Topic: if ron paul would have became president, if only we were so
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Thu 03/05/15 02:42 PM

Ron Paul is a blathering buffoon ...

Well, the buffoons of this world need one of their own to vote for. :tongue:

Like they did for obama?what

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Thu 03/05/15 02:51 PM
No one can say Ron Paul was a bad president at least..

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Thu 03/05/15 03:20 PM

Ron Paul is a racist loon, plain and simple. Rand is no better. Neither belong anywhere near the White House.
please elaborate on how ron paul is a racist loon? that's how brainwashed you people are... the guy who wants to follow the rules the founding fathers set for us, is a loon? im not understanding how u came to that conclusion. and please show me one instance of where ron paul has been racist, if you can.

Ron Paul is a blathering buffoon, who has uttered so many antisemitic and bigoted statements, that he makes David duke and Louis Farrakhan look like boyscouts.

yep wanting actual freedom means your a buffoon. this just shows how brainwashed the American public is. elections aren't won by votes anyway, presidents are hand picked by the elites. they're groomed for years before they even become president. look at ron pauls track record, everything he said he was against over the years, he voted against. everything he said he was for, he voted for, not like every other politician who flips their views whenever it benefits them politically. ron paul speaks the truth, some people just cant handle the truth.

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Thu 03/05/15 03:29 PM
Edited by Estelle79 on Thu 03/05/15 03:40 PM
The truth means equality. Instead, to some extent or another, we all just follow the ones who make up the lies. Some of them even died a long time ago, but still control millions today. It's insane how we live in the past, Ron Paul is a politician who is living now, but that is being ahead of his time.

Actually since he is a Constitutionalist he is living according to something that was written by men who died a good while ago, although that piece of paper was meant to be amended, although I'm pretty sure that the requirements for the amendments are should be amendable in any way deemed right at the time of amendment, risky but if we live in the past we will limit the present.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 03:39 PM

The truth means equality. Instead, to some extent or another, we all just follow the ones who make up the lies. Some of them even died a long time ago, but still control millions today. It's insane how we live in the past, Ron Paul is a politician who is living now, but that is being ahead of his time.
well spoken. the only man that would actually stand up for the people of this country, is not a hero, but instead a racist(which I have never heard a racist comment from him) and a buffoon. SMH. nothing will change in this country as long as the masses remain hypnotized by the propaganda machine which is the television. peaceful protests don't work, people protest for a while and nothing happens so they just give up. I wonder if people had an armed protest what would happen? probably Obama would "legally" send a drone to blow them all up. or have some shadowey government agency armed to the teeth take out the protesters. that really would not surprise me the slightest, governments have done a lot worse than that in the past.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:12 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 03/05/15 04:19 PM

I like Ron Paul. Problem is that with our 2 party system of dynasties, lawyers, bankers and crooks, a third party or honest candidate will never make the news unless it's to call them racist, fringe, isolationist, or whacko birds.

Heaven forbid anyone run on cleaning up the cesspool we call DC!

Hard to stop the banker/wall street, insider trading driven war machine we call congress!

Always gotta have a little war to talk people into giving up their rights!

What a bunch of pussified cowards our leaders and the media have turned us in to

There should be an auction in congress for Bruce Jenner's balls after his operation! They can all use some!

Rock's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:21 PM

Ron Paul is a racist loon, plain and simple. Rand is no better. Neither belong anywhere near the White House.
please elaborate on how ron paul is a racist loon? that's how brainwashed you people are... the guy who wants to follow the rules the founding fathers set for us, is a loon? im not understanding how u came to that conclusion. and please show me one instance of where ron paul has been racist, if you can.

Ron Paul is a blathering buffoon, who has uttered so many antisemitic and bigoted statements, that he makes David duke and Louis Farrakhan look like boyscouts.

yep wanting actual freedom means your a buffoon. this just shows how brainwashed the American public is. elections aren't won by votes anyway, presidents are hand picked by the elites. they're groomed for years before they even become president. look at ron pauls track record, everything he said he was against over the years, he voted against. everything he said he was for, he voted for, not like every other politician who flips their views whenever it benefits them politically. ron paul speaks the truth, some people just cant handle the truth.

According to what you just posted ^^^,
even Ron Paul's votes are racist, antisemitic, and bigoted... All in the name of "freedom".


Adolf Hitler would've loved Ron Paul.

