Topic: Poetry inspired by pkshimmer
daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:18 AM
the following sets of poetry were inspired by our one and only pkshimmer...

I hope you enjoy them.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:22 AM
this one was written while Jesse and I were sitting next to each other, and she made commetns about my never writing about naything except hair, eyes and lips... lol

Her perfect arse

it was a long windy road,
a road covered with snow and ice
there were times I could see nothing
but the moment that I arrived
and swept her into my arms
her bobbed brown hair, swaying in time
as I swung her around, falling on my arse
keeping her in my arms, not on the grass.

Then finally the moment did arrive
I drove by the house, stopped and returned
she beat me to the walk, as I got out of the car
I did not have the time to place the hat I'd picked
Sweep her up I did, though twirling I did not,
for fear of landing us both on our arse.

My arse can take the pounding and bruising,
but the perfectly molded arse that she does bear
would most assuredly take afrontage.

I could not bear to think that I blemished that moon
that i so often dream of, so often do swoon
for her arse is perfect, the mead of all mead
nothing surpasses it, except for her wit.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:25 AM
This one was written while on patrol for a former security company I worked for...

"As the moon wanders across the sky"

As the moon wanders across the sky,
I dream of the day I may hold within my eyes,
The sight of her beautiful brown hair, her sparkling eyes.
I dream of the day in which I may hold,
Her soft velvety body, within my deep grasp.
She haunts my dreams, both day and night,
I cant wait to wake up, yet cant go to sleep,
As visions of her keep running throughout.
I have known her only a short year or two,
yet deep in my soul a millenia or two.
Not a day goes by, that I dont wake up to her,
Nor a single night gets old, without thinking some more.
I can not wait for the day to arrive,
That finally I will meet you eye to eye.
The only thing hat scares me with that future day,
Is that surely it will be, the day the world dies.
For it has been said, that no one on Earth,
Can live in heaven without a dirth.
The day we meet, all my dreams will come true,
For you are surely an Angel sent from Him down to me,
As you comfort and assure me, as no other but He.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:29 AM
I cannot remember exactly when this was written, although I do know it was after Jesse first left jsh over a year ago.

Field of Flowers

I dream of walking in a field full of flowers,
under a sky bright blue with soft fluffy clouds;
walking with you, holding your hand in mine,
I look up and wonder aloud...

What could I have ever done, to deserve
someone as sweet and intelligent as you?
What could I have ever done, to earn the chance
to know you, and to deserve the happiness I feel?

I come home from work, all tired and depressed,
Looking forward to nothing more, than to drop into bed;
I stop and check my email, and some of my posts,
I see that you have written, and my eyes grow moist.

What could I have ever done, to deserve
someone as sweet and intelligent as you?
What could I have ever done, to earn the chance
to know you, and to deserve the happiness I feel?

I look back on the night, remembering the cold and wet,
I remember how some were just as rude as could be;
I look back down, and read your email again,
and I know that life doesnt end, it always begins.

What could I have ever done, to deserve
someone as sweet and intelligent as you?
What could I have ever done, to earn the chance
to know you, and to deserve the happiness I feel?

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:31 AM
This one was written I believe, this past summer prior to my moving back to New York.

"Friends and Lovers"

I sit and think about the many chats we've had,
I sit and wonder if ever I could have had,
anything more than friendship, or
anything less than love, I
will not settle for less, than
true love and respect; although
I am searching for friends,
I want a lover to make.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:34 AM
Measurements of love was written when I first started healing after divorcing my wife.

There's this force in nature,
That you can't see or touch.
But feel it, most certainly you can.

I can feel this pull every day.
No matter where I am, or whom I'm with.
No matter what I'm doing, it is there.

This force, it pulls me, unto better things.
It pulls me unto greater beings.
It pulls me... towards you.

I don't know rhyme or reason;
Why it pulls me the way it does.
I just know, the best is always to come.

When my heart was torn asunder;
And I had little will to live.
Pull me on through, it did.

Day by day i'm pulled, by this unseen force.
Guided past cliffs, and across the rocks.
It continually guides me, to you.

My parents supported me, my siblings too.
Some friends accepted my actions.
Others still feel, I was untrue.

A choice, I was forced to make; one I do not agree.
But for the sake of two children, make it I did.
I chose to forsake her, thus to protect, my two boys.

My soul is still stained, from forsaking one I loved.
Yet continue to pull me, this great wind, it does.
Towards you it pulls me, stronger every day.

I've met a lot of people, some of whom I still call friend,
Yet nowhere on God's Earth, is there a truer friend;
Than in Essex County, New York; a little town, Witherbee.

