Community > Posts By > Lynann

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 10:51 PM
What about this is okay?

This is a Christian video game?


Site where the below was published along with a clip of game play.

I've never heard of the Left Behind book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, but that's because the only reading I do is on the back of cereal boxes. This game, LEFT BEHIND: Tribulation Forces is based on said books. You "combat the Antichrist’s forces on two battle fronts - physical & spiritual warfare: Use the power of prayer and worship to resist spiritual influences and defend against their physical attacks." Apparently you run around trying to convert non-believers or mowing them down with machine guns. Pretty awesome premise if you ask me. Reminds me of the time I had to pistol whip a Burger King employee for not accepting Monopoly money. I told him the Lord was totally cool with it and even quoted some scripture, "And Jesus said to his disciples: the Geekologie writer shall payeth for thine Spicy CHICK'N CRISP Sandwich with whatever payment he seeth fit." The little jerk didn't believe me, and that's when God told me to get physical.

Note: You only need to watch the first minute of the video to get the premise, and there's a great quote at 0:27.

Left Behind [gametrailers]

Thanks to Nathaniel, who gets straight A's in being cool, for the tip

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 10:30 PM
Welcome the post 9/11 United States of America.

Here is a pretty awful video of a baptist priest who knew his rights at a border crossing. He paid an awful price for it too.

It makes me ill.

Please watch this video and speak up.

This is keeping us safe?

This is a brave man. I hope someone listens.

Baptist Priest Gets Beatdown: The Actual Video. Remember that video a few weeks ago with the pastor recounting his beatdown by the US Border Patrol? Here`s the raw tape

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 10:26 PM
Edited by Lynann on Fri 05/15/09 10:37 PM
Well gee the fear invoking flag waving republicans can point fingers and cry about being anti-American all they want.

Gramm has already proven the CIA lied about briefing members of congress regarding it's practices and policies.

Gramm the former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman said that approximately a month ago, the CIA provided him with false information about how many times and when he was briefed on enhanced interrogations.

"When this issue started to resurface I called the appropriate people in the agency and said I would like to know the dates from your records that briefings were held," Graham recalled. "And they contacted me and gave me four dates -- two in April '02 and two in September '02. Now, one of the things I do, and for which I have taken some flack, is keep a spiral notebook of what I do throughout the day. And so I went through my records and through a combination of my daily schedule, which I keep, and my notebooks, I confirmed and the CIA agreed that my notes were accurate; that three of those four dates there had been no briefing. There was only one day that I had been briefed, which was September the 27th of 2002."

As for the one briefing he did attend, the Florida Democrat said that he had "no recollection that issues such as waterboarding were discussed." He was not, per the sensitive nature of the matters discussed, allowed to take notes at the time. But he did highlight what he considered to be pretty strong proof that the controversial technique was not discussed.

"What struck me...was the fact that in that briefing, there were also two staff members," he said. "As you know, the general rule is that the executive is to brief the full committees of the House and Senate Intelligence committees about any ongoing or proposed action. The exception to that is what is called "covert action," where the president...only briefs the Gang of Eight, which is the four congressional leaders and the four intelligence committee leaders. Those sessions are generally conducted at an executive site, primarily at the White House itself. And they are conducted with just the authorized personnel, not with any staff or any other member of the committee.... Which leads me to conclude that this was not considered by the CIA to be a Gang of Eight briefing. Otherwise they would not have had staff in the room. And that leads me to then believe that they didn't brief us on any of the sensitive programs such as the waterboarding or other forms of excessive interrogation."

Graham declined to speculate as to what took place during Pelosi's briefings, noting that the House and Senate had two entirely different sessions. But he did point out that, at the time, "the whole credibility of the intelligence committee, particularly the CIA, was pretty much in question" -- giving credence to Pelosi's claims that she was given faulty information.

"The irony," said Graham, "is that the whole series of events in late September of '02 were concurrent with the CIA's release of the first classified version of the National Intelligence Estimate, which was one of the key factors that led me to vote against the war in Iraq because I thought that their case was so weak. And they were making to the public these very bold statements about how we were in extreme danger if we didn't move quickly to eradicate Saddam Hussein. The whole, 'a smoking gun may appear in the form of a mushroom cloud' kind of argument."

