Community > Posts By > freud69

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Fri 10/23/09 01:08 AM

well, whining about it certainly aint going to

I am SO with you on this one cotton....

why the hell dont you just focus on 'what do i need to do to be the kind of person i want to be'....if you do it and are happy....the rest of the world will cotton on to the fact that you have got your shite together and will want to be around you

negative, depressing, miserable whiny people are very unattractive...

the good news is this can be's all in your attitude...

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Fri 10/23/09 01:04 AM

Tell her whatever she wants to hear (even if you don't mean it) and she will be happy. And in the end you will get what you want,and you will be happy. It's all rather simple.think be seeing you

bugger talking to me....

10 inches nice and hard and a few viagra and I'll stay happy....

grumble grumble grumble

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Fri 10/23/09 12:56 AM

:heart: What is the biggest thing you have, or would have, given up for your partner?:heart:

I gave up truth...

being true to myself....I lived a lie for him because i thought that being who he wanted me to be would make him happy

it only made both of us miserable....I was miserable because i wasnt me....he was miserable because no matter how hard i tried i could not be who he wanted me to be...

it was probably the most unkind thing i have ever done to another person...and certainly the most unkind thing that i have ever done to myself....frustrated

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Fri 10/23/09 12:53 AM

Not really sure nor do I really care who gives me advice..
..but I need some outside insight because, well, quite frankly.. my own advice sucks when I try to follow it. laugh

I'll try to keep this short, tho, any who know me..
That's usually a task in itself..

Here goes:

Most of you know, I joined Mingle on 10/10 of this year.
Haven't been here long, but I'd like to think I've made a slim impact on some people..

Well, one of those people I made an impact on was a woman, who ironically, joined the same day as I did. Not sure exactly how we found each other, but that's irrelevant.

Brief ideas about her:

She's sweet, charming, makes me laugh, she's a great mother and could be as well to my own little army, she's also beautiful maybe not to everyone but definitely in my eyes..
She's everything I could have ever dreamed of..

So, with that said..
To my actual question..

We are planning to meet for the first time..
I've never met anyone from the internet in my entire life..

Aside from trying to remain myself..

How do I make a positive first impression?
Is there anything extra I can do to sway her?

I really like her alot..
I want things to work out..
But I'm so effing nervous cuz I've never done this before..

So please.. anything I should know tell me!!!
tears shocked scared

remember that words are seductive my friend....we are often better communicators when we are not under scrutiny....and in the absence of all the other physical and visual cues you get from people when you are 'in the flesh' ...the mind will fill in the blanks...often with ideas of what you 'think' you you can fall into the trap of 'creating a perfect person' who doesnt actually exist...

with that in mind proceed with caution - not trying to rain on your parade but i think you could be setting yourself up for a huge disappointment and/or potentially disastrous meeting - she may very well be the person for you - but if you are so caught up in what you 'think' she is and dont spend the time 'seeing' who she actually is she may very well slip through your fingers and you will never know what you had before you...

the flip side is that she could be a sociopath (most are incredibly charming and intelligent) - and just that ounce of objectivity could save your life and/or sanity...

advice...tread carefully...expect nothing but remain open - treat it exactly as a blind date and forget all the words that have filled your head, your hopes and your dreams...

and i really sincerely wish you all the best!

oh....and i forgot to add...the same applies to you...if she doesnt bother to invest some time and effort into trying to see who you really are (BIG MESSAGE IS BE YOURSELF)....then she just isnt worth it...

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Fri 10/23/09 12:51 AM

Not really sure nor do I really care who gives me advice..
..but I need some outside insight because, well, quite frankly.. my own advice sucks when I try to follow it. laugh

I'll try to keep this short, tho, any who know me..
That's usually a task in itself..

Here goes:

Most of you know, I joined Mingle on 10/10 of this year.
Haven't been here long, but I'd like to think I've made a slim impact on some people..

Well, one of those people I made an impact on was a woman, who ironically, joined the same day as I did. Not sure exactly how we found each other, but that's irrelevant.

Brief ideas about her:

She's sweet, charming, makes me laugh, she's a great mother and could be as well to my own little army, she's also beautiful maybe not to everyone but definitely in my eyes..
She's everything I could have ever dreamed of..

So, with that said..
To my actual question..

We are planning to meet for the first time..
I've never met anyone from the internet in my entire life..

Aside from trying to remain myself..

How do I make a positive first impression?
Is there anything extra I can do to sway her?

I really like her alot..
I want things to work out..
But I'm so effing nervous cuz I've never done this before..

So please.. anything I should know tell me!!!
tears shocked scared

remember that words are seductive my friend....we are often better communicators when we are not under scrutiny....and in the absence of all the other physical and visual cues you get from people when you are 'in the flesh' ...the mind will fill in the blanks...often with ideas of what you 'think' you you can fall into the trap of 'creating a perfect person' who doesnt actually exist...

with that in mind proceed with caution - not trying to rain on your parade but i think you could be setting yourself up for a huge disappointment and/or potentially disastrous meeting - she may very well be the person for you - but if you are so caught up in what you 'think' she is and dont spend the time 'seeing' who she actually is she may very well slip through your fingers and you will never know what you had before you...

the flip side is that she could be a sociopath (most are incredibly charming and intelligent) - and just that ounce of objectivity could save your life and/or sanity...

advice...tread carefully...expect nothing but remain open - treat it exactly as a blind date and forget all the words that have filled your head, your hopes and your dreams...

and i really sincerely wish you all the best!

