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Topic: Muhammad is the messenger of Islam is mentioned in the Bible
wonderfuldate's photo
Sun 11/22/15 04:35 PM
It was to the other person, "frank" (and those who share his views).

no photo
Sun 11/22/15 04:39 PM

YouTube 3:16 ?

stone cold is about to open a big can of whoopazz... if you can believe that, gimme a hell yea
Just saw this laugh

HELL YEA!! drinker

wonderfuldate's photo
Sun 11/22/15 05:05 PM
Edited by wonderfuldate on Sun 11/22/15 05:37 PM
This has nothing to do with where someone is from. This is about that the world needs to get rid of danger. Its boring to get the same "excuses", about different things non-muslims did to either protect their land and people looong ago (as they obviously still need to do) or it was conducted by powerhungry people and had nothing to do with for example Christianity (to the very contrary of killings in islams founders name and accoerding to his very conduct). Its about we are in this century still needing to fight against crazy ideologies such as islam. why? because it wasnt shut down then. Why? excuses after excuses and references that has nothing to do with THE FACT THAT ISLAM IS TRYING TO RIP THE WORLD APART N O W. again. no other believers in anything else is terrorizing the world like that. ignorance is obviously very dangerous. islamists have used the very attitudes of many non-muslims to even enter societies and try ripping them apart, and what is astonishing is that despite recent Paris and all whats happened and happening in the name of (real)islam, people have the audacity (here or elsewhere) to even try twisting it around and putting it up for being about freedoms of whatever sort. this is exactly and only about PROTECTING THOSE FREEDOMS, and to do so, one needs to shut islam down. and this has nothing to do with someones personality, hate or not. its only about realizing the threat and shutting it down. if this was germany ww2, this would be discussion about the nazis, and the ignorant would try such for hitler and nazism. problem is, what happened when also they realized whats going on and what nazism truly is - after the horrifics? and, for those trying to downplay islamists part in nazism, they killed with and for hitler, however others he found interesting to only read about, islamists helped him to actually kill. opportunists cant get any opportunity from those who do not share their whatever. islam is always an open opportunity for slaughter of non-muslims, obviously even today. why? islam is about submission. meaning whomever wants true liberty and stands up for it, will be up for slaugheter. instead of wasting time and efforts on pointing at those who are in realization in forums like this or wherever else, try to understand the real reality of islam (well, its actually not hard, turn on the tv and check what those terrorizing beleive in), get educated by non-muslims who speaks out about islam, so that you can take that blindfold off and start helping to make this a better world by shutting islam down. as i said, why i leave this site (only remained this long for you to see this) is because i would do the same if this was ww2 and they allowed nazisupporters to roam around and use peoples freedoms against them, and since i realize it when several others dont but should.

Those who would try the "hater" thing. You obviously dont know me but think you do. Doublestandards.

This has nothing to do with a persons feelings, its about realization. This is not about agreeing or not, its about realizing this is a threat that needs to be stopped and how.

If trying to help out and make people realize how to help the world become a better world by realizing and getting rid off an ideology that is ripping the world apart is referred to as "hate" by you and others, then im happy to be a "hater". you go on being the selfproclaimed "non-hater", but that doesnt stop people from being slaughtered and societies from being ripped apart by islam. on the contrary.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 11/22/15 05:49 PM
Once again, do not speak for other religions.

Site Moderator

mutosheep's photo
Sun 11/22/15 10:34 PM
Edited by mutosheep on Sun 11/22/15 11:31 PM
It's pretty ironic to compare the Muslims to the Jews. It is Christians and Jews who are being oppressed BY MUSLIMS and it always has been. Don't try to draw a false equivalency between the hypothetical investigation of a confirmed hostile group in our country and the industrialized theft, rape, and murder of innocent Christians by Muslims all over the world.

No organization that seeks to destroy the U.S. government is protected by the first amendment. Muslims should not be allowed into ANY free country for the simple reason that their guiding principles are antithetical to democracy. Americans are done listening to this idiocracy until we get the Muslim Brotherhood out of the White House and out of D.C. and close our damned borders!

Furthermore, I am disturbed that your argument is nothing more than socialist rhetoric that was poll tested in D.C. and repeated on all the praetorian media networks by the rabid Christian haters and antisemites. America has put American citizens into concentration camps without fair trial twice before on the basis of race alone, so do not act so incredulous to the concept of registering members of a radical organization like Islam. Heck the same group who supported the Kerumatsu decision are the ones calling RIGHT NOW to politically imprison climate deniers and NRA members while denouncing ANY kind of action against Muslims.

Martin Luther's writings were NOT antisemetic, but anti Jewish and based entirely on mistaken theology. The Lutheran church denounced said writings for the reason that they were not sound in doctrine. Since you brought it up, Hitler took Martin Luther's writings out of context as you have done with our founding documents, and just as with Hitler, you have turned the text inside out and against its original intention; NOBODY has freedom of religion in a country invaded by Muslims.

Tread carefully, for you find yourself in the company of evil men and walking the path of death and destruction. Perhaps leave the counter-jihad to those of us who are qualified?

