allUsernamesTakenExceptThis1's photo
Sat 06/16/18 01:42 AM
"Three Billboards Outside of Ebing Missouri" was a really good movie. It just came out last year and was one of the best I've watched in a long time

allUsernamesTakenExceptThis1's photo
Sat 06/16/18 01:36 AM
Mitch Hedburg

allUsernamesTakenExceptThis1's photo
Sat 06/16/18 01:33 AM
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a shark? They're dark and lifeless, they're like dolls eyes.....


allUsernamesTakenExceptThis1's photo
Sat 06/16/18 01:27 AM
The next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!

(Ghostbusters 1985)