Community > Posts By > LunaLady

LunaLady's photo
Sun 06/30/13 09:08 AM
I quit smoking on 1/1/10 after smoking 2 packs a day for a couple decades. It was my first attempt to quit & I really wasn't ready to quit, but my mom was. So, we quit together on e-cigarettes. She was a 3 pack a day smoker for 55 years ... it took her 2 tries. The best brand is V2. They have great deals, too! Try them ... they really do work!

LunaLady's photo
Thu 12/20/12 07:24 PM
I was informed someone tried to log onto my Facebook page from an unknown device. Facebook asked me to verify my identity by acknowleging people in tagged photos. Only the boxes were photos. No other options were offered. Then I got a message saying my identity could not be verified at this time. Try again later. This has been going on for days. I waited the 24 hours advised by bloggers. I don't care if someone hacks into my Facebook page...just let ME get on it! Ugh! I may have to get a new Facebook page & start all over. I would like to at least close the account I can't get into anymore rather than have it sitting there indefinitely.

LunaLady's photo
Thu 12/20/12 07:17 PM
Quickest, Easiest Fudge Recipe EVER!

1 1/2 bags of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 can of condensed sweetened milk
tsp vanilla extract
walnuts or pecans (optional)

You will need: 8" square pan & wax paper

Put all ingredients in a pot, except vanilla. Melt on medium heat stirring constantly. Remove. Add vanilla. Stir. Pour into wax-paper lined pan. Refrigerate 4 hours. Cut into small squares & enjoy!

LunaLady's photo
Thu 12/20/12 07:09 PM
I am still active ... and single. Where do singles meet in the Seattle area? Somehow, I think the old-fashioned singles bars may have worked better than online dating.drinks

LunaLady's photo
Thu 12/20/12 07:05 PM
I think I'm single because I am opinionated & I go almost everywhere with my 70 something mom. She doesn't drive anymore & if I don't take her places, she'd never leave home. I think she may be making me invisible to single men sad2 But, she's the most important person in my life & I realized years ago men don't like to come second on the "attention" list.

LunaLady's photo
Thu 12/20/12 06:55 PM
I never even saw my parents always looked sad in pictures with dad. She divorced him when I was 7. Then it was party time! She sold the house & moved us to Hawai'i.

LunaLady's photo
Fri 12/30/11 09:41 PM
The Republican candidates are unbelievable! Couldn't the Republicans do any better that these ridiculous choices? Is anyone running for President going to address the OCCUPY IS still growing. Who's gonna fix this mess our counrty is in...nobody running for President...that's for sure!

LunaLady's photo
Sun 12/11/11 11:18 AM
He's fairly liberal for a Republican & he can think! Therefore, I wouldn't mind if he became a frontrunner for the Republican party.

LunaLady's photo
Sun 12/11/11 11:15 AM
I was thrilled that he sabotaged himself! He is a very scary person...his politics would put us back decades! YAY!!! Bubbye, Mitt!

LunaLady's photo
Tue 12/06/11 10:09 PM
I hate rap crap! I can hang with some reggae. I loved the Police, Duran Duran, the Pet Shop Boys & the Thompson Twins! Rock on!

LunaLady's photo
Tue 12/06/11 10:06 PM
More than "freebies," the occupiers want justice. There's far too much corruption in politics & corporations. It MUST be stopped or at least squelched! Go to a forum at an occupy movement where they're discussing solutions to the problems in may learn something!

LunaLady's photo
Tue 12/06/11 10:01 PM
Thanks! My mom told me the same thing.

LunaLady's photo
Tue 12/06/11 09:58 PM
The discussion panels at the occupy movements are very grass roots & solutions are being discussed. In fact, a D.C. occupation ( recently gave the senate their list of "demands" which I choose to call solutions. Check it out on facebook under "Stop the Machine! Create a New World!"

LunaLady's photo
Tue 12/06/11 09:52 PM
I must say my time at "Stop the Machine! Create a New World! AKA was enlightening, inspiring & empowering. I am attending Occupy Seattle now in my free time. Yes...I do have a job as a social worker in a non-profit healthcare facility. You CAN protest & work, too. We still have the right to ffreedom of speech. We need to use it. If you don't change your path, your path won't change. I don't like America's path anymore (corporate greed, political corruption, etc.) I occupy! Join's liberating!

LunaLady's photo
Wed 11/30/11 06:08 PM
THAT is the questions of the decade! brokenheart

LunaLady's photo
Wed 11/30/11 06:00 PM
Our freedoms are disappearing daily in America...we have little left to be proud of. I will probably be on their detenion list for my ongoing bold involvement in the "occupy" movement. More need to join me. This MUST be stopped. Please contact the white house & have Obama veto this...NOW. Thank you!

LunaLady's photo
Fri 11/18/11 09:23 PM
I have be to many marches w/ the occupation movement in D.C. & my hometown of Seattle. I first met this lady in Washington, D.C. in early October. She is quite a lady! She is dedicated & committed. We need more people like her in this world!

LunaLady's photo
Sat 11/12/11 09:20 AM
Loveless in Lynnwood!

LunaLady's photo
Sat 11/05/11 12:22 PM
Wow! Interesting ideas! I will bring many of them to Occupy Seattle...Thanks!

LunaLady's photo
Sat 11/05/11 12:16 PM
I spent 10 days at "Stop the Machine! Create a New World!" occupy movement in D.C. last month. I specified this because there are 2 Occupy D.C. groups. We closed banks, picketed, marched, protested & educated. It was exhausting, but empowering.

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