Community > Posts By > RainGrimoire

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 03/16/11 10:17 PM
I follow the first one most.

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 03/16/11 10:11 PM
As far as the human condition is concerned, there are ways in which our reasoning and intelligence is used merely to satiate base desires. If not absolute evil, then an act more evil than has ever been managable by a living thing.

As if it hadn't been enough, we then built machines that could commit atrocity after atrocity while the operator remains emotionally removed from the fact. One day we may remove an operator completely out of the equation.

Not that machines couldn't be used for good intentions. As we progress, perhaps we'll create seemingly immortal cybernetic bodies. Who's to know?

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 03/16/11 09:51 PM

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 03/16/11 09:50 PM
Edited by RainGrimoire on Wed 03/16/11 09:51 PM

RainGrimoire's photo
Mon 03/14/11 10:18 AM

RainGrimoire's photo
Mon 03/14/11 10:15 AM
I won't lie, I do. At times I even put all of mankind on trial. However, I do understand the human condition, so it's not as if there is no method to the madness. :)

RainGrimoire's photo
Mon 03/14/11 01:17 AM
I have long, complicated conversations with myself.

I get angry sometimes when I start feeling worthless, usually when I'm really bored. I just need some space for a little bit. Angry words might come out, but they aren't focused at you. As someone who is constantly engaged in their philosophy, I've been a lot of ways. Suffice to say that a few moments left their mark.

With any problem it can be reasonably applied to, I tend to just eliminate the problem completely. Cross the bridge and set it ablaze. So while it is a fact that our mind can now not be changed, the problem is now completely neutralized.

RainGrimoire's photo
Mon 03/14/11 12:03 AM
Because I'm abnormal. And proud of it.

RainGrimoire's photo
Sun 03/13/11 11:29 PM
I am deep. My personality is complex and multi-faceted.

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 02/09/11 05:58 AM
I don't think I do. It's irrelevent though, I'm busy becoming someone I'll be proud I was.

RainGrimoire's photo
Mon 02/07/11 07:29 AM
I don't know. I get the feeling some of the people I'm cautious about talking to would be just fine with me if we had met in person. And the people I do try talking to just lose interest or something, and stop responding. Still not entirely sure what that's about.

RainGrimoire's photo
Mon 02/07/11 07:24 AM
Can I just be a billionaire? After that, I could persue anything else I felt like becoming.

RainGrimoire's photo
Fri 02/04/11 09:41 PM
Wouldn't it be great if we stopped separating ourselves from each other and decided to work in unity?

RainGrimoire's photo
Fri 02/04/11 09:27 PM
There are sciences that I really like. Biology being one. That's because I can see it in action. It is easily observable. I like physics. It's fundamentals are easily observable by anyone who cares to set up a simple experiment. Is this the original, non-simplified thing that you'd like to tell me about?

Perhaps it wouldn't be that way if authority didn't keep going such lengths to ruin people's trust in it. I'll tell you, I'm not a big fan of doctors. If I ever get cancer, I'll just stay home and die of it if it comes to that. At least I won't conveniently die when my insurance runs out, like my grandfather.

RainGrimoire's photo
Fri 02/04/11 09:01 AM
I've always liked the idea that everything has a soul. It ties into the creation of life better. From whereever it initially resided, spirit manifested in the elements of our universe, eventually in such a way that life formed.

Of course, the way the Rosicrucian doctrine puts it, plants would have to have existed before animals, which I'm not sure of. So naturally, I'm not going to believe it just yet.

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 02/02/11 07:46 PM
And does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I'm representing myself realistically, I'm not normally very talkative but I do my best, but everyone I talk to just stops talking to me at some point. What am I even trying for, when everyone just decides I'm not worth it?

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 02/02/11 08:04 AM
Edited by RainGrimoire on Wed 02/02/11 08:11 AM
And I would never call Psychology good science. My opinion, experience is a far better teacher of true psychology. That's why there's a new, completely over-diagnosed disorder ever 7 minutes. It's a war against personality.

Let's look at depression for a minute. Psychology tells us it's an illness caused by a chemical imbalance. I would tell you, while it may very well cause a chemical imbalance, it's just the result of knowing your life isn't what it should be. You shouldn't be struggling to survive while 1% of the US population has more money than they could even spend. You shouldn't be paying for college, when your idiot jock cousin gets in for free. You shouldn't be dreading the day you have a serious medical trouble and your financial life as you know it ends, perhaps right before you.

RainGrimoire's photo
Wed 02/02/11 07:41 AM
Edited by RainGrimoire on Wed 02/02/11 07:45 AM

This is an interesting thread, but probably not for the reasons most of the contributors might think.

Firstly, science is not in the hands of any one government, state, country, religion, etc. Secondly, it is empirical. This basically means that it is tested. If you're a scientist and you have a theory you have to say how you got to make your conclusion to be taken seriously. You have to be willing to be thoroughly tested. Some scientific theories pass the test, but others are found to be wanting and are debunked.

So, science isn't a government scam, or whatever you want to call it, so why this thread?

You've got something you don't like. Something you disagree with, and you want a voice. You have access to a free internet where you can say what you feel and you don't have to 'prove' anything. When you've had a moan and a few people have agreed with you, you fEel better and you feel that your point of view had been vindicated; it's valid because someone else has agreed with you.

This isn't a serious forum for discussing science. There are places where that happens and you have to be pretty smart and very well qualified to be involved and taken seriously. (This isn't an invitation for some conspiracy theory, like "all the scientists are aliens and they just want to fool us so they can take over the world".)

So, what is this forum for? It's just a place for (some people) to winge and moan about all the people who have different oppinions and who they don't agree with and get their egos massaged by some other insular people who happen to agree with them.

I actually find it frightening and sad that some (so many) people are so insular. Is this a rant? Maybe so. Is it a valid opinion based on good science such as psychology? I'll let you think about that one

So, you started with your argument, but right after the second paragraph (I counted the first little one), you go on to insulting anyone that doesn't agree with you. How is this any different from the type of aggressive self-defense people just like you claim only comes from the religious?

You probably answered your own question in your fifth paragraph. Science doesn't answer to the common person. They prove their theories in a forum among people who are either driven or rich enough to achieve those "qualifications". People that have spent years being indoctrinated with the material.

The point here was, are we really to beleive anything as true? Any scientist is fully aware that today's facts could be tomorrow's refuted theories. And, at the end of the day, scientists require funding to do any kind of research. Depending on who's paying the bills, is it so reasonable to think that they would deliberately look for facts that make their theory seem correct?

Just look at the politics between Edison and Westinghouse when they were fighting over whether AC current or DC current was better for powering the US, just for example. Edison started executing animals, then eventually criminals with AC current to show the people that it was deadly, even though DC wasn't any different. The point here is, regardless of your irrelevent pieces of paper that say you're smart, regardless of your contribution, a scientist is just another human, who ultimately, is no different than any of us.

RainGrimoire's photo
Tue 02/01/11 06:26 PM
Ninjas? I'm black and proud in that respect I guess...

RainGrimoire's photo
Tue 02/01/11 06:21 PM

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