I am pulled by Gods Hand, I am guided by His light.
Through wind, hail and sleet, through snow, ice and heat,
Sent to be with you, God surely knows right.

For now I know, what this unseen, untouched force, is.
I know it's Gods grace, and Love guiding me toward you.
Guiding me to, my missing half soul.

For when we sit and chat, when we send different songs,
I am more at home and peace, than when swaddled in moms arms.
For God guides me, through all Earths deadly charms.

Gods will, never have I known; nor do I presume to know now.
But question his judgement, never will I do.
As continually He guides me, towards you... My missing half soul.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:36 AM
My Bestest Friend

With hair the fiery texture
of a mid-summer sunset,
She has eyes as beautiful
as the moon and the sun.

Her voice is the silky embrace
of finest cloth,
Her soul the epitome,
of God's oldest Angels.

The lady I refer to,
has been my best friend for a year.
Even when connection's lost,
we hold each other dear.

I emailed her again,
just a week or two ago,
after being away, five months,
with no internet to talk through.

It was like coming home from battle,
not having seen your family's face,
for not six months, but twelve,
fearing, you'll be too late.

I walk the lonely patrol at night,
seeing her hair and eyes,
I hear her silken voice,
I know the embrace of her angelic soul.

Not a day goes by that I do not stop and think,

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:37 AM
My Dream

A two story home,
with basement and attic;
A kitchen with cellar,
dining room and hutch.

Living and Family rooms,
den and a rec;
My own private library,
seven rooms to sleep.

Everything just said,
will be settled;
Not in the outskirts of a city,
but in the countryside, unnettled.

Pear, Apple, Plum and Cherry,
these are all trees I want in my orchard;
Cukes, Cabbages, Radishes and Onions,
these are the veggies, I intend to field.

For it is in this setting,
that I find my heart yearns;
To raise all of our children,
to love you, my heart burns.

I want nothin but the simple life,
no fights and no words;
Other than I love you, and
honey I am home.

I want peace, tranquility, rest and life,
all to be spent living, with you, thru fire and thru ice;
With nothing to prevent us, from acknowledging our love,
not a thing to stop me, from caring for you.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:38 AM
Ode to a lovely lady

Sitting here, waiting for you,
looking at pictures you have on post,
my heart beats, so slow.

As I think about what may come,
I look, at your pics,
and my heartbeat begins to gain speed.

Sitting here waiting, to post,
I ask myself one or two things,
and lol, there you are.

As I sit looking in your eyes,
I see nothing, but Soul,
And realize you're my souls better half.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:39 AM
Ode to a dj

sitting there all day and all night
playing the music she loves
talking to her friends, laughing so bright,

we all write in, asking favorite songs
she gives them all air
every last song she tries to play.

throughout the whole show her smile's white
she's a shining glowing star
her laughter infects us all so right.

So many people take her for granted
So many people don't care
yet for us, she is always there.

Sitting there all day and all night
my heart fly's to her
Other people don't care, I always will.

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:41 AM
Edited by daniel48706 on Thu 12/11/08 01:53 AM
Secret Admirer was written prior to my first telling Jesse how much I truly cared for her...

While walking around, doing my patrol
I cant stop thinking of the pain in your soul.
Day in, Day out, you look and you wait,
I can't help wonder, if this is the day.

I see the torment, the worry, the strain
I notice your heartache, with or without rain.
Wandering day by day, sunny but gray,
My heart breaks to see you this way.

I want to come over, pull you into my arms,
Not sit by the 'puter, typing away charms.
I want to hold and caress, run my hand through your hair,
While wiping away, the tears and shadows you bear.

A few times now, I have seen you smile,
A smile reaching your eyes, your soul.
I've watched your face, shine bright with life,
Yet not once, have I seen guile or strife.

You truly are GOD'S Angel, my dear
Born of HIS love, raised year by year.
No matter yur hardships, you stop and you pray,
Day by day, no matter which way.

You've been gifted, with a bright, chearful laugh,
A laugh I have watched, in it you Bathed.
Your soul shines throgh, no matter the path,
I wish I was there, to soothe your wrath.

Open your eyes, my Angel Dear,
And know that with you, my love will be near.
I can't help hope, that this is the day,
When our paths do cross, to become "the way".

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:43 AM
The clutter of love

looking through my living room, I notice a kitchen chair,
shoes, blanket, and other miscelanious clutter.
I cant help but think about the clutter it represents,
of my mind and soul when I think about you.

No matter how many times, I place you on the proper shelf,
or how many times I try and sort through the emotions,
that trail after your image in my mind,
you always reappear in whatever room, my soul is at.

