Community > Posts By > nsctilidie

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Fri 03/30/07 12:07 AM
I wouldn't expect judgmental assholes like yall to understand. so F&&^
OFF! You don't know me I bet you couldn't walk a mile in my shoes

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Thu 03/29/07 11:55 PM

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Thu 03/29/07 10:02 PM
Alot of people tend to have a certian misconception on what gangs are.
It's not just about where you're from or what color you claim. It's a
brotherhood about loyalty, pride, respect, and honor. See now dayz its
different. And when it comes to ganstas they can fall in one of two
categories 1. The Fake and 2.The Real

1. The Fake
The fake are the one's that throw on a blue, or red bandana and think
that there a gangsta. Not knowing a damn thing about gangs and how they
choose to be evil. And it cuz of these Mf that 2pac and Biggie are dead.
These Mf don't know that the game is built on respect and the think that
they have to talk **** and bust their chrome to prove a point. THE'RE

2. The Real
The reall G's are the one's out there on the block tryin to make living
doin what they gotta do to make it. People how don't want to do evil.
But the circumstances around them leave them no choice. They now what
the games about and are loyal 100%. They don't brag about what they do
cuz the're not proud of it and wish for some way to get out.


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Thu 03/29/07 09:40 PM

You can hear the drums beating in the stands
Pounding out the chant of a thousand hands
From a lost generation that's been hurt too much
When we came out we were holding a crutch
They tell us that we're living in better times
Tell that to the tears rolling from our eyes
From drugs to guns man we've seen it all
When there was peace, I can't recall

Every morning I would go to school
To learn arithmetic and the golden rule
The big teacher taught us right from wrong
But on the playground right never lasted long
You see I learned more about reality
Getting kicked around and bloody-kneed
I spent my life curled in a ball
My hand broken from punching the wall
I tried to cry but the tears never came
Dig your nails deeper man, it's all the same
I was so filled with hate by the age of twelve
That into my heart, I dare not delve
Every night I'd ask the stars above
"Don't let me forget how to feel some love"
Right and wrong shift like the breeze
When you've living your life on your knees
I took my justice, in my hands
Because teacher wasn't there to make my stand
Though I was punished, I know not why
Right then I had to fight back or die

But now we're through living in your world
Consider this the first stone hurled
We're not letting life stay this way
too many have hurt, too many have paid
You've been deaf, for far too long
Even though you knew the truth all along
But I ask you world, "can you hear?"
The once-soft chorus is growing clear

You can hear the drums beating in the stands
Pounding out the chant of a thousand hands

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Thu 03/29/07 09:22 PM
Well as far as I know you wont find any creepy people here. Welcome.

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Thu 03/29/07 05:12 PM
I can't escape you
no matter how many times I turn around
I see you there
looking back at me
your beautiful face
too tempting to resist
your smile
too wonderful to deny

Not a day goes by
that you don't cross my mind
Try as I might to shut you out
I'm powerless against the stray thoughts
that wonder in when my mind is quiet
or my heart is in need of a smile

I need to forget you
I need to find a different path
but you made me so happy
and loved me so openly
that I can never forget what we shared
Even as the years push us apart
and time fades those joyful memories
I feel drawn to you
lost in you
and hopelessly entranced by you

I hope you find your happiness
even in the arms of another
No matter if the vision destroys me slowly
I know you deserve something more
than an absentee lover
waiting to take you home

Just know that around every corner I turn
I will see you looking back
Your face both beautiful and haunting
a welcome image
of a broken heart

I cherish our memories
and wish things could be different
but no matter how much I love you
I can never change what is
what was
or what has to be

So find your peace
and enjoy your life without me
But promise you'll think of me on those still nights
when I'm turning corners in my mind
and staring deep into your loving eyes
but missing your gentle touch
or heartfelt words

Give me thoughts of warmth
to let this shivering soul have some peace
don't let me slip into cold oblivion
and let me remember when you were mine
when life was easier
and nothing more need be said

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Wed 03/28/07 11:31 PM
I know what it feels like to lose some one dear to your heart. But
atleast you made her last days on earth her happiest.

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Wed 03/28/07 10:57 PM
It wasn’t that long ago
we were saying our good byes
but I never got to say thank you
for all the things that you taught me
most importantly what forever means
at least when it came to me and you
It means until you’re tired
and don’t want to play anymore
or until I’m useless
and you’ve got all your kicks
Was it forever until you’re quit
or forever until you’re bored

So tell me the truth
did you ever really care?
did you love that boy you held?
Did you just use him like the others?
and toss him when he was spent?

Now in the end I know
that it’s all for the best
We’re both much happier
and moving on with our lives
but still the questions linger
like a shadow cast long before
for the life of me I’ll never understand
how forever can be so brief
just until you’re hurting
just until it’s not easy anymore
or until someone better comes along
Is it forever until I’m broke
or forever until you let it die?

But tell me the truth
did any of it matter to you?
or was it just another cheap thrill?
was everything you said a lie?
just like happily ever after and forever.

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Wed 03/28/07 10:45 PM

Get a job, get a life
and all that money stuff
Slave to God, slave to money
none of it cares about you
Two car garage, white picket fence
happiness is so cheap today
Blind your eyes, dull your thoughts
maybe then you’ll fail to see
that I don’t want to be like you

Nine to five, lunch at noon
how can this work for you?
Say your prayers, go to bed
Forget about what you want to do
Crush the dream, kill the hopes
it’s the right thing to do
Buy their shirts, make them rich
maybe they'll like you then
But I don’t want to be like you

Cut your hair, change your shoes
who cares if they work for you?
Punch the keys, do the work
and keep your smart mouth shut
Wash your hands, chew your food
don’t choke on the words I say
Raise your glass, drink your wine
and kiss your future goodbye
because I don’t want to be like you

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Wed 03/28/07 10:21 PM
WOW! That was pretty good. Good Job.

