Community > Posts By > ShannonMarie21

ShannonMarie21's photo
Tue 04/10/12 09:38 AM

I absolutely want the truth up front.

If you want to just be my friend, that's fine. But don't muddy our friendship up with other crap. Don't blur the lines.

If you just want sex, that's fine. Either I'll be interested or I won't, but if I'm not, you shouldn't be trying to lie to me just to get some. There are other girls who will be interested, so don't be a d*uche and lie to me.

If you are interested in seeing if something will develop relationship wise, if you want to date me, fine. We will go from there.

And that, for me, is the bottom line. laugh

Yeah. How about this: if you're NOT a single man quit acting like you are. Nothing gets to me more than another jack off pretending to be something he is not.

You speak the truth, Amiga!flowerforyou

ShannonMarie21's photo
Tue 04/10/12 06:41 AM

Yes,believe I will.thought he would quit,he was not kidding when he said he would not quit and is persistantscared ..but saving one of the Mods can check it

That sounds like the smart plan!! Def save the mails. :wink:

ShannonMarie21's photo
Tue 04/10/12 06:38 AM
Edited by ShannonMarie21 on Tue 04/10/12 06:39 AM

Dear worst game show EVER-

(Bunch of delirious ranting)

Love and Coconuts!
The Castaways

Dear Doomed,

I'm sorry, you are still floating out in the ocean. You have sunstroke. It turns out you forgot sunscreen and hats as well.

And Mr. Torgo, we decided to humor your request for the locker full of Mary Ann outfits, simply because none of us are insane and feel that if you survive this ordeal by some miracle of God, Buddha, Count Chocula or whatever deity you are currently worshiping in your sun baked states, that if you take plenty of pictures and send them back to us, we will consider this matter dealt with fairly and completely.

We feel this should conclude all disagreements all parties have and give you your well deserved Hawaiian vacations, and the boys in the telecasting room something to hang on the push pin board besides pictures of Betty White. Surely you can understand our pain.

The Fine Producers of "The Shirt of Your Back"

Hope you're enjoying the pics! Betty white, eat your heart out.

Mary Ann and the Professor

ShannonMarie21's photo
Tue 04/10/12 06:37 AM

Yea so Mr.Blue Balls is getting out of hand.scared

Wasn't Mr Blue Balls a character on Captain Kangaroo?

This one is sending me mail..2 this morning with way to much information.....He has sooooo CREEPED me out.scared

Can't you just block him??

ShannonMarie21's photo
Mon 04/09/12 12:59 PM
Embarrassedforyou hahaha

ShannonMarie21's photo
Mon 04/09/12 05:49 AM
I'm thinking Vegas Vegas Vegas with the bestie in less than two months!!

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 05:00 PM
I absolutely want the truth up front.

If you want to just be my friend, that's fine. But don't muddy our friendship up with other crap. Don't blur the lines.

If you just want sex, that's fine. Either I'll be interested or I won't, but if I'm not, you shouldn't be trying to lie to me just to get some. There are other girls who will be interested, so don't be a d*uche and lie to me.

If you are interested in seeing if something will develop relationship wise, if you want to date me, fine. We will go from there.

And that, for me, is the bottom line. laugh

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 04:51 PM

Silence speaks volumes.

Ain't that the truth! :thumbsup:

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 04:49 PM

Yeah I'm ****ing awesome and you're not... suck on that!

Yeah.. Well, I am rubber and you are glue...oh, wait. You weren't talking to me were ya??

My bad. Carry on, amigo!! :tongue:

You're awesome Amiga , remember that! :tongue:

As are you, my darling! Hugs to you, Jersey!! happy

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 02:40 PM

Yeah I'm ****ing awesome and you're not... suck on that!

Yeah.. Well, I am rubber and you are glue...oh, wait. You weren't talking to me were ya??

My bad. Carry on, amigo!! :tongue:

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 02:05 PM

Dear Unhappy Contestant.

We have the Motor and Paddles to your raft.
The TV set you need for the DVD player.
And most importantly, the stove and butter for the Jiffy Pop.

We suspect it is only a matter of time before one of you cracks and consumes the other, after which we will again offer the same deal to the survivor after he or she is picked up somewhere around Guadalupe Island since we suspect without a compass, paddles and motor you will go horribly off course.

Feel free to eat those Jiffy Pop kernels though. I'm sure they have SOME sort of nutritional value.

Your hosts and producers of "The Shirt Off Your Back"

P.S. Not to stir up any trouble between you castaways or anything... but if you see any sharks, remember the other person in the boat makes a great distraction while you attempt to get away.

Just laying it out there.

Dear worst game show EVER-

You underestimate the combined mental powers of Torgo and I. We laugh in the face of your robbery of our motor and paddles. We instead trained a pod of dolphins to pull us. Dolphins have natural built in GPS systems, and I can see the sands of an Hawaiian beach right now. They've even sent our complimentary leis out to us via Whale mail. As for the if we wouldn't buy a portable DVD player without a built in screen. Please. We aren't amateurs! And we brought other food...the Jiffy Pop we were saving for Hawaii. We figure the victory would be sweeter eaten while in the promised land.

But thanks for you concern! There was no need for us to throw each other to the sharks. Sharks are actually pretty fun to hang out with when you tell them you got jipped with a cardboard entertainment center.

And I wouldn't step foot in an ocean anytime soon. We've told them about you. They all know.

Love and Coconuts!
The Castaways


Please send ShannonMarie a locker full of Mary Ann outfits.

Thank You.

