Topic: Operation Gunwalker, an ATF program to give guns to drug Lor
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Fri 08/12/11 05:09 PM
Operation Gunwalker, an ATF program to give guns to drug Lords.


(CBS News) WASHINGTON - Federal agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief.
He was intentionally letting guns go to Mexico?

"Yes ma'am," Dodson told CBS News. "The agency was."

An Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms senior agent assigned to the Phoenix office in 2010, Dodson's job is to stop gun trafficking across the border. Instead, he says he was ordered to sit by and watch it happen.

Investigators call the tactic letting guns "walk." In this case, walking into the hands of criminals who would use them in Mexico and the United States.

Dodson's bosses say that never happened. Now, he's risking his job to go public.

"I'm boots on the ground in Phoenix, telling you we've been doing it every day since I've been here," he said. "Here I am. Tell me I didn't do the things that I did. Tell me you didn't order me to do the things I did. Tell me it didn't happen. Now you have a name on it. You have a face to put with it. Here I am. Someone now, tell me it didn't happen."

Agent Dodson and other sources say the gun walking strategy was approved all the way up to the Justice Department. The idea was to see where the guns ended up, build a big case and take down a cartel. And it was all kept secret from Mexico.

ATF named the case "Fast and Furious."

Surveillance video obtained by CBS News shows suspected drug cartel suppliers carrying boxes of weapons to their cars at a Phoenix gun shop. The long boxes shown in the video being loaded in were AK-47-type assault rifles.

So it turns out ATF not only allowed it - they videotaped it.

Documents show the inevitable result: The guns that ATF let go began showing up at crime scenes in Mexico. And as ATF stood by watching thousands of weapons hit the streets... the Fast and Furious group supervisor noted the escalating Mexican violence.

One e-mail noted, "958 killed in March 2010 ... most violent month since 2005." The same e-mail notes: "Our subjects purchased 359 firearms during March alone," including "numerous Barrett .50 caliber rifles."

Dodson feels that ATF was partly to blame for the escalating violence in Mexico and on the border. "I even asked them if they could see the correlation between the two," he said. "The more our guys buy, the more violence we're having down there."

Senior agents including Dodson told CBS News they confronted their supervisors over and over.

Their answer, according to Dodson, was, "If you're going to make an omelette, you've got to break some eggs."

There was so much opposition to the gun walking, that an ATF supervisor issued an e-mail noting a "schism" among the agents. "Whether you care or not people of rank and authority at HQ are paying close attention to this case...we are doing what they envisioned.... If you don't think this is fun you're in the wrong line of work... Maybe the Maricopa County jail is hiring detention officers and you can get $30,000 ... to serve lunch to inmates..."

"We just knew it wasn't going to end well. There's just no way it could," Dodson said.

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Fri 08/12/11 05:12 PM
Gunrunning scandal uncovered at the ATF;contentBody

(CBS News) WASHINGTON - Keeping American weapons from getting into the hands of Mexican gangs is the goal of a program called "Project Gunrunner." But critics say it's doing exactly the opposite. CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports on what she found.

December 14, 2010. The place: a dangerous smuggling route in Arizona not far from the border. A special tactical border squad was on patrol when gunfire broke out and agent Brian Terry was killed.

Kent, Brian's brother, said "he was my only brother. That was the only brother I had. I'm lost."

The assault rifles found at the murder were traced back to a U.S. gun shop. Where they came from and how they got there is a scandal so large, some insiders say it surpasses the shoot-out at Ruby Ridge and the deadly siege at Waco.

To understand why, it helps to know something about "Project Gunrunner" an operation run by the ATF the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Read more:;contentBody

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 08/12/11 05:16 PM

They been talking about this for a couple of months now, this is how BP agent Brian Terry was killed here in southern Arizona. One of the cartel members killed him with one of the guns that a dealer here was strong armed into selling this cartel members jeffe. Now the DOJ is petitioning the court to forbid Terry's family from being treated as crime victims.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 08/12/11 05:23 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Fri 08/12/11 05:23 PM

They been talking about this for a couple of months now, this is how BP agent Brian Terry was killed here in southern Arizona. One of the cartel members killed him with one of the guns that a dealer here was strong armed into selling this cartel members jeffe. Now the DOJ is petitioning the court to forbid Terry's family from being treated as crime victims.

Another Obama f%^k up.

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Fri 08/12/11 05:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/12/11 05:33 PM
Let me tell you what I suspect the over-all agenda is. It is a long term agenda that seeks to once again invade Venezuela and take out Hugo Chavez. It's about cocaine and drug cartels and taking over Venezuela. The unsuccessful coup by the CIA in 2002 to get rid of Hugo Chavez, a duly elected president of that country failed. They will keep trying. (Yes, it was the CIA doing usual)

The CIA is involved in this ATF operation and where there are guns there is always drugs.

But is the CIA supplying the drug cartels with planes too? Some people think so...

Lots of people getting killed in this operation. Its confusing. Here is another link...

no photo
Fri 08/12/11 05:36 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/12/11 05:38 PM
I discovered this news (strangely) by following links and key words while investigating CIA owned (fake) flight schools set up to train foreigners to learn to fly planes while investigation Mohammed Atta and other 9-11 terrorists...

Just following one lead (keyword) and another leads to some interesting stuff on the Internet.

I have to say the CIA looks pretty dirty..

I need to get back to my art studio and paint some pretty pictures...

The world is full of so much graft and corruption. sad frustrated

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 08/12/11 05:41 PM

They are, but they are also the kind of people who do things the average person could not do in order to get the kind of info we need to do certain things. Lets not forget who authorized this and we need to look no further than Eric Holder.

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Sat 08/13/11 01:33 PM
Fast and Furious, also known by the more accurate “Gunwalker,” allowed known straw purchasers to buy large quantities of firearms — often a dozen or more semi-automatic rifles — at a time with the full knowledge of ATF agents and executives. The guns were then smuggled into Mexico, as frustrated front-line ATF agents watched, under strict orders to do nothing.

ATF agents testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee could not explain how the operation was supposed to succeed when their surveillance efforts stopped at the border and interdiction was never an option.

ATF Agent John Dodson, testifying in front of the committee, said that in his entire law enforcement career, he had “never been involved in or even heard of an operation in which law enforcement officers let guns walk.” He continued: “I cannot begin to think of how the risk of letting guns fall into the hands of known criminals could possibly advance any legitimate law enforcement interest.”

The obvious answer is that Gunwalker’s objective was never intended to be a “legitimate law enforcement interest.” Instead, it appears that ATF Acting Director Ken Melson and Department of Justice senior executives specifically created an operation that was designed from the outset to arm Mexican narco-terrorists and increase violence substantially along both sides of the Southwest border.

no photo
Sat 08/13/11 01:46 PM
Scroll down the page and watch the Daily show about this operation. It is hilarious! (But not really, because this sheeat really happened.)



Now seriously, do you think this was really a home grown ATF operation.
