Topic: Hawkings pointed a flaw in Einstein's theory
no1phD's photo
Tue 02/18/14 03:17 PM
how much closer would you like to still waiting on the weight of light please

metalwing's photo
Tue 02/18/14 03:18 PM
If you substitute the functions of the speed of light into the gravity equations you get simple math showing the approximate radius for the event horizon.

Note that it is just the distance from the black hole where light can no longer escape. It doesn't have any other unusual properties. Note that the radius calculated is not totally correct because the formula is Newtonian and the applied physics are actually Einsteinian. The accurate solution to the problem is the Schwarzschild Radius calculated by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916 from Einstein's field theory. The solution is different for a spinning black hole which describes most black holes.

Since an observer watching another object fall into the event horizon has a relative difference in velocity equal to the speed of light, time will appear to stop at the event horizon for the outside observer but would be unaffected to the perception of the object entering the event horizon.

no1phD's photo
Tue 02/18/14 03:21 PM
are you still flying ships pass each

metalwing's photo
Tue 02/18/14 03:26 PM

OK. Lets say that one understands Einstein's physics but doesn't "do" the math.

Here is a "conceptual" question.

Which of the following statements is not derived from Einstein's special theory of relativity?

Two events that are simultaneous in one reference frame may not be simultaneous in another.
Time depends on one's state of motion.
Time dilation demonstrates that moving clocks measure time as moving more slowly than a clock that is stationary relative to it.
Because of gravitational time dilation, clocks run more slowly in deep gravitational wells.

you win, your smarter than me... but that still doesn't change my mind...

Smartness is not an issue. Education is. I have seven years of college physics and a lifetime of applied physics work experience. Basic physics is not a matter of opinion. You, me, and everybody else can guess at the physics going on at the center of a black hole because the math doesn't work. If the process was known, then the math would look much different than what we have, but it would work in a different way. But time dilation is just a property that can be calculated like mass, speed, distance, or acceleration.

And the calculation of time dilation in a deep gravity well comes from Einstein's General Relativity, not Special Relativity, and states that time would come to a standstill if close enough to the center of a black hole.

And since the basic gravity force equations are divided by the distances, as the distances to the black hole singularity approach zero, the equations get a "divide by zero error" and become meaningless.

maybe i can get on board when we actually see it happening up close.

like i said before, time dilation is just a name... maybe something is happening, but right now "time dilation" is the name they gave it... unless molecular decay is the time..

Here is a link to the math of time dilation. It also gives the diameter of event horizons, etc.

We "see" time dilation every time you use your GPS.

no1phD's photo
Tue 02/18/14 03:27 PM
come on man make your point this isn't rocket science...hmmm. wait a minute maybe it is just a little bit..ok.. putting my ball gag back

Freihti's photo
Wed 02/19/14 03:17 AM
Uhm metalwing, could you kindly explain to me how you "see" time dilatation in our GPS. Im quite confused. Thank you.

metalwing's photo
Wed 02/19/14 05:03 AM

Uhm metalwing, could you kindly explain to me how you "see" time dilatation in our GPS. Im quite confused. Thank you.

Time dilation is just a property of time as Einstein related time, force, gravity, speed, and distance in both Special Relativity and General Relativity (which includes gravity). Time stretches in relation to speed and gravitational fields. The formula to calculate it are straightforward just like the ones to calculate speed and distance.

The way a GPS works is to send a clock and a radio into orbit and connect it to a clock and a radio on Earth. The clock measures the time it takes the radio signal to reach the other radio. Since the clock is in orbit at a high speed and it has less gravity (being far from the Earth) time operates at a different rate. The GPS calculates the change in time itself to adjust the time it takes the signal to travel in order to give the correct answer and therefore locate your GPS accurately. Without the time dilation factor, your GPS wouldn't work.

no1phD's photo
Wed 02/19/14 06:47 AM
am I in the right class room or even the right grade level... starting to feel me tarded...
.. yes fractional time..

no1phD's photo
Wed 02/19/14 07:01 AM
Edited by no1phD on Wed 02/19/14 07:04 AM
T=t c1-v/c [2.5]=TY

W Y=1/c1-cv/c 2.5

metalwing's photo
Wed 02/19/14 07:09 AM

T=t c1-v/c [2.5]=TY

W Y=1/c1-cv/c 2.5

Lorentz Transformation: Gamma = 1 / [1 - v2/c2]

no1phD's photo
Wed 02/19/14 07:21 AM
w y=1/(1-(v/c)2)1/2...ops.. on the train.. pushy people..

no1phD's photo
Wed 02/19/14 07:25 AM
Edited by no1phD on Wed 02/19/14 07:37 AM
yes accountability..

.. same thing E struggled with constantly.. the second thing in the universe. gravity accountability..hmmm

metalwing's photo
Wed 02/19/14 08:23 AM

w y=1/(1-(v/c)2)1/2...ops.. on the train.. pushy people..

