Community > Posts By > Sarcasticone

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Wed 05/06/09 05:06 PM
The best I have ever heard went like this

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I want a pony,
I love you daddy,

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Wed 05/06/09 05:04 PM

Is your almond joy?

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Wed 05/06/09 04:17 PM
"This is the point where if I had a **** I would tell you to suck it" Betty White-Lake Placid... greatest line ever.

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Wed 05/06/09 04:08 PM
Cold winters night,
Frosted window pane,
Icecicles hang from the old oak outside,
The stark beauty of new fallen snow,

Turning slowly from the window,
A roaring fireplace,
The warmth is enticing,
Drawing them nearer,

Dimly lite room,
The only soft light,
Leaps from the dancing flames,
Casts flickering shadows on the walls,

Laying before the fire,
They gaze into each others eyes,
The fire light blazes there,
Or are they the flames of passion,

No time for questions,
Only time for love,
He gently strokes her hair,
A loving smile crosses his features,

Her hand reaches out to touch his chest,
Feeling his heart beat in her palm,
A tender kiss,
A delicate caress,

She is his,
And he is hers,
Bodies and spirits,
Making love in the dark,

The cool feel of her hands on his skin,
The heat of the fire on his back,
Passion spurs them on,
To the peak of ecstacy,

Time and time again,
Until the fall into each other arms,
Exhausted yet fullfilled,
Slowly they are wrapped in gentle sleep,

Fiery shadows dance on pale walls,
And outside,
It begins to snow....

R.E.G. 8/21/91

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Wed 05/06/09 03:48 PM
Oh sorry, thought this was the broom closet... anyone seen the broom?

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Wed 05/06/09 03:46 PM
George jetson

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Wed 05/06/09 03:45 PM
appliances for sale

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Wed 05/06/09 03:43 PM

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Wed 05/06/09 03:43 PM
Googles me

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Wed 05/06/09 03:41 PM
Another old one...but somehow is still appropriate today


Looking back on my life,
I can see ths steps I've taken,
Right and wrong, Good and bad,
I've done things I'm not proud of,
And things I am ashamed of,
Now I try to make a new life,
Starting over from today,
I'll never forget my past,
Or try to deny it,
It is what made me the person I am,
And I'm not all bad,
But I want to try again,
To start anew with one goal,
Making the best of what is left of my life,
I don't judge you, so don't judge me,
Each person's life is thier to lead,
I may have lived mine different from you,
But I am not wrong for that,
Now I look to tomorrow,
Watching a new sun come over the horizon,
I see it with new eyes,
Eyes that are clear, see things as they are,
Let the past be behind us,
Don't remember me for who I was,
Remember me for who I AM.

R.E.G. 12/15/91

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Wed 05/06/09 03:26 PM
Listen more than talk

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Wed 05/06/09 03:26 PM

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Wed 05/06/09 03:25 PM
Troy Aikman

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Wed 05/06/09 03:23 PM
This is something I wrote a long time ago, thought I would share.

Dark Snow

On a chill dark winters night,
A great white owl takes to flight,

Over hills of new fallen snow,
A shadow passes the ground below,

The full moon sheds its pale light,
Great wings beat the ebon night,

Sparkling eyes scan the ground,
In search of prey that must be found,

A million stars ignite the sky,
Blazing heaven up on high,

An elder oak weighed down with frost,
A small grey mouse shall pay the cost,

It sees the owls descending flight,
The mouses heart is gripped with fright,

Across the ivory snow it streaks,
It's mind a hidden refuge seeks,

It hears the beating wings grow near,
Driven on by waves of fear,

The claws extend and open wide,
Grey mouse has found no where to hide,

From the corner of his eye,
A tiny hole he does spy,

Darting quick with lightning speed,
The great white owl shall not succeed,

Back into the dark night sky,
A hungry owl is forced to fly,

No death tonight on fallen snow,
For all his efforts he's nothing to show,

Upon the frosted elder oak,
Wrapped in winters ivory cloak,

A hungry owl sits and broods,
Another victim of fate fickle moods,

Soon shall come the shining dawn,
The grip of darkness shall soon be gone,

Two lives are spared by a trick of fate,
A mouse goes home to feed his mate,

A valued lesson the owls been taught,
No food this night was ever caught,

Strength and speed are not all you need,
Supress your instincts let wisdom lead,

It shall show you the path thats true,
Let wisdom build your life for you,

Wisdom shows the way to go,
Shed no blood on winters snow....

R.E.G. 11/22/91

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Wed 05/06/09 03:03 PM
Define Substance.

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Tue 05/05/09 07:28 PM
No way you're 49, wow.. Yes please :)

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Tue 05/05/09 07:15 PM
if she'd let me

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Tue 05/05/09 03:11 PM
Going somewhere _Colin Hay

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Mon 05/04/09 09:53 PM

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Mon 05/04/09 09:06 PM
Patrick Star

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