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Wed 03/28/07 08:44 PM

It was many many years ago
I was green and young in life
I didn't know that there were girls
with hearts of ice
I never could have imagined
the harm that they could do
to well meaning boys and their lives
But like a hailstorm from hell
she rained down upon this bird
broke his wing and left him for dead
Though the storm passed quickly
and the sun came out again
the little bird never healed
just kept dying in the sand
because he could never fly again
But you can't tell me
that it was meant to be
for me to stand here now
with my feet in the sand
Because I was meant to soar
to kiss the clouds
while riding a gentle breeze
Yet here I am after all these years
just a bird with a broken wing
dying in the sand

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Wed 03/28/07 08:30 PM
Yeah It's pretty good congratulations

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Wed 03/28/07 08:17 PM
Thanx Kim I Appreciate it.

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Wed 03/28/07 08:04 PM
Here's my new pic tell me what yall think

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Wed 03/28/07 07:44 PM

What's the point of it all?
What makes it all worthwhile?
I've lost everything to this
My life, my home and now my art
I simply have nothing left to give
Because while you comfort
You also take away
And while you create
You also destroy
I never planned on this
Straddling the while line
Between love and hate
I need your smile
And your comforting hand
I need your love
And you next to me at night
But I need myself as well my love
I need to be who I am
Because without myself I am no one
And if I am no one, then we are nothing
You've given me more than I can return
I could never count the smiles
Or all the memories you've brought me
But I can count the pains
And there's but one
The pain you created
When you took my soul
Your share in this package deal
But I can pay you no more my dear
Because now the price is just too high
Even a lifetime of happiness isn't worth this
Losing and forgetting who I am
Because even though I'd never be alone
You'd be sleeping with a corpse at night

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Wed 03/28/07 07:27 PM

How we long for nights like these
Where time seems to freeze
In the chilly midnight air
And we have nothing to do
But hold each other tight
In a warm, tender embrace
But as I strain to pull you closer
Close enough to feel your heartbeat
Pounding in my hands
I see that no words are worthy
Of how I feel right now
And close to you
Is never close enough

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Wed 03/28/07 07:18 PM
Her Electric Touch
I remember the electricity
when our hands first touched
the newness
the excitement
the taste of the forbidden.

It was a breaking of tension
the end of a game
and the beginning of so much more

As our lips touched
tasting each other
first softly
then firmly
then openly
we watched our inhibitions float away
turning unthinkable thoughts
into heavenly deeds
as our willpower collapsed
in the wind a quivering breath

But as we fade from mortal souls
and slip into a torrent of passion and desire
let's not fool ourselves about forever
nor pretend this is something grand

Let's be in love for one night
so we can watch it fade
when the morning comes

Let's live a lifetime
in these moonlight hours
and never look back in the dawn

Because we both have lives to lead
and our own trails to blaze
and even though tonight we burn for each other
our fire will smolder and die
under the weight of the morning dew

And then we can spend the rest of our lives
forgetting about this night
the night we gave in to an electric touch
and caressed away our deepest desires

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Tue 03/27/07 08:21 PM
My final one for tonight I've kinda ran out of Ideas yall but I promise
some fresh poems tomorrow

I said "I love you" today
I tried hard to make you believe it
I tried hard to believe it myself
But the truth is that I hate you my love
I hate you now
and I hated you when I said it
When I look into your eyes
all that I can see
is a string of broken promises
lies stacked upon lies
things that you wanted to do but never tried
and the countless missed opportunities created by
the millions of precious moments I'll never get back
Yes, I hate you
I hate who you are
I hate what you've made me
and most of all I hate what we've become
Even if I could love you
and all of your cruel ways
I could never love what we've become
a sickening, rotten display of denial
a putrid example of naivete run amok
and a horrid case of idealism gone too far
I don't love you
but I love who you were supposed to be
I love what I thought you were
but you never understood yourself
you never make an attempt to understand me
and now no one
not even the Gods above
can understand us
So why, why do I say I love you?
Is it a reflex
or perhaps just words uttered in fear?
No, my love, I say I love you because they are just words to me
words like any other in the language
the only difference is that they're the ones you want to hear
and until you want to hear others
I'll repeat them to you again and again and again
just because I've lost the will to fight
I've lost the heart to argue
and I truly don't care enough to speak the truth
If that's your idea of love
then I hope you enjoy it
It's the way you made me
the way you taught me
the way you groomed me
and I hope you enjoy your "I love yous"
because I know you've worked so hard for them
and even though they're shallow and wasted
they're just like the love we share
I think even you can agree
that they're the perfect words for you
even if they're words just like
any other words in the language.

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Tue 03/27/07 07:09 PM
Open up your heartache
and let in all the lies
keep on searching for love
until the tears run dry
You don't know why
your heart never heals
traveling between heartbreaks
on the back of ideals
You're just waiting for the clouds to part
and for a rainbow to light the way
Yet the skies are forever gray

You tell yourself
that everything is o.k.
Another guy wasn't good enough
and tomorrow is another day
looking around
so lost and confused
not knowing where to go
or what you're supposed to do
You're just waiting for the clouds to part
and a rainbow to light the way
Yet the skies are forever gray

You look into a mirror
that you're too scared to touch
fourteen years of this
is thirteen years too much
looking for another bed
to rest your raging mind
though your eyes remain wide open
your soul still wonders blind
You're just waiting for the clouds to part
and a rainbow to light the way
Yet the skies are forever gray

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Tue 03/27/07 06:53 PM
I totaly get where your coming from I'm 100% happy with who I am and I'm
not gonna let anyone force me to be something I'm not I see no point in
sacrificing my happiness for some one esles'