Community > Posts By > OffspringPhreak

OffspringPhreak's photo
Sat 08/02/08 09:47 AM
Zero on both counts lol; then again I go through periods where I just don't log in for a few months. I should probably stop that.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Sat 08/02/08 09:45 AM
I want to pave my yard and paint the asphalt green and call it a lawn so I don't have to cut it.bigsmile

Having a big yard sucks; well, my dogs don't think so; then again they don't have to cut it.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Sat 08/02/08 09:42 AM

I'd have to say no.. because if they kept that a secret from me, I'd have to wonder what else they weren't telling me. hmmm.

I'd at least put it on "hold" until things were figured out.

I agree; in my experience when someone keeps one thing a secret(with good intentions or not) there's usually a truck load of other things that you don't know.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Thu 03/27/08 02:43 PM

It mean's rapid transmission of varietal vd.


OffspringPhreak's photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:58 AM

And some of the guys are really nice guys, so I don't want to just blow them off, but I feel like just blocking them. Guys, would you prefer to be told that you're being annoying, or would it just be better to block you right away without any explanation?

Why not just tell him "hey I don't hate you or anything but you're coming off too strong so tone it down a little bit"; most guys that tend to do that are just either not wanting to let a good girl slip by them or are just insecure or something. I'm not saying that's a valid excuse to be like "omg i'm gonna bother you 24/7; just saying." though.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 03:59 PM
Being too groggy to realize the shower water has to warm up. Getting sprayed with ice cold water for about 3 seconds perks me right up and gets me ready for the rest of the day.bigsmile

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:50 AM
Dead Kennedy's cover of "I Fought The Law"

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:48 AM

the whole damn thing

lol exactly; how do you expect us to pick out just one part?!?

"No sir, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again!"

The guy that catches them(the stunt doubles); my brother and I for some reason found that to be the funniest part of the movie last time we watched it... we rewound it and watched it like 7 or 8 times; just that part. It's the the part of that scene where he gives the double look and gasps so damn funny. laugh
"So Princess; you thought you could outsmart the *gasp!*..." laugh

Mel Brooks is awesome the whole movie is just pure genius.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:42 AM
Any movie can peak my interest; my friends and I have a knack for renting movies that we *know* are horrible so we can MST3K the hell out of them and still have a good time.:smile:

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:41 AM
Vegas all the way. Grissom IS CSI.

I've tried watching Miami a few times; didn't like it. I've watched New York a few times and am debating on whether or not I should start collecting it on DVD.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:16 AM
I never look when I'm with someone. I've always had the understanding that if I'm with someone; it's because I find them physically attractive(along with having an awesome personality that is); and that she's the only woman I'm with that should be getting attention.

I hear all the time about women being upset about their men looking at other women or making comments. To me that's like holding up a big florescent sign that says "I don't have any respect for the woman I'm with!".

I could be wrong; but that's my two cents on it.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:12 AM

read about shy people as a personality type!
a lot of people ARE shy. for introverts, it is
not natural or easy to initiate conversation
sometimes although many shy people do open up
and enjoy interaction once it has started.

i think that some who say this are trying to let
others who read their profile know that they
tend to be a little shy in the hope that the
reader may take the initiative and contact them
first if they find them attractive and interesting...

Perfectly worded.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:09 AM
Someone that I've talked to through e-mail for a while? Seem to have a lot in common; and doesn't seem like a psycho? And one day they're like "Hey I got a plane ticket for you for today; so come on over!"??

Eh; sure why not; but I'd invest in a tazer and pepper spray and comfy running shoes beforehand; because I'm just paranoid like that. bigsmile

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 10:02 AM
I've dated online a few times; with not too good results(same as with IRL dating so far I guess; which explains why I'm on a dating site! Yes I know, I'm the Master of the Obvious.).

I never understood why a lot of people seem to downtalk online dating and whatnot; I've met a lot of really cool people from my small town that I didn't even know existed; and have a few friends across the globe that I frequently talk to.

It's just like meeting someone in person and getting to know them for the first time; the liars will lie no matter what; the idiots will be idiots; the mean a-holes will do what they do; and every once in a while you'll run into someone that's cool.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 03/17/08 09:42 AM
It might be because if the shy person sends and e-mail first; and gets nothing back; it's like "wow, they read the e-mail, looked at my profile; and I still got rejected"--not the best confidence booster.

Everybody is different; some people just don't want to be the one that breaks the ice.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:37 AM
Black and red.

They're just awesome.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Tue 01/29/08 05:36 AM

Hi Jamie (both of you!) and hi to the rest of ya'll! (= drinker drinker flowerforyou flowerforyou drinker drinker bigsmile bigsmile flowerforyou flowerforyou drinker drinker bigsmile bigsmile

Damn nice car in that picture.

Eh; cat woke me up today. Laundry and cleaning is what's going on for me today. Yay! indifferent

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:04 AM
Anyone get that dvd of the unreleased "adult" episodes?

I picked up the first and second seasons on dvd too but alas; somebody borrowed 'em and I don't think I'll ever see them again unless I decide to buy them again or just download them.

The 12 year old in me loves that show.bigsmile

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:59 AM
It was a wee bit slow paced; but I thought it was awesome. And got more respect for it when I watched the special features on the dvd. It's cool how everything had it's own back story and purpose. People got mad because Constantine was English(it took place in London I think), and John C. looked like Sting; yet they got Keanu and changed the setting etc etc. I still thought it was awesome though because it was still a kick ass movie regardless.

They're trying to do a sequel; but I dunno if it's gotten off the ground yet.

OffspringPhreak's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:56 AM
I love me some zombie movies. I haven't seen Fido yet but I want to!

Undead is a good Australian zombie movie(a *weird* one). Over the top hilarious though. A zombie gets killed with a soda can and a pen bigsmile

I didn't like any of the Return of the Living Dead sequels too much; the first one is the best(and, if you can find the soundtrack to it, has one of the greatest soundtracks.).

But yeah, zombie movies are awesome as long as the budget doesn't ruin 'em; and it isn't like the Resident Evil movies(they should have kept Romero's script for the first one; and had him direct. Check out his official website it should still be uploaded.).

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