1. I don't hate, I retaliate, and with escalation of force because taking a head for an eye leaves no one blind
2. Hating haters makes you a hater- pretty basic reasoning

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 11/22/15 11:25 PM

It's pretty ironic, to compare the Muslims to the Jews. It is Christians and Jews who are being oppressed BY MUSLIMS and it always has been. Don't you dare try to draw a false equivalency between investigating potential hostiles in our country and the industrialized theft, rape, and murder of Christians by Muslims all over the world.

No organization that seeks to destroy the U.S. government is protected by the first amendment. Muslims should not be allowed into ANY free country for the simple reason that their guiding principles are antithetical to democracy. Americans are done listening to you people until you get the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists out of the White House and out of D.C. and close our damned borders!

Furthermore, I am disturbed that your argument is nothing more than socialist rhetoric that was poll tested in D.C. and repeated on all the praetorian media networks by the rabid Christian haters and antisemites. America has put American citizens into concentration camps without fair trial twice before on the basis of race alone, so do not act so incredulous to the concept of registering members of a radical organization like Islam. Heck the same group who supported the Kerumatsu decision are the ones calling RIGHT NOW to politically imprison climate deniers and NRA members while denouncing ANY kind of action against Muslims.

Martin Luther's writings were NOT antisemetic, but anti Jewish and based entirely on mistaken theology. The Lutheran church denounced said writings for the reason that they were not sound in doctrine. Since you brought it up, Hitler took Martin Luther's writings out of context as you have done with our founding documents, and just as with Hitler, you have turned the text inside out and against its original intention.

I suggest you read what Luther and his Predecessors have written about the Jews!
To call them anti-Jewish instead of anti-semitic is pure Hairsplitting!laugh
Luther wasn't exactly the "Sainted Individual" he is made out to be!
Besides,Hitler read every last word of Luther's Diatribes!


It was sort of inofficial Doctrine!

abdeslam22's photo
Fri 03/04/16 03:44 AM

This has nothing to do with where someone is from. This is about that the world needs to get rid of danger. Its boring to get the same "excuses", about different things non-muslims did to either protect their land and people looong ago (as they obviously still need to do) or it was conducted by powerhungry people and had nothing to do with for example Christianity (to the very contrary of killings in islams founders name and accoerding to his very conduct). Its about we are in this century still needing to fight against crazy ideologies such as islam. why? because it wasnt shut down then. Why? excuses after excuses and references that has nothing to do with THE FACT THAT ISLAM IS TRYING TO RIP THE WORLD APART N O W. again. no other believers in anything else is terrorizing the world like that. ignorance is obviously very dangerous. islamists have used the very attitudes of many non-muslims to even enter societies and try ripping them apart, and what is astonishing is that despite recent Paris and all whats happened and happening in the name of (real)islam, people have the audacity (here or elsewhere) to even try twisting it around and putting it up for being about freedoms of whatever sort. this is exactly and only about PROTECTING THOSE FREEDOMS, and to do so, one needs to shut islam down. and this has nothing to do with someones personality, hate or not. its only about realizing the threat and shutting it down. if this was germany ww2, this would be discussion about the nazis, and the ignorant would try such for hitler and nazism. problem is, what happened when also they realized whats going on and what nazism truly is - after the horrifics? and, for those trying to downplay islamists part in nazism, they killed with and for hitler, however others he found interesting to only read about, islamists helped him to actually kill. opportunists cant get any opportunity from those who do not share their whatever. islam is always an open opportunity for slaughter of non-muslims, obviously even today. why? islam is about submission. meaning whomever wants true liberty and stands up for it, will be up for slaugheter. instead of wasting time and efforts on pointing at those who are in realization in forums like this or wherever else, try to understand the real reality of islam (well, its actually not hard, turn on the tv and check what those terrorizing beleive in), get educated by non-muslims who speaks out about islam, so that you can take that blindfold off and start helping to make this a better world by shutting islam down. as i said, why i leave this site (only remained this long for you to see this) is because i would do the same if this was ww2 and they allowed nazisupporters to roam around and use peoples freedoms against them, and since i realize it when several others dont but should.

Those who would try the "hater" thing. You obviously dont know me but think you do. Doublestandards.

This has nothing to do with a persons feelings, its about realization. This is not about agreeing or not, its about realizing this is a threat that needs to be stopped and how.

If trying to help out and make people realize how to help the world become a better world by realizing and getting rid off an ideology that is ripping the world apart is referred to as "hate" by you and others, then im happy to be a "hater". you go on being the selfproclaimed "non-hater", but that doesnt stop people from being slaughtered and societies from being ripped apart by islam. on the contrary.

you've really touched the point which most people still struggle to understand it , the truth has to be shown not keep it hidden and that's exactly what islamists do all the time . i am ex-muslim and i will say that three quarters of islam remains unhuman , that's the real face of islam . i live in a muslim society where i can face death even by just writing such a comment . thank u for ur comment