Not a single day goes by, when I can honestly say,
I did not think of her today......
Not a single night passes through, when I can think,
shall I dream of someone new?

What scares me the most, though it shall surprise you and he,
is not how i cant stop thinking of you,
nor how i cant stop dreaming of you,
but the fact, that i dont ever want to stop doing so.

For it is when i think of you,
and when I dream of you,
that I am able to stop and put my other thoughts away,
no matter how much clutter, thoughts of you may leave.

I am able to look past, my worries and my fears,
I am able to look forward to my dreams and my cares,
It is thanks to the clutter, that yu leave my mind and soul,
That I am able to go on living, hope by hope, dream by dream

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:50 AM
This last poem, though not the final one was written just recently in direct response to a poem Jesse wrote first. In it I have tried to contradict almost every single thing she first states in her poem with nothing but simple fact.


you may be quick, but useless you're not
More than just witty, shy but brave.
Charming's not the word I see for you
real, honest and true, thats what I see in you.
On the inside you may be crying, but rest assured
I will do my best, to dry those tears away.
Why do you feel like this? The answer is plain
it comes from being Gods, true angel, no shame.
You ask if it'll stop, I ask that it wont
for its your ability to feel pain, that allows you to love.
You started out a friend, and turned into more
memories of you, do not haunt me galore.
My dreams of you leave me in peace
so when I wake up, its total jubilee.
I wish I dared scream, my true feelings for you
The past may be past, cant argue the facts
but without the past, present would be glass.
You shouldnt forget all the things you have felt
they all help to make, such a person of wealth.
when feeling upset, just remember the good
that you did for me, a stranger, then friend.
the feeling of love that has come over me
I refuse to let go, I refuse to ask why.
I don't try to say what normal should be
I let Gods love, show me how to be what you need.
I will never forget, even though I forgive,
all those young men who have hurt you so.
You think your words are useless, yet I say they aren't
they flow through my heart, they ease all my pain.
I still wish I could gather, the courage to scream out
the love that I feel for you, your place in my heart.
I pray the day comes, that you will say that you want me,
Only once will it take, my arms will enwrap thee.
As I move on in my life, I look back on my past
I thank God for all the hurt as well as all the love.
The hurt may not last, but my love will never die.

no photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:24 AM
basking under the umbrella of your loveflowerforyou flowerforyou

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 11:44 AM
With the white knight, I must state that it has no reflection whatsoever on anything I know of Jesses past insofar as types of boyfriends and such, other than them mostly being losers (They lost her after all didnt they?). It was written mainly on a whim, when I saw her last boyfriend start taking her for granted, and knew what was to come.

The white knight

The days of Camelot are no longer out there,
No longer do we need Sirs Lancelot and Artur.
Yet tell you I must, fore it’s a story most true,
Among us today are the white knights of old.

Maybe not, Sir Artur the bold, definitely not,
Sir Lancelot, foresworn. Yet among us still today,
We have Sirs Daniel and more. For you see, not a
Serfdom is needed, for a man to be just, loyal and true.

In days of old, knights went to the call, of those who
Were in need, no matter who might fall. They did what
They could, to protect the innocent and the true,
And even then were left with no one to hold

A true knight goes, where he is needed the most,
Even though when done, he almost always becries,
Why must all women, even those who are true,
Always walk away, from those who catch swoons.

For women it seems, no matter how well treated,
Always go for those who are beaters. They know in their
Hearts, that in the future again, they will most definitely
See, that white knight, so grim.

They know that no matter, how much they might run,
They are destined to ride, behind those who come,
To the beck and the call, the yell and the shout, of any
Person, whether innocent and true, or not.

They know these white knights will always be there, to catch
And to hold until run they do dare. Back to ones who beat and
Hurt, yet to be rescued again, by those swept under the dirt.
Just to sweep them there again.

I know this makes no sense, to always seek being hurt,
Yet I cant stop but hope, that one day the cycle wont.
Continue with the knight being swept, under the dirt.
That one day the knight, will get the one who wont hurt.

The knight will ride in, and rescue damsel so true,
They both will ride home to care and to love. The damsel
No longer, must fear for her health, the white knight no longer,
Must ride home to cry.

LAMom's photo
Thu 12/11/08 12:37 PM
Daniel you and Jess have built a bond A friendship built on respect, trust and the deepest of love a friendship that will withstand time,,


daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:42 PM
Thank You Mom, your opinion has always mattered to me. And yes I pray that Jesse and I will ALWAYS be the best friends we are now.