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no photo
Thu 10/12/23 10:52 AM
six day war
In the five days that followed Israel routed the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. It captured the Gaza Strip and the Sinai desert from Egypt; the Golan Heights from Syria; and the West Bank and East Jerusalem, from Jordan.

For the first time in almost two millennia the Jewish holy places in Jerusalem were under the control of Jews. More Palestinians were expelled, fled or were killed, though not on the scale of 1948.
Israeli soldiers approach the Dome on the Rock June 7, 1967, in East Jerusalem, Israel on the day of its capture from Jordanian forces

Bart's photo
Thu 10/12/23 12:08 PM
The Palestinian Children and elderly are used as human shields by Hamas after they lob rockets indiscriminately at innocent people in Israel. What are the Jewish people suppose to do just accept their bombs. Hamas is the enemy of Palestinians.

no photo
Thu 10/12/23 01:21 PM

The Palestinian Children and elderly are used as human shields by Hamas after they lob rockets indiscriminately at innocent people in Israel. What are the Jewish people suppose to do just accept their bombs. Hamas is the enemy of Palestinians.

Yep, probably keep weapons in schools and hospitals as well

Bart's photo
Thu 10/12/23 04:31 PM
Many colleges and organizations that adhere to the leftist delusional ideology are calling for Palestine to be a free state… wether or not you believe that should be the case, I would argue that is what Israel is doing now. The destruction of Hamas and the terrorist network that has no regard for the civilian population of the people they rule is the only way to free the people of Gaza… and Israel is on the verge of doing just that..

Rock's photo
Thu 10/12/23 07:09 PM

It's a dating site.

Unless there are Israeli or Palestinian singles looking for a date, I'm not sure how this is an appropriate venue for that.

Well then...
You're cordially invited to endeavor an aeronautic
conjugation at a rolling doughnut.

Btw... Did you happen to catch the title of the
forum category?

Laska Paul 's photo
Fri 10/13/23 12:36 AM

Another War zone , some will make Money while others will Loose terribly . Only Destruction , Nothing Else ..!

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 10/13/23 01:34 AM
Extremist organizations in Israel
In Israel, 63 extremist organizations have followed all means to threaten the lives of Palestinians, their property, and their sanctuaries. Some of them adopted Nazi ideas that called for confronting the Arab population and treating them with the harshest forms of oppression, racial discrimination and terrorism.
Most of them were founded or supported by famous rabbis. Some of them receive financial support and energy from Israeli far-right parties.
Some of them, especially graduates of religious schools, believe in the imminence of salvation in the advent of the Messiah, and that the Messiah will only come by destroying Al-Aqsa Mosque and building the Temple. The Jewish terrorist organization Tamarod, which includes young men between the ages of 16 and 25, burned down a house of Palestinian family, killing three of its members. And burned The Church of the Bread and Fish on the shores of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias).
Among the most prominent of these organizations are:
The Temple Institute: Its founder, Ariel, was famous for his fatwas that justified the destruction and extermination of Arab property and the liquidation of their presence in Palestine.

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 10/13/23 01:46 AM
In 1974, a UN resolution on the "Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine" called for "two States, Israel and Palestine side by side within secure and recognized borders" together with "a just resolution of the refugee question in conformity with UN resolution 194". The borders of the state of Palestine would be "based on the pre-1967 borders".
Israel and the United States voting against.

Mark Grant's photo
Fri 10/13/23 02:35 AM
Blame Hamas for all of it. The Palestinians weren't under attack until they started it.

really have you read about the demolition of Palestinian homes and the deaths of people killed before this attack by the idf

Mark Grant's photo
Fri 10/13/23 02:36 AM
The Jews aren't perfect. They are like the Palestinian bunch in not being wanted for a reason. Nazis were harsh but not without cause. Many of them are very controlling for evil. Look at how many Jews are in power through money and politics. I can see Jewish hands behind many bad things, probably the Ukraine war. I can see Dr David Dukes point but only so far. But they are still Gods chosen no matter what. They have disobeyed God many times. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Almighty already pass judgement on this bunch the Jews are fighting now. And weren't the Jews told to kill them all in the Old Testament but neglected to do so. There disobedience is costing them now.

really you are so wrong

Bart's photo
Fri 10/13/23 06:34 AM

The Palestinian Children and elderly are used as human shields by Hamas after they lob rockets indiscriminately at innocent people in Israel. What are the Jewish people suppose to do just accept their bombs. Hamas is the enemy of Palestinians.

