Community > Posts By > JeniontheFarm

JeniontheFarm's photo
Fri 10/12/07 04:20 AM
OH, Sage, I'd love to hear about it.

The writer in me loves to sit and listen, but the person in me loves to listen and empathize.

You can post it or mail it to me on the site, whatever you're comfortable with.

I'm so looking forward to hearing stories, and maybe somewhere in there I might hear mine...


JeniontheFarm's photo
Fri 10/12/07 04:11 AM
#100. Vaseline and baby powder when mixed together and added to your son's hair may not come out for a few days.

#101. It takes approximately 5 hot wheels cars down the commode before you've got septic problems.

#103. If you've got a child with obsessive compulsive disorder, you will laugh at least 4 times a day, guaranteed.

#104. Santa can't bring Pokemon to life no matter how many letters to him your innocent autistic 8 year old sends.

JeniontheFarm's photo
Fri 10/12/07 04:04 AM
What REAllY concerns me (enough to do my next short film on the topic) is this...

How long will it take for the youth in THIS country to decide that we've, (the collective older us) screwed up the environment, social security, international security, I could go on and on... when we've messed it all up so far beyond repair that OUR CHILDREN begin to strap on bombs and start blowing things up AS A MATTER OF PRINCIPAL, rather than just shooting up one another in schools.

Not that I advocate any kind of killing, but at least young muslim children and women and anyone who kills because of what their religious beliefs have taught them (however horrific and misguided)---they at least have a CAUSE, a purpose, a REASON for what they do.

Our youth are simply happy stockpiling weapons then turning them on one another in school. That's killing for killing's sake or because someone bullied them (another major problem)

What happens when our kids decide THEY hae a cause, a REASON to kill large amounts of people to prove a point.

I think it's not about if that happens, it's when, and the idea terrifies me...

JeniontheFarm's photo
Fri 10/12/07 03:56 AM
Hello, ladies. I'm new to this site, and would like to ask a few questions...

I know, I'm nosey, I'm also a screenwriter, working on my next project, and am doing research, which is what originally led me to this site in the first place, but on a personal level, it's about time I gathered the stones to do it.

Anyway, here's what I need (well, what I need is the love of my life to walk into it at some point, but that's not what I'm doing NOW--- and that whole pesky being married to a boy thing isn't exactly helping, but I've got two kids--both Autistic--so falling in love right now isn't exactly a good idea) So that's me in a nutshell, I feel I must share in order to do the whole quid pro quo thing.) Ask me any question and I will tell you no lie...


This is a two parter and STRICTLY FOR THE GIRLS. Sorry, boys, but I've got plenty of info on the pee-pee...

1. Would you, could you share your coming out story?...The funny, the sad, the perverse... I take 'em all...

2. When did you know you were a lesbian? As an angelic little tyke or a grown ass woman?

Anyone who doesn't want to share via public post, just send me over a mail and I'll correspond with you there.

Thanks in advance, and I excitedly await your response. On another forum (a writers cirle, not a friend/dating one, I got such lovely stories, I thought I'd try here.


JeniontheFarm's photo
Fri 10/12/07 03:31 AM
George W. Bush is the single most detrimental thing to happen to this country (and others, unfortunately) since I have been alive.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see this, and he alone is to blame for any republicans out there wondering why a democrat will next be in office.

(Which, by the way gets a big YEAH from me, but sadly NOBODY could do worse. I don't like liars and he's a lying liar and surrounded by even smarter liars. My children will have to pay the price for his abhorrant international policies regarding burning bridges rather than building them)

JeniontheFarm's photo
Thu 10/11/07 01:04 PM

I'm an indie filmaker, and I've recently had to figure out how to give direction to a female character who, in her first scene (whe shoot this short on Saturday) will just be listening as her DAD rants to her on her cell phone message, and we're basically using ALEC BALDWIN'S rant to his daughter that ended up all over everywhere for everyone to see.

She interpreted for the scene, that she'd be angry, but I had to have her step back a minute, think about HER relationship to her dad, who she said she loved, and I told her to imagine how she'd feel if her dad spoke to her in that way, calling her a pig, etc.

Then I related a personal message about something that my own dad said to me when I was in high school.


Mom worked in a funky hair salon, and I often went in to let the interns cut my hair, for experience for them, and frankly I love having fun new cuts. I'm not exactly attached to my hair. Anyway, I got home and Daddy Dearest said...

Jeni, are you TRYING to make yourself look ugly? Now mind you it wasn't said in anger or malice or rudeness, and I DID get about a 1 1/2 inch all the way around cut, with only a long bang, ALA the 80's which it was, but I knew even then in my sweet 15 year old innocence that NO parent should say things like that to their child and here's why.

We can all probably forgive almost anything of a parent we love, but we will NEVER forget those little things.

So when we're feeling insecure, have had a bad day, date, month, performance, etc. ---well that's the little voice we hear...

"Jen, are you trying to make yourself look ugly?"

Now, I'm not the insecure type, I'm a grown woman with two great Autistic kids, and frankly there's much more on my plate than my worrying about a haircut, pimple, my hip size, or if my nose is straight, but sometimes, on a bad day.... I can still hear that voice.

And I think my actress will nail it, cause she won't have a problem understanding what I want after that speech, will she!!

But, don't cry for ME argentina, I just saw my first short film on TV and the first person I sent it to was estranged Daddy....

I'll make him proud if it kills me, man!!

JeniontheFarm's photo
Thu 10/11/07 12:52 PM
Rufus Wainwright, POSES


JeniontheFarm's photo
Thu 10/11/07 04:51 AM
Ok, I've read your warnings and will heed them, for sure.

I'm a writer by trade, so I'm hoping there won't be a problem with my posts being unreadable, etc.

And as far as provocative pics, well, I'm not interested in all that, so we're ok there, too!!

Just looking for fun people to talk to and share insights with.

Glad to be here!