Community > Posts By > 4naccord

4naccord's photo
Mon 09/21/09 07:55 PM

<---- My baby is in heat... oh the drama... gotta find her a stud so we can make us lil pit bull babies....

Where's the third; my Akita is hopefully carrying as I type.

4naccord's photo
Mon 09/21/09 08:58 AM
The essentials of speaking are in not speaking at all. If you think you can finish something without speaking, finish it without saying a word. If there is something that cannot be accomplished without speaking, one should speak with few words, in a way that will accord well with reason.
To open one's mouth indiscriminately brings shame, and there are many times when people will turn their backs on such a person.

4naccord's photo
Mon 09/21/09 08:51 AM

Men don't know what they want until a woman tells them what they need!!

Thats why we have Mothers! Yes, we want both the Premadona and the whore. Mom only see's the one while we enjoy the other.

4naccord's photo
Sun 09/20/09 10:32 PM

I feel like getting smashed but it does not mix with my pain meds...they can put a man on the moon but can't come up with a pain med that mixes with JOSE..come on...whats up with that...

They've been around for centuries; we just outlawed them, sorry.

4naccord's photo
Sun 09/20/09 10:28 PM
Very nice quote!

"Our bodies are given life from the midst of nothingness. Existing where there is nothing is the meaning of the phrase, "Form is emptiness." That all things are provided for by nothingness is the meaning of the phrase, "Emptiness is form." One should not think that these are two seperate things." -Tsunetomo Yamamoto

4naccord's photo
Sun 09/20/09 10:14 PM
Haven't had the opportunity; give me some time. Use to play with the electric fence at my grandparents all the time. They used it for the Horse's. Great way to clean out the bladder or piss a friend off. Hold onto my hand I promise it won't hurt.......much. Car battery really hurts; 120 house current makes you see the stars or birds like in the cartoons. Saw a pig cook itself on 220, won't go near it.

4naccord's photo
Sun 09/20/09 04:12 PM
there are two people I count as real freinds, the rest are just a way to kill time.

4naccord's photo
Sun 09/20/09 04:05 PM
I'd have to donate most of it to one cause or another before I did all those things; I would end up a smear on some road or mountain side doing what I want to do. I'm a real speed/adreline junkie. The Autobahn would be a nice place to become road pizza, along with one of my vehicles of choice.

4naccord's photo
Sun 09/20/09 03:58 PM
You've done all that you can! Getting over it will take time thats all. As far as any anger goes, never take it out of yourself or some poor sap in society. I suggest the local gun range, there's just something about watching something getting filled with holes to ease the angst. You may find you will always love her, but in time you will see you are no longer in love with her. You ultimately deserve the same kind of consideration and affection you bestowed upon her; if she can't reciprocate that then its time to move on. It isn't easy or fun but in the end; "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and a little wiser too." Don't build any walls around the heart; thats exactly whats wrong with the world as a whole. Don't follow in the mold everyone else has made, break that S.O.B. Best of luck!

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 08:53 PM
I was on the grassy knoll in 63'.

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 08:48 PM
Jimmy Hoffa is in my back yard; oh, I wasn't supposed to tell the truth.

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 08:36 PM
"Walk a hundred yards with a real man and he'll tell you at least seven lies."

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 08:30 PM

Is it weird to require a person to have

I mean if you meet someone that just seems to good to be true,,do you chalk it up to intuition and protect yourself from being disappointed?

What do you think? Are there people who seem too good to be true, but are actually the real deal?

No, requiring that a new significant other have flaws is to have the luxury of controlling them with these flaws later.
Say for instance an airbrushed, supermodel type gets involved with a guy who may be substantially older, overweight, balding, or any combination of the above, for the purpose of using him as a tool. By berating him later for any or all of these flaws incessantly, it is possible to beat the guys' self-esteem to a pulp so low that he is a virtual emotional slave to her.
This could be perpetrated upon anyone, in an kind of relationship...a woman controlling a man, a man controlling a woman, gay, straight, lesbian, dogs and cats, whatever.
...and it's diabolical.pitchfork Stranger still, the perpetrator of this can do this subconsciously, possessing a deep-seated need to control, the consummate "control freak".drool
I was subject to the conniving manipulations of just such a person not long ago. She wanted me to move in with her, be her rent-paying roommate, lover/boyfriend, etc. However, she was in her jacuzzi one night beneath her bedroom window mouthing off about me, and I heard her say some incriminating things.rant
She was also a nurse, having been trained in the gentle art of manipulating patients for their own good. However, this knowledge can be wielded for selfish purposes, and was, in our case.
Much to her chagrin, I escaped.:thumbsup:
The beotch...explode explode explode

my previous marriage was very much the same; what was I to do. I took those learned lessons and turned them around on her. She didn't like it when the pupil surpassed the teacher. I found it funny and rewarding. I got the kids and she got the boot.

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 10:50 AM
When I here the words "OH MY GOD!", I always reply "Yes, my child".

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 10:14 AM

A sword is so much more awesome than a gun. With a sword, you have to be up close and personal.

i think its awesome anybody can point and shoot a sword takes balls

not actually.someone that can shoot and is very accurate has a skill

sure anyone can shoot but to shoot and be accurate takes skill

Not much; breath lightly, pull don't yank, aim small miss small, and don't forget to lead the target.

I have several katanas and to properly wield one it takes skill, not just swinging one around but understanding how the kata's build upon one another. I would agree that a sword is oh so much more personal and elegant.

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 09:56 AM
I am the center of the universe!

4naccord's photo
Fri 09/18/09 09:50 AM
The hand of knowledge does wonders for the seat of learning.

4naccord's photo
Wed 09/16/09 11:17 PM
I'm working on two accord's; and they all wonder where the money went.

4naccord's photo
Wed 09/16/09 11:13 PM
My children, my hobbies and enlightment. I would say being a decent person but thats found in compassion.

(What is called generosity is really compassion. In the Shin'ei it is written, "Seen from the eyes of compassion, there is no one to be disliked. One who has sinned is to be pitied all the more." There is no limit to the breadth and depth of one's heart. There is room enough for all. That we still worship the sages of the three ancient kingdoms is because their compassions reaches us yet today.
Whatever you do should be done for the sake of your master and parents, the people in general, and for posterity. This is great compassion. The wisdom and courage that come from compassion are real wisdom and courage. When one punishes or strives with a heart of compassion, what he does will be limitless in strength and correctness. Doing something for one's own sake is shallow and mean and turns into evil. I understood the matters of wisdom and courage sometime ago. I am just now beginning to understand the matter of compassion.) -Tsunetomo Yamamoto

4naccord's photo
Sun 09/13/09 08:03 PM

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