Community > Posts By > thehypnotist

thehypnotist's photo
Wed 09/26/07 08:01 PM
I have to feel a physical attraction to someone to be with them, but I don't fall in love with her body, if that's what you're askin'.

thehypnotist's photo
Wed 09/26/07 07:58 PM
Figured I might as well join in on this thread. Anyone near Warrenton to St. Louis? Or even Columbia?

thehypnotist's photo
Wed 09/26/07 07:47 PM
But why live in fear?
Why not live in clarity that's crystal clear?
Fear is for cowardice which you are not
So free your inhibitions!
Never be afraid of what you got!
Take what you have and hold him so close
Embrace with passion like you'll never let go
The timid rarely win in this game called Love
Feel majestic and beautiful!
One or the other or all of the above
Life is a crime if not lived to the fullest
So live in the positive and don't dwell on the bull....
This, my love, is yours for the taking.
Will you prosper in love?
Or is not worth taking?
For a loss of love without ever a chance
Is the direct correlation to the death of romance
Allow yourself to be free from society's ways
Because you live in the now
There is only today

The Hypnotist

thehypnotist's photo
Wed 09/26/07 07:31 PM
I've found my own art form, if you will, through seduction. I'm not in to playing games just to have a one-nighter with someone because I can.

To answer your question, I'm not your typical "nice guy" who will do anything and everything to please a woman that will end up giving him the "Let's Just Be Friends" speech. I'm fair but strong in my convictions. My frame, or perception of reality, is very strong and doesn't budge. That's not to say that it's always what I want. I am more than happy to make a compromise to appease the both of us; as opposed to a sacrifice where I'm giving in to something and regretting having done it.

Yeah, I'll hold your purse while you try on clothes. I'll let you wear my jacket if you get cold. I will take care of you. If we are in a committed relationship, I'll even provide for you. But I won't supplicate to your every whim.

I'm not that guy that you get bored with after a few days because he's all about you and gets lovesick when you're not around, texting you constantly, always having to be constant contact. That's not me. I have things to do. So do you. So why take up our time at work, where we're gettin' paid to provide a service, by spending four hours on the phone or email?

My personal business is influence and change. That's why I got in to hypnosis. I'm not out to change anybody because I want them to. If you want to change, I'll use my methods to help you change, but only if it's what you want.

"...and seducers are not nice guys." See, I'm out to change that. The seduction/dating community has labeled me a "seduction artist" as opposed to the more prevalent "pickup artist" term, because I create such a fun enviroment, that I have made seduction the new sexy for these guys.

And I don't do it by being mean to people. Yeah, I'll pull your pigtails and chase you around the playground. Remember those days? I do. I lost a lot of elementary school girlfriends to those guys. LOL It's fun! It's exciting! I truly make it a pleasureable experience to be seduced.

I don't lie. I don't play games. I'm straight forward and to the point. I won't approach and say "I'm gonna **** you tonight." But after... I don't know. Let's say 30 minutes, for arguments sake, you'll know where the night will end. The next hour and a half or two hours is just for fun.

See? Not all seducers are "bad" people. Some of us just like to have fun! =D

But why am I here and not outside somewhere meeting people if I'm such a "great seducer"? Because there aren't any fun people where I live, and the places they do live costs me too much money in gas. Which is why I need to get out of Warrenton and in to St. Louis again.

thehypnotist's photo
Wed 09/26/07 10:26 AM
Jess is right. I've been around the traps for a minute. Both online and off. Social observations make for insightful posts.

What it really boils down to is that if you ladies happen to see a guy, but he's not approaching or making an advance towards you, then try to make that approach or that "first move" on your own towards him. It tends to be a lot more satisfying from what other women have told me.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 11:12 PM
Well thanks for the warm reception, folks.

And I'll tell ya what's good before I log out of here for the night: The KISS Pandas. Does that not kick butt? Wicked avatar, buddy!

Good night, y'all.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 11:09 PM
I've been this guy for probably the last 8 years. I just didn't know then that what I was doin' was really workin'. I couldn't read her signals and thought I'd be relegated to the dreaded "Friend's Zone" for all eternity.

Then, one day, by luck, I found this book, and no, it wasn't the Kama Sutra. :D It made me curious. "Do these 'Pickup Artists' really exist?" Needless to say the last year and a half has been an amazing trip.

And I know she's out there. Just not in this hicktown.

Actually, she does. But I screwed it up by pushin' her away back in May. Finally found everything that I thought I had been wanting in a woman. Then that evil son of a ..... called My Brain started playin' tricks on me. I'd get rid of him if it didn't mean death. =D It'd make life so much easier! :D

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:58 PM
Double posts are the theme of the day! =D

Gypsy, I'm not a "bad guy." I am that "nice guy" that many women complain about not bein' able to find. But, unlike these "nice guys" out there, I actually have a backbone. And... yes. I do like jewelry. :D

Katertots, thank you.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:56 PM
I'm a little bit of everything, BayArea.

