Community > Posts By > KITTEN

KITTEN's photo
Sun 12/04/22 08:02 AM
NOT sure what happened. There are two sides to every story. Maybe they were BOTH unhappy and just staying b/c they were used to one another. Lots of couples do that very thing. And I am finding out that things have changed. The dynamics of marriage have changer (thanks to the internet) and now it's very super easy for people to cheat on one another. And they do. I have messages for many many married me, some want a private intimate affair, some want to find a unicorn and do that with their wife, some just want a mistress. MOST never will leave their wives for another woman. It's all a game or a fantasy/fetish with these men. Oh my. WHO today can really be trusted, WHO? It seems to be NONE of them are reliable, trustworthy and they are mostly ALL cheaters, just playing mind games and don't care if they are breaking hearts. Saying I love you when it's NOT true. SO like I said maybe they were both just not with the right person and thus were NOT happy.

KITTEN's photo
Sun 12/04/22 07:55 AM
Well MR. VICTIM was online cheating. SO, if the wife left him then I hope he will learn his lesson. What goes around will certainly come around b/c KARMA is a real *****. I am NOT gonna help him have his pity party, simply b/c he contributed to his own issues. It sounds like he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. B/C he was cheating online he deserves what came back to him. Hoping he does better next time. IF he wants a faithful wife, then he has to be a faithful husband and be accountable. SO many DO NOT make good mates. Live and learn. We must do unto others as we would want them to do unto us. If a man or woman is NOT happy and wants out then they need to let that be known and GO, b/c staying leads to nothing good, just misery.

KITTEN's photo
Tue 11/12/19 11:10 AM
HI, there is absolutely NOTHING at all wrong with wanting what you want hahaha. I am 5ft. 7in. and I never wanted to look "down" on a man. I am now 70 and searching and I still don't want to. I prefer 5ft.10" up to 6ft. 3". I wanna look up to him. And if he is built nice with some abs that's a big plus. My libido is as if I was 41 b/c on most days I think I am still only 41...Thinking young will make a person (male or female ) feel younger and sex in a committed relationship is VERY good, very healthy. According to cardiologist it's a plus for our hearts. Keeps us young and vibrant and actually will add years to our lives. SO with my 41 yr. old mine I'm just waiting for my MR. RIGHT to show up. Hope he does it soon.
Men can be so fickle and indecisive. One day they think they want you and the next day they're not sure. And what about all of those that just disappear when your texting them or emailing them or on google hangouts/chat with them, and you're there and all they sudden they're not. They vanish into thin air. The next day they may send a SORRY but I feel asleep last nite...OH REALLY, well I've heard that a million times lol. GOOD LUCK! Kitten in N.C.