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 03/04/16 03:49 AM

This has nothing to do with where someone is from. This is about that the world needs to get rid of danger. Its boring to get the same "excuses", about different things non-muslims did to either protect their land and people looong ago (as they obviously still need to do) or it was conducted by powerhungry people and had nothing to do with for example Christianity (to the very contrary of killings in islams founders name and accoerding to his very conduct). Its about we are in this century still needing to fight against crazy ideologies such as islam. why? because it wasnt shut down then. Why? excuses after excuses and references that has nothing to do with THE FACT THAT ISLAM IS TRYING TO RIP THE WORLD APART N O W. again. no other believers in anything else is terrorizing the world like that. ignorance is obviously very dangerous. islamists have used the very attitudes of many non-muslims to even enter societies and try ripping them apart, and what is astonishing is that despite recent Paris and all whats happened and happening in the name of (real)islam, people have the audacity (here or elsewhere) to even try twisting it around and putting it up for being about freedoms of whatever sort. this is exactly and only about PROTECTING THOSE FREEDOMS, and to do so, one needs to shut islam down. and this has nothing to do with someones personality, hate or not. its only about realizing the threat and shutting it down. if this was germany ww2, this would be discussion about the nazis, and the ignorant would try such for hitler and nazism. problem is, what happened when also they realized whats going on and what nazism truly is - after the horrifics? and, for those trying to downplay islamists part in nazism, they killed with and for hitler, however others he found interesting to only read about, islamists helped him to actually kill. opportunists cant get any opportunity from those who do not share their whatever. islam is always an open opportunity for slaughter of non-muslims, obviously even today. why? islam is about submission. meaning whomever wants true liberty and stands up for it, will be up for slaugheter. instead of wasting time and efforts on pointing at those who are in realization in forums like this or wherever else, try to understand the real reality of islam (well, its actually not hard, turn on the tv and check what those terrorizing beleive in), get educated by non-muslims who speaks out about islam, so that you can take that blindfold off and start helping to make this a better world by shutting islam down. as i said, why i leave this site (only remained this long for you to see this) is because i would do the same if this was ww2 and they allowed nazisupporters to roam around and use peoples freedoms against them, and since i realize it when several others dont but should.

Those who would try the "hater" thing. You obviously dont know me but think you do. Doublestandards.

This has nothing to do with a persons feelings, its about realization. This is not about agreeing or not, its about realizing this is a threat that needs to be stopped and how.

If trying to help out and make people realize how to help the world become a better world by realizing and getting rid off an ideology that is ripping the world apart is referred to as "hate" by you and others, then im happy to be a "hater". you go on being the selfproclaimed "non-hater", but that doesnt stop people from being slaughtered and societies from being ripped apart by islam. on the contrary.

you've really touched the point which most people still struggle to understand it , the truth has to be shown not keep it hidden and that's exactly what islamists do all the time . i am ex-muslim and i will say that three quarters of islam remains unhuman , that's the real face of islam . i live in a muslim society where i can face death even by just writing such a comment . thank u for ur comment

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Fri 03/04/16 05:27 PM
Edited by Ɔʎɹɐx on Fri 03/04/16 05:29 PM
I've had many discussions and arguments regarding this way of thinking when I was Muslim , I couldn't understand how and why on earth do Muslims insist to teach others how to follow their different beliefs , Muslims are ready to get into a fight with Christians just to convince them that Jesus Christ wasn't crucified , or that Bible mentioned Mohammad while Christians ignore this ultimate fact just to tease Muslims (...) ..
Muslims , please mind your own business , you have plenty of catastrophic problems to take care of instead of teaching Christians how to read their Bible !

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 03/13/16 12:54 AM

It's pretty ironic, to compare the Muslims to the Jews. It is Christians and Jews who are being oppressed BY MUSLIMS and it always has been. Don't you dare try to draw a false equivalency between investigating potential hostiles in our country and the industrialized theft, rape, and murder of Christians by Muslims all over the world.

No organization that seeks to destroy the U.S. government is protected by the first amendment. Muslims should not be allowed into ANY free country for the simple reason that their guiding principles are antithetical to democracy. Americans are done listening to you people until you get the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists out of the White House and out of D.C. and close our damned borders!

Furthermore, I am disturbed that your argument is nothing more than socialist rhetoric that was poll tested in D.C. and repeated on all the praetorian media networks by the rabid Christian haters and antisemites. America has put American citizens into concentration camps without fair trial twice before on the basis of race alone, so do not act so incredulous to the concept of registering members of a radical organization like Islam. Heck the same group who supported the Kerumatsu decision are the ones calling RIGHT NOW to politically imprison climate deniers and NRA members while denouncing ANY kind of action against Muslims.

Martin Luther's writings were NOT antisemetic, but anti Jewish and based entirely on mistaken theology. The Lutheran church denounced said writings for the reason that they were not sound in doctrine. Since you brought it up, Hitler took Martin Luther's writings out of context as you have done with our founding documents, and just as with Hitler, you have turned the text inside out and against its original intention.

I suggest you read what Luther and his Predecessors have written about the Jews!
To call them anti-Jewish instead of anti-semitic is pure Hairsplitting!laugh
Luther wasn't exactly the "Sainted Individual" he is made out to be!
Besides,Hitler read every last word of Luther's Diatribes!


It was sort of inofficial Doctrine!

You are correct. "The Lie" wanted the Govt. to get rid of them

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