Yep, probably keep weapons in schools and hospitals as well

While Israel is dropping leaflets and warning civilians in Gaza to evacuate to the south for their own safety before they start their campaign in the north against Hamas , they are being prevented to leave by Hamas. This should make it clear to the Palestinians that their true enemy is the same people they support to govern them. When your ideology is that screwed up there really is no hope for you.

no photo
Fri 10/13/23 07:18 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 10/13/23 07:19 AM

"While Israel is dropping leaflets and warning civilians in Gaza to evacuate to the south for their own safety before they start their campaign in the north against Hamas , they are being prevented to leave by Hamas. This should make it clear to the Palestinians that their true enemy is the same people they support to govern them. When your ideology is that screwed up there really is no hope for you."

Some people are so good at stating the obvious. And I'm serious about that. For whatever reason, I know the truth and can see it, but have a very hard time explaining it. You did a good job of that. It reminds me of in school when they say to show your work. That was always way harder to me than getting the answer. But anyways, thank you for speaking the truth.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 10/13/23 07:41 AM

Blame Hamas for all of it. The Palestinians weren't under attack until they started it.

Palestinians have always been the aggressor.. Before they were known as Palestinians it was the philistine people, yes Goliath’s people came to that area in the 12 century BC. The first inscription’s of them are invading Egypt around 1190 BC after ravaging Syria and Cyprus. They were turned back by Egypt but permitted to settle the land that is now Palestine . They have rejected every deal negotiated with them to live in peace with their neighbors.. They are not the original inhabitants of that territory. The terrorists Must be destroyed before peace has a real chance..

Many People commenting don't know the history!

People don't know bible or study or Believe Scripture evidently.

God will protect Israel.

Bart's photo
Fri 10/13/23 03:01 PM

"While Israel is dropping leaflets and warning civilians in Gaza to evacuate to the south for their own safety before they start their campaign in the north against Hamas , they are being prevented to leave by Hamas. This should make it clear to the Palestinians that their true enemy is the same people they support to govern them. When your ideology is that screwed up there really is no hope for you."

Some people are so good at stating the obvious. And I'm serious about that. For whatever reason, I know the truth and can see it, but have a very hard time explaining it. You did a good job of that. It reminds me of in school when they say to show your work. That was always way harder to me than getting the answer. But anyways, thank you for speaking the truth.

Thank you. I’m afraid that many people see the obvious but unlike you and I , they choose to deny it. They even deny the holocaust . Look what’s going on in big cities across our nation. Thousands of anti-Semites protesting Israels right to defend itself and calling for death to Israel… I hope Joe Biden sees these protests so he will never again state that the number 1 threat in the world is white supremacy! Keep posting your thoughts Not Looking , very informative.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 10/14/23 03:22 AM
Israel and Hamas.
Hamas was founded in 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian protestation against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
In August 2005, Israeli forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip and left it to the Palestinian Authority.
In 2006, Hamas won the majority in the Palestinian legislative elections. Israel and the United States cut off aid to the Palestinians because Hamas refused to recognize Israel.
In 2008, Israel launched a military attack on Gaza that lasted 22 days. 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed before a truce was agreed upon.
In March 2018, Palestinians protested on the Gaza Strip border with Israel and Israeli forces opened fire on them. More than 170 Palestinians were killed in the months-long protests that also led to clashes between Hamas and Israeli forces.
In May 2021, after months of tension, Israeli police clashed with Palestinian protesters near Al-Aqsa Mosque over a lawsuit in which eight Palestinian families face eviction from their homes in East Jerusalem in favor of Jewish settlers. Hundreds of Palestinians were also injured in clashes with Israeli security forces in the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex over the course of two days.
Israel bombed Gaza, and the death toll increased as the bombing continued, with the collapse of a 13-story building due to an Israeli air strike. Palestinian militants fired rockets deep into Israel. As the Israeli air strikes continued, Palestinian militants fired missiles at Israel. Violence broke out in mixed areas inhabited by Jews and Arabs in Israel.
Israel used warplanes, tanks and artillery to strike a network of Palestinian activists' tunnels in Gaza followed by the firing of more Palestinian rockets.
An Israeli air strike destroyed a 12-storey tower that housed the offices of international media organizations and Palestinian militants responded with a barrage of rockets on Tel Aviv.
An Israeli air strike in Gaza destroyed several homes and killed 42 people, including ten children. Rockets continued to be fired at an Israeli town.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says that about 450 buildings in the Gaza Strip, including six hospitals and nine primary health care centres, have been destroyed or severely damaged since the start of the conflict, which has also displaced more than 52,000 Palestinians.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 10/14/23 07:59 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 10/14/23 08:01 AM

