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PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 09:10 PM

There is a big distinction between an honest seeker who has genuine questions about the Bible and someone who is out to destroy at any cost and has no intellectual integrity and honesty.

well it appears "PreciousLife" that you are big on honesty so let me ask you an question ...if you heard the word of God telling you to "stone adulterers and unruly children to death" would you do it today without question? stone I mean stone with bricks not drugs ...ok not a brick of cocaine I mean like a rock...ok not a rock of know hit not give someone a hit off a crack pipe ...ok forget it..let's rephase it... would you kill if God told you to kill people like he told Moses

That's why funches its important to study the Bible rather then just judge based on a quick read. No "unruly" children were ever stoned. It was meant as a warning against extreme behavior by children. There is a very complex formula before ANYONE is ever stoned to death.

For example an adulterer (or any crime with a biblical death penalty) needs to be warned right before s/he commits adultery that his or her action will result in the death penalty. It also has to be witnessed by two witnesses. I don't know about you but nobody in their right mind would commit adultery under such circumstances. The point is to teach us that adultery rips the very fabric from our marriage and destroys our sense of trust. Its a horrible thing to do to another human being and its so sad what a joke it has become today.

Speak to anyone who has been cheated on. Its a devastating thing that destroys people. Heck, ask half the people on here about how painful it is.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 02:42 PM

ater reading this whole discussion, one piece at a time, during different times of the day I have come to see that things are getting mired in personal emotions over the validity of the objectiveness in viewing anything through our own filters.

To this end, I agree with Voila.(my nickname for my friend)

His challenge is very steep. Nothing personal has entered into his observations. The man has been trapped by the sheer snare of the questionable motive of the survey used as an example of an emotional hot button in our society.

As have I.

I agree with Voila. no sides...all on the same team.

His is an extremely well thought point.

Very difficult to do and express.

It touches me because I believe in mutual respect and dignity for and towards all men.

Women and children too, for of such are men.

That would be great. But can you boil it down to one specific objection so we can discuss it?

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 02:40 PM

I am astonished by your answer that we don't have an obligation to save another human's life. Would you care to expand on your answer? I don't want to jump to conclusions. Perhaps you have a more detailed explanation.

I don’t mean to be using semantics as an excuse, but I genuinely think that we both mean differnet things by the word, “Obligation”.

Let me put the following questions to you,…

Are you obligated to love your creator?

Is your creator obligated to love you?

Think about these two question and let me know your answers. Then I’ll tell you whether or not we are using the word to mean the same thing.

Wiki defines Obligation:

"An obligation is a requirement to take some course of action. It can be legal or moral. There are also obligations in other normative contexts, such as obligations of etiquette, social obligations, and possibly the In terms of politics, obligations are requirements that are to fulfill."

In those terms to answer your question I believe it is a moral obligation to love G-d as it is to love your parents. It is also an obligation for G-d to love humans as parents are obligated to love their children.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 01:46 PM

Is every human being obligated to save another human being if that human being is in danger?

Simple answer - No.

More complex answer – it all depend on who the people are.

Do you believe we need to teach our kids right from wrong?

Yes, but not without explanation. Teaching them what’s right and wrong without explaining to them why it’s right or wrong isn’t teaching, that’s just dictating.


I am astonished by your answer that we don't have an obligation to save another human's life. Would you care to expand on your answer? I don't want to jump to conclusions. Perhaps you have a more detailed explanation.

Abra please respond to this. I really want to hear your view on this.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 01:00 PM

Not that logic ever stopped the Bible bashers.

is a bible basher someone that ask questions because they want to know or is the believer a logic basher because they rely on "faith" not to know

If you hate something you will use everything at your disposal to discredit it whether its logical or not. That's called intellectual dishonesty. There are legitimate points to make in questioning whether the Bible is true. This one is not one of them - if you are honest.

and if you were honest you wouldn't be preaching that this type of debate rely on hate to take place, unless you are the one that is doing the hating

Questions are perfectly fine. Saying that the people were smoking pot or something borders on the ridiculous.

