Community > Posts By > armydoc4u

armydoc4u's photo
Mon 02/25/08 06:49 PM
Hi back atcha Jess-, yeah Im good babydoll, thanks for thinking of me.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou


armydoc4u's photo
Mon 02/25/08 06:47 PM
Liberals Conservatives
Collectivism Individualism - are you serious about this,, so lets justdo away with individual rights then.

Change Tradition - change for the sake of change is stupid,, lets change the laws about freedom of speech then since it seems what you say now can get you into trouble.

Science Religion - Really? are you stupid or niave? Im not religious but thanks for the stereotyping which is not inclusive to your collective way of thinking as you previously stated.

Inclusiveness Exclusiveness - inclussive only if you are in their crowd or way of thinking, other wise they will bash and hate on you like its going out of stlye.

Democracy Constitutionalism - well lets see here for a second, the country was founded as a republic based on democracy as dictated by a constitutio, and they are the first ones to say when something violates their constitutional rights.

Equality Merit - of course we shouldnt base anything off of merit should we, just give some clown a job who cant do the job - kind of sounds like what we have in the federal government and city jobs now---- hows that working for you?

Public Sector Private Sector - there wouldnt be a public sector without the private sector, glad to know we are taking care of you, you are welcome.

Pacifism Armed Deterrence - you only have two cheeks to turn, sometimes it just takes one punch to knock a man out, would you rather defend against that one time or wit and see, then decide- you know sometimes when something happens it to late to go back and try to stop it.

They also represent their own special interest groups: what like the libs dont have interest groups? tell the truth the whole truth,,, or be called out for what you are!

Liberals Conservatives
Workers Business management and owners - so only liberals work in this country, that explains why its so messed up,,, jack a$$

The Poor The Rich - thats why the biggest campaign donors are liberals right? im not rich!!!

Women Men - BS, no other word for it. more women are registered republicans than democrats!

Minorities Whites - really? more BS, lib is only for a minority if it suits their agendas, a conserbative by nature is more apt to help minorities than a lib..... look at the records, who emancipated slaves, who allowed for the passage of a womans right to vote, who has funded more minority programs? conservations.

Academics Christians - so your smarter is what your saying? I'll put my IQ up against yours any day. did i mention Im not religious? Some of our greatest leaders in technology and arts where conservatives, i give you the founding fathers, hell ben franklin alone could take out the entire liberal movement.

Environmentalists Industry,,,,, oh yes, its the environment stupid conversation.... the spotted owl and global warming!!! hog wash!!!

Artists Police and Military - hmmmm, you a painter or something, what good will art do you in a defense of a nation, if you sing pretty enough they will love you?

Gun control Gun owners - well well well, gues we dont need to sy anything about this topic, you are correct FINALLY, you guys want to leave people defenseless and in the streets singing and painting while watching the carnage of yet another toppled government falls, like in other places in the world- kenya, cambodia, jafar, kosovo, just to name a couple of recent ones.

advocates -- what are you advocating? except us or face the consequences? screw that.... get a clue, i heard you can buy one on ebay.

armydoc4u's photo
Mon 02/25/08 06:20 PM

there has been the same kind of dialogue on here that we have all come to expect and deserve.

COIN, is a military accronym, look it up and try to understand it.

Let me say that insurgencies or guerilla war if you would rather work based on a couple of proven methods..... first is to scare or terrorized the civilian community so much so that they fear anything but what the insurgents have to offer, it is basically extortion- so when the community starts to soften on the side of the government then it is the civilians who are targeted if for no other reason than to just get them back in line. It worked for Mao in china, the cong in vietnam, hell it even worked for the germans in places like france. Truth be known it worked for the US during the indian wars as well.... I dont want to go off on a diatribe o I will stop now about this particular topic and go now to the 7 trillion dollar one in the original posting....

I really dont have any facts here just sumpasition and a couple of questions.

Ok, I will agree that we have spent more on this war than on say a totally not funded health care system(should we keep it private or government ran is another topic) but the healthcare sysem is not ran by the federal government as much as some people would like--- the government is not the be all know all of everything, after all this is the same government that allows illegals to get government funded grants, and free education, and free healthcare, the list goes on- but what it failed to do was admit that while it is giving this to these illegals for free you and I are paying the bill. So do we really want to let the government run everything? you think it is bad now with the legal wiretapping you should wait, before to long it would be like the old eastern germany and we all know how that turned out.