I used to be a total supplicating chump who would, almost literally, do just about anything for a woman to like me. But I've seen "the light" and different pieces of my personality have come about in the last couple of years. There's always been that "nice guy" side to me, and I'll never be able to kill him off. Then there's that "bad boy" who came about during puberty many years ago. Then there's that seducer that I have evolved in to being. Then there's the "old man" I've become from havin' lived on the streets and seen so many things that I thought my head would spin! =D

But why can't someone be one with the qualities of the others? It's makes for a nice, interesting mix.

And, you're right. It is about being more perceptive to everyone and everything around you as. Not enough people do that.

How many girlfriends do you have that keep goin' out with guys that are out for one thing and just gripe about not bein' able to find that "nice guy?" If you're between 20 and 35, I'm sure you know quite a few women like that. But why can't they find that "nice guy?" Because they're not looking for him.

That post was about being more receptive to people around you. He doesn't have to "look like a player" to be a "player."

And just because he's a good lookin' guy and looks like he has it goin' on doesn't mean that he automatically knows the first thing about approaching a woman and knowing how to lead a conversation to something beneficial for the both of them.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:39 PM
Can you learn to read faster then? =D

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:37 PM
Double post.

iRon, I actually prefer the skin of the side of a woman's neck. Just somethin' about the nape of a woman's neck... yeah. :D Especially if it's accentuated with some beautiful long hair.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:36 PM
Don't worry. I haven't learned how to hypnotize pepole through text... YET! :D And, due to popular belief, you can't hypnotize someone to do something against their will. But I am talented! =D Who wants to be my first vic--- uhhh... **scampers off**

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:30 PM
This was somethin' I had written out a few weeks ago after a friend was complainin' about all the "players" she's met and how she just can't "find a nice guy." Being well-versed in the field of seduction, I wrote this piece out to a very well recepted audience: Both in the seduction community and on my MySpace page where a friend had taken the advice to heart and now has a great boyfriend!


To every girl who dresses CUTE not SKANKY.
To every girl who wants to be called BEAUTIFUL ...not HOT
To every girl that will spend her whole day looking for the perfect present for YOU.
To every girl who gets her heart BROKEN, because he chose that stupid B**** instead
To every girl that would DIE to have a DECENT boyfriend.
To every girl who would JUST ONCE like to be treated like a PRINCESS!
To every girl that cries at night because of another HEARTBREAK
To every girl that won't get down on her knees & (deleted) just to get a BOYFRIEND
To every girl that just wants to HOLD HANDS
To every girl that kisses him with meaning.
To every girl who just wishes he CARED MORE
To every girl who would JUST ONCE want a guy to give their JACKET UP when they are cold.
To every girl who just wants him to call.
To every girl who lies awake at night THINKING about HIM
To every girl that just wants to cuddle.
To every girl that just wants to sleep with him without HAVING SEX until that day she's ready


To every girl that thought "maybe this one could be the one."
To every girl that laughs at stupid stuff when she actually doesn't think it is funny.
To every girl who is just looking for that one and only and is having a rough time along the way.
To every girl that DOESN'T WANT a guy who JUST PLAYS WITH HER EMOTIONS but actually cares about how she feels.
To every girl who wants words backed up with actions.
To every girl that fell for all the lies only to find themselves alone in the end.
To every girl that gave her heart away to have it shoved back in her face.
To every girl that has faith that "tomorrow will be a better day."

To every girl who wants a guy that is as described as above...
You've had him. Probably a dozen different times. You've already had the guy you were lookin' for and didn't even recognize it.
The guy you slept with out of pity.
The guy who would hold your purse while you tried on clothes.
The guy that got super-excited whenever he was in your presence, like a puppy dog seeing his master come home.
The guy who told you he loves you after only knowing you for one week... and meant it.
The guy who wrote you cheesy poems and love songs just because he couldn't get you out of his mind.

That guy never became the man he was intended to be.

The handful of women he was successfully able to meet, and then date, were most likely girls like you who got bored with him and left him for a man such as myself.

Men like me are the ones you are drawn to because we can make you feel excited.
Men like me don't mind holding your purse while you try on clothes. Just don't expect us to buy them for you. There are exceptions, though. But don't expect us to fund your wardrobe. =P
Men like me are the ones who enjoy being in your company. But we don't need your love and attention to validate our own feelings or emotions.
Men like me will say "I love you" and honestly mean it. Just not after four days of knowing you.
And while there is nothing wrong with writing a poem for that woman you feel strongly about, men like me will show you through our actions as to how much we care for you. Because actions speak louder than words.

So, to all the girls out there that shoot down that poor soul who approaches you at the bar because he's not the high-energy, out-going, party type, think about all the characteristics you're looking for in a guy first. Those nice guys do exist. I know. I used to be one of them.

The problem with guys is that they don't know when to take that crucial step back. There is a very fine line between showing you how much he loves or cares about you, and smothering you with affection.