My only comment on this topic: you'd be crazy not to side with Israel. Read the Bible...


Many People commenting live in ignorance then try to comment on things.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 10/14/23 08:29 AM

Israel and Hamas.
Hamas was founded in 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian protestation against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
In August 2005, Israeli forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip and left it to the Palestinian Authority.
In 2006, Hamas won the majority in the Palestinian legislative elections. Israel and the United States cut off aid to the Palestinians because Hamas refused to recognize Israel.
In 2008, Israel launched a military attack on Gaza that lasted 22 days. 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed before a truce was agreed upon.
In March 2018, Palestinians protested on the Gaza Strip border with Israel and Israeli forces opened fire on them. More than 170 Palestinians were killed in the months-long protests that also led to clashes between Hamas and Israeli forces.
In May 2021, after months of tension, Israeli police clashed with Palestinian protesters near Al-Aqsa Mosque over a lawsuit in which eight Palestinian families face eviction from their homes in East Jerusalem in favor of Jewish settlers. Hundreds of Palestinians were also injured in clashes with Israeli security forces in the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex over the course of two days.
Israel bombed Gaza, and the death toll increased as the bombing continued, with the collapse of a 13-story building due to an Israeli air strike. Palestinian militants fired rockets deep into Israel. As the Israeli air strikes continued, Palestinian militants fired missiles at Israel. Violence broke out in mixed areas inhabited by Jews and Arabs in Israel.
Israel used warplanes, tanks and artillery to strike a network of Palestinian activists' tunnels in Gaza followed by the firing of more Palestinian rockets.
An Israeli air strike destroyed a 12-storey tower that housed the offices of international media organizations and Palestinian militants responded with a barrage of rockets on Tel Aviv.
An Israeli air strike in Gaza destroyed several homes and killed 42 people, including ten children. Rockets continued to be fired at an Israeli town.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says that about 450 buildings in the Gaza Strip, including six hospitals and nine primary health care centres, have been destroyed or severely damaged since the start of the conflict, which has also displaced more than 52,000 Palestinians.

Interesting and informative

Rock's photo
Sat 10/14/23 02:33 PM
I'm really liking the well deserved fires at hamas hq.

Bart's photo
Sat 10/14/23 03:00 PM

I'm really liking the well deserved fires at hamas hq.

I bet they are not roasting hotdogs over that fire…

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 10/14/23 10:47 PM
The Human Rights Committee has repeatedly affirmed the legitimacy of fighting against the occupation by all available means, including armed conflict, based on United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 3214 in 1974. (Resolution No. 3 (35) on 2/21/1979 and Resolution No. 1989/19 on 6 /3/1989).
General Assembly Resolution 37/43 of 12/3/1982 “reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle for their liberation from occupation and the right to self-determination. And any attempt to suppress the armed struggle against colonial and foreign domination and racist regimes are in violation of the United Nations Charter.

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