Community > Posts By > wd85

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Fri 08/10/07 05:15 PM
Ontario is undoubtedly the best place to live...

--I AM Canadian!!!--

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Fri 08/10/07 05:13 PM
much of Hafizs' poetry sounds better in Persian...i mean with translations, you lose some of the meaning..

that first poem, about kissing God, is very deep and is and seems to have more meaning within himself as a Muslim..

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Tue 06/05/07 08:59 AM

what are you basing your facts on when you say Muslims killed christians
more than jews in WW2??...that is the biggest croc of sh!t i've ever
heard...the FACT of the matter is, european christians have left their
mark on history in Africa, Asia, and the Americas...forcing people to
convert to christianity, murder, rape, plunder and looting were the ways
of the watch too many american movies and tv, which is
nothing but propaganda against muslims...what about the Jews, they
murdered many prophets who had come to them??...look at Rome, and what
it has been reduced to...look at the great Greek pagan empire, where are
they now???...look at what Christianity has become???...people
worshipping the pope as though he is some divine being...why dont you
show me in your bible where Jesus himself says that he is God, to
worship him, that he is the son of God??...look further than your own
backyard, your ignorant comments are highly offensive...Muslims have
been here for over 1400 years, and every year we grow and grow and
grow...a known FACT, is the christian population is declining,
especially in your own country...whats even funnier to me is how some
people say Muslims are "brainwashed" into believing such and such and go
blow themselves nothing but bull and
in Canada, we are fortunate to large communities from all corners of the
world...everyone shares the same view of your president, including many
americans...Bush's war is not a war on Terror, but a war OF terror and
propaganda for his own political gains...God will surely punish a man
like him on the day of judgement...where is the solid proof against bin
laden for 9/11???...there is none...none has ever been presented and
none ever will...all we hear is accusations and speculation of who it
could be...listen more carefully to CNN the most "trusted" name in
news....listen to whenever your politicians speak of "terrorism", what
proof are they giving you???...and Iran, where is the proof???....did
Bush go to Iran and see for himself that they are making nuclear
weapons???...i think not...and what gives the USA the right to have
nuclear weapons and no one else???...look at Britain, the biggest terror
the world has ever seen, why are they allowed to have nuclear
weapons??...who is America to tell me what to do and what I can or
cannot have???...if you look back at the history of your country, from
the moment it was born out of violence and bloodshed, to the times of
colonialism, I would say Christians have been the terrorists and always
were...If Islam so bad and evil, why are so many people accepting,
especially here in the west???....i wonder what those mullahs in the
mountains of afghanistan are saying to those gullible kids in rural
america to "brainwash" them into accepting
Islam???...hmmmmmm...interesting isn't it???...last, but not least, how
is your freedom threatened??, whoever thinks that your
army is fighting for your freedom in Iraq, you need to read a
book....the only way to secure your own freedom, is to reclaim democracy
in your land and lock bush up in guantanimo bay for the rest of his

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Mon 06/04/07 07:46 AM
the right to free speech isnt allowed in many parts of the world because
it is the "law of the land"...does that mean that when you voice your
opinion it is illegal, and therefore against God??

come on everyone, ganja is good for everyone...if you havent already
figured it out, many people you deal with day-to-day smoke up...there is
nothing wrong with it, except for the fact that some people just cant
control their usage...

there are also many ways and loop holes in law with which you can
technically keep a joint on least thats how it is here in
Toronto...truth is, no one really cares if we smoke weed...its not like
I'm killing or robbing someone to get it...yes there are people out
there who do kill for even a dime bag of weed, but thats just a few
individuals...people kill for money, jewelry and diamonds, much more
than ganja....

so whos really to judge whats right and wrong here except for
always finds some way to excuse what he does, kind of like how I'm
excusing myself for blazing and breaking the "law" LOL...but there are
many forms of legalized extortion with which the gov't milks you for
every penny they can, leaving you with just enough to get by in
life...hmmmm, i say follow the ten commandments that God gave to Prophet
Moses, and we will all live peacefully...

P.S. -- why dont they make adultery illegal, doesn't that cause
significantly more damage psychologically, sometimes even driving people
to commit murder???....or even fornication...just something to think

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Thu 05/31/07 10:05 AM
replying to the first post...

unfortunately in this world, it is MAN who condemns you for the sin of
your father, not God...even western gov'ts...if your parent or sibling
or any relative for that matter dies before paying a debt, YOU are stuck
having to pay for it...that is wrong, its also the legal way to extort
money from even exists in societies around the world...for
example, in India, if anyone you associate with does something morally
wrong, your all considered the same, especially BS is
that!!!...even me, as a Muslim, i face ridicule all the time...well, I'm
not Osama, nor am i related to Saddam Hussein, and no Ahmedinejad is not
my uncle...Hezbollah existed long before I was born, and in another part
of the world, am I responsible for them and their actions??...should I
carry the burden of guilt, just because they happen to be born into the
same religion as i???....i personally believe "original sin" is a
concoction invented my misguided individuals who sought to convince
others for their own gain...

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Thu 05/31/07 09:57 AM
original sin does not exist...ask a priest to show you where in the
bible does it say that you are condenmed for the sins of your
forefathers...if that is so, then technically all of humanity is doomed
to hell because we all come from Adam and Eve...

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Thu 05/31/07 09:30 AM
there is only ONE path to God, but before anyone says "my way is the
right way", take the time to really study your religion and do your own
investigating on other will never know which path is
correct until you look at them all...I was born a Hindu, but by God's
grace, he guided my entire family to Christianity, away from
paganism...when I was 17, i began searching for God in my life, and it
wasnt easy...i stopped looking at Christianity from a Christian
perspective, and saw many things that I normally would have been too
ignorant to notice...after 2 full years of searching and studying ALL
religions, my path led me to i am a proud Muslim and i
feel truly blessed with God's mercy and kindness...there have even been
times as a Muslim that I questioned Islam, but I found truth, meaning
and reason, and for that I am truly greatful...anyone truly wanting to
look for God, start within your own heart...with a clean heart, you gain
an open mind and therefore able to make an unbiased decision..

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Thu 05/31/07 09:06 AM
wow! guys really hate bush!!

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Thu 05/31/07 08:52 AM
well, my girlfriend of 2 and a half years decided to cheat on me with
her cousin!, she did!!!...everything was goin alright
with the last girl i dated, but, we split because of religious
differences, but we're still friends...i've been single for almost 2
years now, and im ready for someone new!!

Josehon, keep ur head up bro...there are both ups and downs to being
single...just try to enjoy life and when the time is right, the perfect
woman will come me..

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Thu 05/31/07 08:27 AM
hey everyone, its nice to meet u all :smile:

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Thu 05/31/07 06:27 AM
hey everyone! i'm new here to this site and have been checking it out,
but i can barely see any women from Canada!!...Come out and stop
hiding!! wanted to say hi to everyone