Just because we don't call you every day doesn't mean that we're not thinking about you.
Just because we might seem a little "reserved" at times isn't to say that we're no longer interested. We just know when we've been showing that love and affection too much and know that you need a little space to yourself. After all, "distance makes the heart grow fonder." But you'll know when we're giving you you're space and when we're shutting you out.

"To Every Girl Who..."
Know that you have had this guy before. You have already had what you want but you got rid of him because a better prospect came across your radar.
Just know that he does exist. He won't have "NICE GUY" stamped across his forehead or written across his shirt. So start approaching guys that you wouldn't normally go after. Look for the guy who's probably by himself and enjoying the fact that he's out doing something. Talking to him will be the highlight of his day!
And if you get bored with him because some object that's even "brighter and shinier" is now in your field of vision, don't give up on him. After all, he'll give you his coat when you're cold. He'll hold your purse while you're trying on clothes. He'll pay when you two go on a date. He'll get butterflies when he sees you. He'll even spend hours upon hours writing out the perfect poem or sonnet because you mean that much to him. And he hopes that he means that much to you too.

There will always be "players", "macks", and synonimous adjectives out there who can take you on the ride of your life. Because, deep down, you crave that excitement. But then you b**** about how we're not what you "really want."
Think about this for a while. The next time some suave, debonaire man approaches you while you're out... it could be me. The man who likes to have fun, keep things fresh and exciting.
He could also be that "nice guy" you're dreamin' about.
Or in jeans and a plain t-shirt.
Or dressed up like a frat boy (deleted).
Or some country MF that you wouldn't even expect.
Don't judge a book by it's cover, and don't judge a man by his clothes. Take the time to get the story first before you decide whether or not that particular book is worth reading.

The Hypnotist

Comments? Criticisms? Thoughts?

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:15 PM
Unfortunately most guys aren't worth their weight in... anything, really. There are exceptions to the rule though.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:13 PM
I would never buy a fake or low quality ring for an engagement ring.

A friend of mine was ecstatic when her then-boyfriend proposed to her. She asked me to look at the emerald... six flaws, all surface level, very visible, very noticeable. The gold looked old and rusted. It looked like he had spent $20 at the pawn shop. She dumped him because of this.

But, in all honesty, does it matter? I don't think it does, but I have high standards for jewelry. I'm not gonna buy a 10k gold ring with a 1.5ct CZ. I'll save up for the real deal.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:08 PM
Misery, fast "seductions" (if you will) can often lead to fulfilling, long term relationships. Just from my own personal experience, things have moved incredibly quickly and have been satisfying while they lasted. While nothing in this life is forever, having a long, meaningful relationship with someone is possible if you sleep with that person the very same night you meet him/her.

I was 21. She was 28. Things were good the night we met. They were good up until I had to PCS (I was in the Air Force at the time) to another base and she was going to going for her master's degree in another state far away. That was 4 years ago, things ended amicably, and that 5 or 6 weeks we were together was better than the 10 months I was married. Actually, my divorce was being finalzed when I met her.

But going back to MerryMary.

If you're not ready for it, like I said, tell him and stand firm by your decision. If he keeps tryin' to get you to give in and sleep with him, then you know what to do, sweetie.

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 10:02 PM
It's all about something called "frame control."

Frame: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) term to describe your perception of reality. Whoever has the strongest frame wins.

If you put it out there that you're not ready for anything physically intimate, stand by that, and show zero sign of give, he'll get the idea that y'all can share a cabin... it just better have two beds. :D

thehypnotist's photo
Tue 09/25/07 09:54 PM
What's crackin', y'all? It's ya boy, The Hypnotist, just droppin' in to see what it do.

thehypnotist's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:27 PM
I won't go as far as to say "most" but there are many, many guys out
there who only care about the pretty packaging, and not the contents

I've heard guys say "If she's not a size zero with Triple Ds, I won't
even talk to her." Only problem with that is that he'd have to be
picking up Vegas strippers for that.

He'll probably change who she is next, as he's already gotten her to
change what she is, and leave her for some woman who's a "yes girl" as
I've heard it put in another thread here.

I wish her the best and hope she leaves him for someone better.

thehypnotist's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:20 PM
If you were referring to my post, I don't know if that person on CS took
it. Never got back to me.

But if someone asks a question that was asked before, then the same
answers are going to keep coming in.

I'm trying to give a different perspective as to what is really going

And it wasn't a cut-and-paste job. I'm sure there are some similarities
in it. I won't deny that.

But if the advice I give to men on a completely different site works
(and I do get feedback from them), why not tweak it a bit and try to get
it to work for women as well?

If what you're doing is getting what you always got, why not try and
change what you're doing to get something different?

That's my approach to it. While a lot of what I give could be taken as
"blanket advice" I do try and tailor it to the individual when enough
details are present. If I can help a guy get a girlfriend, why not help
a woman get a boyfriend?

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