Community > Posts By > Wolfeyes58

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:05 AM

The Month Of November

The month of November
Lends things to remember
For families to gather around,
Mothers are hopping
As they go shopping
From every store in town.

There's a nip in the air
As the wind blows your hair
Putting a chill upon your nose,
Dress warmly throughout
You don't want to go without
Any of your warm winter clothes.

Thanksgiving will be near
So better get in gear
For a feast fit for kings,
There will be plenty of food
For all in your brood
With all the food everyone brings.

When your belly is stuffed
And you've had quite enough
Be ready to watch the game,
Root for your team
Holler and scream
Till your voice doesn't sound the same.

Now for you early bird shoppers
All of you store hoppers
That go from sale to sale,
Getting the early buys
From toys to hi-fis,
Till your feet are going to swell.

Prayers for family living
This joyous Thanksgiving
May peace come to you all,
Christmas will be upon us
With all the joy and fuss
Hello winter and good bye fall.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:59 AM
Your best as of yet my dear. Along with your ponderings, this is the best to date. Blessings to having a wonderful and dear friend such as you.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:57 AM
I know it's early, but I just had to write this and share it, because of the earliness that Christmas brings in the wrong way, right after the Halloween decorations come down. I hope ya'll get the meaning out of this one and enjoy it as well.

The Reason For The Season

Is it for the candy and the toys
Or for all the girls and the boys
Or is it because Santa is a teasin'?
It's because the angels all rejoice
When they sing a joyful noise
That Jesus is the reason for the season.

When the star shines up in the sky
With its tail shining bright
God gives us a gift so pleasin'
He gives us His Son
To be the only One
Jesus is the reason for the season.

When you celebrate you see
With the star upon the tree
Remember what it stands for,
Jesus is the reason
For this most precious season
The most wonderful gift forever more.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:53 AM
Thanks Kev, Susan and Michele...I appreciate the nice comments. Anything is as close as a phone call or a letter, but when you look at the moon or the stars, you feel even closer.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:50 AM
Thank you Angel and Michele...very much appreciated for your wonderful comments.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 11/02/08 05:49 AM

Ummmm WOW Robert - I-------hmmmmmmmmmm speechless?? I will leave it at that.........very powerful write - It's e-mail worthy...flowerforyou

Thank you to the only one who thought anything of it...I appreciate it.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Wed 10/29/08 10:09 PM
Thanks everyone...I always enjoy writing for others. Just a little info and the request and I'm writing away.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Mon 10/27/08 05:10 PM
Hands are clasped and praying still wishing for a speedy recovery. God be with her and your family at this time.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 10/26/08 07:51 PM
Suze...many prayers will be bestowed upon you and your mother from my family to yours...we hope the best for her and that God will keep her safe. Besides, she has outlived expectations because God isn't ready for her to come home yet. He hasn't fixed her special chair for her.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 10/26/08 07:17 PM
Thank you Angel for all the wonderful words you bestow upon us on these pages. Your words are so expressive and tell such a wonderful thought from your heart. Keep up the good writes.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 10/26/08 07:15 PM
Thank you all for the wonderful comments. It seems the ones I write best are the ones where I am rushed. I wrote this in a matter of twenty minutes right before I got off of work. I appreciate you all Kim, Angel, Pam and Terry...ya'll are great as well.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:19 AM
I forgot about those essions Angel...thanks...and great add by the way.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 10/25/08 07:39 AM
I've had people tell me I look like William H Macy...

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 10/25/08 07:16 AM

What The -ession Is Going On?

Are we heading for recession?
Or heading for depression?
With all of this repression
Makes you wonder about regression
With all of our progression.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 10/25/08 07:12 AM

I wrote this for someone who wanted a poem written for their father whom they miss who is elsewhere working on oilrigs.

Across The Miles

As I sit here, knowing you're across the miles
I'm wondering how you are,
I look up at the night time sky
And wonder if you're looking at the same bright star.
I miss you daddy, please hurry home
I miss your warm embrace,
I miss that twinkle in your eye
And the roughness of your face.

If you hurry home, I have something to give
With plenty of smiles,
It's something I can't give you
With you being there, across the miles.
My heart yearns for you to be here
Because there's nothing I would rather have,
And that is to see that handsome face
And to know you're safely home, dad.

When I look out in the night time sky
And I look up at that bright twinkling star,
Tell me you see the same one twinkling
So it won't feel like you are so far.
I pray that you come home safely
So you can your have your little girl,
Because you are the bestest daddy
In the whole wide world.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 10/25/08 07:07 AM

The Dust In The Attic

It was cleaning day for the attic
Trying to get rid of some junk,
Time to get rid of some of the old
And some of the bunk.
No sense in keeping it
Just to sit around and gather dust,
So out with the old
And get on with the fuss.

Going through the boxes of mail
Letters from days of old,
Some dated way back when
That has gathered some mold.
Opening one of the letters
It was a letter from you my dear,
As I look up to the ceiling
Down my cheek rolled a tear.

It was a letter you wrote to me
Back when we were kids,
You had just turned eighteen then
Shipping out on some skids.
You were on your way to Nam
Ready to fight a war,
The letters I received from you
I will treasure forever more.

I prayed every day since then
For your safe return home,
Little did I know back then
There was something I hadn't known.
You came home half the man
Then when you had left that day,
Strolling up to meet me in a wheelchair
You couldn't help but look away.

Are you going to love me now
Now that I am not whole?
I didn't want to tell you in the letter
I was trying to be brave and bold.
Tears came to my eyes just then
The more of the letter I read,
Just knowing how much I loved you
Even after your death.

I folded the letter and pocketed it
And just gave up cleaning the attic,
Procrastination is a big thing
Not much of a cleaning fanatic.
But before I left from out of there
A breeze came in through the window,
Blowing dust off of the shelf
With a message it did show.

Written on the shelf itself
Were the words "I still love you, too."
My heart had sunk in my chest
I didn't know what to do.
Then as I looked around the room
I said, "My darling, you're here."
Then a breeze kissed me on the cheek
I knew you were near.

Our love will continue
For it is an unconditional one,
I have loved you through sorrow and pain
Even in times of fun.
You will always be in my heart
Until the day that I die,
When we are joined together
Under God's watchful eye.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 10/25/08 06:50 AM
Kim, very well written and to whom it is for I am sure he will love it. I know I did.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 10/25/08 06:48 AM
Wow Pam, you wrote your first rap song...I like it I like it.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Fri 10/24/08 09:23 AM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Right back at ya Kim...flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Wolfeyes58's photo
Fri 10/24/08 09:22 AM
No my dear, He will not send the messenger until He is good and ready for you to come home. Very good write though.

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