Community > Posts By > skydancingA

skydancingA's photo
Wed 06/09/10 06:13 AM

they could be hinting that they need someone to come and clean for them.....surprised

skydancingA's photo
Wed 06/09/10 06:06 AM

For the last 3 years I have been on a
slow recovery, just enjoying the life
around me, the beauty of a sunset and
a sunrise......For the 38 years before
that, I have had the most intense and
exciting life as Military man and a
contractor for the government.....
SSssshhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone, but
I miss jumping out of perfectly good
, climbing mountains, wild
survival training, missions of
intensity, watching sunsets and
sunrises in many countries.

Hard to repeat.

skydancingA's photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:07 PM
With psychological help and prayer...
...I'm firmly convinced that I can rejoin
mainstream society.

I dunno Marley.
That "firmly" looks negotiable.

skydancingA's photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:16 PM

March 3, thank you :-)

For SkydancingA :)...

It is a nice thing you do, thank you :-)

skydancingA's photo
Tue 06/08/10 05:09 PM
Talk softly.
And carry a big stick.

skydancingA's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:26 PM
March 3, thank you :-)

skydancingA's photo
Tue 06/08/10 10:58 AM
I lose my patience all the time.
It is a good thing I am not a doctor.

skydancingA's photo
Tue 06/08/10 09:40 AM
Edited by skydancingA on Tue 06/08/10 09:42 AM

Okay missy.
Didn't we have that giving away the milk
for free/no one buys the cow talk?

are you saying these pants make
my butt look big?

But servicing woody's can make
everything else look small.

Wait till you service me darling.....
THEN everything else looks small.
(look down at your forearm and say...
...oh crap!)

How long is it?
I mean the waiting list, of course :-)

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 06:36 PM

What would it be? Currently, I'm trying
to develop a product line of underwear
for the deaf. Do you think this is marketable?

I sense a supersale at coming up..

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 06:12 PM

No, all us men are a bunch of pigs who can't read.

Come now.
No one really expects pigs to read.

Of course not. That's why we just perv, nudge,
and hope for the best.

Easier to learn to read :-)

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 05:48 PM

No, all us men are a bunch of pigs who can't read.

Come now.
No one really expects pigs to read.

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 05:31 PM

Okay missy.
Didn't we have that giving away the milk
for free/no one buys the cow talk?

are you saying these pants make
my butt look big?

But servicing woody's can make
everything else look small.

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 04:55 PM

Okay missy.
Didn't we have that giving away the milk
for free/no one buys the cow talk?

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 02:37 PM
Good thing love is a merry-go-round, huh.

Hop on again. Less tricky than a bicycle :banana:

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 02:32 PM

A real friend is someone who pretends
they are happy for you when ya hook
up with some douche and plunge into
a doomed relationship and will
laughingly drink a beer with you when
it all goes south. "I kept wondering...
what the hell you were thinking ?....
.Man! I am glad she cheated on you!
Now you have a fair shot at finding
a cool chick instead of putting up
with that psychopathic cow. "

Cow laugh Krupa dates cows

Psychopathis cows no less.
Which is tricky.
As they are..cows.

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 02:21 PM

Okay, guys - let's be reasonable.

This is clearly a critique on big oil, elegantly strewn through the seemingly insensitive metaphor of older women as "old cats".

The purpose of what would otherwise be a bizarre introspective look at the writer's insecurities is easily revealed to be a passionate allegory that represents the struggle between the working class and the suppliers of their most basic needs.

These "old feline" that he refers to is obviously none other than William Knox D'Arcy and the barn of which he speaks is the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.

Now, I will admit that it is a bold statement to insist that our dependency upon oil has become little more than an infatuated suicide as we slowly lunge ourselves, pockets outward, towards the oil giants who were once men, but now have become shells housed by an even larger and faceless beast whose very existence proliferates needless consumption, but he also clearly states that this "necessary education" is not only applicable to the oil industry, but any other industry that starts relatively small, seeming to bridge gaps between nations and their investors, and will eventually grow into a powerful and destructive force.

Bravo, man.

This is some real stuff.

Well then.
Nicely done.

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 10:09 AM

Everything just sucks.
And if you plan on being a scumbag,
don't even bother, just leave.

I can always change my plans.
Hope your day improves glasses

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 10:05 AM

I'm lookin 4 a sxy down 2 earth stud.
If you think your the one message me.

RaiiNbOwfemme14 "IiM aMaziiNq :)"
20 year old man from Queens, Northwest Territories Looking for woman for relationship

Okay, if I am confused, so will the studs be..


skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 06:42 AM

Why is it that every Chinese resteraunt
delivers and you never have a Mexican
resteraunt that does? .......smokin

Hmmm, I dunno either.
I would use it.

skydancingA's photo
Mon 06/07/10 12:06 AM

What can I say? Did paleontology research and
paintings for the Museums of Natural History.
I am still the kid who wants a pet dinosaur

For under your xmas tree:
Puff The Magic Dragon

Dragons live forever.
Not so little boys..

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