I would venture to say that the cost of this war is still less than that of, social security, welfare, medicare, and the rest of the "entitlements" that all types of american receive.

In the long term (if we can allow our minds to forward think for a minute) will the region over there be more stable or more fragile than it is currently? I suspect more stable but then again Im not a doom sayer. Will American and t5he rest of the world benefit from the actions taken place by this administration in the future? I suspect that it will, after all, we all felt the benefits of the Reagan era all the way until the Clintons final year in office (which he promptly took credit for). It is not an instant breakfast mentality when dealing with war folks, its more like baking from scratch - it takes time, patients and skill to mix the ingredients correctly or else your bisciuts will look and taste like a hockey puck (no offense to the hockey crowd)

not that it matters but thats how i see it.... as it is written so shall it be done.


armydoc4u's photo
Tue 02/19/08 02:45 PM
on the troops to vietnam thing,,,,, who was the president during 1954 that initially sent troops there to advise? oh, ok. thanks

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 02/19/08 02:43 PM

Just one quote,
mad explode
"if you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them"
I guese my way of supporting the troops is to keep them out of Illegal and unessary wars. I have my honorable discharge by the way

we chapter guys out of the army every day who cant hack it, and we give them an honorable discharge to,,, its a piece of paper that is pretty meaningless to me, unless you got it after firing your weapon with the hostile intent of killing a SOB who firing one at you or your buddies to the right and left....
mad I always read on here your blowhard crap, and Im pretty sure that for the most part you believe only about half of it. its pretty sad to have to act up in class just to get attention. You know low self esteem problems can lead to more serious issues and could stem from a past that is fostering its own type of PTSD, you very well could be the next crazed gun man, personally i think that woiuld not be a good thing and only hope that you seek professional counciling as soon as humanly possible before yourself or someoneelse gets hurt.


armydoc4u's photo
Tue 02/19/08 02:24 PM

So what is your collation between a one time Tomahawk strike based on faulty information and a multi year war that places thousands of US soldiers in harms way?

I mean do you think that they are somehow of equal value?

Do you think that Clinton had to go around and drum up support for this strike? If he did not then how much intelligence could he lie to the American people about? I think he did this strike without discussing it with the people because it was covert. So he could not have lied to us, if he did not tell us, or the un, or Europe.

Bush on the other hand just lied about it all. He wanted a war with Iraq and he was going to have one no mater what it took. So he lied to the people, to the UN, to Europe, etc..

I couldnt get past this one in the thread so if someone else chopped it up already then I apologize....

I will take it easier than I normally would Just have one word for you on this.....

Remember we were going to Kosovo to help stop the genocide, the ethnic cleansing.... He came on the TV (he being willy slickster) and said- we will have our boys home by christmas (of that year) well girly men we are still there and not a damn one of you hypocrits even dare to bring that crap up, 15 years later. But its cool, I know how the lib mind thinks, only bring up something if it promotes an agenda, or can be used in someway to minipulate opinions and truth. billions of dollars spent in both places, lives lost in both places,

oh well Im done- peace out home slice


armydoc4u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:13 AM
explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode

serious. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

armydoc4u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:11 AM

how the f@#$k did a thread on social security sequeway into lets kill the foreigners.I'm against amnesty myself but some of you people don't even want to help your own citizens get a leg up.Glad there are no ice flows around here or all the crippled,homeless ,indigent,diabled and poor seniors would be floating on them...sick

laugh laugh laugh

Oh come on. Do you really think the government cares?laugh Please. If they did, then don't you think that maybe most of the homeless population wouldn't be veterans? Or people with mental illness? I think these people get social security and how is it really helping them? Doesn't the saying go :Opinions are like assh*les, everyone has one and they all stink?:smile:

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 02/09/08 06:19 PM
while researching this, yet another government welfare handout program, and its little off shoot programs.... can you tell me the purpose of freakin social security in the first place. add to that the life expectancy of the average american in the year that this socialist program was enacted(illegally) on the us people?