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 10:22 PM know what I think but for the rest of your...

There is a vast difference between sheeple and people of faith.

I despise one group and deeply respect the other. I never ever identified all faithful people as sheeple.

At any rate...

My point is, this kid had no choice, this is after all a kid not just a barely formed collection of cells. He deserves a chance at life because...he is alive, functional, independent, thinking...

What about the parent who decides fasting is decreed by God? Is it okay for that parent to supply just the barest sustenance to a child? Let's say they follow a biblical diet? (Yes there is such a thing)

Now, let's contrast that with the parent who worships a needle instead of God who spends all their money on drugs.

Both kids are eating the same diet.

Is one parent protected constitutional and the other a criminal?

I think not.

As a parent I cannot imagine doing everything possible to save the life of my child. It sickens me that some people, wrapping themselves in the illusion of faith, can allow a child who could live to is child different from that of a drug addict or a absent parent.

They are killing a child...a real child, an independent functioning human being...but this is okay why? Doesn't it conflict just abit with their por-life horse$hit?

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 10:04 PM
Gee...I don't like the speaker at all myself but...

Phil Gramm who has maintained detailed journals of every day in his government service was supposedly briefed by the CIA too. They listed four dates that they allege to have briefed the then senator.

The trouble is...he showed them proof he was never briefed on three of the four listed days.

Later the CIA admitted there was an error and that they had not briefed or even visited Sen. Gramm on those dates. However they went on to say when they did brief him they discussed water boarding.

Gramm denies that the content of those briefings was what the CIA now says they were.

Gramm goes on to point out that the alleged briefing in which the CIA says they fully disclosed torture was just one week after they shared their report on Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction.

Gramm rightly points out their "report" was completely without foundation. Revisionist history aside the fact is the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is unproven and likely based solely upon the lie from one, yes just one, informant who received a very nice pay day from the Bush administration for saying they existed.

Gramm points to this flawed intelligence and says again rightly...he has little confidence in the CIA.

Gramm does not say the CIA lied to him. Instead he calls it a lie of omission pointing out that the CIA instead of "speaking truth to power" instead chose to tell power what it wanted to hear.

Does this sound familiar? It's just what the authors of the torture memo's did. Instead of speaking truth to power they chose to construct a legal scenario that appeased the president.

This should not be startling to the American public. Look at the compromises we made from the halls of power to the main street in the aftermath of 9/11.

Anyone who thinks the CIA would not lie...especially after being caught with their pants down like that is really quite naive.

Is the speaker guiltless in this? Maybe not...but maybe so too.

Let's be really honest here. Had we from the start followed the rule of law...we wouldn't ever have to ask these questions.

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 02:30 PM
I support this effort.

Time to man up.

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 02:28 PM
You know this kind of thing is what makes me really dislike sheeple.

The child had no choice of religion. He is a living viable human being with a heart, a mind and his own will; a will almost completely shaped by his parents and their religious and world view.

Are parents within their rights to kill their child?

If I decided not to take my child to the doctor when he was injured and instead just sat around and fervently hoped the flying spaghetti monster would heal him I would go to jail for neglect.

Aren't religious pro-life people always howling about the rights of an unborn fetus to life? What about this child's right to life?

To that I have a question. How many people here follow the same religion as their parents in the same manner as their parents?

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 12:41 PM
You know I was under the impression that mostly teen girls and gay guys watched and cared about beauty pageants...

Just saying...

Fanta does seem quite concerned with this subject. Maybe he is secretly on Donald Trumps pay-roll. Trump does own all that pageant crap and I know he is looking for all the publicity he can get.

Heck, he had all sorts of people on television competing to be his apprentice not too long ago right?

Is it crazy to think Fanta might be on the Trump pay-roll?

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 12:27 PM
I don't think she is the best candidate but she is certainly not as bad as Roberts or Thomas.

The court has always held special interest for me. Even before I visited the court and had the unique privilege of being admitted to the private library there.

