated and "cured"? And also, why the double standard for some ppl who have had it? Why does it seem ok for some to have had it and some it's not? It's quite common nowadays, and most ppl don't know they even had it.

italianman4u's photo
Sat 12/15/12 04:49 AM
hep-c can lay dormant almost forever, its big influx was in the 90's with the huge reimergence of heroin, i saw it first hand while living on the streets of philly caught up in my own addiction.
thank god i escaped it but i know hundreds who got it from sharing needles.

at one point in the mid 90's in the inner city of philadelphia there was a saying: it was more common to catch hep c then to catch a cold.

i know a few that have had problems with it after catching it, but to be honest most were diagnosed with it but never suffered any issues,,,, (yet).

no photo
Sat 12/15/12 05:42 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sat 12/15/12 05:43 AM

So my question is, would you date someone with HepC. And also, why the double standard for some ppl who have had it?

Hepatitis C is often asymptomatic, meaning many carry the virus unknowingly...Infection levels can run from no symptoms to chronic symptoms like cirrhosis of the liver...
What matters is understanding Hep C is primarily spread blood-to-blood...It has not been proven that Hep C can be transmitted through sexual intercourse and the majority of evidence supports there is no risk for monogamous heterosexual couples, so yes, I would date someone with Hep C...Practicing safe sex does not have to limit pleasure or ability to conceive for those who want children...

As for double standards...In the cases you mentioned, I imagine it's just Hollywood hype....