There is a big distinction between an honest seeker who has genuine questions about the Bible and someone who is out to destroy at any cost and has no intellectual integrity and honesty.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:56 PM

It wasn't just Moses. Between 2 and 3 million people witnessed what happened at Sinai.

and more than 3 million people watched David Copperfield perform miracles ..but David Copperfeild wasn't on stage claiming that he heard voices

In addition the many miracles in the Bible happened over an extended period of time so the premise of being drugged on ONE occasion just makes no logical sense.

again just because someone heard a voice doesn't make it a miracle ..those mountains can throw an echo pretty good could have been a prankster that said "I AM" and the mountains made it sound like a Godly voice and with a little drug inducment Moses became a believer that it was God

This wasn't an isolated incident where they might have mistaken an "echo" for the voice of G-d. This was a continuing journey of the miraculous. They had manna (food) falling from the sky for forty years. G-d split the sea and rescued them from the Egyptians who were the strongest nation on earth. They were surrounded and guided by clouds that protected them. The voice at Sinai was so powerful and overwhelming that the Israelites begged Moses to ask G-d to stop because they couldn't bear it because of its power.

Dozens of nations came out to attack them in the desert and they defeated each one. A nation that was slaves for 210years who were wandering in the desert defeated many mighty nations who attacked them.

There could be no mistake. The evidence for the Israelites was overwhelming.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:09 PM

You are completely missing the point. What Dennis Prager is presenting here is the moral differences between someone who bases their beliefs on religion or based on their own heart and mind. As he said in the article "MOST" people simply judge issues by their eye and heart ("MOST" implicitly includes most religious people also). Knowing that, your "No Bible = no Morality" hypothesis is out the window. What Dennis is discussing is the difference in the morals of those who base their moral decisions upon the Bible (or Torah, I would assume) and those who do not. The article is discussing the difference between depending upon your own eye, heart and wisdom to determine what is right or wrong vs trusting thousands of years of accumulated human wisdom.

The article isn't an attack against anyone, it's comparing and attempting to show the value of an "old book of parables" as so many insist that the Bible is.

In an amazingly twisted, antagonistic, and warring style worthy of the most pathetic apologetics fanatics, your post is totally vindicating the point I offered. Albeit confusingly, but vindicated nonetheless.

Your hero is 'separating' the moral landscape, and goes on to self-servingly suggest the superiority of one moral code adopted by some (bible+), through the invalidation of a totally fabricated illusion of 'heart' based morals, which he blows to such unbelievable dimension, only to serve his 'US-THEM' aplogetics warring mode. It is a profoundly dishonest premise.

The hero again, seems to imply that he knows what the person meant when she answered '... My heart tells me...'.
He also implies to know what is meant by a bible sourced moral code?!?!?

That's the serious and dangerous issue with fanaticism, they're absolutists!

Nothing is more sketchy as to take '... What My heart tells me...' and turn it into a simplistic reduction of the essential 'moral' duality of our time, as measured to the equally sketchy assumptions of so-called uniform biblical morality. '... What my heart tells me...' is somehow suggested to be misguiding, whereas '...what 'god' tells me...' would be sound, represent the moral absolute...'. PLEASE PEOPLE!!! Can we have an intelligent conversation here?!?!?

As for your 'MOST' argument, where you make the impertinent point of '... most religions...'. Impertinent 'spiderCBM' because I never suggested otherwise. Maybe you mix me up with another one of your imaginary 'ennemies'. You could just as readily add 'MOST Christians' to the list. Religions and genuine believers are not the ones my post addresses.

This post, has stated, is strictly intended for the proselitizers, the fanatical, the apologetics mercenaries.
A tiny, but disturbingly delusional troup of absolutists, at war with the rest of the world.

For this warring tribe, to which I associate you 'spiderCBM', it is never enough to express their beliefs. It must always be against, or at the expense of some other belief, another camp, another ennemy.
And when there isn't an antagonistic target to 'war' against, the fanatics make one up out of 'nothing', as the OP's author did in this thread.