One of the largest factors in my votes in presidential elections over the years has been the possible impact on the SCOTUS that that president might have.

That legacy is one of the greatest and most lasting in terms of it's affect on the lives of my children, grand children and the nation.

I feel, so far that Obama will make a well measured and moderate choice for the court as he has in many appointments so far.

Not that the Bible thumpers and radical right will think so haha

There are some great books on the court available that I urge you all to read. Ah...never mind...might be too difficult for folks who can't get through a long post let along a book.

At any rate...I trust that no matter who the nominee is there will be more than a few folks on this site, many who couldn't accurately describe the judicial process, who will howl and piss and moan.

Sorry about your luck!

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 12:12 PM
Yeah I saw this too.

I firmly believe anyone who eats meat ought to kill, clean and prepare the meat they eat at least once. Sort of earning the privilege you know?

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 12:10 PM
Makes same sex marriage legal? haha This is an interesting little tidbit that the New York Times printed and I found on Police News & Law Enforcement Community's Police Link.

Interesting eh?

You learn something new every day. And this one struck us as absurd, but the New York Times printed it -- so factual, it must be.

Back in 1999, Texas became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage.

Come again?

Stunned us, too. But there is a teensy technicality. The case, "Littleton v. Prange, determined that marriage could be only between people with different chromosomes." So two women could theoretically marry, but only if one of them used to be a man; and visa versa.

"The result, of course, was that lesbian couples in that jurisdiction were then allowed to wed as long as one member of the couple had a Y chromosome, which is the case with both transgendered male-to-females and people born with conditions like androgen insensitivity syndrome. This ruling made Texas, paradoxically, one of the first states in which gay marriage was legal."

Paradoxically is right! Women can't REALLY marry women here in the great state of Texas. They can only marry women who used to be men, but are now women. Getting dizzy?

Sure, the end result is two women living together in holy matrimony, but not really. Really? We think it is, since regardless of biological makeup, the marriages are between people who live their lives as members of the same gender.

Confused? That makes all of us. If this is the case, than what is stopping Texas from legalizing gay marriage? After all, a chromosome is invisible. And these folks are living as same-sex couples. What's the difference?

We need an expert. Where is Miss California when you need her?

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 12:06 AM
"I'm sure if the ACLU was around when the Nazi's were in power they would be representing them too.

Nice to see what side you are on by the way(as if I already didn't know) "


Thank you for confirming just what I thought.

It really is a shame...

Lynann's photo
Fri 05/15/09 12:03 AM
haha Blithely ignoring the fact she lied eh Thomas?

It's okay when Christians lie right? Cause the big bad world of haters makes em do it right? /puke

Her personal beliefs about gay marriage aside, she answered badly not because of what she believes but how she answered, she lied on her application to the pageant and she failed to fulfill her contractual obligations to the pageant.

The pageant organizers have confirmed she was behind in points before the question was asked or answered by the way and so this crap about her losing because of her answer is well...crap.

So, once more we have a so called Christian lying, manipulating others, financially profiting from her so called faith all the while being supported in her deceit by other so called Christians who are pointing fingers and condemning others for pointing out the idiocy, greed, hypocrisy and falseness of the whole damned thing?

If this is the face of modern Christianity then I am proud to say I have no part of it.

Lynann's photo
Thu 05/14/09 11:37 PM
Here's a cool story.
Airman spots aircraft fuel leak at 35,000 feet

by Tech. Sgt. Rey Ramon
18th Wing Public Affairs

5/14/2009 - KADENA AIR BASE, Japan (AFNS) -- Most of us hear stories of Airmen saving lives in combat, but an Airman who saves the lives of more than 300 passengers is definitely a story worth hearing.

A fuel leak on a civilian aircraft caught the attention of Staff Sgt. Bartek Bachleda, 909th Air Refueling Squadron boom operator, during a flight from Chicago to Narita airport, Japan. After alerting the pilots and aircrew, the ranking pilot made the decision to divert the flight to San Francisco.

"I noticed the leak on the left side of the aircraft right behind the wing earlier during take-off," said Sergeant Bachleda.

