Community > Posts By > Ryuzumaki21

Ryuzumaki21's photo
Sun 11/18/18 10:55 PM
Mixed thoughts about love > either love in general, or relationship, it will be applicable to all.

Love is the greatest force in the universe, for love is divine, it transcends, changes, alters, uplift, transform the person. The more you are in love, the more you are in God.

Love is an act of surrender to someone. You really sacrifice and give every bits, every atom of your existence and every fiber of your being to that person, or to anyone, without expectation etc. That's why it takes a lot of risk, a lot of suffering to actually love.

Religion and spirituality

Who are the greatest manifestation and examples of Love?
Jesus Christ, Buddha etc. These are the greatest examples of love, who have sacrifice themselves for everyone without expectations. They just did it because they do. They suffered a lot for everyone. They weren't conquered by anything or anyone so no one stopped them from showing the love that they have, and that they are. They gave it all, risk it all, sacrifice everything they have for the benefit and welfare of everyone. How great it is to live by their examples, even if they are real or not.

Ryuzumaki21's photo
Sun 11/18/18 10:45 PM
Intoxicated by the Wine of Love.
From each a mystic silence Love demands.
What do all seek so earnestly? ‘Tis Love.
What do they whisper to each other? Love.
Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts.
In Love no longer ‘thou’ and ‘I’ exist,
For Self has passed away in the Beloved.
Now will I draw aside the veil from Love,
And in the temple of mine inmost soul,
Behold the Friend; Incomparable Love.
He who would know the secret of both worlds,
Will find the secret of them both, is Love.

~ Farid ud Din Attar

Ryuzumaki21's photo
Sun 11/18/18 10:34 PM
Seeking Love More than anything else. A relationship that is built on love, trust, connection, acceptance rather than money, and things
Let sex be only an expression, an extension of love.

Hello, I am James. A young Asian Man looking for someone that I can express my love to, and that will love me too. I am a very happy person, simple yet complex, energetic, athletic, into sports, has a good smile, who loves being with nature, listening to music, reading books, working out, meditation, travelling > living the best out of life.

I strongly believe that it neither age or distance or any superficial things should stop you from loving. It is not those things that will matter in the relationship, but it’s the genuine connection, LOVE, and it is The meeting of two personalities - which is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. That’s what love really means, when you know how to go with the harmony, when you know how to sacrifice youself for others, for the one that you love. It is very rarely now that we see such things exist in the world today. Where love and relationships are merely based or found upon weak foundation/ superficial illusory things - so the result is broke up/ weak connection/ etc.


I have an average body, has a rare sexy mind and a wide heart. If you want to know me more, ask and I will answer every question that you have. I wish, we can find each other here, My lover and beloved. :)

Our hearts and minds will unite as our bodies collide and be as one! That's what real love is to, for me. As opposed to having sex without feelings and emotions = no real connection.