you weent expected to live long enough to receive any benies from the damn thing. or if you did it woldnt be for a prolonged time.... now its engrained itself as yet another "right"? screw that, needs to be abolished, theres enough welfare to go around,,, or if you cant stand to have your welfare taken away, how about we at very least- stop letting non citizens from receiving moey that should not be going to them. I do not recall having read or otherwise being taught anywhere in the constitution it being written or implied that non cits be "entitled" to everything equally or otherwise as a TRUE damn citizen.

screw it Im all about isolationism, seal the borders(and i mean for flippin real, seal the damn things off), let the world police itself for awhile... you want your entitlements "my right to welfare" its about the only thing left to do.... of course there is the old mother russian way, nah you couldnt live with the communist tag placed on yourselves, forget the fact that that is what most extremist left or right try to steer the country towards. but do whatcha wanna do....... you're not really the ones paying for it anyway.

pass the hooka


armydoc4u's photo
Thu 02/07/08 11:57 AM

I think anyone who doesn't vote shouldn't be allowed to complain about our government at all. If one chooses not to participate in the process, then don't participate in the process. I always ask those who complain to me if they voted if they tell me "oh no" then I tell them to shut up complaining about it. They are not helping anything by not voting.

I will be voting for hillary but if not her then obama will be okay.

its my right to complain. it might not be "proper" ediquette but then again Im an american, it doesnt matter what other people have to say about anything.

blablabla,,,, only a dem would try to silence the people, of course they listen to them whenever it suits their purposes.

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 02/07/08 11:11 AM

peace out mitt, you piece of sh t. fake mofo.

weakest field in years, but the weakest rino, still better than the alternative.

hillobama is just nasty.

mcCain and rudy? then someone might have some gonads.

but doesnt matter, repubs are taking back CONGRESS!!!!!! weven tho they have more seats up for grabs than dems, pukes.

armydoc4u's photo
Thu 02/07/08 09:21 AM
So I went to the web address llisted in this thread. Very interesting if you're into the whole "Im a conspiracy nutjob"

secret meetings? hidden agendas? been developing the disbanning of the united states? type crap.

some of you need to push away from the computers and go stretch your legs for like a week or something.

what is the infatuation with trying to turn the US into something it is not, Europe! Hell the little sissies couldnt defend themselves, ever. they for the most part(few exceptions) are socialist or communist or fascist.

Amero, is that suposed to be the euro, even with a euro each of the countries stiill have varients on them, ad britia doesnt even have them. but lets let the wacko's in europe continue to try to weaken the union. all in the name of political correctness and not offending the weaker people of the world.

stand up, or shut up, take the back seat, im driven this beast.


armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/06/08 09:58 AM
again, it is not proven, so call it theory or hypothesis or even speculation.

and now we are to believe that we are measuring the expansion of something that has to date been immeasurable? I know about the whole "they are farther apart" crap, but who is it to say that its just not some great cyclical orbt that we know nothing about because we havent been studying/watching long enough. we ourselves are but a hair width on the timeline of all that is(my belief) the universe didnt start when we came to being.

turtle i kn ow you think your smarter than most, and you very well could be, but you are not the definative closer man on all that is, many Theories on life- yours and the scientists are but only one. its like your are part of your own "fanatical right/left" organization whom believe it is your way or no way.

on a brighter note;
forge- i never did answer your question, i dont know about the dark stuff, but my own personal belief, is that no matter how it all started for us, something created the crap that started it.



armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/06/08 09:57 AM
again, it is not proven, so call it theory or hypothesis or even speculation.

and now we are to believe that we are measuring the expansion of something that has to date been immeasurable? I know about the whole "they are farther apart" crap, but who is it to say that its just not some great cyclical orbt that we know nothing about because we havent been studying/watching long enough. we ourselves are but a hair width on the timeline of all that is(my belief) the universe didnt start when we came to being.

turtle i kn ow you think your smarter than most, and you very well could be, but you are not the definative closer man on all that is, many Theories on life- yours and the scientists are but only one. its like your are part of your own "fanatical right/left" organization whom believe it is your way or no way.

on a brighter note;
forge- i never did answr your question, i dint know about the dark stuff, but my own personal belief, is that no matter how it all started for us, something created the crap that started it.



armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/06/08 09:17 AM

To believe that 2 particle crashed together and exploded into everything is ALSO a matter of FAITH. it is conjecture at best and even scientist themselves state THEORY.