Sergeant Bachleda continued analyzing the outflow of fuel to be 100 percent sure it was a leak while the plane was reaching cruising altitude. Almost an hour into the flight, he told a stewardess of the possible leak, but was given an unconcerned response.

Sergeant Bachleda then began to capture the possible leak on video. He then got the stewardess' attention by saying, "Ma'am it's an emergency." He identified himself to her and showed her the leak on video.

"She was completely serious and was no longer handing out drinks," he said. "I told her you need to inform your captain before we go oceanic."

The captain came from the cockpit to where Sergeant Bachleda was sitting to see the leak and view the video footage. Sergeant Bachleda said the captain and the crew were trying to figure out how the aircraft was losing 6,000 pounds of fuel an hour and then they knew exactly what was going on.

The captain made a mid-air announcement the flight would be diverted back to Chicago, but then changed it to San Francisco so passengers could catch the only existing flight to Narita airport.

Once the flight arrived in San Francisco, Sergeant Bachleda and a coworker were asked to stay back while the aircraft was deplaned. They waited for the arrival of investigators, the fire chief, and the owner of the airport to explain what went wrong.

"When we got off the airplane everyone was thanking us," said the sergeant.

While conversing with the captain, the sergeant said he was hesitant at first to inform them about the leak, but he knew it was abnormal. The captain said they would have never made it to Japan if it wasn't for him.

The two Airmen were placed in a hotel overnight and flew back to Japan the next morning. The airline company showed their appreciation by seating them first-class.

Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link)

Lynann's photo
Thu 05/14/09 11:23 PM
Well...all I can say is...I guess it's good for the game to see anyone south of the Mason-Dixon line watching hockey.


I am pretty damned happy that tonight the Ducks are crying in their quackers.

Hockey...the best game ever!

Talking poop in another post haha

Lynann's photo
Thu 05/14/09 11:19 PM

Ummm Sorry about your luck!

Bye Bye Boston

Lynann's photo
Thu 05/14/09 11:09 PM
You know...the ACLU is the organization that has been consistently the most responsible and diligent organization in the country for supporting and defending the Constitution.

Idiots unfortunately benefit from it's work.

Look in the mirror. You are an idiot.(I am using "you" to point not at an individual but at every poster on these boards.)

For those that have limited vision here is a little clue for you.

Have you ever seen the the figure of Justice? Blindfolded with a sword in one hand a a scale in the other? She doesn't bow to the whims of politics or the force of the mob. Justice is an ideal to be sure but one we should strive towards.

The ACLU, while not my favorite organization, is one that picks cases and issues that consistently speak to issues of justice, the rule of law and constitutional issues. Do I like every defendant they stand with? Nope. Do I like that they are here questioning, pushing and helping to define important legal issues? Yes...

You all would be well served to check out not just who the ACLU defended but why they did so and then look at how those decisions benefited you.

Yes...even you Nazi's.

Lynann's photo
Thu 05/14/09 10:47 PM assured the revisionist historians are already at work.


Lynann's photo
Thu 05/14/09 10:44 PM
Dunno about you but I am ready to contribute to the honeymoon fund.

Lynann's photo
Thu 05/14/09 10:42 PM
Okay Thomas3474...your dreams of wedded bliss to a liar are just what's wrong here.

She is a poster girl for idiocy. Oh, not her idiocy by the way...she is crafty like a fox. Laughing all the way to the bank.

The "oh poor me...good Christian girl...manipulated and attacked by the liberal and pony bought breasts...liar" has demonstrated a startling lack of moral judgmental thus far.

Heck, remove the social issues...what about that pesky ninth commandment? You know, the one about lying? She broke that going in.


I don't give a rat's behind about the photo's...what I do care about is her making a circus of being a Christian and her rallying support around that when she lied about the photos ever having been taken. If...and if it were an innocent modeling shoot why did she lie on her application for the pageant?

(I should add here I really don't give a rat's behind about the cow or the cattle show. What I care about is the manipulation and hypocrisy here)

Come on? Don't you feel a little silly biting on this silly ****? She is laughing all the way to the bank. It's pathetic.

Anyone have a really big set of pliers to pull the hook out of the mouth of the silly fish?

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