Community > Posts By > WilliamEpps

WilliamEpps's photo
Tue 03/22/11 01:25 PM
I never get hurt either way. I let them know I am interested and if I dont get a response then so be it. I will give it a few days and give up. Even the ones that do respond back with they are not interested gains my respect and I don't have to wait a few days. Those are removed immediately out of courtesy.

WilliamEpps's photo
Tue 03/22/11 01:25 PM
I never get hurt either way. I let them know I am interested and if I dont get a response then so be it. I will give it a few days and give up. Even the ones that do respond back with they are not interested gains my respect and I don't have to wait a few days. Those are removed immediately out of courtesy.

WilliamEpps's photo
Tue 03/22/11 01:20 PM
CANT we all just get along?

WilliamEpps's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:55 PM
I would like to back up and say that if I find out she is a cluter bug then there is nothing saying we can't be friends. That is your own space and this is the way you prefer to live. Being neat, I just dont think it would go any further than friendship. By me stating they would be dumped back... Rephrased to The relashionship could not go any further than a friendship and I would move on.

WilliamEpps's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:45 PM
Homeade cheesburgers with montery jack and provalone cheese.

WilliamEpps's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:41 PM

I can think of worst places than Florida


WilliamEpps's photo
Mon 03/21/11 06:35 PM
Neatness should be mentioned well in advance of even starting to date. I tell everyone I keep a clean house but I am not obsesive about it. Things go in there place.

For me I don't think the relationship would get that far without knowing how that person lived. I would dump her back if I found out she was a slob and didn't tell me.

WilliamEpps's photo
Mon 03/21/11 05:04 AM
A cabbie picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring.

He replies: "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you." She answers, " My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive."

"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."

She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic."

The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!"

"OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley."

The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

"My dear child," said the nun, why are! you crying?"

"Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."

The nun says, "That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party."

WilliamEpps's photo
Sat 03/19/11 09:09 PM
I say that people are so blinded by religion that they can't see the truth. There are 7 churches that hold the seven seals and with these churches is a bounty of knowledge, each with their own beliefs. You have to look at the whole picture to see what religion is REALLY about. Then you have to look at the different Earth ages along with the Myans, Egyptions, etc. to see what they follow and put all of this together to form an opinion. Yes I agree that you can NOT base religion on 1 book.


WilliamEpps's photo
Sat 03/19/11 08:52 PM
There is no corect way to wake a woman. It changes everyday and by the time you figure it out, she gone to bed for the night.

WilliamEpps's photo
Sat 03/19/11 08:50 PM
Thank ya. I will try to only drink to the point of feeling something cold on my shoulder. That would be the floor and my limit.

WilliamEpps's photo
Sat 03/19/11 06:25 PM
The leashes of life are gone and I am finally free. Come to think of it, I need to send her new boyfriend a thank you note. She cheated on me 23 years ago and I took her back. Now she has gone back to her old ways and there were no second chances.

I've been on the dating websites for a few weeks but could only find images of prison photos or gerneraly the ones that make you say HOLY CRAP as soon as they pop up. So lets give this a try and tell yall a little about myself. I'll try to keep this short.

To start off with, I am looking someone that has commitment to a relationship and can appreciate life in general and live out the last part of our lives together. We are all getting older and I know I am looking older. But life is like fine wine. It can only getter better and sweeter with age. The bottle may be a little worn on the outside but it’s the contents within that I have to offer.

With my job I live where I work. I have been a maintenance engineer since 1987 and have a great job that I wouldn't give up for anything. Imagine working with the elderly and making the remaining part of their life as comfortable and peaceful as you can. I tell you the rewards far out weigh the pay when they pass away and you had a part in these lives. I just haven't decided if I am going to make a career out of it or not.

I do try to keep from spending a whole lot of time at home but where does a single guy go? I miss the walks on the beach at 6am waiting for the sun to pop up over the horizon. I miss the smell of breakfast and fresh coffee cooking over an open fire in that chilly mountain morning air. I would like to get back to appreciating life and my surroundings again. I also like to get out and do the basics; shopping, yard sales, sight seeing, finding new locations, new restaurants. I have been known to plan on spending Saturday shopping and Saturday morning we are driving to the beach for the weekend.

I do cook, clean, and do laundry. My home is always clean however I don’t get obsessive about. Sometimes I let things go but for the most part I believe in keeping things in their place. (Laundry goes in the hamper; dishes are rinsed off and go in the dishwasher till full, etc.) I hate spending my weekends cleaning up the house after working all week. Takes about 30 minutes and I am done.

So now you know a little about me.