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Sat 10/17/09 06:38 AM

Is it safe to conclude that how one writes is a reflection of how one thinks?

This is not so much concerning the exact content of writing, but more along the lines of how such writing is framed. Obviously the viewpoint of thought and writing has the same source, but do they necessarily coincide in expression?

perhaps we write to frame our thinking...have you considered that....thoughts in the mind are intangible...we cant touch them, feel them, smell them, taste them, see often they are floating around in the ether...all colliding with each other...and none of them real...when you start to put it down on paper they materialise and become part of history and often do you hit the delete button? edit? insert? these examples aren't the words in fact guiding the thinking...???

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Fri 10/16/09 11:25 PM

laugh laugh laugh That I look forward to.. I know how but I've heard it's nothing like you guys can do.. Although, I don't drink beer or lager, is that cool?

hell yeah

just line you up a few jager bombs...a couple of or two c@ck sucking cowboys and 'she'll be right mate'....

loldrool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

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Fri 10/16/09 10:51 PM

ahh ok I get it.. see you guys are teaching me so one day when I finally make it there I will know something...


and then when you get here...once we have the hat thing sorted out...then we will teach you the real important stuff like how to DRINK

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

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Fri 10/16/09 10:13 PM

Ahh like Crocodile Dundee... laugh laugh They are cute... I think this one I have on is the right size for my head/face though.. Usually I have to wear kids hats b/c big people hats don't fit my head... ohwell


i have to wear kids sunglasses cause big peoples sunnies dont fit my nose...

and i'm also stuck with juvenile thoughts cause grown up ones dont seem to suit my brain....


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Fri 10/16/09 10:09 PM

Hate to break it to ya- but guys never mature. I am curious tho- what do you want in a man?

Pffft, some of them mature, LOL I just don't want an old fart in order to prove it.....sad

Hmmm, what do I want in a man? Well, it'd be nice to have one who actually admitted I was his freaking gf, they never want to admit it. It's always the illusion of something, but they never want to put a name to it. Which sucks...As for everything else, I like guys who are skinny and nerdy looking, and clever and smart and witty and don't want or have kids, and aren't jerks or stupid or liars, or crazy. I'm usually flexible on the crazy, since it seems like most people are (including me.)pitchfork

gotta be crazy to be sane call....think about it...drinker

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Fri 10/16/09 10:07 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh thanks luv...

I admire the hell out of you aussies (can I say that?)

The hat I'm wearing in this pic is from Austrailia (probably made in China laugh ) I should have bought it, I loved it but I was practicing "shopping restraint"... tears

course you can say that....we arent picky .....will take ANY compliment we can get.....cant afford to be picky trust me lol

and the hat suits you....but do think you need an akubra!!!biggrin

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Fri 10/16/09 10:04 PM

send 20 different mails....


and I don't know if the locals know what numbnut is...

(we can't speak Orstraylyan here... they dont understand us):wink: laugh

Hey now. I speak Orstraylyan. lol

Yeah T..... but you have a Taswegian mate.....:wink: laugh

hey could be worse....could be a keenslanderlove

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Fri 10/16/09 09:59 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh I can be but more often than not I'm nice... Of course when the start the woman hating or poor me threads "watch out!" laugh laugh laugh

dont worry - i have FAITH in are my new hero! lol smokin

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Fri 10/16/09 09:37 PM

I don't have a nastier one.. I pick 10!!!!!

oh and I forgot to say "I do know what numnut is" laugh



one vote for three
one vote for four
one vote for eight
TWO votes for ten...

and princess isnt as mean as i thought she was.....tears

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Fri 10/16/09 09:34 PM

:heart: Which would be worse:if you loved to hate,or if you hated to love?:heart:

sheesh....that one is right up there with 'what came first...the chicken or the egg...'

I'd have to say that neither are worse than they other...I'd go so far as to say that you cant have one without the other....

if you loved to hate you would also hate to love....


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Fri 10/16/09 09:25 PM

well then I'm thinking it may take some to get all the numbers in... or 10 wins.. bigsmile

well dammit one for the cause...pick one... go on - pick one....

or give me a nastier one of your own.....


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Fri 10/16/09 09:23 PM

Does someone know why the Jamaican girls only date Jamaican guys?

Because they both speak jamaican.....????slaphead

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Fri 10/16/09 09:15 PM
Edited by freud69 on Fri 10/16/09 09:16 PM

I like 3,4 and 8 but I think 10 is the best...

awww....thank you thank you thank you.....

one vote for three
one vote for four
one vote for eight
BIG vote for ten


Hey maybe i could run a book as well and make some money out of this!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Fri 10/16/09 09:12 PM

I'm stalking, not sure what everyone else is doing....

your honesty is SOOOO refreshing........LMAO.....

got any tips for me...huh? do ya? please? huh? cmon? just a little one? please?

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Fri 10/16/09 09:08 PM

I get tired of em calling me "sonny boy"

and what's the deal with the tennis balls on the feet of the walker?

thats just in case we wear your balls out....devil

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