This will give you the time dilation on the train ride. For most train rides the answer is ... "seems like forever!".:smile:

metalwing's photo
Wed 02/19/14 08:30 AM

how much closer would you like to still waiting on the weight of light please

The answer is zero without equivalency. To get equivalency i.e., a=b, b=c, therefore a=c. Therefore E=Mc**2 so M=E/c**2 so you would take the energy of your photon, divide it by the square of the speed of light and apply the resulting mass to the gravity constant at the desired location. This would give the equivalent weight if energy was converted to mass.

no1phD's photo
Wed 02/19/14 03:05 PM
I may need a day or two to turn this all over... I'm multitasking my little brains out.. I love this.. being able to think with both side of my

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 03/29/14 08:26 AM
fo-doc. (no1phd) The weight of light is that it has some mass, the energy has an equivalence of mass. And mass is drawn towards other mass by processes of gravitation. The weight of light is the extent to which it is 'pulled' on by a gravitation. It is the bending observed around masses like our sun. Or, if you want to slightly personify it, it is them amount of pulling on hair that nature will tolerate before things happen.

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:02 AM
Just guessing it, black holes are not part of the physical theories of modern physics. Relativity is a physical theory only, it deals with matter-energy and how some medium bends and is stretched. I think we are interpreting the stoppage of domain of applicability, that is the limits of one grand theory, as a part of nature according to that theory, instead of just a stopping point in the road. See, mass is physical, matter, which is like the holder of heaviness, sorta, and so too is a metric that responds to this clutter. What is needed for black holes to not be so problematic is to see them as pointing to another theory. This cut off, boundary and singularity business is just unnatural. So I think the idea that they are not real is useful now. Not that there isn't something going on, but just that our view right now doesn't incorporate it. To expand, the non-physical needs to be considered. I am not talking religious notions, but just that a dynamics that included a sort of active nothingness, a sort of downer for matter-space excitement. The trend would be to resolve to this state where a creation happened. So, if you wanted to put into three parts, there could be the material: The matter energy including mass and particles and electric forces, sounds- the tangible what-have-yous. The metric of spacetime, which is the stretchable tarp which molds itself around mass and keeps planets warm by pulling in flaming meteors and and trying to get everything sucked towards it. It is physical because it directs the path of points, like particles, in what are called worldlines or geodesics, which aren't technically the same, but just wiki the diff. if you care. If not, it doesn't matter much even if you did know. The third thing would be that active emptiness. It would be the resolution of the duality of mass and spacetime metric. It wuold not have bounds, but when it is in certain conditions, there would be a form, and there is where this gravitation business goes down. So I am not saying that there are no very energetic and mass-dense areas of gravity wells out there, but only that if a deeper understanding that embraces a type of energy that goes beyond 'so much mass always gives such a dent to spacetime' in the way that an ounce of mass bends space the same amount, from around a baseball, or around the center of the galaxy, so that the contribution to gravity felt is the same for both places. Well, if that strict sense of quantity was reduced, there would be a view past the point were current figuring gets stuck. I mean, that is the problem, isn't it, that the math just doesn't go through? That is what science is trying to do, so a principle that lets numbers behave more loosely would help facilitate a view that hits black holes and pulls a Buzz Light year. I always sympathized with the side characters in that story more than Woody or Buzz, but you have to admit, the latter's daring did get the whole story moving, and that is what is needed now... I now wonder if data can be sorted in such a way that the amount of information encoded on a certain amount of energy is something which would change the numeric on basic matters such as counting of events.

In gr in newer mathematics, one needs to know matter and space properties, given by the classic equations, the swirling coffee of space and the grains in it, and additionally the events that happen in the area. But perhaps, after some further contemplation, the number of events in phenomenon to be modeled may be seen to not be absolute.

no1phD's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:50 AM
.. so redshift.yes.. the weight of light No..hmm

Amoscarine's photo
Sat 03/29/14 11:56 AM
Redshift is something that happens like the Doppler effect, it just means that light takes a certain amount of energy or fuel to escape a gravity well. If something is trying to get out of the sky, it requires fuel. Maybe it a sport coach saying to athletes with medicine balls to defy gravity, there is a fuel of chemical energy in the muscles, ultimately of trying to reach escape velocity on eggs and bananas and toast or whatever they had for breakfast. Or consider a rocket, but for whatever is picked, in order for something to go outwards from a potential well, it needs fuel. If you could imagine something as a weightless object, you could just tap it going, and gravity would not act on it because gravity is only between toe massive/energetic bodies. If something is truly weightless, if it has no mass for gravity to pull on, or if you prefer the gr view, weight to slide down the spacetime warps, it will either just sit there no matter what hell breaks lose in the universe around it, or it will go straight without any force stopping it. which of the two isn't the point here. It is just that the redshift is the cost of the weight for photons to move in the presence of gravity potentials. You could make the point about the blushifting as well, but that would just involve a lot of hills, and we all know enough about rolling down those, Wasn't that what childhood was all about some afternoons?

metalwing's photo
Mon 03/31/14 07:32 AM

.. so redshift.yes.. the weight of light No..hmm

Apples and oranges. A photon is, by definition, a massless particle (hence no weight). The equivalence given was the conversion of it's energy to mass as a "measure".

A different concept is the change in energy associated with photonic frequency, i.e., higher frequency equals higher energy. The expansion of space/time provides a "stretch" coefficient which spreads the energy and time over a greater distance to give a unit "energy per unit of space/time" that varies with redshift but the absolute value of the energy associated with photonic frequency stays the same. (Good 'ol Einstein!)