That's a bit of misconceptions about the big bang,

Not so much a matter of faith, we actualy have evidence of the big bang and can measure it. Thanks to radio astronomy we can even hear the remnants of it. Faith is belief without evidence, though not "proovable" since we can't actualy turn back the clock (yet) and watch it, the evidence of the big bang is overwhelming;^]

circumstantial evidence, overwhelming or otherwise.... still is not proven no matter how strong your faith of the matter is.

christians feel the same way about their faith "its fact" the evidence is "overwhelming. I know it is hard to except that we dont know everything but we dont.

Sorry charlie- believe what you will, it is when you say that something is true that you lose me, you yourself said until we turn back the clock---aint gonna happen.


armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/06/08 09:16 AM

To believe that 2 particle crashed together and exploded into everything is ALSO a matter of FAITH. it is conjecture at best and even scientist themselves state THEORY.

That's a bit of misconceptions about the big bang,

Not so much a matter of faith, we actualy have evidence of the big bang and can measure it. Thanks to radio astronomy we can even hear the remnants of it. Faith is belief without evidence, though not "proovable" since we can't actualy turn back the clock (yet) and watch it, the evidence of the big bang is overwhelming;^]

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 02/06/08 08:36 AM
Forge you went and did it didnt you. All of the sudden this place is filled with all kinds of academic goliaths.

The FACT of the matter is much more easy to understand......

No one knows, NOBODY I dont care if you think that you have a 250 IQ.

To believe in the once upon a time GOD theory as lil miss leahmarie condesended to is a matter of faith.

To believe that 2 particle crashed together and exploded into everything is ALSO a matter of FAITH. it is conjecture at best and even scientist themselves state THEORY.

There are many theories whether they stem from the compression of space at a single point to cause an explosion or string theory as the smallest matter etc etc etc.

I am a firm believer in only stating the facts as PROVEN by science, but also understand that science can not explain everything.

Im content in knowing that whatever it was caused by is so far and above my own comprehension that I/we will never TRUELY know the facts.


p.s. Im rooting for it was the god of dennis who said hell with it lets put some egomaniacs on a planet give them everything they need to survive and watch them question my abilities. and oh yeah I am an agnostic.


armydoc4u's photo
Mon 02/04/08 01:48 PM

In all seriousness, when you mean research do you mean searching the internet for sites that confirm your beliefs or go and talk to people that are actually there? You cant trust the internet. I mean I googled "aliens controlling the government" and found this.

it was the first link. I mean if you want to believe everything on the net be prepared to protect yourself from the armies from the 4th dimension. laugh laugh
are you realy in Collage? you can go google the dwoning street minuts and get the actual documents that have all the lies. I am sorry you take me for an idiot but let me assure you I know all about the internet and what you can find if you look, I tend to go with the experts and actual documents that are out there. If your such a bright boy go ahead and prove me wrong with the type of information that is verifiable. you cant so you blather on about what ever issue you think I have and think that wins a debate. pay attention in class and take some histroy classes

to answer an earlier question, sucking sand (again) as we speak.

blather yourself? you are right not a very poetic person, but thats okay, it means that we can take this to a mental street fight. Heres what i need for you to do mad man, ive got a mission that kicks off in 3.5 hours I gotta grab some rack prior to so,,,,, study up today, research, pickout some topic(s) Im sure I'll run into you in the next day or two, we can debate or talk about whatever your blessed little heart desires.

armydoc4u's photo
Mon 02/04/08 01:29 PM

"people should not fear their goverments,goverments should fear their people"

i love that quote, but when the people turn into a mob then what?
people as a whole as you know are pretty much stupid, oh poooh did i just sound like a dem or what!?

armydoc4u's photo
Mon 02/04/08 01:23 PM

yup doc. agreed. armchair liberals....They should spend some time on the front lines for a reality check.
thank you for a voice of reason

you would think that someone without a clue how to hang glide might step away from the cliffs. but they never learn, its like watching flies trying to go out the sliding glass door. mad cant really be this fanatical in person, think he is putting up a front to impress some female.