Community > Posts By > JohnStockholm

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Tue 06/16/09 04:44 AM
I agree. They sent my passport back with my name mispelled and I had to get a new set of pictures at my own cost and resubmit the passport on my own time at my own cost. All because they made a mistake. And it was on a passport renewal which means the computer scanned in the passport and the form had my name already typed in and somehow they managed to clear the field and type it in improperly. I think the government likes torturing us. A government of the people, by the people, for the people, my ass.

We're making peace talk with Cuba while North Korea is threatening Nuclear war. We can't stop it while its small because we purposely spread ourselves thin over a war on an abstract concept, "terrorism." The only other war on an abstract concept was also put up under the same political regieme, the highly expensive war on drugs, which has proven to drain the US economy and the US Military budgets. We're heading into some big ****. But I want to know why these wars on abstract concepts which have proven to be complete failures in every way coincidentally spread us thin while we make peace talk with an island strategic as a missile launch site after so many years of silence from peace talks. Castro and his mentality are still very much so dominant important forces that seem to control the government of Cuba. It sounds like the same rigged setups as the last two world wars which came at the same economical hard times. Only the rich get richer and the poor go off to die. I wonder how big of a war we will have to see before we realize that governments cannot be run by select few individuals. More individuals must be in charge of overseeing important decisions. It's either now or never.

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Tue 06/16/09 04:29 AM
If your best friend is your best friend and you aren't willing to let anyone new in your life take over that role, then your "best friend" mine as well be your significant other. You can call your best friend from before best friend still, because after all what is in a name, but the reality is that if you aren't willing to commit yourself to the person you are with the relationship is one out of practicality and not true love.

We tend to find relationships with people we are attracted to that fit certain logical expectations for what they can provide and how they behave themselves. None of this logic is found in love.

Not everyone is meant to love. Some people just don't truely love others. Females and males alike. Its common for males to seek nothing other than sex and practicality their entire lives. In the same way there are many independent females that think for themselves and put themselves first so much that they will never have love.

In fact love isn't what everyone is looking for. "singmesweet" may think shes looking for love, but it certainly sounds like shes looking for practical companionship and nothing more.

Jimmyjabes I think you want someone that you can feel personal with in your personal space. Someone so close to you that they have permissions with you that no one else has. Becareful though make sure that you dont get so comfortable with them that you think they know what you're thinking. Make sure to always speak your mind.

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Tue 06/16/09 03:41 AM
In the Army now.

"WHat are we going to do throw water balloons at them?"

Everyone's least favorite movie: Jury duty :(... why couldn't he have been in more movies?

I vote Pauly Shore, Andy ****, Ben Stiller, and Robin Williams become the four ninja turtles in a real life action movie with TONS of comedic parody. Pauly - Michelangelo. Andy **** - Leonardo. Ben stiller - Raphael. Robin Williams - Donatello.