That is the obligatory 'apologetics' tradition and dogma. Their delusion is that they are being 'attacked' 24/7/365. The corrolate delusionary reply is to 'defend' themselves against these delusionary attacks.

His case for the 'heart' vs the bible is juvenile, unfounded, and self-serving. One can only ackonwledge the fanatical obsession and compulsion of the apologetics-proselitizer, and denounce it as such.

I don't expect the proselitizers to ever agree with my views consciously. But I must admit that their compulsion to keep contradicting for contradiction sake, unconsciously brings them to support the opponent's argument.

Vindication, however it is served, is a sweet dish.

Thank you 'spiderCBM'.

I really don't understand your point at all. Why don't you discuss the issue at hand? Prager makes a very legitimate point. You can't tell me that many folks are not guided by their "feelings" exclusively. When they are guided JUST by their emotions then they may end up with terrible consequences like the notion that ones beloved dog is more valuable then a human being who is a stranger. He is making an excellent logical point.

Address the issue please.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:03 PM

Abortion: How can you look at a sad 18-year-old who had unprotected sex and not be moved? What kind of heartless person is going to tell her she shouldn't have an abortion and should give birth?

WHO with a heart can not feel for the baby?? :cry:


That's his point. We SEE the 18 year old but we don't SEE the child. So our heart is moved by the 18 year old and not by the child. So what ends up happening is that the emotional difficulties of carrying a baby to term outweighs the moral obligation to save and treasure life.

That's the danger of following our eyes and heart over values and morality outlined in the Bible.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 11:31 AM

Was the Bible a history of people who were high and stoned for 3000 years???

would this be considered as being a miracle?

This doesn’t even begin to make any sense.

so you believe that it doesn't make sense that Moses was stone on drugs when he heard voices but yet you believe that it does make sense that Moses heard voices without being stoned on drugs? ...either way drugs was involved or should have been involved in the form of medication

It wasn't just Moses. Between 2 and 3 million people witnessed what happened at Sinai. In addition the many miracles in the Bible happened over an extended period of time so the premise of being drugged on ONE occasion just makes no logical sense.

Not that logic ever stopped the Bible bashers. If you hate something you will use everything at your disposal to discredit it whether its logical or not. That's called intellectual dishonesty. There are legitimate points to make in questioning whether the Bible is true. This one is not one of them - if you are honest.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 11:19 AM

Are you serious people?!?!? No bible according to you would equate to no morality?!!? No principles?!?!? No values?!?!? No conscience?!?!? CHAOS?!?!?

Get real. Eventhough have no intention to embark on such a crusade, it would be infinitely easier to demonstrate that the bible is the source of far more immoral actions by man than anything other single identifiable source of dictatorial dogma.

You are completely missing the point. What Dennis Prager is presenting here is the moral differences between someone who bases their beliefs on religion or based on their own heart and mind. As he said in the article "MOST" people simply judge issues by their eye and heart ("MOST" implicitly includes most religious people also). Knowing that, your "No Bible = no Morality" hypothesis is out the window. What Dennis is discussing is the difference in the morals of those who base their moral decisions upon the Bible (or Torah, I would assume) and those who do not. The article is discussing the difference between depending upon your own eye, heart and wisdom to determine what is right or wrong vs trusting thousands of years of accumulated human wisdom.

The article isn't an attack against anyone, it's comparing and attempting to show the value of an "old book of parables" as so many insist that the Bible is.

Beautifully and eloquently said, Spider! ;-)

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 11:18 AM

Is every human being obligated to save another human being if that human being is in danger?

Simple answer - No.

More complex answer – it all depend on who the people are.

Do you believe we need to teach our kids right from wrong?

Yes, but not without explanation. Teaching them what’s right and wrong without explaining to them why it’s right or wrong isn’t teaching, that’s just dictating.


I am astonished by your answer that we don't have an obligation to save another human's life. Would you care to expand on your answer? I don't want to jump to conclusions. Perhaps you have a more detailed explanation.

