Topic: Pickle Company to Mom: We’ll Change Our Name
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Sun 03/24/13 07:29 AM
An average day at the grocery store for Rhode Island mom, Michelle Martinka, turned into a moment of activism when she noticed that Cains Pickles, a popular New England brand, produced a line called “Kosher Dill Midgets.”

Martinka is the mother of ten-month-old Adelaide, a little girl with a form of dwarfism known as Achondroplasia—and “midget” is a derogatory way of referencing those born with the condition.

In response, Martinka waged a peaceful protest, which included the above YouTube video, urging the company to change the name of its product—and so it did, gracefully, without objection or fanfare.

Gedney Foods, the makers of Cains Pickles, explained to the Star Tribune, “The company is not seeking any attention related to this matter and believes that any publicity should be more appropriately placed on the children and families dealing with Achondroplasia.”

In her email to TakePart, Martinka explains, "Although many people do not know, the m-word is derogatory, not just some innocuous word meaning small, as it was 50 years ago." She says, "I am fully aware that these pickles are just pickles—and my daughter is a human. This was my first step in educating just one company. Years ago I may not have had the drive for such an undertaking, but change happens when situations arise—new circumstances, such as having a child diagnosed with dwarfism."

When asked what she hopes her daughter will someday learn from this, Martinka says, "I hope Addie takes away the knowledge that she can bring change. I hope she learns my motto to not be reactive, but [to be] proactive and educate."

No more midget bowling?

willing2's photo
Sun 03/24/13 08:13 AM
Short people, (midgets) ain't got no body!:wink:

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 03/24/13 08:29 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 03/24/13 08:35 AM
no more Midget-Car Racing!
PC has gone frigging crazy!

What are they calling those Pickles now,Size-challenged Gherkins?grumble

Eventually our Language might have about 50% of it's words left!

no photo
Sun 03/24/13 09:45 AM

no more Midget-Car Racing!
PC has gone frigging crazy!

What are they calling those Pickles now,Size-challenged Gherkins?grumble

Eventually our Language might have about 50% of it's words left!

I think the new term now is "vertically challenged"frown

Foliel's photo
Sun 03/24/13 11:29 AM
I think the new term is "people take things far too seriously and need to relax" lol