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Topic: how to get a x too stop calling you
johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:34 AM
i have tried everthing.i have to have a phone so my 6 year old daughter can talk to her mother by court order.i talked to my lawyer that did not help.i told my x not too call. i never call her when she has my daughter.she has a boyfriend that she is going to get maried to after only 3 months of meeting.she calls to tell me how to do my daughters hair what to feed her you name it.i can handle kids. i have one in her first year of far she called 133 times this year.i am not to argu with her per cort order. i need ideas that are safe.

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:39 AM
block her number, or if you have caller id when you see her name on the screen, don't answer

elwoodsully's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:41 AM
How about getting a new phone number, not giving it to your ex, and then you dialing the number(with the *67(?) block on) when your daughter wants to talk to her mom? Or,I remember talking through my pc to people's phones about 8-10 years ago.. Can that be an option? Or does your ex HAVE to be able to call to talk to your daughter as well?

Liona808's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:42 AM
hey there... i don't have kids, so i can't give you proper advice or suggestions on that part...

as far as your ex goes... screen her calls. let her keep calling, and if it's really important, she'll leave a message. be strong, and try not to let her bring you down.

from watching my friends go through the same thing because they are separated and have kid(s), it may never be easy... but you can make things a little easier on yourself. hang in there!

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:43 AM
Wow!! Very tough call here!

Not sure which is scarier..she calling all the time or you able to count to the number how many times she has called.

To get her to stop, thats going to be REAL tough since there is a court order in place that says she can call to talk to your daughter.

Outside of that, just hang up on her each time. You don;t have to argue, you don;t have to listen to just hang up. after a while she should get the hint.

The court oder is for her to be able to talk to your daughter..not you. No judge is going to force you to talk to her..or even your daughter for that matter. The order basically says she has to be "avaialable" for her to talk to. If your daughter does not want to talk to her, then explain to your daughter "if you do not want to talk to your mother, all you have to do is tell her you do not wish to talk to her" then hang up.

Hope this helps.

Liona808's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:45 AM
One more thing... Get your daughter her own phone :)

oldsage's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:45 AM
I'd take all the records & go before a judge, poss. harrassment.
Might help you with the divorce matters.

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:45 AM
i wish i could block it i live in a small town.i dont answer but my daughter does.i get message after message on the machine.

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:49 AM
I'd suggest a restraining order. She sounds like she's out of control and wants to butt into your life. My son's dad and I haven't gotten along for years, and the court tried to force us to talk, which did not work. There are simply some things courts need to stay out of. People get divorced for a reason and should never, ever be forced to socialized or subjected to things like "If you don't get along with your ex-spouse, you will be arrested", cause that's a major crock of crap.

elwoodsully's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:49 AM
How about this? Get your daughter a cell phone, and tell your ex that it will ONLY be on when you have your daughter?

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:51 AM
i have to talk to the mother now in counsling per court order and i have told her to stop in their. i have to keep a log of her dew to court
comming soon.i am on number 4 pre trial next week

Liona808's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:51 AM

How about this? Get your daughter a cell phone, and tell your ex that it will ONLY be on when you have your daughter?

I totally agree :)

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:51 AM
If you log enough calls from her, that may also be considered stalking. It has to start with harassment first (which she's already doing, it sounds like) and you need to keep a log of whatever else she's doing. Any phone calls, driving by, etc. She can be arrested for stalking. This isn't healthy for your daughter, in the least, either, and the courts need to know she's doing this.

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:54 AM
it is almost x mass by daughter would like a sell phone as much as the ds i got her

no photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:54 AM
I agree about getting your daughter her own cellphone. Like a prepaid one that doesn't cost much. Great idea!

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:56 AM
thy know she is calls they have not done anthing about it yet

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 11:58 AM
i like to give you her email so you could have fun with her. i wount go theirlaugh

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:01 PM
thank you for the help:smile: my daughter will love xmass

kearbey75's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:03 PM
get another phone, pass that number to your friends,keep the new phone on you, put the old phone to the side, and use it when you need to speak to your daughter. just a thought.

johncarl's photo
Thu 12/06/07 12:14 PM
she emails my daughter to i will block that i hope all will be better has to get better. good things take time.i dont even have a cell phone crazy hey.

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