Community > Posts By > Peaches73036

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:18 PM
Oh Ping is fixed he is just very protective and loves to play..Heaven help the poor guy I bring home to meet him and the family. lol

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:09 PM
I have a jack russell name ping...and believe me his name fits! lol

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:12 AM
Oh I would have a horrid time letting something that hot, you have alot of will power lol..and on that note, I will cya later guys..I must nap now! lol ciao

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:09 AM
Ut oh...I am getting hooked on it! Should I run before it's to late..Wait..I think it is! lollaugh

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:05 AM
Be honest,Polite and Sincere..don't aim to hurt feelings but, If they get angry don't feed into that. Just walk away knowing you did it the best way you could. jmo

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:03 AM
bought my oldest son a Nova...damn it was nice just needed body work but, hey what was i thinking? lol a yr later and tickets..He lost it pretty quickly. lol

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:59 AM
Oh my!! love love love

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:58 AM
haha lag and great minds...charming ;)

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:57 AM
I'm looking into buying one of the latest camaro's...Oh baby! lol

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:54 AM
I know, I still pout about it lol.

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 06:52 AM
I lovvvvvved my 01 camaro, red w/black t-tops, 6speed..It was my baby but, I got worried when the warranty was going out...What a stupid thing to do but, I traded it!explode

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 02:50 AM
you can have one of mine lol...2 were arranged so don't count those lol..

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 02:46 AM
I have 5 brothers,4 sons and 5 ex's...I think I pretty much know em

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 02:44 AM
Nowhere Oklahoma.

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 02:43 AM
oh yea don't break codes...*coughyearightcough*

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 02:42 AM
well, ty but i'm doing coffee, have to be up in 2 hrs.

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 02:37 AM

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 01:58 AM
I was very touched by your story..I am sorry for your anguish but, You can not carry that guilt with you forever....You did what you thought was a good deed..I lost My only sister four months after i myself had been shot..I was angry and asked why her so much I hated god and everything..One day someone told me to stop..My life was still here and maybe she was taken to be saved from a far worse fate..I have to live and keep her memory alive. And to say thank you. I must do something with my life that is good and unselfish...find a way to repay the gift of life no torment your soul with guilt and grief...jmo

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 01:46 AM
anouk...I found it cute, humours and funny..Thanks.

Peaches73036's photo
Thu 10/18/07 01:43 AM

Do you have a lot of make-up? yes

How much do you put on? not so much, base, eyes,blush and powder.

How long does it take you to get ready? 2 goofy hair.

Do you carry a purse? yes

What color is it? depends on my outfit.

Where did you get it? most all my stuff is from Bulgaria.

Do you have a Louis Vuttion? no

Do you like to wear nail polish? yes

How often do you get your nails done? I do them myself.

Do you like manicures? yes

Do you like pedicures? yes

Do you have a usual nail salon you go to? nope

Where do you get your hair done? whenever is feasible.

Do you straighten your hair? no

How many pairs of shoes do you have? ahhh...yea..idk.

Which pair of shoes are your favorite? my wedges

What brand are they? bulgarian

Do you wear heels? yes

Where do you buy most of your clothes? Sophia Bulgaria or Kavaredci Macedonia is last place I shop.