As far as teaching children, of course we should explain to them morals and values. Whatever gave you the idea that we just tell them to do as we say without explanation? If you would study the Bible you would see the love, compassion and justice behind all things. Of course you have to read it with an open mind and not jump to an immediate conclusion the first time you encounter something that requires thought and contemplation. The lessons in the Bible are incredible and as Prager says are the foundation of the United States.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 01:16 AM

No, IT TOOK not takes, unless there are still people writing on scrolls. And your avoiding the point.

"If there was a god, don't you think that paper would have been invented sooner and by a Christian for record keeping purposes?"
Instead the Chinese invented it, unless the christians have taken it upon themselves to blur that fact. Which really isn't surprising since the whole book you claim to live by is full of contradictions and blurs.

Absolutely today it is still written on parchment. In fact that is one of the rules for it to be valid – it must be written on parchment. Paper would invalidate it. Education is a wonderful thing. ;-)

Like I said, please ask rather then assume.

since you want to get nit-picky I said scrolls not parchment."unless there are still people writing on scrolls"
and yet you side stepped the pertinent question yet again. Why didn't Christians invent it?

That would have made sense if there was an all powerful being right?

Oh boy. My friend the scrolls have been written ON parchment from when they were first given at Sinai 3000 years ago and still continue to be written on scrolls of parchment today.

Inventing paper doesn’t help us here because an authentic Bible can only be written on scrolls of parchment. Paper is worthless in regards to keeping the accuracy of the Original (old) Testament. I hope this ends the paper discussion. ;-)

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 01:02 AM

I for one am done this debate. Neither one of us will agree PreciousLife. We have both been raised to think differently. Not to say one is better, just different.

Free country and all that jazz my friend. However this wasn’t about agreeing or disagreeing this was about how we form our opinions about what is right or wrong. I believe Prager made an incredible logical distinction HOW people form their sense of right and wrong. It’s worth thinking about in an honest fashion.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 01:00 AM

There is no moral obligation to save another human???????????????

What you miss here altogether is that I don’t even THINK in terms of moral obligations.

That’s a mental thing. That’s using your mind. That's all I meant by that statement.

When I see someone in need of help I don’t stop and think to myself. “Hmmm? Do I have a moral obligation to help them?”

There is no thought process at all. I react instantly and spontaneously from my heart. There’s no need to even think about mental concepts like “Was I taught to do this?”

All I need to do is be who I am and everything else will take care of itself.

Earlier you wrote:
We do need morals and values to guide us

This is where we disagree. If I act on my heart I will always do the right thing. No questions asked.

I don't need to stop and think about what some ancient book might have to say about it.

We just view the world from two entirely differnet perspectives is all.

Okay, Abra, Let me simplify it then. Is every human being obligated to save another human being if that human being is in danger?

I hope you don’t answer that when the situation comes up that’s when you will decide. Do you believe we need to teach our kids right from wrong?

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:57 AM

No, IT TOOK not takes, unless there are still people writing on scrolls. And your avoiding the point.

"If there was a god, don't you think that paper would have been invented sooner and by a Christian for record keeping purposes?"
Instead the Chinese invented it, unless the christians have taken it upon themselves to blur that fact. Which really isn't surprising since the whole book you claim to live by is full of contradictions and blurs.

Absolutely today it is still written on parchment. In fact that is one of the rules for it to be valid – it must be written on parchment. Paper would invalidate it. Education is a wonderful thing. ;-)

Like I said, please ask rather then assume.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:49 AM

This is exactly Prager’s point. Your “heart” decides what is and isn’t an obligation and you decided that you don’t have an obligation to save a human life. Wow!

You just contradicted yourself. You said that my ‘heart’ decides what is and isn’t an obligation and then you say that I ‘decided’ that I don’t have an obligation to save a human life.

You don’t ‘DECIDE’ things with your heart. You ACT from your heart. It’s spontaneous. This is why I said that the survey about the heart is absurd. People are answering the survey with their MIND not their heart.

And that was my whole point of why Prager’s research is flawed.

Most people DON’T act to save others (and that includes religious people). That’s why we call the ones who do ‘heroes’.