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:35 PM

The mistake made by so many Americans is thinking that if only one particular politician is elected President, that will solve all of our problems. Quite frankly, I could never vote for Ron Paul for President, however, I do believe that we need more people like him in Congress. Not that I agree with all that he stands for, but everyone knows where he stands. Let's start voting out these corrupt career politicians who care more about the next election than the Constitution they swore to uphold. The problem isn't that we don't elect the "right" person. The problem is we keep electing the wrong people, and until We The People stand up and involve ourselves in the political process, things won't get any better. Watching from the sidelines, not getting involved in the nomination process, and only showing up on election day ensures that we will keep getting the same bad choices. And only showing up in Presidential years won't change Congress.
you make some good points, but I still think we would be a hell of a lot better off with a president who actually respects the constitution, than one who does nothing but destroy it.

We definitely need a President who respects the Constitution, but it's relatively easy to find one person of more than 300 million who does. The hard part is finding 535 people to fill the House and Senate who have respect for the Constitution. Without a Congress who respects the Constitution and a populace that holds them accountable, it doesn't really matter who we elect as President. We The People are not holding our elected officials accountable. Until we hold up our end of the deal, they won't hold up theirs.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:37 PM

Ron Paul is a racist loon, plain and simple. Rand is no better. Neither belong anywhere near the White House.
please elaborate on how ron paul is a racist loon? that's how brainwashed you people are... the guy who wants to follow the rules the founding fathers set for us, is a loon? im not understanding how u came to that conclusion. and please show me one instance of where ron paul has been racist, if you can.

Ron Paul is a blathering buffoon, who has uttered so many antisemitic and bigoted statements, that he makes David duke and Louis Farrakhan look like boyscouts.

yep wanting actual freedom means your a buffoon. this just shows how brainwashed the American public is. elections aren't won by votes anyway, presidents are hand picked by the elites. they're groomed for years before they even become president. look at ron pauls track record, everything he said he was against over the years, he voted against. everything he said he was for, he voted for, not like every other politician who flips their views whenever it benefits them politically. ron paul speaks the truth, some people just cant handle the truth.

According to what you just posted ^^^,
even Ron Paul's votes are racist, antisemitic, and bigoted... All in the name of "freedom".


Adolf Hitler would've loved Ron Paul.
im sorry, maybe its just me, but I cant seem to make any sense of what the hell you just said.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:39 PM

The mistake made by so many Americans is thinking that if only one particular politician is elected President, that will solve all of our problems. Quite frankly, I could never vote for Ron Paul for President, however, I do believe that we need more people like him in Congress. Not that I agree with all that he stands for, but everyone knows where he stands. Let's start voting out these corrupt career politicians who care more about the next election than the Constitution they swore to uphold. The problem isn't that we don't elect the "right" person. The problem is we keep electing the wrong people, and until We The People stand up and involve ourselves in the political process, things won't get any better. Watching from the sidelines, not getting involved in the nomination process, and only showing up on election day ensures that we will keep getting the same bad choices. And only showing up in Presidential years won't change Congress.
you make some good points, but I still think we would be a hell of a lot better off with a president who actually respects the constitution, than one who does nothing but destroy it.

We definitely need a President who respects the Constitution, but it's relatively easy to find one person of more than 300 million who does. The hard part is finding 535 people to fill the House and Senate who have respect for the Constitution. Without a Congress who respects the Constitution and a populace that holds them accountable, it doesn't really matter who we elect as President. We The People are not holding our elected officials accountable. Until we hold up our end of the deal, they won't hold up theirs.
good point, seems we disagree on some things and agree on others. I still think if ron paul would have became president, we would be in a lot better shape than we are.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:41 PM

I like Ron Paul. Problem is that with our 2 party system of dynasties, lawyers, bankers and crooks, a third party or honest candidate will never make the news unless it's to call them racist, fringe, isolationist, or whacko birds.

Heaven forbid anyone run on cleaning up the cesspool we call DC!

Hard to stop the banker/wall street, insider trading driven war machine we call congress!

Always gotta have a little war to talk people into giving up their rights!

What a bunch of pussified cowards our leaders and the media have turned us in to

There should be an auction in congress for Bruce Jenner's balls after his operation! They can all use some!
haha bruce jenners balls, good one. yea the 2 party system is only in place to give us the illusion of choice, theyre all on the same damn team. and that team is like you said bankers lawyers and crooks.