Putting in the pigtails now, Professor!

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 09:03 AM

Your post has epic irony within it. Keep going shifty... you just might win that race yet. Everyone is pulling for you.

I've started a fundraiser. We are selling Candy Bars for the Cause if you're interested in a box. Or two.

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 09:02 AM

Dear Unhappy Contestant.

We have the Motor and Paddles to your raft.
The TV set you need for the DVD player.
And most importantly, the stove and butter for the Jiffy Pop.

We suspect it is only a matter of time before one of you cracks and consumes the other, after which we will again offer the same deal to the survivor after he or she is picked up somewhere around Guadalupe Island since we suspect without a compass, paddles and motor you will go horribly off course.

Feel free to eat those Jiffy Pop kernels though. I'm sure they have SOME sort of nutritional value.

Your hosts and producers of "The Shirt Off Your Back"

P.S. Not to stir up any trouble between you castaways or anything... but if you see any sharks, remember the other person in the boat makes a great distraction while you attempt to get away.

Just laying it out there.

Dear worst game show EVER-

You underestimate the combined mental powers of Torgo and I. We laugh in the face of your robbery of our motor and paddles. We instead trained a pod of dolphins to pull us. Dolphins have natural built in GPS systems, and I can see the sands of an Hawaiian beach right now. They've even sent our complimentary leis out to us via Whale mail. As for the if we wouldn't buy a portable DVD player without a built in screen. Please. We aren't amateurs! And we brought other food...the Jiffy Pop we were saving for Hawaii. We figure the victory would be sweeter eaten while in the promised land.

But thanks for you concern! There was no need for us to throw each other to the sharks. Sharks are actually pretty fun to hang out with when you tell them you got jipped with a cardboard entertainment center.

And I wouldn't step foot in an ocean anytime soon. We've told them about you. They all know.

Love and Coconuts!
The Castaways

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 08:49 AM
Edited by ShannonMarie21 on Sun 04/08/12 08:50 AM

Ok...I've been lying this whole time and I need to come clean- I like Twilight, no that's a lie...I LOVE Twilight, I eat sleep drink Twilight. I feel like a great weight has been lifted.

I effin KNEW I saw you wearing a Team Jacob t-shirt! And that "I Brake For Cullens" sticker on your car was NOT fooling anyone!!

You're the Twihard of all Twihards. Don't be ashamed of that. Now slap some glitter on and go show your love to the world!!

Harsh! I like it. Or do I?

Yes. Yes, you do. Unless you're lying in the lying thread, which may cause it to implode on everyone. You wouldn't do that to us, would you??

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 08:46 AM

Lying is for wimps, afraid of the backlash from speaking the truth .


ShannonMarie21's photo
Sun 04/08/12 08:45 AM

Ok...I've been lying this whole time and I need to come clean- I like Twilight, no that's a lie...I LOVE Twilight, I eat sleep drink Twilight. I feel like a great weight has been lifted.

I effin KNEW I saw you wearing a Team Jacob t-shirt! And that "I Brake For Cullens" sticker on your car was NOT fooling anyone!!

You're the Twihard of all Twihards. Don't be ashamed of that. Now slap some glitter on and go show your love to the world!!

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sat 04/07/12 09:31 PM

Tired and p*ssy, am I pregnant?

I don't know. But if you need me to buy you a test and wait with you while the results magically appear, I'm game. BC THAT'S what friends are for. :thumbsup:

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sat 04/07/12 06:28 PM

Just because you're broken doesn't give you the right to try and break everyone else. It's a good thing I'm young and strong and you can't break me. Because if you had, I would have had to kick your effin *ss, Cupcake. Babe. Sweet Cheeks. Honey. Sweetie. My dear. Brat.

If that all sounds familiar, it's probably because he's saying it to you too. And about 64 other girls. Let's all give him pats on the back for a job well done.What a Jack*ss.

I, for one, am no longer a fan. But that's ok. He's got plenty more where I came from. :)

What a douche , what a douche , what a douche!

Agreed, agreed, agreed!

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sat 04/07/12 06:27 PM

I think you are all changing the subject here and trying to cover the fact that ShannonMarie "stole" a very expensive Home Entertainment Center from us here at the game show "The Shirt Off Your Back" and we would like it back. We already offered you the Jiffy Pop & Eraser Brush, and after speaking with his attorneys, Mr. Torgo says you can keep the Turtle Wax, and just send him a spoonful if you can, as that should suffice for the next year or so. Furthermore we are tossing in a picture of a Hawaiian dancing which we feel should be adequate compensation for your failing to not answer the question properly in the correct span of time.

Thank you for your attention in this manner.

Your hosts and producers of "The Shirt Off Your Back"

Dear Sirs-

The entertainment center was made of painted cardboard and held together with Duct tape. If you'd like me to make you another one, I'd be glad to, as soon as I can steal a fridge box from the alley behind Sears. As it is, I had to sell the one you GAVE me to a blind orphan just to be able to get some money to get me to Hawaii. And no, that picture just doesn't cut it. And I did answer the question in time. Your host was just too busy admiring the way his spray tan glowed under the lights to notice me.

Torgo and I have settled our disagreement over the Turtle Wax. We have now pooled our resources and bought a raft, a cooler full of yummy goodness, and a dvd player with a never draining battery in it. We are now in the middle of the ocean, halfway to Hawaii. Good luck finding us and the Jiffy Pop.


Shannon Marie

ShannonMarie21's photo
Sat 04/07/12 02:08 PM


No regrets?

Depends on the situation I suppose.

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