This has nothing to do with religion. This has to do with the mettle of the person in question.


Now you are just playing with semantics. You and your heart are one and the same. The point is that you are allowing your emotions to make decisions rather then using guidelines and values set forth in the Bible.

Using your intelligence and sense of right and wrong - Do you or don’t you believe that there is a moral obligation to save a human life?

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:45 AM

The thing is that YOU are deeming yourself better than the pregnant woman at making this decision!

That is utterly ridiculous! You are not the one who will have to carry an unwanted child in your belly for 9 months. What you need to do is get off your high religious and woefully archaic horse and put yourself in her shoes.

And why are you so positive this is the right thing to do? Because a book of parables that has been changed throughout the course of history tells you it's right?

Sir I am a writer, and I know full well what happens in the editing process. Do you think that the tales in the bible have not been embellished upon? Those tales weren't even written until 500 years after the fact.

If there was a god, don't you think that paper would have been invented sooner and by a Christian for record keeping purposes?

Nope. I don’t deem myself better then anyone. Its not MY or the PREGNANT WOMAN’S decision to make. Human life intrinsically is sacred and no person has to right to take a life.

As far as editing, perhaps if you asked rather then assumed you might learn something. The Original (Old) Testament) – the five books of Moses are written in one scroll. There are strict rules that one scroll must be scrupulously copied letter by letter from the original scroll. If one letter is slightly off then the whole scroll is deemed useless. They read the scroll every single week to make sure that every letter is where it should be. So there is a strict system as to how a scroll can be written. In fact it takes a ton of studying and dedication to become a scribe.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:20 AM

For 25 years I have been asking high school seniors across America if they would save their dog or a stranger first if both were drowning. The majority has nearly always voted against the person. Why? Because, they say with no self-doubt, they love their dog, not the stranger.

Moreover, no human being is under and moral obligation to save any other human being. Even the Bible doesn’t suggest that, or if it does, it only does it in-between all the times when God is telling men like Joshua to go out and murder entire civilizations.

Give me break.


You just made my point for me louder then I ever could. In fact every time you say that you are as moral as any religious person I will quote this quote of yours.

There is no moral obligation to save another human???????????????

The Bible states that we can break all the laws in the Bible in order to save a human life. The Bible values human life above all else.

This is exactly Prager’s point. Your “heart” decides what is and isn’t an obligation and you decided that you don’t have an obligation to save a human life. Wow!

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:16 AM

For 25 years I have been asking high school seniors across America if they would save their dog or a stranger first if both were drowning. The majority has nearly always voted against the person. Why? Because, they say with no self-doubt, they love their dog, not the stranger.

This is a absolutely totally meaningless survey.

You can’t ask people that kind of question and give any value to their response because it isn’t a real situation. It’s easy to say that they will save their dog when asked that question. But put them in the real situation and WATCH what they ACTUALLY DO!!!

I’m willing to bet that you will be shocked to learn that people who answer survey questions one way, act entirely differently under real conditions.

The Bible doesn’t instill good morals. The Bible instills more bigotry than morals.

If they have the gumption to publicly admit it, I fully believe them. Usually it would be the opposite. They would say they would rescue the man but when it comes down to it they would save their dogs because it’s too painful for them to watch their dog drown. But I never expected them to not even be embarrassed by it and openly admit they would save their dog over a stranger.

If you think the Bible installs more bigotry then morals then obviously you have not read the Bible. You hear some poster yell about Joshua and you ignore the whole point of the Bible. I have explained in detail why Joshua was justified in all his actions. Read the Old Testament and you will see love and kindness in every action commanded by G-d. If you are not sure where the love is, feel free to ask me.

PreciousLife's photo
Mon 03/10/08 12:11 AM

No I don't want to live my life the way King James sees fit. You really think that it is the absolute word of some supreme being?
Just because it's in red? You are really sad and weak minded.

You are the one who belives that its better for a child to be killed then to have a chance at life. I wouldnt be calling me any names. Kettle black and all that.

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