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:51 PM
The biggest mistake we make is in thinking that "political experience" is an asset. Why do we need to look within the political realm when we choose our leaders? That's not a prerequisite for the job, and politicians caused most of our problems. Why is it reasonable to expect that those who caused the problems can be trusted with finding solutions?

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 05:01 PM

The biggest mistake we make is in thinking that "political experience" is an asset. Why do we need to look within the political realm when we choose our leaders? That's not a prerequisite for the job, and politicians caused most of our problems. Why is it reasonable to expect that those who caused the problems can be trusted with finding solutions?
another good point. problem is we're never aware of the candidates who don't have political experience. the only ones who get coverage by the media are either super rich or career politicians. we need an average American, because they would understand the average person, not a super rich person or politician who is completely disconnected from the views of the average American.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 05:04 PM

Ron Paul is a racist loon, plain and simple. Rand is no better. Neither belong anywhere near the White House.
please elaborate on how ron paul is a racist loon? that's how brainwashed you people are... the guy who wants to follow the rules the founding fathers set for us, is a loon? im not understanding how u came to that conclusion. and please show me one instance of where ron paul has been racist, if you can.

Ron Paul is a blathering buffoon, who has uttered so many antisemitic and bigoted statements, that he makes David duke and Louis Farrakhan look like boyscouts.

yep wanting actual freedom means your a buffoon. this just shows how brainwashed the American public is. elections aren't won by votes anyway, presidents are hand picked by the elites. they're groomed for years before they even become president. look at ron pauls track record, everything he said he was against over the years, he voted against. everything he said he was for, he voted for, not like every other politician who flips their views whenever it benefits them politically. ron paul speaks the truth, some people just cant handle the truth.

According to what you just posted ^^^,
even Ron Paul's votes are racist, antisemitic, and bigoted... All in the name of "freedom".


Adolf Hitler would've loved Ron Paul.
only a "buffoon" would compare hitler to ron paul. please if your going to post something atleast have it make some sense.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 05:17 PM
Edited by Estelle79 on Thu 03/05/15 05:19 PM
If Ron Paul were super rich I bet he would be the same guy, he wouldn't be rich long, probably give most of it to charity.

I think it helps to see how Ron Paul has voted throughout his political career, these other politicians are just hurting their chances for getting my vote by making dumb political mistakes like it is a game to them.

If I'm not mistaken he is also a wonderful husband and father.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 05:20 PM

If Ron Paul were super rich I bet he would be the same guy, he wouldn't be rich long, probably give most of it to charity.

I think it helps to see how Ron Paul has voted throughout his political career, these other politicians are just hurting their chances for getting my vote by making dumb political mistakes like it is a game to them.

If I'm not mistaken he is also a wonderful husband and father.
amen to that

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 08:12 PM
The problem is, we don't educate ourselves. Yes, the media plays favorites. That's why they are already hyping Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. It makes for a good story. But that doesn't mean either of them would be a good President. Personally, of the names that have been mentioned, my preference at this point is Ben Carson. That could change. In today's digital world, there really is no excuse for the ignorance that is so rampant. There's nothing you can't find online. The hard part is sifting through the garbage and finding the truth, but that's our responsibility. Knowing that for every source that says one thing, there is another source that says something else complicates the matter, but freedom of the press means that we will get some garbage. Why do you think the mainstream media hates alternative sources? They no longer control the information we receive. Unfortunately, however, certain people only turn to sources that validate their point of view or believe the first thing they are told and form opinions without facts to support those opinions. Many more, after forming an opinion, can't let pesky little things like facts change their minds. Too many of us are all too willing to accept indoctrination and don't understand the difference between school and education.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 03/05/15 08:16 PM
... although that piece of paper [the U.S. Constitution] was meant to be amended, although I'm pretty sure that the requirements for the amendments are should be amendable in any way deemed right at the time of amendment, risky but if we live in the past we will limit the present.

The requirements for amendments aren't flawed.

MadDog1974's photo
Thu 03/05/15 08:50 PM

... although that piece of paper [the U.S. Constitution] was meant to be amended, although I'm pretty sure that the requirements for the amendments are should be amendable in any way deemed right at the time of amendment, risky but if we live in the past we will limit the present.

The requirements for amendments aren't flawed.

Amending the Constitution is difficult by design, not by a flaw in the document. That's exactly what was intended.

no photo
Thu 03/05/15 11:36 PM
Well who cares since no one follows it anyway..